Sponsors: The Antarctic Circle and Falcon Scott
Don Webster (New Zealand),
Janice Tipping (England)
Joan Boothe (USA)
Maggs Bros. Booksellers (England),
Kingsbridge Books (Paul Davies, England),
Meridian Rare Books (Stuart Leggatt, England),
Fram Museum (Geir Kløver, Norway)
Principles of the SouthPole-sium
Registration information and Form
Those who have registered
Those who are planning to attend
Those who have expressed interest in attending
Subjects of talks proposed to be presented so far
Subject ideas for talks that might be presented
Craobh Haven
Lunga House, our venue
Accommodation options
Links relative to Scotland
Wardroom Dinners on board the Discovery in Dundee
Updates & E-mails
Comments from those contacted
From an e-mail:
"It had fully been my intention to come up to Scotland for the SouthPole-sium v.2, but time has run away with me, and I am so busy with my day job, new book projects, and standing for the parish council here in Suffolk, that I just can't fit it all in. I am so very sorry, because I had been looking forward to meeting you again 3 years on, and to seeing again some of the folks I met in 2012. Please pass my apologies on to all. One of the projects I'm trying to work on is a sequel to Dead Men, though when that will come out onto paper from my brain is as yet unsure.
I really hope everything goes well. I'll miss you all, and will probably spend the whole week wishing I was up there with you."
Richard Pierce who attended the first SouthPole-sium
From an e-mail:
"I have several boxes of good quality polar books, duplicates from my collection, I would like to bring to offer for sale or trade.
These include some scarce items and I would be happy for some of these to go in the auction."
Eric Jarvis
From an e-mail:
"If I am coming into Glasgow Airport (GLA) at the same time as others, I would like to travel with them to Lunga House.
Arriving: 7: 30 a.m. April 29, Wednesday, via United Airlines Flight 161 which will have left Newark Liberty airport (EWR) at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 28.
I hope there is an ATM machine or a bank open in the airport for exchanging money."
Marj Spoerri
From an e-mail:
"I've emailed Trevor Potts to take him up on his very kind offer of a lift from Oban to Craobh Haven, although at present I have little idea of how I'm going to get back to London on Monday. I would be very interested in hearing from anyone planning to drive or taxi in the direction of Oban or Glasgow on Monday the 4th—if you're heading that way at some point during the day, please e-mail me."
Philip Sidney
From an e-mail:
"As I said before I should arrive by late afternoon on Thursday. I'm only driving from Eskdalemuir that day (near Lockerbie) so it depends on how much the scenery interrupts the journey. I always have this problem when driving through Scotland, being delayed by the scenery. Anyway, I should be around later on Thursday to help with stuff."
Ken Thomas
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
"I'm attending the SouthPole-sium because of:
- My interest in things Polar.
- To meet people with a similar interest.
- To learn more, be reminded of what I might already know and open up to other aspects, people and exploits which I am not aware of.
- To experience a SouthPole-sium, having heard great reports of the previous events which I couldn't attend.
My particular interest is Ernest Shackleton, the expeditions he led, and trying to understand the person he was. That's the centre-point of a broader interest in exploration and discovery in the polar regions up to the present day."
Kevin Kenny
From an e-mail:
"I'll try to prepare to lead the group in one or more songs from "Songs of the Morning" and possibly other sea songs specifically referred to in the various accounts of Scott's and Shackleton's expeditions. I've been doing this sort of thing with the Hyde Street Living History Players (San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park) for about 20 years."
David Hirzel
From an e-mail:
"As per my original registration email, I have a particular interest in Petty Officer William MacFarlane (Discovery Expedition) as the owner of his polar medal which I will bring along with me.
I am looking forward in particular to Bob Headland's talk on "Scotland in the Antarctic." When I was attended Athy last October, I quickly showed the medal to Bob which he may recall. As mentioned in my initial registration email, Capt. Scott and Dr. Wilson died in their tent in 1912, the third man was Scotsman, Greenock born Henry Bowers. But back in 1902, on the Discovery expedition, Scott and Wilson's very first night on the ice in a tent together (31 March 1902 on the Southern Depot Attempt sledge journey) was also with a Scotsman, Forfar born William MacFarlane. If Bob wants to mention that in passing and that I have the polar medal with me if anyone want to have a look at it, he is more than welcome to. Similarly if he already has more than enough material of Scotand's association with the Antarctic not to mention MacFarlane in passing, I will certainly not be offended !"
Gary Paine
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
"I'm a former British Antarctic Survey geophysicist who worked out of Cambridge, UK and Rothera base between 1988 and 1993. I then went on to work in geophysical exploration worldwide.
I have been a polar book collector since my time with BAS. My interest in books includes the heroic age publications, decorative bindings, dust wrappers, ephemera, polar fiction, etc.
I'm also interested in: Practical bookbinding, preservation & restoration. The financial side of collecting, buying and selling venues and opportunities, internet sites, books as an investment.
I hope to bring some duplicates for sale or exchange.
I'd love to see or hear about books, artefacts or ephemera that I've not encountered previously."
Eric Jarvis
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
"I am prepared to talk about Emil Racovitza, the Romanian naturalist on Adrien de Gerlache's Belgica expedition.
