Details on copies of the Aurora Australis

Last updated: 13 June 2022

INDEX OF COPIES BY OWNER. Master Number in red and within parentheses.

A WORD ABOUT NUMBERING: The numbers below in red (01 - 249) have been assigned to specific copies of the Aurora Australis as they have become known to me. These numbers—referred to as Master Numbers—do not change when ownership changes.
          The numbers from 250 and above have been assigned to copies appearing in catalogues and sold at auction as they have become known to me and only occasionally chronologically. When a copy appears more than once in a catalogue or at auction, it is assisned a new number. In numerous cases a copy appears in a catalogue or at auction but has not been assigned a master number because the location of the copy has yet to be determined.

The copies are arranged by groups:
          Group A: Public or Institutional Ownership. (Listed alphabetically by owner.) 01-99
          Group B: Private Ownership. (Listed by the best information currently available and as they have become known to me.) 100-149
          Group C: Private Anonymous Ownership. (Listed by country.) 150-199 None of these have been identified precisely; some may appear in Groups A or B.
          Group D: Copies that lack provenance; That may or may not appear above; That may be lost or can't be traced; That may not exist, etc. Four of these have been identified precisely but their present location is not known; some may appear in Groups A, B or C. 200-249
          Group E: Copies that have Appeared at Auction or in Booksellers' Catalogues and that May Appear Above, or Whose Location is Presently Unknown. Arranged chronologically, earliest dates first. 250 & higher.

Group APublic or Institutional Ownership. (Listed alphabetically by owner.) The numbers 01-99 are reserved for this category.
Total number of copies in this category: 43. Of these, 43 have been confirmed (indicated by an *) as being present at the location given. Of these Robert Stephenson has inspected those indicated by the symbol # (a total of 35).

This Group is listed along with Group B below.

01. Australian Antarctic Division Library*# (20)
02. British Library*# (32) Same as Copy 250.
03. John Carter Brown Library*# (01)
04. Canterbury Museum*# (29) Same as Copy 289.
05. Christ's College, Cambridge*# (11)
06. Columbia University*# (02)
07. Dartmouth College*# (03)
08. Dulwich College*# (12)
09. Dundee Heritage Trust*# (13)
10. Eton College*# (35)
11. Harvard University*# (04)
12. Huntington Library*# (05)
13. Jay I. Kislak Foundation* (41) Same as Copies 268, 303, 312.
14. Library of Congress* (06)
15. Morgan Library*# (07)
16. Museum Victoria*# (25)
17. National Library of Australia (Kivell copy)*# (21)
18. National Library of Australia (White copy)*# (33)
19. National Library of Scotland*# (14)
20. National Maritime Museum (Dawson-Lambton copy)*# (15) Same as Copy 282.
21. National Maritime Museum (Invernairn copy)*# (16)
22. National Trust - Sissinghurst Castle Garden* (45)
23. New York Public Library*# (08)
24. The Newberry Library* (34) Same as Copy 168.
25. The Oates Collections, Selborne*# (42)
26. Royal Collections, Windsor Castle*# (17)
27. Royal Geographical Society*# (43) Same as Copy 206.
28. Scott Polar Research Institute (Mill copy)*# (18)
29. Scott Polar Research Institute (Priestley copy)*# (36)
30. South Australian Museum*# (37)
31. State Library of New South Wales, Dixson Library*# (22)
32. State Library of New South Wales, Mitchell Library*# (23)
33. State Library of South Australia*# (26)
34. State Library of Tasmania*# (24)
35. State Library of Victoria* (44)
36. Alexander Turnbull Library (Kinsey copy)*# (30)
37. Alexander Turnbull Library (Turnbull copy)*# (31)
38. Alexander Turnbull Library (Truscott copy)*# (40) Same as Copies formerly 127 & 273.
39. University of Adelaide*# (27)
40. University of California at Los Angeles* (09) Same as Copy 169.
41. University of Chicago* (10)
42. University of New England* (28)
43. University of Oxford, Bodleian Library*# (19)


01. Dunlop Dummy*# (38) NOW IN GROUP E. Was on loan to SPRI, then sold at auction, Bonhams, 1 February 2017. Present owner unknown. Now Copy 318.
02. Dunlop Giant Tick*# (39) NOW IN GROUP E. Was on loan to SPRI, then sold at auction, Bonhams, 1 February 2017. Present owner unknown. Now Copy 317.

Group BPrivate Ownership. (Listed by the best information currently available. It's quite possible that one or more of these copies is no longer owned by the named.) The numbers 100-149 are reserved for this category.
Total number of copies in this category: 29. Of these, 28 have been confirmed (indicated by an *) as being present at the location given. Of these Robert Stephenson has inspected/seen those indicated by the symbol # (a total of 11).

This Group is listed along with Group A below.

01. Seattle copy* (100)
02. Campbell copy* (101)
03. Crawford copy*# (102) Same as Copy 259.
04. Bay Area USA copy 1 *# (103) Same as Copy 255.
05. Santa Monica USA copy*# (105)
06. Lord Shackleton copy* previously (106)
07. Stephenson copy*# (107) Now Bronxville copy. Same as Copy 251.
08. Taaffe copy*# (108) Same as Copy 157. Same as Copy 290.
09. Taurus Collection* (109) Probably the same as Copies 261, 311.
10. Ernest Joyce copy* (110) Krementz copy. Same as copy 309.
11. Harrison/Metz copy* (111)
12. Jephcott copy*# (113)
13. Scott-Fawcett copy (114) EXISTENCE NOT CONFIRMED
14. Bay Area USA copy 2*# (115)
15. Wordie copy.* (117) Probably the same as Copy 163.
19. West Virginia copy; *# (122) Same as Copies 267, 319.
20. Sir Philip Brocklehurst copy*# (124) formerly in Group D as Copy 201.
22. Simper copy* (126) Same as Copy 274.
23. Cotton copy* (127)
24. Bogolevski copy* (128)
25. Aeneas Mackintosh copy* (130)
26. Murray copy*# (131)
27. Lady Grey copy* (135)
28. Norway copy*# (seen but not inspected) (136) Same as Copy 270.
29. Fossett copy* (137) Same as Copy 320. NOW BEING OFFERED BY JONKERS RARE BOOKS. SEE COPY 326


01. East Coast collector*# (formerly 127) Same as Copies 273 & 40. NOW IN GROUP A (40). Alexander Turnbull Library Truscott copy.
02. Levinson copy)*# (104) NOW IN GROUP E (271) Present owner unknown.
03. Brooke-Hitching copy*# (112) (Since sold at Sotheby's, September 30, 2015) NOW IN GROUP E (315) Present owner unknown.
04. Antipodean Books*# (116) Probably the same as Copy 165. NOW IN GROUP E (321) Present owner unknown.
05. Frost copy.* (118) Also copy 277. NOW IN GROUP E (210) Present owner unknown.
06. Stewart copy 1* (129) Züst copy. Same as Copies 254 and 264. Since sold; present owner unknown. (pre-June 2015). NOW IN GROUP E (323) Present owner unknown.
07. Maggs copy* (132) NOW IN GROUP E (322) Since sold; present owner unknown.
08. Stewart copy 2* (134) (Owned in November 2015 by Buddenbrooks Rare Books.) Stancomb-Wills copy. NOW IN GROUP E (324) Present owner unknown.
09. Sotheby's copy* (137) NOW IN GROUP E (316) Present owner unknown.
10. Reaney copy* (formerly 123) NOW IN GROUP E (321) Present owner unknown.

Group CPrivate Anonymous Ownership. (This nomenclature derives from the work done by John Millard. In some instances the owners are known.) The numbers 150-199 are reserved for this category.
Total number of copies in this category: 14. Of these 0 have been identified. Some could appear above or below.

This Group is listed together below.

01. Argentina Private Collection #1 (150)
02. Australia Private Collection #1 "N.S.W." (151)
03. Australia Private Collection #2 "N.S.W." (152)
04. Australia Private Collection #3 "N.S.W" (153)
05. Australia Private Collection #4 "Victoria" (154)
06. Australia Private Collection #5 "Victoria" (155)
07. France Private Collection #1 (156)
08. New Zealand Private Collection #2 "Near Lower Hutt" (158)
09. New Zealand Private Collection #3 "Near Wellington" (159)
10. UK Private Collection #1 "Oxford" (160)
11. UK Private Collection #2 "London" (161)
12. UK Private Collection #3 "Sutton Coldfield" (162)
13. UK Private Collection #5 "Middlesex" (164)
14. UK Private Collection #8 "London" (167)


01. USA Private Collection #1 "Illinois" (168) Marshall copy. Kendall copy. Fitzgerald copy. Same as Copy 34, Newberry Library. NOW IN GROUP A.
02. USA Private Collection #2 "Los Angeles area" (169) Goodwin copy. Same as Copy 09, UCLA copy. NOW IN GROUP A.
03. New Zealand Private Collection #1 "Near Christchurch" (157) Same as Copies 108 and 290, Donaldson copy, Skellerup copy, Taaffe copy. NOW IN GROUP B.
04. UK Private Collection #4 "Scotland" (163) Probably the same as Copy 117, Scotland copy. Wordie copy. NOW IN GROUP B.
05. UK Private Collection #7 (166). Levinson copy. Same as Copy 271. NOW IN GROUP E.
06. UK Private Collection #6 "Hertfordshire" (165) Probably the same as Copy 116. Same as Copy 321, Antipodean Books. NOW IN GROUP E.

Group DCopies that lack provenance; That may or may not appear above; That may be lost or can't be traced; That may not exist, etc. The numbers 200-249 are reserved for this category.
Total number of copies in this category: 7. Of these 4 have been confirmed (indicated by an *) as having existed at some time in the past.

This Group is listed together below.

01. Bluntisham/Walcot* (200) Could be the same as Copy 162 as I have been told by George Brigham that Patrick Walcot lives in Sutton Coldfield.
02. Herbert Dyce Murphy (202)
03. University of Otago, Hocken Library* previously (203) Present owner unknown.
04. Clare Lodge* (204) Present owner unknown.
05. Prof. Edgeworth David (207)
06. Sir John Smith (209)
07. Kucharek copy* (210) formerly in Group B as Copy 118. Present owner unknown.


01. (208) Was Sir Thomas Ramsay. Since moved to Group A (25), Museum Victoria.
02. (205) Was Dr. E.J.C. Kendall. Since moved to Group A (34), Newberry Library.
03. (206) Was Royal Geographical Society which was thought to have been lost but it has since been found. Since moved to Group A (43).
04. (201) Was Sir Philip Brocklehurst; since moved to Group B (124), Johnny von Haeften.

