Sponsors: The Antarctic Circle and The California Contingent
Co-Sponsors: The Northern California Chapter of The Explorers Club
The Shackleton Museum, Athy, Co. Kildare, Ireland.
Launched: 6 November 2019.
Last updated: 1 July 2021
Accessed at least
since 6 November 2019.
Contact: Robert Stephenson, Coordinator, The Antarctic Circle.
Library Tel: 603-532-POLE (7653).
Cell/Mobile Tel: 603-933-2471.
E-mail: antarctic-circle@comcast.net
Alternative E-addresses: ac@rs41.org or 5327653@gmail.com
Principles of the SouthPole-sium
Registration Information
Those who are hoping to particpate Based on responses to our January 16, 2021 e-mail. See updates
Those who have registered Based on those who have registered in response to our e-mail of May 5, 2021. See updates
Updates & E-mails
My Favorite Antarctic Books
The SouthPole-sium v.4.5 has come and gone!
We hope to include some details and possibly a recording of the two-hour plus gathering in the weeks ahead.
In the meantime, start thinking about SouthPole-sium v.5 in San Francisco on June 22-24, 2022. The first e-mail announcement is likely to go out in early January 2022. Keep an eye on the website at
The Zoom Link for SouthPole-sium v.4.5 appears below.
(This is not an active link; copy & paste it into a browser.)
(You might want to download the latest version of Zoom which is: v 5.7.0)
NOTE: It has been decided to delay the SouthPole-sium v.5—originally scheduled to be held in the San Francisco Bay Area, June 23rd through June 25th, 2021—until June 22-24, 2022. (We hope this will be possible but who knows where we'll be with the pandemic when those dates are approaching.)
Although the physical gathering will be delayed, we are going ahead with a virtual gathering, to be held live on June 26, 2021.
Watch this space for more details as they develop.
When: Saturday, June 26th, 2021.
Where: A two-hour Zoom gathering, Noon to 2pm, San Francisco time.
Organizers/Sponsors: The Antarctic Circle (Robert Stephenson, Coordinator), the California Contingent (Joan Boothe, Alice Cochran, Rick Dehmel, David Hirzel and Michael Rosove), the Irish Contingent (Joe O'Farrell, Seamus Taaffe).
Co-sponsors: The Northern Chapter of The Explorers Club, The Shackleton Museum.
Inspiration: The annual (October) Shackleton Autumn School in Athy, Ireland. Inspiration but not duplication. See www.antarctic-circle.org/athy.htm)
• And, of course, the first SouthPole-sium held 15-17 June 2012 in Jaffrey, New Hampshire (see www.antarctic-circle.org/gathering.htm);
• The second SouthPole-sium held 1-4 May 2015 in Craobh Haven, Scotland (see www.antarctic-circle.org/gathering2.htm);
• The third SouthPole-sium held 12-14 May 2017 in Oslo, Norway (see www.antarctic-circle.org/gathering3.htm) and
• The fourth SouthPole-sium held 7-9 June 2019 in Dublin, Ireland (see www.antarctic-circle.org/gathering4.htm)
Concept: The SouthPole-sium is being organized as an informal and enjoyable opportunity for those interested or involved in Antarctic affairs, particularly book related, to come together virtually, trade ideas and pursue common interests. In other words, the SouthPole-sium will be something of an extended "bull session," social hour, and networking opportunity.
Likely Participants: Bookcollectors, booksellers, librarians, archivists, writers & publishers, historians. Amateurs more than academics.
To see the names of those who have said they'll participate or who have expressed interest, click here.
Desired Outcomes: By the end of SouthPole-sium v.4.5, we hope that you:
• Will have enjoyed this SouthPole-sium v.4.5 experience and want to atternd SouthPole-sium v.5 in 2022.
• Have made your recommendations for the major elements of SouthPole-sium v.5 in 2022.
• Are familiar with the general history of SouthPole-sium v.1 thru v.4.
• Learn about the major Antarctic bibliographies and reference tools.
• Have had a chance to socialize with at least a dozen other participants.
Cost: There will be no cost.
Registration: Registration will commence on May 5, 2021. Those registering will appear on a list.
Agenda / Schedule:
To see the tentative version go to gathering4.5-agenda.htm
E-mails sent out:
To see e-mails sent out commencing on January 16, 2021, go to gathering4.5-updates.htm
Website: A portion of the antarctic-circle website is devoted to the SouthPole-sium, the schedule, the names of the participants, etc.
Questions or Comments Call Rob Stephenson at 603-532-POLE (7653). This is a landline. Or ring +1 603-933-2471 which is a cell/mobile line.
E-mail: antarctic-circle@comcast.net
Alternative e-addresses: ac@rs41.org or 5327653@gmail.com