I have translated his book "Belgica (1897-99): lettres, journal antarctique conferences (Bucharest: Fondation Culturelle Roumaine, 1998) and hope to publish my translation.
My translation of Emil Bessels "Die amerikanische Nordpol-Expedition" (Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann, 1879) is being considered for publication by the University of Calgary Press (co-published with the Arctic Institute of North America). This was Charles Francis Hall's last expedition, and Bessels is the prime suspect for having poisoned Hall during the expedition."
Bill Barr
From an e-mail:
"As I think you know, I'd be more than happy to speak either on my new book or on Birdie Bowers—David Wilson, Isobel Williams and I all took part in a panel event a couple of years ago at Cheltenham Literature Festival ('representing' Wilson, Evans and Birdie) so happy to take part in that format as well.
To give you an idea of the new book, From Ice Floes to Battlefields: Scott's 'Antarctics' in the First World War follows Harry Pennell and others through the war. I've deliberately concentrated on the less well known/documented expedition members, including Campbell (Siege of Antwerp and North Russia campaign), Meares (Ypres), Gran (RNAS and RFC) and Nelson (Gallipoli and Somme), interspersed with chapters covering groups of men (scientists, naval officers, Ponting, etc.). Four died in the war (Pennell, Rennick, Cheetham and New Zealander Jim Dennistoun), but a lot of others were injured or lost brothers. There's also walk-on parts for Birdie Bowers' sister (went on a troop-ship to nurse in Serbia), George Wyatt (the London agent), Rupert Brooke (who shared a tent with and took a photo of Edward Nelson on the way to Gallipoli), J. M. Barrie, Prime Minister's son Arthur Asquith and, as they say, 'many more'. As I had access to Pennell's journals, I've been able to cover the mysterious death (in New Zealand) of Terra Nova stoker Robert Brissenden in more detail than has been done before. The book is due out in September this year."
Ann Strathie
From an e-mail:
"My present intention is to travel by rail Peterborough to Edinburgh, Edinburgh to Glasgow and then Glasgow to Oban. I will take about 9 hours. Hence my Thursday travel. That gives me recuperation time on Friday. However my son says that the road between Oban and the village is long narrow and twisty and takes about 40 minutes by car. Once I have persuaded Ann that she wants to end up on the same train from Glasgow I will book the taxi. The train won't arrive until 19:43 which will be late to find food.
I have not spokken to Ann [Shirley] re her transport. She has no computer and various ides of what she might do on the way or afterwards. She has special guest this week end so will ring her tomorrow."
Rosalind Marsden
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
"My father E.R. Gunther was on the Discovery from 1925-27 as a biologist researching the movements of whales under "The Discovery Committee".
When I was about 6 weeks old he went South again as Senior Scientist on the William Scoresby. In 1936-37 he did another season marking whales off S. Georgia.
After giving up full time paid employment in 1985, I read the minutes of the Discovery Committee under Bob Headland's Supervision at SPRI
I have given papers on the work of the Committee, and my father, at International History of Oceanography at Scripps and Qingdao; at the Opening of the Southampton Oceanography Centre and another one there based on the Discovery. Also a paper at Discovery Point published in The Scottish Naturalist. 1999.
I have spent a birdwatching holiday in the Falklands, and have been on a Quark Cruise to SG and down the Peninsula.
Last Monday evening I went to a talk organised by the RGS: Hugh Broughton Living on the Edge: Architecture in Antarcticad.
Since 1985 I have been failing to write Rolfe's biography.
I have more than 700 books on Oceanography/Whaling/Polar matters and hope to bring a copy of my father's 'book Notes and Sketches which began as diary type articles in his Prep School magazine. I think that the oldest of my books is Voyages Around the World for Making Discoveries towards the North and South Poles, published in Manchester in 1799. My husband died 3 years ago and I now have 7,000 books to care for."
Rosalind Marsden
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
"Solicitor by profession after a few years as an Archaeologist. Caught the polar bug while helping at the 1st Ernest Shackleton Autumn School in 2001, established by my Father Frank. Have co-ordinated the school since then with fellow committee members Kevin Kenny and Joe O'Farrell. The school is now in its 15th year as is the only annual event of its type in the world. We have long term plans to develop a Shackleton Musuem with Shackleton's cabin from RYS Quest as its centrepiece.
I have been collecting Antarctic books and ephemera since my honeymoon in New Zealand 13 years ago with a particular emphasis on Shackleton. My modest contribution to polar literature is editing the annual journal of the Shackleton School 'Nimrod' which we established in 2007.
We have ambitious plans in Athy which include the unveiling of a Statute of Shackleton in the town in 2016 and the development of a Shackleton Museum with Shackleton's cabin from RYS Quest as it's centrepiece."
Seamus Taaffe
From an e-mail:
Just to let you know I will be flying into Glasgow on Thursday early evening and then driving to a B&B at Kilmartin if anyone you know needs a lift. I will need to return on Sunday afternoon.
I will be sending a box of books to the venue and bringing some others with me, so if I could have a table to display them on that would be great. Happy to make a donation to funds depending on my sales.
If you are short of inputs I could offer something like Some personal treasures from my collection and I could show a short film, set to music, about the Plymouth Shackleton event which lasts 12 minutes ONLY!!