Group ECopies that have Appeared at Auction or in Booksellers' Catalogues and that May Appear Above, or Whose Location is Presently Unknown. Arranged chronologically, earliest dates first. The numbers 250 and higher are reserved for this category.
Total number of copies in this category: 77.



This Group is listed together below.

Entries for Aurora Australis in American Book Prices Current
Entries for Aurora Australis in Book Auction Records

Individual Sales: (arranged chronologically, earliest first)

Note: Information in the entries below are from either auction catalogues or listings in American Book Prices Current or Book Auction Records. If the copy appears in Groups A, B, C, or D, there will be more information based on catalogue entries, inspection, etc.


  01. Auction sale (307) (Sotheby's, London, February 6, 1912)
  02. Auction sale (292) (Hodgson & Co., London, March 20, 1912)
  03. Auction sale (312) (Sotheby's, London, March 28, 1912)
  04. Auction sale (313) (Sotheby's, London, June 27, 1912)
  05. Auction sale (298) (Puttick & Simpson, London, July 26, 1912)
  06. Auction sale (278) (Sotheby's, London, February 5, 1913)
  07. Auction sale (279) (Sotheby's, London, July 20, 1922)
  08. Auction sale (293) (Hodgson & Co., London, May 11, 1928)
  09. Auction sale (280) (Sotheby's, London, October 13, 1942)
  10. Auction sale (281) (Sotheby's, London, January 24, 1949)
  11. Auction sale (282) (Sotheby's, London, February 24, 1953)
  12. Auction sale (283) (Sotheby's, London, May 11, 1953)
  13. Auction sale (284) (Sotheby's, London, April 9, 1957)
  14. Auction sale (285) (Sotheby's, London, July 3, 1967)
  15. Auction sale (286) (Sotheby's, London, May 20, 1969)
16. Auction sale (250) (Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 21 and 22 October 1969. Streeter copy.) (Same as Copy 32: British Library copy)
  17. Auction sale (287) (Sotheby's, London, November 18, 1969)
  18. Auction sale (288) (Sotheby's, London, July 14, 1970)
19. Bookseller's catalogue (311) (Blackwells, Oxford, 1970.) (Probably the same as Copy 109: Taurus Collection copy)
20. Auction sale (289) (Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London, November 17, 1970. Nuttall copy.) (Same as Copy 29: Canterbury Museum copy)
21. Auction sale (290) (Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London, November 17, 1970. Donaldson copy.) (Same as Copy 108: Taaffe copy)
  22. Bookseller's catalogue (310) (Blackwells, Oxford, Catalogue 916, 1971)
23. Auction sale (314) (Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London, June 12, 1972.) (Same as Copy 105: Santa Monica copy)
24. Auction sale (294) (Sotheby's Chancery Lane, London, December 12, 1975)
25. Auction sale (267) (Sotheby's Chancery Lane, London, June 24, 1976.) (Same as Copies 122 and 302: Fitzsimmons copy; Discovery Book Auctions copy)
  26. Auction sale (299) (Phillips, Son & Neale, London, May 17, 1977)
  27. Auction sale (301) (Christie's, London, July 27, 1977)
  28. Auction sale (296) (Sotheby's Chancery Lane, London, June 9, 1978)
29. Bookseller's catalogue (251) (Francis Edwards, London, 1978.) (Same as Copy 107: Stephenson copy)
  30. Auction sale (300) (Christie's, Sydney, April 23, 1979)
  31. Auction sale (260) (Sotheby's Chancery Lane, London, December 13, 1979)
  32. Auction sale (252) (Christie's & Edmiston's, Scotland, 20 September 1982)
  33. Bookseller's catalogue (253) (Bob Finch, Torrance, November 1982)
  34. Auction sale (295) (Christie's, London, April 16, 1986)
  35. Auction sale (291) (Sotheby's, London, September 22-October 7, 1986)
36. Auction sale (275) (Sotheby's, London, November 18, 1986) (Same as Copies 115 and 304: West Coast, USA copy; Sotheby Parke-Bernet [Manney] 11 October 1991 copy)
  37. Auction sale (305) (Gaston Renard-Leonard Joel Auction, Melbourne, Australia, August 30, 1988)
38. Auction sale (273) (Sotheby's, London, 29 November 1990. Truscott copy.) (Same as Copies 127 & 40: Private East Coast collector copy; Alexander Turnbull Library)
  39. Auction sale (306) (Christie's, London, May 1, 1991). (Same as Copy 100: Seattle copy)
40. Auction sale (274) (Sotheby's, London, 27 June 1991. Lysaght copy.) (Same as Copy 126: Simper copy)
41. Auction sale (304) (Sotheby Parke-Bernet, New York, 11 October 1991. Manney copy.) (Same as Copies 115 and 275: West Coast Coast USA copy; Sotheby's, London, November 18, 1986 copy)
42. Auction sale (309) (Peter Webb Galleries, Auckland, New Zealand, December 10, 1992.) (Same as Copy 110: Ernest Joyce copy. Krementz copy.)
  43. Auction sale (308) (Bloomsbury Book Auctions, London, February 24, 1994. Levinson copy. Buckley copy)
44. Auction sale (254) (Gaston Renard-Leonard Joel, Melbourne, 16 November 1994.) (Same as Copies 130 & 264: Stewart copy; Züst copy)
45. Auction sale (255) (Gaston Renard-Leonard Joel, Melbourne, 16 November 1994.) (Same as Copy 103: Greene copy). Same as Copy 133: West Coast USA copy 2)
46. Auction sale (276) (Sotheby's, 22 June 1995. Laurence Wild copy. Fright copy)
47. Auction sale (277) (Christie's, 25 October 1995. Frank Wild copy. Frost copy.)
48. Auction sale (256) (Christie's London, 27 September 1996. Biscuit copy)
49. Auction sale (257) (High Latitude, Bainbridge Island, 30 September 1996. Priester copy)
50. Auction sale (258) (Christie's London, 26 September 1997. Shaughnessy copy)
51. Auction sale (259) (High Latitude, Bainbridge Island, 29 September 1999. Frank Wild copy. Starr copy.)(Same as Copy 102: Crawford copy)
  52. Auction sales (260) (Sothebys 13 December 1979; Christie's London, 18 April 2000. Perris copy)
53. Auction sale (297) (Christie's King Street London, April 18, 2000. Perris copy)
  54. Auction sale (261) (Bloomsbury Book Auctions, London, 16 September 2000)
55. Auction sale (262) (Christie's London, 25 September 2001. Emily Shackleton copy)
56. Auction sale (263) (Christie's London, 25 September 2001. Cecily Shackleton copy)
57. Auction sale (264) (Christie's London, 9 May 2002. Züst sale.) (Same as Copies 129 & 254: Stewart copy; Gaston Renard-Leonard Joel, Melbourne, 16 November 1994 copy)
58. Auction sale (265) (Christie's London, 25 September 2002. Murchison copy)
  59. Auction sale (266) (Christie's London, 25 September 2002. Stancomb-Wills copy)
60. Auction sales (268) (Bloomsbury, London, 16 October 2003. Bernacchi copy.) (Same as Copies 41, 303, 312: Kislak Foundation copy; Christie's London, 21 September 2005 copy; Sotheby's, London, March 28, 1912 copy)
61. Auction sales (302) (Discovery Book Auctions, Calgary, September 14, 2005) (Same as copies 122: Fitzsimmons copy, 267)
62. Auction sales (303) (Christie's London, 21 September 2005. Bernacchi copy.) (Same as Copies 41, 268, 312: Kislak Foundation copy; Bloomsbury, London, 16 October 2003 copy; Sotheby's, London, March 28, 1912 copy)
63. Auction sale (269) (Anderson & Garland, 21 March 2006. Lady Grey copy) (Same as Copy 135: Meridian copy.)
64. Auction sale (270) (Christie's London, 27 September 2006. Cooper copy) (Same as Copy 136: Norway copy)
65. Auction sale (271) (Swann Galleries, New York, 24 May 2007. Buckley copy) (Was Copy 104: Levinson copy)
66. Auction sale (272) (Bonhams, London, 26 June 2007. Eames copy)
67. Offered at the Boston International Book Fair (321) (Antipodean Books, November 2008) (Same as Copy 116)
  68. Auction sale (322) (Bonhams, London, 30 March 2012. Greene copy) (Same as Copies 133, 255)
69. Offered at the California International Antiquarian Book Fair (323) (Douglas Stewart, Armidale, Victoria, Australia, February 2015) (Züst copy) (Same as Copies 129, 254, 264)
70. Offered at the New York International Book Fair (324) (Maggs, April 2015) (Same as Copy 132)
71. Offered at the London International Antiquarian Book Fair (325) (Douglas Stewart, Armidale, Victoria, Australia, May 2015) (Stancomb-Wills copy) (Same as Copies 134, 266)
72. Auction sale (315) (Sotheby's, London, 30 September 2015. Franklin Brooke-Hitching copy) (Was Copy 112)
73. Auction sale (316) (Sotheby's, London, 28 April 2016. Petit Pois copy) (Was Copy 137)
74. Auction sale (317) (Bonhams, London, 1 February 2017. Dunlop Giant Tick copy) (Was Copy 39.)
75. Auction sale (318) (Bonhams, London, 1 February 2017. Dunlop dummy copy) (Was Copy 38.)
76. Auction sale (319) (Bonhams, New York, 25 September 2018. Fitzsimmons copy) (Same as Copies 122, 267)
77. Auction sale (320) (Leslie Hindman, Chicago, 31 October 2018. Fossett copy). See next entry.
78. Offered at the New York International Antiquarian Book Fair (326) (Jonkers Rare Books, Henley on Thames, UK) (Fossett copy) (Same as Copy 320)
79. Auction sale (327) (Art + Object, Auckland, 11 April 2019. Reaney copy. Same as Copy 123.)
80. Auction sale (328) (Sotheby's, London, 24 May 2022. Laurence Wild copy. Fright copy) (Same as Copy 276)


