Sponsors: The Antarctic Circle and The Fram Museum
Principles of the SouthPole-sium
Registration information and Form
Those who have registered
Those who are planning to attend, have expressed interest in doing so or are unable to
Subjects of talks proposed to be presented so far
Subject ideas for talks that might be presented
Oslo & Norway
Fram Museum & Norwegian Maritime Museum, our venues
Accommodation options
Optional Excursion to Uranienborg
Optional Excursion to Horten, Tønsberg, Sandefjord and Larvik
Optional Excursions: Oslo-Bergen via Finse and Coastal Cruise: Bergen to Tromsø
Updates & E-mails
We are offering a multitude of contests. Try your hand at one or all. There wasn't a particularly impressive outpouring in Scotland, even less in Jaffrey. So we encourage your to enter early and often.
CONTESTS—Valuable prizes for the winners! Must be attending to submit. How are we going to judge the entries? Each attendee will have in their Conference Pack five labelled ballots: HAIKU, LIMERICK, FICTION, MEMOIRS, PENGUIN. There will be a ballot box in the Book Room in the Gjøa Building. All the entries will be on display or you can go online to see them. Deadline for submissions: 2 pm, Saturday, 13 May.
Haiku Contest: Have you ever come upon an Antarctic haiku? Give it a try. [Haiku = Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world.] All entries will go on the website. Those submitted at the first SouthPole-sium were pretty dreadful; second SouthPole-sium, better. Start sending them in anytime. Entries Received so far. 16 received.
What the heck. Let's have a …
Limerick Contest: too. Bawdy or otherwise. Entries Received so far. 6 received.
Fiction Contest: Write up to 600 words answering this question: Amundsen sat on the sledge at the South Pole and wrote up a letter to leave in the tent for Captain Scott to find, if he ever made it that far. He signed his name, then paused and thought a bit. After reflection, he scrunched up the letter and began again. What did that first letter say? Serious. Comical. Whatever. Entries Received so far. 4 received
Six Word Memoirs: NEW! Do something with an Antarctic theme in six words. (See http://writing.upenn.edu/wh/archival/documents/sixwords/).
Entries Received so far. 15 received
Penguin Contest: Produce anything about a penguin or penguins. Cartoon, joke, poem, one-page short story. Entries Received so far. 1 received