Paul Davies
Kingsbridge Books, a co-sponsor
From an e-mail:
I've done some investigation and made contact with a few people based in England who are going, so thought this was worth sharing if others ask.
There are a variety of routes people are taking from within England:
1. Flying Thursday from Bristol to Glasgow and renting a car
2. Taking an overnight train Thursday night from London to Glasgow and another train to Oban, then a bus from Oban to Lunga House
3. Early train Friday from London to Glasgow, then onwards to Oban.
If people are considering the Oban route, as far as I can tell the train from Glasgow to Oban takes over 3 hours. Also there are two train stations in Glasgow, so people need to check which train station their train arrives into, and leaves from. The whole journey is probably quite scenic, but Oban is still a 40 minute taxi ride, or an even longer bus journey, to Lunga House.
I've discovered another route that might be easier, but more expensive, unless multiple people want to share.
My plan is to fly to Glasgow on Friday May 1, arriving around 11:30am and taking a taxi. I've called around, and a pre-booked taxi costs £100 from a reputable company. If I can share that with a few others, the cost is quite inexpensive considering it's a journey taking over 2 hours.
Brad Borkan
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
"I have had a fascination with Antarctica and neighboring regions for a long time. It began with two years spent working in the Falkland Islands for the Falkland Island Government / Overseas Development Administration in the hospital in Stanley. The job afforded me the privilege of flying round the islands, visiting most of the settlements, getting to know the islanders and gave me a wonderful insight into their way of life. There was time to explore and some memorable overland camp trips in my old Landrover equipped with high lift jack, bogging boards and spade. The scenery and wildlife were amazing. The view from the aircraft never ceased to delight me even in 'interesting' weather.
The opportunity to join as a passenger on the 'Sir Bedevere' for a trip to South Georgia was not to be missed even though it was in mid winter. The June trip south through storm force winds, with icebergs seen on route and albatross following in our wake with the reward of two days ashore on the snow covered islands. What an adventure!
My fate was sealed, an ongoing interest in the region, I am definitely hooked.
So why am I coming? To met fellow addicts, many who will have so much more knowledge and experience of the region than I can ever aspire to and to learn from them."
Norena McAdam
From an e-mail:
"I plan to come with a few books to sell or exchange such as:
- The famous Russian Atlas Antarktiki, 1966
- A complete set of Alfred Ritscher's Deutsche Antarktische Expedition 1938-39
- The original Amundsen's South Pole, 1912
-Shackleton's Heart of the Antarctic from T.W. Bagshawe's library, a set of books that went to the Peninsula with the British Graham Land Expedition 1934-37(!!),
and some more interesting books…!"
Jean Pimental
From an e-mail:
I "will be driving up from Gloucestershire, bringing a few books with me ..."
John Button
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
Since re-sailing Shackleton's Boat journey in 1993 and then following his footsteps across South Georgia in 2000 I have become very interested in Antarctic History and have a modest Antarctic Book collection.
I currently work as an Antarctic Guide/Lecturer aboard Antarctic Cruise ships.
What are you willing to talk about or show at the SouthPole-sium? I would be happy to talk about either of my expeditions—maybe narrow down the subject to one part such as Seamanship and how the James Caird survived the journey to South Georgia. Or Crossing the mountains of South Georgia then and now.
What do you hope to take away with you? I would hope to increase my knowledge of Antarctic History and of course make new friends with a shared interest.
Trevor Potts
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
"I hope to take away a few more friends. The main reasons for coming are to meet and talk to people.
I write dictionaries. I've written a dictionary of Antarctic English and am now adding the words of the Arctic to it. I'm very interested in polar history, and have a Ph.D on the environmental history of subantarctic islands."
Bernadette Hince
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
1) I spent 6/62 to 6/63 (50 years ago) in Antarctic waters, particularly South Shetlands, but also farther east and southwest. Did research on Antarctic currents later.
2) I spent four months wandering in Patagonia.
3) I have nearly "complete" Antarctic book collection.
4) I have an extensive collection on Patagonia, Straits of Magellan, Tierra del Fuego (1589 to 1970).
5) I have two unrelated book collections: a) Piracy and b) Arctic ethnography.
6) I could do a short talk on the "Patagonia, etc." items in Spence or on less common Antarctic items.
Ted Benttinen
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
"I have recently joined the Travel Department of Maggs Bros. and, since the world of antiquarian travel books is relatively new to me, my intention has been to start at the South Pole and work my way north. On a serious note though, I have always been fascinated and moved by the stories of the Heroic Age of Exploration, and am particularly interested in expedition photography & film, although it is all exciting and relatively new territory to me. I look forward therefore to spending the weekend learning as much as I can whilst getting to know enthusiasts, experts, dealers and collectors from around the world."
Fuchsia Voremberg
Maggs Bros., a co-sponsor
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
"Professor Patrick Quilty was ANARE Chief Scientist with the Australian Antarctic Division of the Department of the Environment and Heritage, and is now Honorary Research Professor in Earth Sciences, and the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania and earlier Distinguished Visiting Professor at California State University. He is a geologist, with B.Sc. (Hons.) from the University of Western Australia and PhD from the University of Tasmania. He has worked in academia at the University of Tasmania and Macquarie University, in industry with West Australian Petroleum (WAPET). He participated in both Deep Sea Drilling Project (Leg 34 East Pacific, 1973/74), Ocean Drilling Program (Leg 120 Indian Ocean, 1988; Leg 188, Prydz Bay, Antarctica, 2000) and several other marine geology cruises.