16. Auction sale (250) (Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 21 and 22 October 1969. Streeter copy.) (Same as Copy 32: British Library copy)
29. Bookseller's catalogue (251) (Francis Edwards, London, 1978.) (Same as Copy 107: Stephenson copy)
  32. Auction sale (252) (Christie's & Edmiston's, Scotland, 20 September 1982)
  33. Bookseller's catalogue (253) (Bob Finch, Torrance, November 1982)
44. Auction sale (254) (Gaston Renard-Leonard Joel, Melbourne, 16 November 1994.) (Same as Copies 130 & 264: Stewart copy; Züst copy)
45. Auction sale (255) (Gaston Renard-Leonard Joel, Melbourne, 16 November 1994.) (Same as Copy 103: Greene copy). Same as Copy 133: West Coast USA copy 2)
48. Auction sale (256) (Christie's London, 27 September 1996. Biscuit copy)
49. Auction sale (257) (High Latitude, Bainbridge Island, 30 September 1996. Priester copy)
50. Auction sale (258) (Christie's London, 26 September 1997. Shaughnessy copy)
51. Auction sale (259) (High Latitude, Bainbridge Island, 29 September 1999. Frank Wild copy. Starr copy.)(Same as Copy 102: Crawford copy)
  52. Auction sales (260) (Sothebys 13 December 1979; Christie's London, 18 April 2000. Perris copy)
  54. Auction sale (261) (Bloomsbury Book Auctions, London, 16 September 2000)
55. Auction sale (262) (Christie's London, 25 September 2001. Emily Shackleton copy)
56. Auction sale (263) (Christie's London, 25 September 2001. Cecily Shackleton copy)
57. Auction sale (264) (Christie's London, 9 May 2002. Züst sale.) (Same as Copies 129 & 254: Stewart copy; Gaston Renard-Leonard Joel, Melbourne, 16 November 1994 copy)
58. Auction sale (265) (Christie's London, 25 September 2002. Murchison copy)
  59. Auction sale (266) (Christie's London, 25 September 2002. Stancomb-Wills copy)
  31. Auction sale (260) (Sotheby's Chancery Lane, London, December 13, 1979)
25. Auction sale (267) (Sotheby's Chancery Lane, London, June 24, 1976.) (Same as Copies 122 and 302: Fitzsimmons copy; Discovery Book Auctions copy)
60. Auction sales (268) (Bloomsbury, London, 16 October 2003. Bernacchi copy.) (Same as Copies 41, 303, 312: Kislak Foundation copy; Christie's London, 21 September 2005 copy; Sotheby's, London, March 28, 1912 copy)
63. Auction sale (269) (Anderson & Garland, 21 March 2006. Lady Grey copy) (Same as Copy 135: Meridian copy.)
64. Auction sale (270) (Christie's London, 27 September 2006. Cooper copy) (Same as Copy 136: Norway copy)
65. Auction sale (271) (Swann Galleries, New York, 24 May 2007. Buckley copy) (Was Copy 104: Levinson copy)
66. Auction sale (272) (Bonhams, London, 26 June 2007. Eames copy)
38. Auction sale (273) (Sotheby's, London, 29 November 1990. Truscott copy.) (Same as Copies 127 & 40: Private East Coast collector copy; Alexander Turnbull Library)
40. Auction sale (274) (Sotheby's, London, 27 June 1991. Lysaght copy.) (Same as Copy 126: Simper copy)
36. Auction sale (275) (Sotheby's, London, November 18, 1986) (Same as Copies 115 and 304: West Coast, USA copy; Sotheby Parke-Bernet [Manney] 11 October 1991 copy)
46. Auction sale (276) (Sotheby's, 22 June 1995. Laurence Wild copy. Fright copy)
47. Auction sale (277) (Christie's, 25 October 1995. Frank Wild copy. Frost copy.)
  06. Auction sale (278) (Sotheby's, London, February 5, 1913)
  07. Auction sale (279) (Sotheby's, London, July 20, 1922)
  09. Auction sale (280) (Sotheby's, London, October 13, 1942)
  10. Auction sale (281) (Sotheby's, London, January 24, 1949)
  11. Auction sale (282) (Sotheby's, London, February 24, 1953)
  12. Auction sale (283) (Sotheby's, London, May 11, 1953)
  13. Auction sale (284) (Sotheby's, London, April 9, 1957)
  14. Auction sale (285) (Sotheby's, London, July 3, 1967)
  15. Auction sale (286) (Sotheby's, London, May 20, 1969)
  17. Auction sale (287) (Sotheby's, London, November 18, 1969)
  18. Auction sale (288) (Sotheby's, London, July 14, 1970)
20. Auction sale (289) (Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London, November 17, 1970. Nuttall copy.) (Same as Copy 29: Canterbury Museum copy)
21. Auction sale (290) (Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London, November 17, 1970. Donaldson copy.) (Same as Copy 108: Taaffe copy)
  35. Auction sale (291) (Sotheby's, London, September 22-October 7, 1986)
  02. Auction sale (292) (Hodgson & Co., London, March 20, 1912)
  08. Auction sale (293) (Hodgson & Co., London, May 11, 1928)
24. Auction sale (294) (Sotheby's Chancery Lane, London, December 12, 1975)
  34. Auction sale (295) (Christie's, London, April 16, 1986)
  28. Auction sale (296) (Sotheby's Chancery Lane, London, June 9, 1978)
53. Auction sale (297) (Christie's King Street London, April 18, 2000. Perris copy)
  05. Auction sale (298) (Puttick & Simpson, London, July 26, 1912)
  26. Auction sale (299) (Phillips, Son & Neale, London, May 17, 1977)
  30. Auction sale (300) (Christie's, Sydney, April 23, 1979)
  27. Auction sale (301) (Christie's, London, July 27, 1977)
61. Auction sales (302) (Discovery Book Auctions, Calgary, September 14, 2005) (Same as copies 122: Fitzsimmons copy, 267)
62. Auction sales (303) (Christie's London, 21 September 2005. Bernacchi copy.) (Same as Copies 41, 268, 312: Kislak Foundation copy; Bloomsbury, London, 16 October 2003 copy; Sotheby's, London, March 28, 1912 copy)
41. Auction sale (304) (Sotheby Parke-Bernet, New York, 11 October 1991. Manney copy.) (Same as Copies 115 and 275: West Coast Coast USA copy; Sotheby's, London, November 18, 1986 copy)
  37. Auction sale (305) (Gaston Renard-Leonard Joel Auction, Melbourne, Australia, August 30, 1988)
  39. Auction sale (306) (Christie's, London, May 1, 1991). (Same as Copy 100: Seattle copy)
  01. Auction sale (307) (Sotheby's, London, February 6, 1912)
  43. Auction sale (308) (Bloomsbury Book Auctions, London, February 24, 1994. Levinson copy. Buckley copy)
42. Auction sale (309) (Peter Webb Galleries, Auckland, New Zealand, December 10, 1992.) (Same as Copy 110: Ernest Joyce copy. Krementz copy.)
  22. Bookseller's catalogue (310) (Blackwells, Oxford, Catalogue 916, 1971)
19. Bookseller's catalogue (311) (Blackwells, Oxford, 1970.) (Probably the same as Copy 109: Taurus Collection copy)
  03. Auction sale (312) (Sotheby's, London, March 28, 1912)
  04. Auction sale (313) (Sotheby's, London, June 27, 1912)
23. Auction sale (314) (Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London, June 12, 1972.) (Same as Copy 105: Santa Monica copy)
72. Auction sale (315) (Sotheby's, London, 30 September 2015. Franklin Brooke-Hitching copy) (Was Copy 112)
73. Auction sale (316) (Sotheby's, London, 28 April 2016. Petit Pois copy) (Was Copy 137)
74. Auction sale (317) (Bonhams, London, 1 February 2017. Dunlop Giant Tick copy) (Was Copy 39.)
75. Auction sale (318) (Bonhams, London, 1 February 2017. Dunlop dummy copy) (Was Copy 38.)
76. Auction sale (319) (Bonhams, New York, 25 September 2018. Fitzsimmons copy) (Same as Copies 122, 267)
77. Auction sale (320) (Leslie Hindman, Chicago, 31 October 2018. Fossett copy). See next entry.
67. Offered at the Boston International Book Fair (321) (Antipodean Books, November 2008) (Same as Copy 116)
  68. Auction sale (322) (Bonhams, London, 30 March 2012. Greene copy) (Same as Copies 133, 255)
69. Offered at the California International Antiquarian Book Fair (323) (Douglas Stewart, Armidale, Victoria, Australia, February 2015) (Züst copy) (Same as Copies 129, 254, 264)
70. Offered at the New York International Book Fair (324) (Maggs, April 2015) (Same as Copy 132)
71. Offered at the London International Antiquarian Book Fair (325) (Douglas Stewart, Armidale, Victoria, Australia, May 2015) (Stancomb-Wills copy) (Same as Copies 134, 266)
78. Offered at the New York International Antiquarian Book Fair (326) (Jonkers Rare Books, Henley on Thames, UK) (Fossett copy) (Same as Copy 320)
79. Auction sale (327) (Art + Object, Auckland, 11 April 2019. Reaney copy. Same as Copy 123.)
80. Auction sale (328) (Sotheby's, London, 24 May 2022. Laurence Wild copy. Fright copy) (Same as Copy 276)


Group A—Total Number: 43. Confirmed: 43.
Group B—Total Number: 29. Confirmed: 28.
Group C—Total Number: (14), included above or below. Confirmed: (0), included above or below.
Group D—Total Number: 7. Confirmed: 4
Group E—Total Number: (79). Confirmed: (23), included above in Group A or B.
Net Total: 79 excluding those in parentheses. Net Confirmed: 75 excluding those in parentheses.

There are 75 copies that are known to exist and where. To these may be added up to 51 copies that existed at one time and were sold at auction or by booksellers but whose whereabouts are not known today. Some of these copies are duplicates (sold more than once) and some, particularly the earlier ones, no doubt appear in Groups A and B but haven't been recognized as ones having at one time appeared in Group E.
Conceivably there could exist upwards of 100 copies.

Groups A & B


David and Cathy Lilburne at the 2008 Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair
with their copy of the Aurora.

Copy Number: 116     Other identifiers: Honey copy; Barraclough copy; [DEME]RARA [SUG]AR copy
Location: Garrison, NY, USA.    

Information on the Antipodean Books copy of Aurora Australis

In 1984 this copy was owned by Mrs Madeleine Barraclough, Little Hallingbury Park, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, UK. John Millard corresponded with her about the copy and it is in all likelihood the one he identifies as "UK Private Collection #6 Hertfordshire, UK" (No 165).

