Principles of the SouthPole-sium
Registration Information
Those who are hoping to particpate Based on responses to our January 16, 2021 e-mail. See updates
Those who have registered Based on those who have registered in response to our e-mail of May 5, 2021. See updates
Updates & E-mails
My Favorite Antarctic Books
Welcome & Introduction. Rick DehmelPresentation Overview of SouthPole-sium. v. 1 thru v.4. Rob Stephenson. Click here to see a .pdf version.
Audience Poll
Presentation Pre-SouthPole-sium 4.5 survey results. Seamus Taaffe
Social Break-out Groups I. All participants. 20 minutes.
10 Minute Break
Presentation Antarctic Bibliographies. Michael Rosove
Social Break-out Groups II. All participants. 20 minutes.
Presentation SouthPole-sium v.5 (San Francisco) Topics/Events. David Hirzel
Wrap-up and Questions. Joan Boothe
Time | Hours vs. San Francisco | Local Time | Local Day |
Oslo | +9 | 9-11pm | Saturday |
London/Dublin | +8 | 8-10pm | Saturday |
East Coast US | +3 | 3-5pm | Saturday |
San Francisco | 0 | 12-2pm | Saturday |
Auckland | +19 | 7-9am | Sunday |
Melbourne | +17 | 5-7am | Sunday |