He chaired the organising committees for XXth meeting of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) in 1988, the Vestfold Hills and Macquarie Island Symposia, and has been on state and federal councils of ANZAAS. In 2004 he convened the 17th Australian Geological Convention in Hobart, February 2004 and was Federal Secretary of the Geological Society of Australia. In 2011 he ran the successful Mawson Symposium for The Royal Society of Tasmania.
He was senior vice-president Royal Society of Tasmania (Governor was president), later President, president of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, and was vice-president of SCAR for a four year term. He has published over 220 scientific papers. He has five species, a range of nunataks and a bay named in his honour.
He received the Royal Society of Tasmania Medal (1996), US Antarctic Services Medal (1974), was Distinguished Lecturer (1986) for the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia. He was invited speaker in the North American Speaker Series (organised by the Education Office of the Australian Embassy in Washington) for 1998/99. He is now a patron of the University of Western Australia Geoscience Foundation.
In 1997 he was awarded Membership of the Order of Australia (AM) in the Queen's Birthday Honours List and was made inaugural Distinguished Alumnus from the University of Tasmania.
He first visited Antarctica in 1965/66 with the University of Wisconsin and has made 14 other working trips south in addition to accompanying 28 tourist overflights and six tourist ship voyages.
He is a regular commentator on radio and TV. He is used widely as an occasional speaker.
"This morning, I did a radio interview about the centenary (24 December) of the departure from Hobart of Shackleton's Ross Sea party, and have another, longer one on 23 December. Also newspaper coverage in the local Sunday Mercury in a couple of weeks. I go to Canberra on Thursday 11 Dec to launch Bob Tingey's autobiography—Frozen Footsteps—on 13 December. On 12 December, I will attend a food event at Bernadette Hince's house.
I will do two of the Antarctic overflights this summer—New Year's Eve from Sydney (Eva will see La Boheme at the Opera House and watch the fireworks while I am away), and one from Brisbane on 18 January. I have a security clearance to sit in the cockpit of the 747 and regale the passengers (about 320)."
Pat Quilty
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
"I've had an enduring interest in Antarctica since very early childhood. It reached a wonderful milestone in January 2000, cruising the Ross Sea and McMurdo Sound on board the K. Khlebnikov with a dozen Friends of SPRI.
In respect of 'What is it about the Antarctic that interests you?' - My interest was kicked off by the wondrous and fantastical descriptions of the place that my Mum told to me, around the age of 8 or 10, when she explained the amazing pen and ink drawings of a polar winter that I had asked her about.
I'm researching that first spark of interest and hope to find a copy of the periodical responsible. As I don't know the year yet, it would be a very pleasant conclusion to find and read a copy once more, and discover what year it all started.
That spark glimmered and shimmered, to be stoked up in 1974 by an issue of Wilson watercolour reproductions offered for sale in a national daily. That introduced me to the wonders of SPRI and 'The Worst Journey in the World', my first polar book. The spark burst into flame.
At the South Pole-sium I can give a 'show-and-tell' photo presentation of a whimsical and very special day - maybe unique - spent aboard RRS Discovery a long time ago.
'What do you hope to take away with you?' - The memories of interesting chats with fellow enthusiasts, all the 'show-and-tells', and plenty of news and anecdotes. And perhaps find out whether my day on Discovery was 'unique'. Maybe even make a little more progress in tracking down the date of those pen and ink drawings that started it all for me."
Ken Thomas
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
Arctic and Antarctic history & science.
Early photography & textile related art work.
Antarctic medical history.
Happy to do a presentation on my Antarctic textile work which has been displayed nationally and internationally (Cathy).
Cathy Corbishley Michel and Geoff Michel
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
I collect books on Antarctic travel and exploration and specialize in books since 1990. Two of my early readings were rewritings of the Scott story in which two of the early explorers commented that seal liver tasted like chocolate. Eight hundred books later I have not come upon this again. Still searching.
Marj Spoerri
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
Both avid readers of 'Heroic Age' and attendees at Athy, so broadening interests to history of exploration of continent and current concerns in general. Don is grandson of Alexander Kerr (2nd engineer on Endurance and chief engineer on Quest).
Val read Geography and is simply afflicted with 'polar bugÕ!