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: RARA | AR horizontally oriented. In full, this would be DEMERARA SUGAR. A very small portion of the second E in Demerara and the G in Sugar appear at the outer edge of the board.
      b) Inside back cover: Upside down and with ca. one-half clipped off at the edge. [J & T B]AYLEY L[td] [Lond]ON EC between the rules of a double-rule oval. Inside the oval: [Exp]ORT | [Pack]ERS. The full stencil probably reads: J & T BAYLEY LTD LONDON EC [not readable] EXPORT PACKERS. A street address was probably included as well.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): No inscriptions other than the attached letter described below.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Rebacked but with the original spine. No loose sheets. Very good to fine copy. Outer front and back covers clean. Green cord present.

11. Provenance: A presentation copy from Shackleton to a Mr. Honey. Eventually to a Mrs Barraclough, Bishop's Stortford, Herts. This is in all likelihood the copy that John Millard identified as "UK Private Collection #6" (see No 165).

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: The handwritten note affixed to the recto of the first leaf is in ink and on the letterhead of the "Marlborough Club. | Pall Mall, S.W." It reads: 14th. Oct 1912. | Dear Mr Honey | I also am | a devil to | remember a | promise so | here send you | with my warmest | regards The | book we made | down South. | I shall look | forward to | seeing you | soon. | In haste | Sincerely Yours | Ernest Shackleton".

The book is stored in a light brown linen custom box with dark brown leather spine with AURORA | AUSTRALIS in gilt near the head with raised bands and gilt panels.

Notes: August 2012: This copy has since been sold. Present owner unknown to me.

Source: Personal inspection, November 2008 and 5 October 2010.

Contacts: David and Cathy Lilburne, Antipodean Books, Garrison, New York.

Left: Inside front cover. Center: Inside back cover. Right: Letter on first leaf.


Copy Number: 20     Other identifiers: Butter copy; Firth copy; ANARE copy; John King Davis copy
Location: Australian Antarctic Division, Channel Highway, Kingston, Tasmania, Australia.

Information on the Australian Antarctic Division copy of Aurora Australis

The AAD copy is stored in a wood box with a plexiglas top. A rubber stamp with A.N.A.R.E. | LIBRARY within an oval appears occasionally throughout. There's a variety of newspaper clippings, letters, etc., accompanying the copy.
Correspondence between the Division and John Millard shed light on this copy and others.

Call Number: unknown, possibly 91 (08) (*7) 1907-09 | Br. Ant. Ex. | (Shackleton) as below.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: None
      b) Inside back cover: BUTTER [running upward vertically]

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) In the Stables; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Rebacked, original backstrip laid on, also top and bottom bands. Reinforcement strips at some gutter edges. Green cord present. Boards clean and in good condition; no splitting or bowing.

11. Provenance: The bookplate on the recto of the first blank is of W.B. Firth who appears to have lived in the Hobart area according to an Internet search. No other details on who he was have been found, however. How and when this copy came to the AAD is not known. Below the bookplate is a rubber stamp:"A.N.A.R.E. | LIBRARY". At the top the following is handwitten: "91 (08) (*7) 1907-09 | Br. Ant. Ex. | (Shackleton)". Within a rectangular rubber stamp is written "Aq564".
In a letter dated 15 April 1982, A.W. Jackson of the AAD wrote John Millard of Toronto stating that: "The Antarctic Division's copy is contained in the rare book collection of our library, which is composed mainly of the book collection of Captain J.K. Davis. We acquired 'Aurora Australis', and other volumes, from a personal friend of Davis after his death. This person is, or was, resident in New South Wales. He is the person referred to, but not named, on page xi of Davis' biography 'High Latitude', published in 1962." This mystery person could conceivably be W.B. Firth but if so one would think that Jackson would say so or at least suggest it. John King Davis died on 8 May 1967 so if this copy was indeed Davis's then it would have come to the Anare/AAD after that date. (Confirmed as copies once owned by Davis are copy 24 at the State Library of Tasmania in Hobart and copy 28 at the University of New England in Armidale. According to Millard, Davis also gave a copy to Herbert D. Murphy but exactly which copy this is, is unclear.)

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Personal inspection 24 June 2010.

Contacts: Dr Andie Smithies, Librarian; Graeme Watt, Assistant Librarian.

Inside front cover and bookplate.

Inside back cover.


Source of left photo:

Copy Number: 32     Other identifiers: Streeter copy. Same as Copy 250.
Location: British Library, St Pancras, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB.    

Information on the British Library copy of Aurora Australis

System number: 001128133
Cataloguing level: Minimal record
Author - corporate: British Antarctic Expedition (1907-1909)
Title: Aurora Australis. (Illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston.) [Written by members of the British Antarctic Expedition. The editor’s preface and “additional preface” signed: E. H. Shackleton.]
Publisher/year: Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July, 1908.
Physical descr.: Pages not numbered: plates. 28 cm.
General note: “Printed at the sign of ’The Penguins’; by Joyce and Wild.” The covers are made from packing-cases. The fly-leaf is inscribed “Ernest Shackleton, editor”. With typescript correspondence between T. W. Streeter and W. A. Jackson, dated December, 1954, inserted, relating to the publication of this book in a limited edition of ninety copies.
Added name: JACKSON, William Alexander.
Marston, George.
Shackleton, Ernest Henry, Sir, 1874-1922.
STREETER, Thomas Winthrop.
Holdings (All): Details
Shelfmark: C.175.h.11. Request

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): No
      a) Inside front cover:
      b) Inside back cover:

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "Ernest Shackleton, Editor" on recto of first blank. Above this in pencil: "Maggs July 1950 25£ [??] $70". Also noted here: "Rebacked by Bernard Middleton 1970. Small portion of spine pasted inside back cover." The portion included is the penguin logotype. It is affixed next to the leather joint equidistant from the top and bottom edges of the boards.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) In the Stables; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: The condition of the leaves is excellent. No apparent loose leaves of holes torn through. The exterior of the front board has many little vertical grain openings, possibly original. Slightly soiled. It is somewhat cupped (convexed). Exterior bottom board has two knots, the lower one open to the next lower Venesta layer. The first knot is at the top ca. 1/4 inch out from the leather spine and right at the top edge. The second knot is in the lower left corner. The inside bottom board has no stencilling. The logotype is affixed as described above. There is a knothole in top right corner which passes through to the next layer of Venesta. The spine is new with title stamped in blind but no penguin logotype. The green cord is present.

11. Provenance: At the Thomas Streeter Sale at Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 21-22 October 1969, Lot 4146, an Aurora—also inscribed "Ernest Shackleton, Editor"—sold for $500 (according to John Millard). In the catalogue description, provenance is given as "Maggs Bros., 1950." See aurora.sales.htm#Park-Bernet. This likely to be the same copy.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy is kept in a reddish-brown linen clamshell box with brown leather label with title in gilt within double horizontal rules: "AURORA | AUSTRALIS". Below this , in the linen in gilt is "1908". There is a small paper label at top with "C. 175" in black and a similar one at the foot "h11". These two labels are repeated as well on the spine of the book itself. There is a small oval black leather bookplate on the inside front cover: "EX | TWS | LIBRIS" within a double red rule [the intitials of Thomas Winthrop Streeter]. Above this in pencil appears: "C. 1775 h11".
After the first blank leaf (which may not be original but added) is a yellowed typed letter, probably a copy, addressed to William A. Jackson, Houghton Library, dated December 29, 1954. From Streeter (though not signed) asking about the number of copies printed. Refers to the Annual Reports of Houghton Library 1953-54 (1954). And a second letter dated December 30, 1954, to Thomas W. Streeter from William A. Jackson. Typed, signed, on the letterhead of Houghton Library. Says he got the number printed from a Quaritch catalogue.
Several small round red BM with crown above rubber stamps appear thoughout.
This is the same copy as number 250, the Streeter copy, which sold at Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 21-22 October 1969.

Source: Personal inspection 21 October 2010.



Copy Number: 124     Other identifiers: Marrow copy

Information on the Brocklehurst copy of Aurora Australis

John Millard, in a letter to Robert Stephenson, dated 18 July 1986, writes: "It was originally a copy given to Sir Philip Brocklehurst, as a member of the Expedition, it is presently with his family in Britain. The owner says it is in storage at present, he is moving into a new house this summer, and will send me the details later this years."

This copy is currently with a Brocklehurst descendant and was inspected by Robert Stephenson in London on 4 November 2011.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: FAT PE[as?]
      b) Inside back cover: MARR[o]W

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None at all

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) In the Stables; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: Condition of boards is excellent. Many leaves separated at the punch holes. Green cord present. Original spine with logo. Some splitting of the joints top and bottom.

11. Provenance: From Sir Philip Brocklehurst, with his bookplate on the inner top board. By descent to his grand nephew, the present owner.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Personal inspection 4 November 2011.


Inside front and back covers.


Copy Number: 112     Other identifiers:
Location: West Berkshire, UK.    

Information on the Brooke-Hitching copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: B43931 | 25.1 LB TINS | BRITISH running upward vertically with the base of the lettering closest to the outer edge. The numbers are partially obscured by the leather binding and could be somewhat different.
      b) Inside back cover: [AN]TARCT[IC] | NIMRO[D] | [L]YTTELT[ON] | AND PART [these words could be Land Party] | TEA | 1 The lettering is upside down, TARCT being at the bottom.
See copy 107 for very similar stencilling.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? A

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Excellent

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Personal inspection, 3 June 2008.



Copy Number: 01     Other identifiers: Swan copy; [ST]EWED KIDNEYS copy. Same as Copy 285.
Location: John Carter Brown Library, Brown University, Box 1894, Providence, Rhode Island 02912, USA.    

Information on the John Carter Brown Library copy of Aurora Australis

The entry in Josiah, the Brown University Library Catalog, is at (which is largely reproduced below)

Call Number: 1-SIZE D908 .A931a. Originally it was: 68-55 | 8-1-67 | Sothebys | S908 | -B862a. Later (May 2002) the call number was apparently D908 | B862a. (This information is from my inspection of the book on two occasions.)

