Sponsors: The Antarctic Circle and The California Contingent
Co-Sponsors: The Northern California Chapter of The Explorers Club
The Shackleton Museum, Athy, Co. Kildare, Ireland.
Principles of the SouthPole-sium
Registration information and Form. Will activate after March 1.
Those who have registered. Will activate after March 1.
Those who are planning to attend, have expressed interest in doing so or are unable to
Subjects of talks proposed to be presented so far
Subject ideas for talks that might be presented
San Francisco Bay Area and further afield.
Our venues
Updates & E-mails
The names of those who responded saying
• "I'll definitely be there" or
• "I'm likely to come" or
• "Maybe. Hard to say now. Please keep me informed" or
• "Darn! I can't make it or have had to drop out."
will appear here after the February 3, 2022 e-mail launch. Once registration commences on March 1, 2022, those on the list who have registered will be indicated.
* indicates attended the first SouthPole-sium in 2012 in Jaffrey.
** indicates attended the second SouthPole-sium in 2015 in Craobh Haven.
*** indicates attended the third SouthPole-sium in 2017 in Oslo.
**** indicates attended the fourth SouthPole-sium in 2019 in Dublin.
• I'll definitely be there. (This in no way commits you at this point.) 12
Rick Dehmel USA * ** *** REGISTERED
David Hirzel USA * ** *** REGISTERED
Bruce Larsen USA * ** REGISTERED
Sally Larsen USA * ** REGISTERED
Shane Murphy USA *** REGISTERED
Leslie Roberts USA
Michael Rosove USA * ** REGISTERED
Marjory Spoerri USA * ** *** ****
Rob Stephenson USA * ** *** ****REGISTERED
Tricia Wood UK *** REGISTERED
Karen Woods UK *** ****REGISTERED
• I'm likely to come. 8
Brad Borkan UK ** *** ****
Martin Greene USA * ***
Kathy Greene USA
Tracy Sheeley USA * REGISTERED
Anne Strathie UK ** ***
David Williams UK * ** ***
Isobel Williams UK * ** ***
• Maybe. Hard to say now. Please keep me informed. 14
Paul Chaplin Norway
Drew Clarke Australia ****
Scot DeGraf USA
Bill Fox USA
Art Gertel USA *** **** REGISTERED
Tom Henderson USA * *** ***
Max Jones UK
Laura Kay USA
Trevor Potts UK **
Liesl Schernthanner USA
Stephen Scott-Fawcett UK
Philip Sidney UK **
Peter Spielmann USA
Ken Thomas USA ** *** ****
• Darnn! I can't make it or have had to drop out. 33
Jason Anthony USA *
Evelyn Baess Germany *** ****
Dave Brotherton USA
John Button UK **
Larry Conrad USA *
Wendy Driver UK ** *** ****
Richard Fattorini UK
Beth FitzsimmonsUSA ** ***
Joe Fitzsimmons USA ** ***
Magnus Forsberg Sweden ***
Bernadette Hince Australia **
Charles Johnson USA
Joanna Kafarowski Canada
Valerie Kerr UK **
Laura Kissel USA ***
Regina Koellner Germany *** ****
Duncan Lawie UK **
Elizabeth Leane Australia
Lucy Martin UK
Jim McAdam UK * ** ****
Jim McClelland US
Richard Phillips UK
Gill Poulter UK
Richard Reaney New Zealand
Heather Rossiter Australia
Jay Satterfield USA
Michael Smith UK ****
Bill Spindler USA ****
Mike Tarver UK ** ***
Mark Tewfik UK ***
Eva Marie Widmark UK ***
David Wilson UK **
Jack Wright UK ***