Don and Val Kerr
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
I have long been interested in the Heroic Age of Polar Exploration and finally got to visit Antarctica and South Georgia in 2012. I am interested in collecting ephemera relating to that period, with a particular interest in Polar Medals. Given the venue (Scotland) and seeing your comment vis-a-vis Scotland's Antarctica connections, if there was interest among the attendees, I would be happy to either do a "show and tell" snappy 10 minute talk maybe entitled "The other Scotsman in the tent with Scott and Wilson" other as in not Greenock born "Birdie" Bowers who died with them in their tent in late March 1912 ... instead wind the clock back virtually 10 years to 31st March 1902, on the Discovery Expedition, Capt. R.F. Scott's and Dr. Edward Wilson's first night together in a tent on the ice on the Southern Depot laying sledge journey. The 3rd man in their tent on that sledge journey (refer to appendix 5 of David Yelverton's book, Antarctica Unveiled) was Scotsman, Petty Officer William MacFarlane, born in the village of Inverarity, just outside Forfar. My interest in MacFarlane is not sadly a family connection, rather I am the owner of his Polar Medal which of course I would be happy to bring along to the gathering. Incidentally, it is the first bronze Polar Medal on the medal roll list (only 5 bronze medals were awarded to Discovery crew members and MacFarlane as the most senior in rank has his name first on the roll list). I am currently in the process of trying to research him i.e. who he was, how he came to be on Discovery, his participation in the Discovery Expedition, what became of him afterwards, etc. Like Shackleton, MacFarlane suffered physically on his main sledge journey and was the other man (along with Shackleton) who was invalided home for medical reasons (as opposed to wanting to return home / not being wanted for the following year by Scott) aboard the Morning after just one winter. In MacFarlane's case he was the worst affected of the 6 men of Armitage's 12-man main sledge party on the Western Summit expedition during which Armitage became the first man to stand on the polar plateau. Whilst MacFarlane was believed to have suffered from the effects of the altitude, etc, the contemporary belief today is that he had actually suffered a heart attack. In the end he had to be dragged on a sledge virtually the whole 120 miles back to the Discovery. As an aside, when Falcon Scott and David Wilson unveiled the granite statue at Glen Prossen a couple of years ago to Capt R.F. Scott & Dr. Wilson, I am not sure if they realised that just 7 or 8 miles south east from there, as the albatross flies, was the birthplace (Inverarity) of MacFarlane who was with their antecedents on that first night together on the ice.
I visited Inverarity in Aug 2014; it is tiny, not even a shop or pub, got chatting to the local farmer whose memory extends back more than 60 years and nobody was heretofore aware of MacFarlane or that someone born in the village had gone with Scott to the Antarctic (per the 1881 census, MacFarlane was listed as the son of a policeman and the family appeared to move around the Forfar area quite a bit and his siblings were born in other villages close by). Anyway, maybe it is a subject which is not totally worthy of occupying a 10 or 15 minute slot, but as I say I would be more than happy to bring along the medal and chat off line with any participants who would have an interest in hearing his story—'Scott, Wilson and Bowers are forever together from the events of 1912, so it might be of interest to close the circle and retrace back to Scott's and Wilson's very first night on the ice with another less known about Scotsman. I am also currently trying to research information on William Walter Archer, who was Chief Steward aboard the Terra Nova on Scott's second expedition. Archer took over as cook for the second winter at Cape Evans.
Accordingly, if I were to summarise my two main takeaways that I would like to get out of the South Pole-sium it would be to glean additional information on both William MacFarlane and William Archer. I note that Judy Skelton is also attending so would be intrigued to know if she may have any additional information over and above what she included in her excellent book about the Discovery expedition.
Gary Paine
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
I am an agricultural scientist by profession working for a government research institute (the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute) and am Professor in the School of Biological Sciences, Queens University Belfast. In 1976 I first went to the Falkland Islands (for 3 years) to set up an agricultural research station. I became thoroughly immersed in the Islands and all aspects of island life. After returning to the UK (and after the Falklands War intervened) I went back to the Falklands as a scientific advisor and have visited about 40 times. In 2014 I was awarded the OBE for "services to research and agriculture in the Falkland Islands."
In the Falklands the connection with the Antarctic is very clear. I met Antarctic scientists, saw Antarctic vessels and was aware of the stream of polar explorers who had gone through the Falklands. This gave me a great interest in polar matters as well as the Falklands and I started giving lectures through the N.I. Polar Club (part of the extra activities of Queens University). I have done this (concentrating on the Irish polar connection) since about 1981. I have published many scientific papers and articles on the Falklands (and a couple of books) but my main efforts have been directed to the Falkland Islands Journal. I have edited the Journal (the only academic publication about the Falklands) since 1991 and I will give details of the Journal at the South Pole-sium v2.
In more recent years (2001 onwards) Geraldine and I have been involved in the Athy Heritage Centre and the annual Shackleton Autumn School—lecturing, encouraging speakers and, with Kevin Kenny, assisting Seamus Taaffe in editing Nimrod, the annual journal from the Autumn School.
I have a substantial collection of publications, archive material and documents on the Falkland Islands and a working library of polar books.
The Falkland Islands Journal relies greatly on voluntary support by a small team of editorial assistants, distributors in the Falklands and I am very ably assisted by Geraldine in the distribution, accounts and interacting with our relatively small "family" of subscribers.
Jim McAdam
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
Jim and I have been able to develop our polar interests together over the past 14 years particularly through our involvement with the Shackleton Autumn School in Athy, the Tom Crean Society and generally popping up at every polar event in Ireland we can manage to attend. I assist in most aspects of publishing the F.I. Journal, which fills a room in our house.
In 2011 we both visited the Falklands for a holiday combined with furthering the Journal. We also visited Tierra del Fuego, visiting several of the sites which linked the early Victorian missionaries in the Falklands and their attempts to evangelise the Yahgan Indians of Tierra del Fuego. This is an area we have a lot of material and would hope to do further research on.