Title: 1908-09. Aurora australis. : [Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings: / by George Marston.]
Published: Printed at the sign of ʻThe Penguins'; : by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77° 32ʹ South, longitude 166° 12ʹ east Antarctica, [1908]
Descript'n: [196] p., [9] leaves of plates : ill. ; 28 cm.
CALL #: 1-SIZE D908 .A931a
Contents: [From table of contents] The ascent of Mount Erebus / by T.W. Edgeworth David -- Midwinter night / by Nemo -- Trials of a messman / by a messman -- A pony watch / by Putty --Southward bound / by Lapsus Linguae -- An interview with an emperor / by A.F.M -- Erebus / by Nemo -- An ancient manuscript / by Shellback -- Life under difficulties / by J. Murray -- Bathybia / by Douglas Mawson.
Note: First part of title taken from p. [3], which is the title proper with hand colored illustration; second part of title and statement of responsibility taken from p. [7], which also contains the imprint statement.
Title page proper printed within ornamental border, followed by hand-colored vignette of two explorers on a landscape against a blue background with a white aurora australis.
The first book ever printed in the Polar regions, edited by Ernest Henry Shackleton, who describes the printing press and printing office in the Additional preface on p. [15-16].
Comprised of loose sheets, consisting of narratives, essays, and poetry, laced into wooden covers, which are made of packing-cases which contained the provisions. Only 90 copies of this work were printed.
Each chapter is preceded by a divisional title page, printed in red, with the rubric of "the penguins" also printed in red; each chapter has its own caption title with an initial for the first letter of the first word of the text.
According to Robert Stephenson in his online reference source for the Aurora Australis (see link to webpage below), there are several variants of various parts of this work. The first variant regards the stencilling of the insides of the boards; some are stencilled and some have no marking whatsoever. The second variant concerns the illustration on the title page; the first state has a dark, mysterious device on the right side of illustration and in the second state, the propeller shaped marking is wanting. The third variant regards whether or not Shackelton or any others on the expedition signed the work. The fourth variant regards a text variant in the chapter entitled "An ancient manuscript"; in the first state the verso of the third leaf has an illustration entitled "Many shekels were needed for the ship to go forth" and the second has only text. The fifth variant regards the placement of the penguin rubric on the divisional title page of "The Messman" chapter; in the first state it is printed at the top of the page and in the second it is printed at the bottom of the page. The sixth element of the work know to be a variant is the presence or lack of a divisional title page "A giant tick was investigating the carcasse" [an illustration is meant to be mounted on the verso of this leaf]. The seventh variant regards the running title on the verso of the second leaf of "A pony watch" chapter; in the first state it reads "Aurora Australis," and in the second it reads "Aurora Australis.". The eighth variant concerns the running title on the 17th page of "The Ascent of Mount Erebus"; in some copies it reads "The ascent of Erebus" and in others it reads "The Ascent of Erebus". The ninth variant concerns the spelling of Sir James Clark Ross on line one of the first page of "The ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter; the first variant has the incorrect spelling of his name as "Sir James Clarke Ross" and in the other the name is spelled correctly as "Sir James Clark Ross". The tenth variant regards the presence of illustrations mounted to paper instead of full printed plates; in some copies there are plates which have been mounted to paper and bound thusly and in the others these mounted illustrations do not exist. The eleventh variant regards the fourth line of text on the 11th page of "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter; in the first state of this page "household goods is misprinted as "household gods" and in the other it is printed correctly. The twelfth variant concerns the second line of text on the 13th page of "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter; the last word of the second line of text is either printed as "knees," or "knees.". The thirteenth variant also concerns the "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter; the second word of the 8th line from top can either appear as "30°", "34°" or sometimes both.
Signatures: all leaves unsigned; most individual sections are followed by blank leaves.
John Carter Brown Library copy imperfect: several leaves are fully detached from the lacing.
John Carter Brown Library copy has edition of this work in which there is stencilling on the inside of both boards; the title page illustration lacks the dark, mysterious propeller shaped device in the hand-colored illustration; there are no autographs or presentation inscriptions of either Shackelton or any of the crew; in the chapter entitled "An ancient manuscript", the verso of the third leaf has the illustration entitled "Many shekels were needed for the ship to go forth"; the placement of the penguin rubric on the divisional title page of "The Messman" chapter is located at the bottom of the page; the divisional title page "A giant tick was investigating the carcasse" [an illustration is meant to be mounted on the verso of this leaf] is wanting in this copy; the running title on the verso of the second leaf of "A pony watch" chapter reads "Aurora Australis,"; the running title on the 17th page of "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" reads "The ascent of Erebus"; line one of the first page of "The ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter has the incorrect spelling of "Sir James Clarke Ross"; library copy has mounted illustrations on paper of "In the stables" of "The pony watch chapter" and "Fourtheen good and true" in the "Erebus" chapter; the fourth line of text on the 11th page of "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter is misprinted as "household gods"; the second line of text on the 13th page of "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter is printed as "knees."; finally, the second word of the 8th line from top of "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter appears as "34°".
John Carter Brown Library copy is bound in bevelled wooden boards made from the packing-cases of the expedition; on the inside of the front wooden board is stencilled, in capital letters, "[St]ewed Kidneys" and on the inside of the rear wooden board is stamped, in capital letters, "[Anta]rctic 1907"; volume has been rebacked; the book is housed in tan linen-covered boards with calf spine phase box measuring 30 cm. in height.
John Carter Brown Library copy acquired partly with the assistance of the Metcalf Fund and partly through the gift of Bradford F. Swan in memory of Lila L. Swan.
Provenance of the John Carter Brown Library copy: Lauri E Michin Shenroni [?]: ms. autograph at head of caption title of "The ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter.
LCCN: 13012986
Add No: ocm14213274 ocm13629688
Rlin/Oclc: ocn726857618

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: EWED KIDNEYS
      b) Inside back cover: RCTIC | 1907.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): No signatures or inscriptions, although there is a name in ink on top of the page that begins 'Erebus' and ends with 'show' in the chapter entitled "The Ascent of Mount Erebus": It appears to be: 'Lauri E Michin Shenroni' (see photo below)

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) In the Stables; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "Better than average condition. Appears not to have been rebacked. Original blind-stamped title and logo are present. Joint of upper board split along its length on the outer surface, although still attached. Joint of lower board slightly split in places. Some fairly deep scratches in the wood of the inner surfaces of both boards. The boards are somewhat soiled. There are three large somewhat circular stains vertically above one another on the outer surface of the upper board. On the outer surface of the lower board, there is a knothole on the upper left corner with the lower layer of the Venesta board showing. A few sheets loose or separated. Green cord present."

11. Provenance: Purchased at a Sotheby sale, 3 (& 4) July 1968 (possibly 1967—American Book Prices Current, 1967 edition), Lot 198. Bought by Maggs at £260. (This sale was described as "Americana and books on voyages and travel, atlases and maps...the property of the Earl Amherst, the Royal Cornwall Yacht Club, the Devon and Exeter Institution, Commander W.D.M. Stavely and other donors.").
According to "THE EXPLORATION OF ANTARCTICA, an exhibition of books and maps based on the Swan Collection given to the John Carter Brown Library in memory of Lila L. Swan by Bradford F. Swan." the JCB Aurora was "purchased in part with the gift of Bradford F. Swan." See

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 34°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: The book is stored in a phase box although this was not seen. In the lower left corner of the inner surface of the upper board are four letters in pencil, diagonally, in two rows: CP above SD.
In the upper right corner of the inner surface of the lower board is the following in pencil: 68-55 | 81-67 | Sotheby's | D908 | B862a | 1-SIZE. In the lower right corner: 5/7/67 | agsl [or similar].

Source: R. Stephenson, personal inspection (11 February 1983, 3 May 2002 and 22 April 2011).

Contacts: Kim Nusco, Reference and Manuscript Librarian.

Inside front and back covers.

Unrecognizable inscription at start of The Ascent of Mount Erebus.


Copy Number: 101     Other identifiers:

Information on the Campbell copy of Aurora Australis

Cdr Campbell purchased his copy from Francis Edwards.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BUT
      b) Inside back cover: TER

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True ["G. Marston (Sketch Book) written in pencil"]
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Purchased from Francis Edwards no later than September 1980.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Correspondence between the owner and Robert Stephenson.



Copy Number: 29    Other identifiers: Nuttall copy; TARCTIC | ON 1907
Location: Canterbury Museum, Rolleston Avenue, Christchurch, New Zealand    

Information on the Canterbury Museum copy of Aurora Australis

On the verso of the front board is taped a typed sheet: "First printed book produced in the Antarctic. This copy of "Aurora Australis" one of an edition of 100 printed at the winter quarters (Cape Royds) of the British Antarctic Expedition during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908. Was presented by Sir Ernest Shackleton to Mr. Henry Nuttall in 1911. Purchased 1970." [This was observed in 1991. It may not have been present in 2010.]
VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes.
      a) Inside front cover: None (There is a slight horizontal split and a knot hole in the lower half of the inside cover, not going through to the outer surface.
      b) Inside back cover: TARCTIC | ON 1907 (Upside down at foot of board. The O is only partially present. The entire word is undoubtedly EXPEDITION.)

2. Inscriptions (text and location): On recto of first blank leaf in ink: "To Henry Nuttall with | Kindest wishes from the Editor E.H. Shackleton, | in remembrance of the | practical help to our | Scientific Results and | the always sympathetic | attitude towards the Expedition | August 1911 | This book was made in | the Antarctic. | E.H. Shackleton."
Nuttall was apparently the chairman of the council of the Manchester Geographical Society according to an article on the copy in the December 1970 issue of Antarctic.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown but assumed to be spelled Clarke.

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Excellent. Backstrip appears to be original and unrepaired. No markings on exterior of boards. (1991)
Outer top and bottom boards are fine and unmarked. Rebacked without the penguin logo. Some leaves loose or separated. (2010)

11. Provenance: "Purchased 1970", probably from Sotheby's. John Millard, in a letter to Robert Stephenson dated 1 May 1982, says: "Both copies were bought at auction, at Sotheby's, London, 17th November 1970." (The second copy was also P.J. Skellerup's which is now owned by Seamus Taaffe—copy 110.)

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: R. Stephenson, personal inspection (5 February 1991, May 2010); Joanna Condon (Information Manager / Curator of Manuscripts Canterbury Museum).

Contacts: Joanna Condon (Information Manager / Curator of Manuscripts Canterbury Museum).

Inside back cover.

