Sponsors: The Antarctic Circle and Falcon Scott
Don Webster (New Zealand),
Janice Tipping (England)
Joan Boothe (USA)
Maggs Bros. Booksellers (England),
Kingsbridge Books (Paul Davies, England),
Meridian Rare Books (Stuart Leggatt, England),
Fram Museum (Geir Kløver, Norway)
Principles of the SouthPole-sium
Registration information and Form
Those who have registered
Those who are planning to attend
Those who have expressed interest in attending
Subjects of talks proposed to be presented so far
Subject ideas for talks that might be presented
Craobh Haven
Lunga House, our venue
Accommodation options
Links relative to Scotland
Updates & E-mails
Comments from those contacted
commencing 1 February 2014
Jason Anthony
Andrew Atkin
Lisa Avis
Robin Back
Gordon Bain
Stephanie Barczewski
Susan Barr
Chris Bartle
Michael Barton
Bjørn Basberg
Tim Baughman
Dian Olson Belanger
Ted Benttinen
Gill Blenskinsop
Hester Blum
John R. Bockstoce
Naomi Boneham
John and Sue Bonham
Joan Boothe
Ian Boreham
Brad Borkan
Maryann Bowen
Rob Bowman
Antony and Jill Bowring
Lawson Brigham
Emma and Franklin Brooke-Hitching
Rorke Bryan
Mike Bullock
Ken Bures
Robert W. Burton
Angie Butler
Leverett Byrd
G. M. Calhoun
Alex Calvo
Daria Carle
Betty Carlisle, M.D.
Siobhan Carroll
Leonie Cash
Paul Chaplin
Poul Christoffersen
Geoffrey Clark
Rachel J. Clarke
Peter Clarkson
Mary Royds Cleveland
Larry Conrad
Cathy Cooper
Maj Gen Patrick Cordingly
Trevor Cornford
Jeff Cox
Neelon Crawford
Paul Dalrymple
Regina Daly
Paul Davies
Crispin de Boos
Richard Dehmel
Lucia deLeiris
Steve Dibbern
Marty Diller
Sally E. Douglas
Prof Julian Dowdeswell
Wendy Driver
Arthur Dunkelman
Anna Dunsheath
Tim Dye
Chris Edwards
Jeff and Juliet Evans
Margo Fernandez
Helene Ferranti
Ran Fiennes
Julia Finn
Joe Fitzsimmons
Clare Flemming
Torill Flyen
Art Ford
Philippa Foster Back
William Fox
Peter Fuchs
Jo-del Gaeth
Greg Glade
David Godine
Raimund Goerler
Fred Goldberg
Ross Goodwin
Martin Greene
Barbara Grigor-Taylor
Guy Guthridge
Richard J.S. Gutman
Stephen Haddelsey
Robin Hanbury-Tenison
David Harrowfield
Bob Headland
John Hemming
Tom Henderson
Robert Henrici
Kari Herbert
Gloria Hicks
Stephen Hicks
Bernadette Hince
David Hirzel
Lisa Hofmeister
Meredith Hooper
Lawrence Howard
Ray Howgego
John Hyatt
Rosemary Irwin
Mark James
Alison Jolley
Gus Jones
Max Jones
Peter Lloyd Jones
Rich Joss
Helen R. Kahn
Laura Kay
Rosemarie Keough
Jay Kislak
Laura Kissel
Geir O. Kløver
Dick and Peggy Krementz
Valmar Kurol
Charles Lagerbom
Nick Lambourn
Heather Lane
Fred D. Lang
Bruce Larsen
Sally Larsen
Bernie Lauser
Elizabeth Leane
Stuart Leggatt
Gretchen Legler
Huw Lewis-Jones
Dr Ruth Lightbourne
David and Cathy Lilburne
Bryan Lintott
Nancy Liston
Calista Lucy
James MacCallum
Julian MacKenzie
Meg Macleod
Ross MacPhee
Kathryn Manning
Lucy Martin
Allen Mawer
Karen May
Jim and Geraldine McAdam
James J. McCarthy
Sue McCarthy
Stephanie A. McDonald
Rhod McEwan
J. Patrick McGahern Books
David McGonigal
Wilson McOrist
Shirley Metz
Rachel Morgan
Margot Morrell
Elizabeth Morris
Ian Morrison
Muir Books
Samuel B. Mukasa
Shane Murphy
Alison Neil
Frederick E. Nelson
Peggy Nelson
Denis O'Connell
Joe O'Farrell
Nigel Overton
Merlyn Paine
Julian Paren
Liz Pasteur
Sir James Perowne KBE
Lesley Peto
Mark Pharaoh
Celene Pickard
Richard Pierce
Jan Piggott
Jay Platt
Robert B. Pope, Jr.
Russell Potter
Gill Poulter
Patrick Quilty
Ursula Rack
Richard Reaney
William Reese
Julien Renard
Roderick Rhys Jones
Beau Riffenburgh
David Roberts
Leslie Carol Roberts
Lisa Roberts
Lisle Rose
Michael Rosove
Bill Ross
Chet Ross
Heather Rossiter
Jeff Rubin
Erica Ryan
Julian Salisbury
Brian Sandford
Jay Satterfield
Dafila Scott
Falcon Scott
Stephen Scott-Fawcett
Alexandra Shackleton
Charlie Shackleton
Jonathan Shackleton
Tracy Sheeley
Hilary Shibata
Philip Sidney
John and Sue Simper
Judy Skelton
George and Valerie Skinner
Michael Smith
Andie Smithers
Tony Soper
John Splettstoesser
Marjory Spoerri
David Stam
Deirdre Stam
John Stansfield
Nicola Starks
Karen Steele
Will Steger
Glenn Marty Stein
John Stewart
Ian Stone
Anne Strathie
Emma Stuart
Ed Stump
Robert Swan
Geoff Swinney
Charles Swithinbank
Frank Taaffe
Seamus Taaffe
Mike Tarver
David Tatham
Mark Tewfik
Ruediger Mack and Tinakori Books
Janice Tipping
Barbara Tomlinson
Cameron Treleaven
Alec Trendall
Elizabeth Truswell
Karen Ronne Tupek
Kelly Tyler-Lewis
Rik van Glintenkamp
David W. H. Walton
Sharon Walton
Douglas Wamsley
Michael Warr
Claire Warrior
Nigel Watson
Neale Webb
Dan Weinstein
Sara Wheeler
Denis Wilkins
Isobel Williams
Paula Williams
David Wilson
Richard Wolak
Rose Young
Warren Zapol