One of the most rewarding aspects of editing the Journal is meeting interesting people from many walks of life who have only one thing in common—an interest in the Falklands. Books are everywhere in our house!
We also have a Polar/Falkland Archive room at Queens University which I have been helping to organise and curate.
Geraldine McAdam
From an e-mail:
The short answer, is "Yes!" I would be delighted to host a group of you and your fellow enthusiasts here at the National Library of Scotland. I think the most likely format will be a sort of show and tell—I can get out some of our best polar pieces and talk through what our collections hold. The exact format of this may depend on how many of you come. The 5th of May could work well, or even the morning of 6th to allow people to come down after their visit to Dundee. Let me know whether you prefer morning or afternoon. It may be possible to offer small tours behind the scenes too. I'll investigate this further and let you know…
I would love to come through to the SouthPole-sium proper but it is our bank holiday weekend so still need to sort out family commitments. I'm currently working on a display about Sir James Man Wordie (we have his archive and book collection) so could talk about him if you are interested?
I know Malcolm has already been in touch with you about speaking about our flag project. It is nearing completion (if research is ever "complete?!) so we will send you through the link when our virtual exhibition is launched…
Paula Williams, Curator, Maps, Mountaineering & Polar Collections,
National Library of Scotland
From an e-mail:
Greetings from Australia.
I am hoping very much to attend. My book, Shackleton's Heroes, has been accepted by Robson Press in the UK, for publication about March-May next year.
I hope the release, etc., ties in with your dates so I can join you in sunny Scotland.
As soon as I have something definite I will register, or send you apologies if I cannot make the book release and your event.
Wilson McOrist
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
I am a retired chest physician. I became interested in Antarctica when I saw the Antarctic paintings of Dr. Edward Wilson (Discovery) in St George's Hospital.
I am particularly interested in explorers of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration; also in 'Antarctica Today' in all its aspects.
I am researching the life of William Speirs Bruce, the Scottish explorer who identified Coates Land and contributed much scientific knowledge about the Weddell Sea area. He was an ardent Nationalist and not interested in 'bagging the Pole.'
I could give a short presentation on this enigmatic man.
From the first SouthPole-sium:
I qualified in medicine at St George's Hospital, London University, and progressed to become a Consultant in Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Medicine, leading a busy NHS acute medicine department. I was a National Assessor for Junior Trainees.
My interest in Antarctica began when I was a junior doctor. On retirement I visited Antarctica and researched the life of Dr. Edward Wilson, Scott's confidant and friend. Whilst writing this biography I became fascinated by the lives of the ratings, those below deck seamen who kept the expeditions going and I have now written the biography of Chief Petty Officer Edgar Evans, one of Scott's loyal assistants.
I have spoken on a variety of Antarctic subjects.
I would be interested in talking about Edgar Evans' life and times.
I hope to take away an increased understanding of Antarctica.
Isobel Williams
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
I am not much of a hero worshipper, of any living person; but from history I have three heroes: T. E. Lawrence, George Mallory and Ernest Shackleton. As for T. E. Lawrence, by the time I arrive at the SouthPole-sium, I should be Vice Chair of the T. E. Lawrence Society. As for George Mallory, I have been dragged up a few of the epic pre-World War I climbs in Snowdonia. As for Shackleton, I have long admired his leadership qualities and the epic of the Endurance. In my youth, I did briefly meet Sir Philip Brocklehurst, one of Shackleton's companions on Nimrod.
Alan Payne
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
Even as a little girl, I remember being entranced by tales of travel and exploration. I could only have been five when I began collecting PG Tips cards showing the 50 Greatest Britons. I was fascinated by the enigmatic face of Lawrence of Arabia, pictured against a desert landscape. My interest in another of the 50—Captain Robert Falcon Scott—didn't evolve for another 40 years, when I walked into a bookshop one lunchtime and emerged with The Worst Journey in the World and a book of Herbert Ponting's photographs. Oh, those cluttered scenes aboard Terra Nova—all those dogs! and ponies! I have since been able to combine my interests in lectures I was invited to give at the Scott Polar Research Institute in 2012 linking the lives and works of Apsley Cherry-Garrard and Lawrence (perhaps my 15-minute talk for the SouthPole-sium), and the 2014 T. E. Lawrence Society Symposium at St. John's College, Oxford, on the friendship between Scott's widow, Lady Kathleen Scott, and the Lawrence family. I have also created a little website telling the story of Captain Scott's ponies. At the SouthPole-sium I am looking forward to meeting old friends—while being a little nervous over meeting a descendant of Kathleen! I hope I have done her justice in my talk.
I gave a presentation at the Scott Polar Research Institute in 2012 linking the lives and writings of Apsley Cherry-Garrard and T.E. Lawrence. As the SouthPole-Sium is a book event, perhaps this might be the topic of my 15-minute talk. In September 2014, I will be presenting a paper on T.E. Lawrence's friendship with Lady Kathleen Scott (you see, always sand and snow) at the biennial T.E. Lawrence Society Symposium at St John's College, Oxford.