WILLIAM CHRISANT COPY (Now owned by a New Zealand collector)

Copy Number: 128     Other identifiers: Bottled Liquid copy; Bogoievski copy (current owner)
Location: Old Florida Bookshop, 3426 Griffin Road, Hollywood, Florida 33312, USA.    
Web: and

There is no record that definitively identifies this as a copy that has earlier been sold at auction or appeared in a bookseller's catalogue. The lack of any signatures or inscriptions makes identifying the copy and tracking its provenance difficult. There is only one previously identified copy with similar stencilling (LIQUID): No. 27, owned by the University of Adelaide and possibly once owned by Sir Douglas Mawson. It also has no signatures or inscriptions.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: RITISH | TARCTIC | EDITION running downward vertically with the top of the lettering closest to the gutter edge. Only about one half of the third line (EDITION and a little bit of the P) appears, it being cut by the outer edge of the upper board.
      b) Inside back cover: The letter BOTTLED | LIQUI running from right to left slightly about the center of the inner board.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Black and white
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not Present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "Virgin"

11. Provenance: "None certain other than probably having been bought in London in the fifties."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Now owned, as of 2015, by a New Zealand collector.

Source: William Chrisant,

Contacts: William Chrisant,

Above: Front upper board. Verso showing stenciling.
Below: Inner lower board showing stenciling. Spine.


Copy Number: 11     Other identifiers: [IRI]SH STEW copy; CUTLETS copy; Raymond Priestley copy.
Location: St Andrew's Street, Cambridge CB2 3BU, UK

Information on the Christ's College copy of Aurora Australis

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: SH STEW running downward vertically with the base of the lettering closest to the outer edge. Probably IRISH STEW.
      b) Inside back cover: ON CUTLETS running downward vertically with the top of the lettering closest to the outer edge. Could be MUTTON CUTLETS.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "No inscriptions but the bookplate of Raymond Priestley is present on a blank leaf which now is at the end of the volume although the book being disbound this blank could very well have originally been at the beginning. The College has a letter from Priestley that accompanied the donation, dated 6 June 1921."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present [John Millard, in a letter to Robert Stephenson dated 10 June 1985, says 'this copy has an extra illustration title/cover sheet, "A Giant Tick was Investigating the Carcase."']

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) In the Stables; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "All the leaves have become separated from the cord but are otherwise in good condition. The spine is a little cracked at the front edge, and is original with the blind-stamped trade mark and title."
The outer surface of the top board has a slight vertical split in the first layer of Venesta going from the top edge downward ca. 1-1/2 inches; otherwise clean.
The outer surface of the bottom board is clean with no marks. A small piece of the second layer of Venesta is missing, ca. 1/8 inch.
Spine is cracked in places at the joints. Original spine; does not appear to have been rebacked. Logotype and title present. The spine has the same paper labels as the storage box (see below).
Many page holes pulled through.
The green cord is present.
The copy is completely disbound.

11. Provenance: Presented to the College by Raymond Edward Priestley, the original owner.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy is kept in a tan buckram clamshell box with black leather labels. The upper label as in gilt "AURORA | AUSTRALIS" and the lower label has "1908-09", both in gilt. There are also paper labels: Very top "AA"; middle "3"; above lower leather label "8". No markings inside. There are items within the box, mostly captions used when exhibiting the book.

In the box loose are two letters handwritten in ink. The first is a two page, single sheet dated 9/6/21 and signed R.E. Priestley.
"38 Alpha Road, Chesterton, 9/6/21. Dear Master, I leave herewith the magazine printed and illustrated in latitude 77.30°S by the Shackleton Expedition. There are few copies in existence as it is the only printed book of its kind. If the College Library would care to have it they are welcome to keep it. The book is bound, as you will see, in some of the covers of our provision cases. All the work and articles were done by members of the Expedition. Yours sincerely R.E. Priestley."
The second letter is a two page, single sheet dated 3/3/70 and signed Raymond Priestley. In another hand is the first letter copied. It reads:
"Barn Hill, Bredon's Norton, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, Tel: Bredon 209. 3/3/70. Dear Sir, After the Scott Antarctic Expedition ended in 1913 I became a Fellow Common of Christs College. I gave to the library my copy of the 'Aurora Australis', the first book ever printed in Antarctica. This book, of which there was only 100 copies printed, was bound in wood of the lids of the venesta cases in which our provisions were packed. Could you kindly tell me what, if anything, is written on the copy you doubtless still have—for it must be very valuable today. I need to know because I wish to refer to the fact in a note I am writing & should like to be correct. My memory is not too bad, but at 83 I cannot be certain of things like this. Sorry to trouble you. Yours sincerely, Raymond Priestley."

Source: E-mail from Jane Gregory, Old Library, Christ's College to Robert Stephenson 24 March 2010. Personal inspection 18 October 2010.

Contacts: Jane Gregory, Old Library, Christ's College.

Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.
Images provided by Christ's College.

Raymond Priestley's bookplate.
Image provided by Christ's College.


Copy Number: 02     Other identifiers: Bassett Jones copy; PATES copy; SUGAR copy
Location: Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Butler Library, 6th floor East, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027, USA.    

Information on the Columbia copy of Aurora Australis (Source:

Title: Aurora australis. [Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston.
Physical Description: 6 p.l., [151] p. I illus., 10 pl. 28 cm.
Publisher/ Date: Printed at the sign of ʻThe Penguins’; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77° 32ʹ South, longitude 166° 12ʹ east. Antarctica [1908]
Notes: Title within ornamental border, with vignette in colors. At head of title: 1908-09.
The first book ever printed in the Polar regions; ed. by E. H. Shackleton. Loose sheets laced in wooden covers, made of packing-cases which contained the provisions. Only 90 copies printed.
Contains signatures of the editor and illustrator.
Contents: The ascent of Mount Erebus; T.W.E. David.
Midwinter night; Nemo.
Trials of a messman; a messman.
A pony watch; Putty.
Southward bound; Lapsus Linguæ.
An interview with an emperor; A.F.M.
Erebus; Nemo.
An ancient manuscript; Shellback.
Life under difficulties; J. Murray.
Bathybia; D. Mawson.
LCCN: 13012986
Location (guide): Rare Book, Butler 6th Fl. East (Non-Circulating)
Call Number: B999 Au6

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: None although two bookplates; see notes below.
      b) Inside back cover: PATES running upward vertically with the base of the lettering closest to the outer edge. Allen Mawer gives SUGAR as also being on the back inside cover but this is not accurate (see below under 'Condition').

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Contains the signatures of the editor and illustrator "Ernest H. Shackleton | George Marston" on recto of second blank leaf.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Backstrip off entirely. (10 October 1980). The spine is totally separated and is loose in the box. It consists of the outer leather (which has the title and logo stamped in blind) and a backing of venesta, seemingly thinner than that of the covers. On this is the upper portion of the word SUGAR running veritcally upward. The stencilling would have been opposite the inner edges of the printed sheets. What leather remains on the covers is rubbed. Green cord present. The front cover has some speckling, probably as issued. The back cover has two knots, one close to the outer edge and the second abutting the leather strip. Some speckling as well. Other than the detached spine, the condition is better than average. There are few if any separated pages. (6 October 2010).

11. Provenance: Columbia purchased Bassett Jones' Libris Polaris in 1944 or 1945. The Aurora was part of that collection. In the collection's catalogue a price of $12.50 is given for the Aurora. See David Stam's paper.
In the box is an undated single page description of an Aurora offered for sale on the letterhead of Zeitlin & Ver Brugge, Los Angeles. The copy described—although also having the two signatures of Shackleton and Marston—is not the Columbia copy as that came to Columbia far earlier than the letter which although not dated has a 9 digit ZIP code in the address. These were introduced in 1983.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: The inside front cover has two bookplates attached, those of Bassett Jones and Columbia University. The former has an arctic scene with two ships frozen in. Above appears: "LIBRIS POLARIS | BASSETT JONES". The latter has the folllowing lettering above the Columbia College seal: "COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY | IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK | THE LIBRARIES", all within a rectangular border. Above the border in ink appears "B999 Au 6". (David Stam has written a very interesting paper on Bassett Jones, a paper he delivered at the Grolier Club on May 11, 2009. Jones's Aurora is given a price of $12.50.)

In pencil script in the upper left corner of the first blank is what appears to be "m/sd/-" which could be a bookseller's cost code. On the verso of the second blank leaf, in pencil near to top, appears "B999 | Au6". Opposite this, on the recto of the next sheet, in pencil in the upper left corner appears "45-31874" running vertically upward with the base of the lettering closest to the outer edge.

Source: Personal inspection, 11 October 1980 and 6 October 2010.

Contacts: Tara C. Craig, M.L.S., Reference Services Supervisor, Rare Book & Manuscript Library

Inside back cover.


Copy Number: 127     Other identifiers: Priestley copy.
Location: Australia    

Information on the Cotton copy of Aurora Australis

This is not bound in packing-case boards and may never have been so bound. It was given to Leo Cotton, a crewmember of the Nimrod, by Raymond Priestley who received it from Frank Wild. There are missing pages and illustrations.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): No packing-case board covers.
      a) Inside front cover:
      b) Inside back cover:

2. Inscriptions (text and location): There is a presentation inscription on a separate leaf bound in immediately following the front free end-paper:
Raymond E Priestley | Geologist, 1907-09 British Antarctic Exped. | 15/10/09. | to his friend | Leo A Cotton with | best wishes | Feb 9, 1910.
Why the two different dates. It appears that Priestley signed and dated it on 15 October 1909, then later, on 9 Febriuary 1910, gave it to Cotton and continued the inscription.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Present It appears at the beginning of the book, not at the end which is usual.

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Fourteen Good and True appears to be tipped-in
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? This illlustraton not present.
The following are present:
Under the Shadow of Erebus
Southward Bound
Fourteen Good and True
Many Shekels Were Needed for the Ship to Go Forth
Executing Evolutions in Mid Air
Each Sheltered Under One of the Novel Umbrellas

The following are lacking:
Title page??
At the Edge of the Crater
Night Watchman
The Messman
Struggle? for the Broom
In the Stables
A Giant Tick Was Investigating the Carcase
10. Condition: This copy lacks the packing-case boards. It is instead bound in a plain library-like cloth binding with no lettering or decoration. The end-papers are marbled. This binding has partially deteriorated. The usual green cord lacing the leaves together is lacking and instead a black tape material is laced through the center and in some cases the lower punch holes. Some pages and some illustrations not present.

