Sponsors: The Antarctic Circle and Falcon Scott
Don Webster (New Zealand),
Janice Tipping (England)
Joan Boothe (USA)
Maggs Bros. Booksellers (England),
Kingsbridge Books (Paul Davies, England),
Meridian Rare Books (Stuart Leggatt, England),
Fram Museum (Geir Kløver, Norway)
Principles of the SouthPole-sium
Registration information and Form
Those who have registered
Those who are planning to attend
Those who have expressed interest in attending
Subjects of talks proposed to be presented so far
Subject ideas for talks that might be presented
Craobh Haven
Lunga House, our venue
Accommodation options
Links relative to Scotland
Wardroom Dinners on board the Discovery in Dundee
Updates & E-mails
Comments from those contacted
Audio Visual:
The following are bringing computer projectors:
Trevor Potts
Bob Burton
The following are bringing Kodak Carousel projectors:
Mike Tarver
Bob Burton
4 April
The following have volunteered for various tasks:
Registration desk:
Jackie Burton
Wendy Driver
Audio Visual, Sound, Computers:
Kellie Gutman
Trevor Potts
Kevin Kenny
Organizing & Moderating:
Seamus Taaffe
Paul Davies
Cathy Cooper
No one yet
Kellie Gutman
Philip Sidney
John Bonham
Joe O'Farrell
David Hirzel
After Dinner Speaker:
Bob Burton (The Strange and Awful History of Scurvy)
Bob Headland (Some new and beloved old Passenger Silly Questions)
Mostly since 1 April
Photographs of many of those coming to the SouthPole-sium v.2 are now up.
From an e-mail:
If I am coming into Glasgow Airport (GLA) at the same time as others, I would like to travel with them to Lunga House.
Arriving: 7: 30 a.m. April 29, Wednesday, via United Airlines Flight 161 which will have left Newark Liberty airport (EWR) at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 28.
I hope there is an ATM machine or a bank open in the airport for exchanging money.
Marj Spoerri
11 April
From an e-mail:
I've emailed Trevor Potts to take him up on his very kind offer of a lift from Oban to Craobh Haven, although at present I have little idea of how I'm going to get back to London on Monday. I would be very interested in hearing from anyone planning to drive or taxi in the direction of Oban or Glasgow on Monday the 4th—if you're heading that way at some point during the day, please e-mail me.
Talk: To refine my stated subject, I've got two talks in mind: one on the Terra Nova library and one on Scott, comedy and penguins. Do say if one appeals markedly more than the other!
Duties: I'm happy to take a spell watching the book-room should invigilators be needed, and can also moderate a discussion session if required.
Philip Sidney
9 April
From an e-mail:
Logistically-wise, I plan to rent a car the whole time I'm there, and would like to share some of the expenses between Croabh Haven and Dundee on May 4. Also return to Glasgow from Dundee May 6. I'll be staying in Kilmartin during the meeting, and can share car thus also. Interested parties may contact me directly via email.
Also, I note Ann Savours has lately signed on. She's not likely to remember me from our correspondence in 1996 (the year I started the Crean project just now reaching conclusion), but I sure do. I have her letters tacked up on my bulletin board in my office. She suggested Bluntisham Books, and now my library is full of stuff from them. So, meeting her, and Robert Headland, will be a real treat for me.
David Hirzel
9 April
From an e-mail:
I've heard from the press publishing my Antarctica and music book and no luck with getting copies to bring. It's still a good month off, they say, so I wanted to let you know this. However, I could talk about "Eating the audience", a moment in Antarctic history which concerns a penguin and a piper—which seems very apt for a Scottish meeting, and would fit with the suggestion from someone else for a talk about William Speirs Bruce, and also with the themes of Antarctica and food (now and then) which another person suggested.
Bernadette Hince
9 April
We've just received our first entry to the Favorite Photos contest. Submit up to three of your favorite or most interesting Antarctic photos. You might win a prize. Have a look at http://www.antarctic-circle.org/gathering2-photos.htm
8 April
From an e-mail:
After I'd written last night, thick-headed from a day's hard work editing, with my suggestion of a talk about Antarctic words (I still find these absolutely fascinating!), the proofs of the latest Antarctic book I've worked on, Antarctica: music, sounds and cultural connection arrived to check. This should be out in the next few weeks—before I leave? Well, possibly! I'll try.
I'd be very happy to talk about the scope of this book and—if I can bring a few copies—to launch it at the SouthPole-sium.
Bernadette Hince
8 April
From an e-mail:
I would like a chance to give a 15 minute talk on the language of Antarctica, and on how I came to write The Antarctic Dictionary, published in the year 2000 by CSIRO and the Museum of Victoria.
Bernadette Hince
8 April
From an e-mail:
"Train: I'll take the Thursday night train to Glasgow and the 08:21 to Oban. There might be others aboard this one. Bill Barr has offered to meet me at the station on Friday (and will have a couple of spare seats). My return is open—but there are minor booking complications owing to railway works.
Bob Headland
5 April
Gill Poulter, Heritage Director of the Dundee Heritage Trust, will give a talk and show and describe some of the star Polar items from the Trust's collection to those travelling to Dundee for the two Wardroom Dinners aboard Discovery. Others from the SouthPole-sium who happen to be in Dundee are welcomed as well. It will be at the Heritage Centre beside Discovery on Tuesday, May 5th, at 11am. More details later. (A minimum number is needed to make this viable so if you are interested please contact Jim McAdam at Jim.McAdam@afbini.gov.uk)
Jim McAdam
4 April
From an e-mail:
"As I said before I should arrive by late afternoon on Thursday. I'm only driving from Eskdalemuir that day (near Lockerbie) so it depends on how much the scenery interrupts the journey. I always have this problem when driving through Scotland, being delayed by the scenery. Anyway, I should be around later on Thursday to help with stuff."
Ken Thomas
4 April
From an e-mail:
"I have just been given a bottle of cognac in an oak box from one of my journalist friends. It is from MS Fram, launched in 2008 and named after the original ship. The cognac is made from ice water taken from the Antarctic and Arctic Oceans and thought I might bring it up to auction (except it weighs a ton!). However I would like the proceeds to go to the Antarctic Heritage Trust and would want to put a reserve price of £60 on it."
Wendy Driver
3 April
From the 'Something About You' on the Registration blank:
"I'm attending the SouthPole-sium because of:
- My interest in things Polar.
- To meet people with a similar interest.
- To learn more, be reminded of what I might already know and open up to other aspects, people and exploits which I am not aware of.
- To experience a SouthPole-sium, having heard great reports of the previous events which I couldn't attend.
My particular interest is Ernest Shackleton, the expeditions he led, and trying to understand the person he was. That's the centre-point of a broader interest in exploration and discovery in the polar regions up to the present day."
Kevin Kenny
2 April