My partner Alan is a T. E. Lawrence rather than a polar person (he is currently in the garage rebuilding a 1936 Brough Superior motorbike) but he did mis-spend much of his youth at The Ship Inn (named after the Nimrod) in Wincle, and met Sir Philip Brocklehurst—which I think he would like to recount in his own 15-minute talk.
Alison Jolley
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
I will talk about the C. A. Larsen Collection at the Fram Museum.
I am working on a Shackleton exhibit for the Fram Museum in 2016. We would like to borrow Shackleton artifacts for the exhibit.
Geir Kløver
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
Primary Interest: First person accounts of Antarctic exploration, in particular place naming in the McMurdo Sound area.
Working on an illustrated historical gazetteer of that area with extensive details of name provenance. Will have digital copy with me plus some paper sections.
Always interested in additional details about the area, especially archival unpublished and obscure ones.
Have some knowledge of digital sources for related material.
Author: Bibliography of Antarctic Exploration; Expedition Accounts from 1768 to 1960, (Washougal, Washington, 1999).
Larry Conrad
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
1. I can give a presentation on the construction, launch and 60 year working life of the SS Terra Nova and her involvement in polar exploration in the Antarctic and the Arctic. Also the location and discovery by the Schmidt Ocean Institute, of the wreck of the ship off South West Greenland, as she was found in July, 1912. I can bring my own 'steam driven' slide projector and screen, just in case this equipment is not available. I do not have up-to-date 'space age' lap top and power point kit.
2. I can give a presentation comparing the southern polar journeys of Shackleton 1908/09 and Scott 1911/12, illustrating the different approach to tackling the route to the South Pole. The width of a pen board or blackboard and chalk would be required, equipment which I do not have.
3. At present, I am well advanced on a biography of Surgeon Captain Edward Leicester Atkinson (1881-1929) DSO AM MRCS LRCP RN. "ANTARCTIC EXPLORER & WAR HERO—The man who found Captain Scott." I hope to have the book published early in 2015, in which case I can give a presentation and will have the books with me for sale. (To be advised later) Visual aid equipment yet to be decided.
Mike Tarver
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
I worked all my life in electronics and computing mainly for New Zealand's Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Spent two years in Antarctica at Scott Base on Ross Island (close to McMurdo) wintering-over in 1960 and again in 1963. Since retiring in 2000 my major interests have been the Antarctic, book collecting, and travel.
My Antarctic interests relate to Scott's Northern Party, especially their sledging both before and after the snow-cave ordeal on Inexpressible Island.
For my own interest, at the moment, I am putting together details of these sledging trips using published material, photographs and unpublished diaries. Many of my recent overseas travels have involved the archives in Cambridge and Newfoundland. Last July (2014) I published a paper in the Cambridge Polar Record describing some new hand written conversations between Campbell, Levick, and Priestley during their last winter in the snow-cave on Inexpressible Island.
My book collecting interests include the Antarctic, WWII, and New Zealand non-fiction relating to the Wellington area. Most of my Antarctic books are of the Ross Sea area prior to 1920 and the period from 1945 to 1970, although other polar books have crept into the collection. Once again this interest fits in well with my overseas travel. I have had a Travel Blog going from early 2010 in which I make mention of some good old-book shops in places like Garrison, NY, Sydney, BC, Halifax, Toronto, St Catherine, ON, Vancouver, BC.
Don Webster
Sadly had to bow out. Now a co-sponsor!
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
Interested in all aspects of Antarctica though obviously I am particularly interested in the ships which have played such an important role in Antarctic exploration.
I could give a very short presentation on
1) the future of icebreaking;
2) dog-team driving with the British Antarctic Survey.
I hope that there will be a serious discussion on what we might expect the future of Antarctic exploration/activities to be like in view of
1) the pressures for economic development; and
2) competition for funding from Arctic; and
3) Tourism pressures.
Rorke Bryan
Sadly had to bow out.
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
Michael was bitten by the Antarctic polar bug (a well-known species) in 1979, and it hasn't let go of him since. In 1987, he set foot upon a tiny islet off Elephant Island, and upon experiencing the stark landscape, myriad penguins, seals, and the wafting odor of guano, his love for the southern regions only became more extreme. He has resigned himself to the fact that even though he is a physician by profession, there is no treatment for this malady. Michael began devouring the Antarctic literature and became a book collector, and has visited the southern regions eight times in all, three times as historian on cruise ships. He believed the literature from Cook to Shackleton deserved a bibliography, and so produced one, along with a publishing entity, Adélie Books named in honor of his favorite penguin, through which he edited and published several more books. The Naval Institute Press published his "Let Heroes Speak: Antarctic Explorers, 1772-1922" in 2000, and he is pleased that a bookshop in Ushuaia, Argentina, gateway to the Antarctic, purchased myriad hundreds of paperback copies to foist upon travelers coming through. He has ideas about future Adélie Books projects that he is delighted not to be able to share with you yet. He believes that James Cook's second voyage is the first true Antarctic exploration and deserves as many kudos as Scott, Shackleton, and Amundsen. He has come to Craobh Haven to highlight that expedition's literature and simply to share the joy of books, and, in the company of his wife Sheila Pressman, to see old friends and make new ones.