11. Provenance: Frank Wild to Raymond Priestley then to Leo Cotton and by descent to Cotton's granddaughter.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Bound in before the copyright page is a leaf (possibly the verso of the Dedication leaf) that has in orange pencil(?) the following (some letters are obscured on the right margin):
Causton's Printing Works
(Just now
Dear Raymond, | I am sending you some?? | copies of the A. A. I think you | will find three complete of ?? | except Ascent of Erebus of which?? | I could only manage two. ?? | are not sorted out but should not?? | be much trouble. Don't say anything?? | about this to the rest of our boys?? | as it might give rise to jealously. | Love to all, Yours etc. | Frank W.

Frank W. is surely Frank Wild. Priestley's inscription is dated two days after this note, so presumably once Priestley received the copy he signed and dated it, as above, and then later passed it on to Cotton, adding the date of Feb 9, 1910.
Wild wrote this from Causton's, which had lent the press and type and supplied the paper and ink. Why was he there, one wonders? Had the copies he provided to Priestley been at Causton's? Nimrod returned to England in June, 1909. That autumn there was an exhibition in London at which the press and typecase were on display (and a copy of the Aurora, as well) and were shown in the October 9th, 1909, issue of the Illustrated London News (See When the Thameside exhibition ended is uncertain, but perhaps Wild was returning the press and typecase (and perhaps the copy of the Aurora) to Causton's.

A small card appears to be bound in between the Wild note and the copyright page. It's about the size of a modern business card. On it is written in pencil or ink: From Raymond E. Priestley | Geologist Antarctic | Expedition | 1904-9 | to his Colleague Leo A. Cotton | with best wishes Feb. 9. 1910

The handwriting on this card (which is almost surely that of Priestley) seems to differ from that appearing on the inscription described above, at least the portion beginning with "15/10/09."

The e-mail string below involves the owner of this copy (grand-daughter of the original owner, Leo Cotton), Mark Pharaoh of the South Australian Museum, and Rob Stephenson. They are arranged chronologically, most recent, first. (Some of the extraneous content has been edited out.)
6 September 2012.
Owner to Rob Stephenson

(The "Miss Cotton" in Priestley's letter to Leo is my mother, who had been born a few months before the time of writing.)
6 September 2012.
Owner to Rob Stephenson

I have just unpacked the Aurora Australis book and see that I have misled you, a little, in that the pages are bound—sort of. The accompanying pictures (attached) will show you some details. I have photographed all the illustrations in this (Leo's) copy, and the inscriptions; also a letter which will probably interest you.
21 August 2012.
Owner to Rob Stephenson

Thank you for your email and the interesting links to your researches. [I] will haul out the Aurora Australis pages (no covers, ever, just an unbound, incomplete set of pages procured for my grandfather and given to him by one of the expedition members (Priestley, I think).

I can send you a scan of the inscription, and will try to summarise the omissions/variations according to your guidelines.

The unbound set of pages was carefully kept by my mother, Olive Cotton (a photographer, 1911-2003) together with her father's Antarctic diary, letters to him from Griffith Taylor, Ray Priestley (one from the Terra Nova expedition base), T.W.E. David, Frank Debenham & others. I am now looking after it all myself.
21 August 2012.
Rob Stephenson to Owner

I was delighted to get Mark's e-mail as it always excites me to learn about another extant Aurora Australis. At the moment, the confirmed number is 69. With yours this gets upped to 70. Shackleton in a letter to J. P. Morgan said that only 80 copies were produced, so it looks like nearly all have survived. (He also said 90 copies in an inscription.)

You can learn more about the Aurora than you will probably ever want to know by going to the section of my Antarctic Circle website dealing with it:

The subsection 'Details by copy' has all the information I've collected over the years on individual copies:

I don't imagine your copy appears anywhere here as I assume it's been in the family all these years. You mention an inscription: Was this to your grandfather?

The listing of original owners (based on inscriptions or letters) is at

I would like very much to know as much about your copy as you are able to give me. There is a subsection on my site entitled "Information desrable to ascertain when inspecting a copy of the Aurora" at Here you will find all the information that I now try to ascertain for each copy.
    Stencilling (1) is one of the important identifiers but apparently your copy no longer has its wood packing case boards. Any idea what happened to them? Inscriptions (2) are important. Also, the text variant (3) and the title-page variant (4).
21 August 2012.
Mark Pharaoh to Owner

I am very impressed to hear about the extent of your holdings. I probably should ask if there is anything very striking written in the diary, I understand Leo was a Quaker, so I wouldn't be expecting anything too scandalous! But seriously, if you don't mind then, I will cc Robert into this email, he has made tracking down all copies a life's mission, and is the unrivalled expert on this subject. (Am trying more than one email address of his, as just had a problem with sending him notice of this email.)
    Please keep in touch, and I would certainly always be interested in reading a copy of the diary if that were ever possible.
21 August 2012.
Owner to Mark Pharaoh

Yes, it's true. I also have my grandfather's diary, kept while he was crewing on the Nimrod, and a letter or two related to that 1907-08 expedition, and to Scott's; also a few small photographs probably taken by my grandfather (Leo Cotton) in the Antarctic. I haven't heard of/from Robert Stephenson, but would be happy to. My Aurora Australis pages are unbound, coverless, missing a plate or two, but with a good inscription.
21 August 2012.
Mark Pharaoh to Owner

I happened to notice when doing a search of 'Aurora Australis' that in my file relating to you that there is a reference to your family holding a copy, unbound, of the 'Aurora Australis'. Not sure if this is still true, but if it is, I wondered if Robert Stephenson had ever been in contact with you, he has been making something of a study of this unique, hand printed publication.

Source: E-mails from the present owner and Mark Pharaoh of the South Australian Museum.


Priestley inscription and Frank Wild note.
Photos by the owner.


Copy Number: 102     Other identifiers: Wild copy; Holmes copy; Starr copy; TINNED FRUIT copy
Location: Wyoming    

Information on the Crawford copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: CRYSTAL[ised] FRU[it] [Upper half of lettering obscured by leather binding.] | BUTTER | & [b]AKED BEANS [The Evans letter is taped to the boards and obscures some of the lettering.]
      b) Inside back cover: TINNED FRUIT [running vertically upward with base of lettering closest to outer edge.]

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? No

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) In the Stables; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "Apparently rebacked at an early date, with most of original spine laid on. Some leaves pulled at lacing holes, one plate ("At the Edge of the Crater") has some fraying to outer margin and a 1" tear into margin."

11. Provenance: "Presumed to be Frank Wild's copy, as evidenced by copies of correspondence indicating this copy was acquired by Maggs Brothers, London, directly from Miss J. Wild, niece of Frank Wild, in 1970. It was then sold to a private British collector who put it at auction in 1978, where it was purchased for Louis Starr. Additionally, tipped inside the front board is a typed note, signed "Mountevans", (E.R.G.R. Evans, who had been second-in-command of Scott's last expedition), March 2, 1946, to Stanley Wild, Frank Wild's brother, expressing regret at being unable to attend the dedication of the Frank Wild Room at the National Children's Home and including a message to be read."

"The 1978 sale was probably the one reported in American Book Prices Current: "Hodgson's (Chancery Lane), June 9, 1978. Lot 301. (Cavendish) £1300. (Re-backed.)"

In a letter to Starr, dated 3 August 1978, Maggs Booksellers writes: "Thank you for your letter of July 24th, and I was interested to hear that you were the purchaser of Mr. K.D. Holmes’ copy of Aurora Australis. We purchased this copy in 1970. It was offered for sale in July of that year by Miss J. Wild, niece of Commander Frank Wild, and was unsold at £380. We bought it through negotiation with Sotheby’s, and sold it to Mr. Holmes."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


"Inserted: Typed letter, Unsigned, March 2nd, 1946, with P.S.: 'You may notice that I have changed my name to "Mountevans" on my elevation to the peerage, but it couldn't be helped as the All Highest said that Lord Evans would be an impossible title with so many hundreds of thousands of Evans in the country.'
The above letter (3/2/46) is accompanied by a note: 'From Evans of the Broke to Stanley Wild at the time of the formation & dedication of the "Frank Wild Room" at the National Children's House Harpenden Herts.'

"It appears that Frank Wild…had a least 2 copies of the 'Australis'. This one, that he gave to Cooper [see Copy 270], and the one that Mr. Starr now has. It seems that Frank either gave it, or left it with Stanley, one of his younger brothers, he had three. It later came into the possession of Frank's niece, a Miss J. Wild. In 1970 she put it up for sale and it was acquired by Maggs Bros., London, who then sold it to a Mr. K.D. Holmes, in Buckinghamshire. In 1978 he gave it to Sotheby's to sell. It's #22 on my list of items sold at Auction 1912-1979."

"…contained in a custom morocco backed folding cloth box. Includes also copies of correspondence concerning the book's provenance."

Entry for sale at which current owner purchased this copy:
High Latitude, Bainbridge Island, Washington, September 29, 1999. (Louis Starr sale)

Lot 338

Shackleton, Ernest H., editor. AURORA AUSTRALIS. Printed at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, During the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908. Illustrated with Lithographs and Etchings; by George Marston. Printed at the Sign of the 'Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77° .. 32' South Longitude 166° .. 12' East. Antarctica. Small 4to. 108 unnumbered leaves, incl. 11 blanks and 11 full page illustrations. These include 7 lithographs, 2 of which are mounted and one printed in brown ink, and 4 etchings. Title printed in blue & black, then 7 leaves of preliminaries incl. 2 blanks, followed by ten chapters, each with separate title leaf printed in red. In addition 8 of the plates have separate caption leaves, also printed in red, the other three captions being on the plate. In original three ply beveled packing case boards, uncut, leaves punched & laced with cord. Apparently rebacked at an early date, with most of original spine laid on. Some leaves pulled at lacing holes, one plate ("At the Edge of the Crater") has some fraying to outer margin and a 1" tear into margin. Boards stenciled "Butter & aked Beans" inside front, and "Tinned Fruit" inside back. Presumed to be Frank Wild's copy, as evidenced by copies of correspondence indicating this copy was acquired by Maggs Brothers, London, directly from Miss J. Wild, niece of Frank Wild, in 1970. It was then sold to a private British collector who put it at auction in 1978, where it was purchased for Louis Starr. Additionally, tipped inside the front board is a typed note, signed "Mountevans", (E.R.G.R. Evans, who had been second-in-command of Scott's last expedition), March 2, 1946, to Stanley Wild, Frank Wild's brother, expressing regret at being unable to attend the dedication of the Frank Wild Room at the National Children's Home and including a message to be read. Altogether a most desirable copy of this rarity, contained in a custom morocco backed folding cloth box. Includes also copies of correspondence concerning the book's provenance.
Spence 1095. Written, edited, printed and bound in the Antarctic under the most difficult conditions, this would seem to be an achievement almost on a par with the field accomplishments of the expedition. Shackleton once stated that about 100 copies were produced.
Results: $50,000 which excludes the 10% buyer’s premium. (Presumably, $55,000 with it.)
Sources: Information from Louis Starr; Auction catalogue; Personal inspection 19 July 2012.


