Principles of the SouthPole-sium
Registration information and Form. Will activate after March 1.
Those who have registered. Will activate after March 1.
Those who are planning to attend, have expressed interest in doing so or are unable to
Subjects of talks proposed to be presented so far
Subject ideas for talks that might be presented
San Francisco Bay Area and further afield.
Our venues
Updates & E-mails
Original e-mail sent out in bulk on February 3, 2022 and individually from time-to-time since. Update #1 e-mail sent out in bulk on March 1, 2022. Update #2 e-mail sent out to those who have registered. April 16, 2022. Update #2 e-mail to those who have earlier expressed interest in attending but haven't done so. April 16, 2022. Update #3 e-mail announcing the cancellation of the SouthPole-sium. May 5, 2022.Comments regarding the cancellation:"I am sorry to hear that the SouthPole-sium will not be going ahead - it must be very disappointing to have reached that conclusion after so much planning, but I do hope that subsequent symposia in Athy or elsewhere will make up for it." (Phiip Sidney)
"I'm sorry that all the dedicated hard work you folks put into this has come up short. It's understandable, I guess, but also a crying shame." (Shane Murphy)
"I am very sorry indeed that you have had to cancel the symposium. You and the committee have clearly put much time and effort into the preparation and you must be very disappointed." (Isobel Williams)
"First, let me thank you guys who did all the work -- we appreciate it so much.
Kathy and I were of course planning to come, as it is only a short trip (relatively) from Seattle to San Fran, but I think I never formally registered. Would have been great to see many good friends. And I still have some good Antarctic talks to give from my days of being a historian on cruise ships, even though I have sold all my collections of Polar and Russian-America books.
I might also mention that Geir Klover, head of the Fram Museum in Oslo, gives a terrific program there every December, with talks and a wonderful 7-9 course "polar" dinner. Kathy and I have gone to several of these events, and some have been more "Antarctic" than "Arctic" in their emphasis." (Martin Greene)"This is, in my mind, one more example of the collateral damage of Covid combined with the uncertainty, on so many levels, that folk are feeling. I am sorry for all the many hours of discernment that went into preparations, hopefully not for naught, because SouthPole-sium was a brilliant concept 'right out of the gate'." (Sally & Bruce Larsen)
"Thanks for all your efforts - and those of the committee - in trying to organize the SouthPole-sium v.5. I really enjoyed v.1 in Jaffrey, and am sure v.5 would have been of equal quality. The pandemic has really made it difficult to plan anything these days." (Rich Joss)