Michael Rosove
From an e-mail:
I'd love to do a talk about the Antarctics in WWI—I'm uncovering some really fascinating material which brings Rupert Brooke and William Johnstone of Hidcote (famous gardens in the Cotswolds) into the picture, as well as Meares' unpublished letters from the trenches, so hopefully people will find it interesting.
Anne Strathie
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
I am enthusiastic about wild places, exploration and the natural world.
I have travelled to Antarctica and the Arctic on specialist photographic trips including one called "In the Wake of Shackleton."
Shackleton in a hero of mine.
I produce photographic cards, books and canvas prints.
I sell my work at craft markets and village days.
I give talks and photographic presentations to various groups and organisations.
I am happy to share my experiences and photographic work
I am looking forward to learning from others and sharing knowledge and experiences.
Janice Tipping
Sadly had to bow out. Now a co-sponsor!
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
I'm chiefly interested in the Heroic Age and its aftermaths, particularly in literature and culture, but my broader interest is in the links between literature and environment. I also like penguins.
My PhD was entitled "Scott's Last Expedition and the Literature of Cold," and I'm in the process of turning it into a book. I'd be very willing to talk about the writing of the Terra Nova expedition, or indeed the books they were reading. I can bring along a copy of the edition of Tennyson found in the polar party's final tent.
I'm happy to come away having learnt more about Antarctica and the people whom it fascinates; I know I'll come away have enjoyed a stimukating and friendly few days.
Philip Sidney
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
Why: 1) To get to know everyone better (i.e. socialize around the common interest)
2) To hear interesting talks on aspects of Antarctic exploration and books.
Take-away: Friendships established and deepend (as e.g. with the Stams at SP#1)
Rick Dehmel
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
Antarctic career started over 50 years ago and has included Director of the South Georgia Whaling Museum. So my main interests are the history of South Georgia, especially whaling and sealing, and the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. I have written small books/booklets on the history of British Antarctic Territory, Port Lockroy, Shackleton at South Georgia and the Maritime History of South Georgia. I am trying to set up field projects surveying the hulk Louise at Grytviken and the sealers' site at Elsehul, South Georgia, and I have been investigating the subject of whether Shackleton would have got across Antarctica if he had managed to land at Vahsel Bay. From the examination of primary sources, this has led me into the subject of the making of myths: what was written at the time versus what is popularly believed now. "When, however, great men pass from history into legend, as has Shackleton, myths get mixed with facts, and the biographer may have difficulty in disentangling them." Sir Gerald Eliot. Managing Director, Salvesens.
I have an artefact which I believe came from the Terra Nova Expedition on which I would like opinions.
I have also been pondering why look-out barrels were secured behind the mast rather than in front of it.
Bob Burton
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank: Why are you attending? 1) To meet with Falcon Scott and the Shackletons. My father, Robert Pope, Sr., was one of the first Americans to land at Cape Evans and Hut Point. I would like to show them the pictures I have of this event. Also to expose my daughters to people involved in the history of Antarctica. They are the next generation to carry this on. 2) To show pictures and talk about my Dad's experience with Operation Highjump and Windmill.
Robert Pope, Jr.
Sadly had to bow out.
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
"Discovery descendant (granddaughter of Reginald Skelton) who only got switched on to the Antarctic on reading Sara Wheeler's Terra Incognita in 1997. Since then I've been to Antarctica twice (Ross Sea in 1999 & Snow Hill Island in 2006 + SubAntarctic, South Georgia & Falkands 2009 and French Islands of Le Crozet, Kerguelen, St Paul & Amsterdam 2011) and have been involved in the production of three books Discovery Illustrated, The Antarctic Journals of Reginald Skelton and—just published—Scott and Charcot at the col du Lautaret. I'm a member of the Friends of SPRI (Treasurer), James Caird Society, South Georgia Association and Falklands Conservation."
I can certainly bring a copy of each of the books (and probably more of the latest one, as that is both new and much lighter than the first two, which most attendees probably already have, but can order from me if not).
Judy Skelton
Still not sure. I have to make a trip to Marlborough (Wilts.) next year and would have to tie those two trips together, as I don't own an airline.
Art Ford
I would have signed on in a sec as I knew that I was going to be in the UK in May. Looking at my calendar, unfortunately, I will be leading an expedition in the Azores during those dates. Drat. Keep me on the list for next time.
Shirley Metz
Kirsti and I are very tempted but have to say that at this time we cannot commit. Please don't rule us out yet however—we would however love to be kept in the loop in the meantime!
Paul Chaplin (and Kirsti Paulsen)
That looks very interesting indeed. I'll be discussing that tonight and I suspect we will enrol and take a chance on health, etc.
Pat Quilty
Exciting!!!! Suzy and I WILL attend! Thank you so much for including us on the list (well, me at least!)
I will send you registration form tomorrow.
Rick Dehmel
Thanks for this. Very tempting.
Margot Morrell
I would like to propose a talk on "What the whalers really told Shackleton: how reality is lost in myth"(Or something like that). There is a small industry of correcting Huntford on Scott (e.g. Karen May); for Shackleton, you can see how a game of Chinese whispers is compounding errors as they pass from one author to another and each one seeks to make the story more dramatic.
I can offer a humorous after-dinner talk: "The Strange and Awful History of Scurvy". It goes down well as a recap on cruises and at local groups.
Bob Burton