Inside front and back covers.


Copy Number: 03     Other identifiers: OATMISH copy; Stefansson copy
Location: Rauner Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755, USA.    

Information on the Dartmouth copy of Aurora Australis (Source:

Title: Aurora australis
Imprint: Antarctica : British Antarctic Expedition, 1908
Description: c150 p. : ill. ; 28 cm
Location: Rauner Stefansson
Call Number: G850 1907 .A8
Note: Autographed by Ernest Shackleton, George Marston and R.E. Priestley
Edited by E.H. Shackleton
The first book ever printed on the Antarctic continent
"Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July, 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston. Printed at the sign of 'The Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77° 32' south, longitude 166° 12' east Antarctica."
Loose sheets laced in wooden covers, made of packing-cases which contained provisions. Only 90 copies printed
At head of title; 1908-1909

An interesting article on Dartmouth's Aurora appeared on the Rauner Special Collections Library Blog on November 12, 2010.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: OATM upside down, running horizontally with the base of the lettering closest to the top edge. Only one half of the M appears, cut off at the foredge. Above the stencilling is a bookplate (see below).
      b) Inside back cover: ISH | RCTIC | ITION | 07 upside down, running horizontally with the base of the lettering closest to the top edge, and with the lettering cut off at the foredge. Partially appearing: The R of RCTIC, the I of ITION and the 0 of 07.
As this copy is totally disbound the orientation of the stencilling is assumed based on the presence of the bookplate. (See below under 'Notes'.)

2. Inscriptions (text and location): The signatures 'Ernest H. Shackleton | George Marston | R E Priestley' appear in ink on the recto of first leaf following the title page. To the right of MESSMAN, on the concluding page of 'Trials of a Messman' is the signature in ink: 'R E Priestley'.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: This copy has been completely disbound. The boards are contained in a mylar sleeve in a flat custom box; the leaves are in a separate clamshell box. Many leaves are separated at the punch holes but otherwise the condition of the leaves is good. The green cord is present. The backstrip is separated from the two covers.

11. Provenance: Dartmouth's copy was in the collection of Vilhjalmur Stefansson which was purchased by Dartmouth. As can be seen elsewhere in this entry, the copy may have come into Stefansson's possession on or around 28 August 1930 and possibly from the London bookseller Francis Edwards. (See below under 'Notes'.)

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: The copy is contained in two custom boxes of bright blue color. Each has affixed a red label with AURORA | AUSTRALIS in gilt with a single rule above and below. The call number appears on a label: Stef | G | 850 | 1907 | .A8
On the verso of the title page in penceil: Stefansson | G | 850 | 1907 | .A8 | Stef. Coll. | bd
On the same leaf as the signatures, there appears the following in pencil: Centered, above the signatures: Antarctic Section | Aurora
Upper left corner: What appears to be 3 lower case letters: m s d with slashes. A marking of some sort.
In upper right corner close to the edge: '8/28/30 Edwards' Edwards could refer to the London bookseller Francis Edwards, the date perhaps indicating when this copy was purchased by Stefansson. [This notation is included in the original catalogue card which appears in the G. K. Hall printed catalogue of the Stefansson Collection but does not appear in the online catalogue entry.]

The bookplate is centered in the upper half of the inner cover and reads: Stefansson Collection | acquired in 1952 through the goodwill of | Dr & Mrs Vilhjalmur Stefansson | and generosity of Albert Bradley '15 | Dartmouth College Library

Loosely inserted in the box is a letter signed by Priestley, address to what appears to be a 'Miss Blade', dated 1 September 1930, on the letterhead of The Registry of the University of Cambridge. It reads: The copy of the Aurora Australis appears to be intact and I have forwarded it to the Athenaeum. The Atheneaum is a London club in Waterloo Place (across from Kathleen Scott's statue of her husband). The Athenaeum has some Antarctic associations. The date is only 5 days after the notation above (8/28/30). Could this copy have been in the club's collection at one time? Who was Miss Blade? (See below.)

The following e-mail from Jay Satterfield to Robert Stephenson, dated 17 December 2010, sheds light both on the provenance and the binding:
"My colleague Ilana Grallert found the receipt for the Aurora Australis in Stef Ms 196, Box 25, folder 16. I am attaching it as a pdf.  As you can see, Stef bought the book from Francis Edwards on August 28, 1930, for a whopping 3 pounds. …

We think we have also found physical evidence that the book was bound with the stenciling upside down. The leather on the insides of the front and back boards is not uniform.  It extends out 2 mm further on back board (ISH/RCTIC/TION/07) than on the front board (OATM). We then looked at the burn mark left by the leather on the first and last pages. The burn mark is deeper by 2mm on the last page.  That indicates that the way we have it displayed, with the upside down OATM as the inside of the front board, is correct."
The Athenaeum association is now explained: that's where Stefansson was staying and the book was sent to him there.

Source: Personal inspection, 4 December 2010.

Contacts: Jay Satterfield, Special Collections Librarian.

Left: Front inside cover. Right: Inside back cover.


Sources: Left: Right: Photo by Calista Lucy

Copy Number: 12     Other identifiers: Kipling copy; PETIT POIS copy; Rowlett copy (see below under 'Provenance.'); Leighton copy
Location: Archives, Dulwich College, Dulwich Common, London SE21 7LD    

Information on the Dulwich College copy of Aurora Australis

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BRITISH | ANTARCTIC | EXPEDITION | 1907 running vertically downward with the base of the lettering closest to the outer edge. Some of the stencilling is obscured by the Kipling bookplate. There is some stencilling on the wood in the spine which is exposed in this copy. See photos below. The letters line up with the clipped stencilling of the inner front cover which indicates that a single piece of venesta was sawn to produce the inner front cover and the strip used in the spine.
      b) Inside back cover: PETIT POIS running vertically upward with the base of the lettering closest to the outer edge.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Inscribed in ink on copyright leaf: "To Rudyard Kipling with | Ernest Shackleton's regards. | 1911 | Frank Wild | 8/6/14"

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Black and white
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: Re-backed with the original back strip laid in. Slight vertical split in upper left corner of back board. The sheets are clean.

11. Provenance: Frank Wild to Rudyard Kipling to J.Q. Rowlett [see below] to Dulwich College.
John Millard, in a letter to Robert Stephenson dated 11 January 1985, says: "…the copy in their [Dulwich] library was originally given to Rudyard Kipling, in 1914, with Shackleton's regards, signed by Frank Wild. This was presented to the College by Elsie Bambridge, Kipling's daughter, in 1942. Curiously, there was a copy sold by Sotheby's, on 13th October 1942, at £32, inscribed by Shackleton, containing Kipling's bookplate, which is also in the College's copy. It was acquired by Maggs Bros., London.

The description of Lot 669 at a Sotheby's sale on 15 [sic] October 1942 is as follows: "Shackleton, (Sir Ernest)
Aurora Australis, published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition. Litho. plts., wooden bds., leather back, unc. Author's Autog. Pres. inscription on title: "To Rudyard Kipling with Ernest Shackleton's Regards, 1914." Kipling's bkpl. inside cover, 4to, 1908.
" Maggs was the buyer at £32. The consigner was 'Red Cross': "Manuscripts, Printed Books, etc. The Duke of Gloucester's Red Cross and St. John Fund." (Source: Vol 40 (1942-43), Book Auction Records. This copy is almost certainly the same as the Dulwich copy despite the description saying the inscription was on the title page when, in fact, it's on the copyright page.

In a 29 May 2007 e-mail, Jan Piggott, former College archivist, states: "I always assumed the AURORA and THE ANTARCTIC BOOK came from Rowett with the Caird, but the two books came from an OA SIR ROBERT LEIGHTON 1884-1959 of the bookbinding firm. His obituary, Alleynian Autumn 1959 p. 288 mentions these gifts."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Once attached to the verso of the title page but now in a separate transparent sleeve is a two-page letter written in ink. The printed letterhead reads: "Wimpole Hall | Cambridgeshire" along with a telephone number and cable address. It is dated June 1942. In ink it reads: "This book was given to my father (the late Mr. Rudyard Kipling) by Sir Ernest Shackleton on his return from his antarctic Expedition in 1908. The pieces of wood which bind the book, were taken from the packing cases, that contained the provision for the expedition. [signed] Elsie Bambridge."

I was asked by Dulwich College to do a recording about its copy of the Aurora.

Biographical information on Elsie Kipling Bambridge. From
Birth: Feb. 2, 1896
Death: May 27, 1976
Philanthropist. Born the second child of Rudyard Kipling and his American wife Caroline Starr Balestier. Her elder sister, Josie, died of pneumonia in 1899 while her younger brother, John, was killed in action in 1915, leaving her as the only surviving child, a role she apparently found difficult to cope with especially since her parents never really ceased mourning the lost children. In October 1924 she married Captain George Bambridge who had served in the Irish Guards, but was at the time a British diplomatic attaché in Madrid and the couple lived abroad for some years. They would have no children. In 1938 she purchased the 17th century derelict, Wimpole Hall in Cambridgeshire, and spent many years restoring the 2500 acre estate to its former glory. On January 19, 1939 she christened HMS Kipling, a 'K' Class Destroyer, saying that nothing would have given her father such immense pride and pleasure than that a ship of the Royal Navy would bear his name. As Rudyard Kipling's only surviving descendant, she also dedicated herself to sort and list the documents which she had inherited from her parents. She purchased what additional documents she could find for sale and sought out others in private possession and had copies made. When she died in 1976, Wimpole Hall and its Kipling archive were willed to the National Trust. In 1978 the Trust deposited the archive in the University of Sussex Library. (bio by: Iola) 

Aurora Australis
'Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, during the winter months of April, May, June, July, 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston. Printed at the sign of 'The Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild, Latitude 77°.32' South. Longitude 166° .. 12' East. Antarctica'. 4°.
26 x 19.5
Dulwich College
Lithographed title, eleven lithographed or etched plates by George Marston. The title-page is monochrome, lacking the blue lithograph impression. Original sheep-backed packing-case boards, spine blind-stamped with Aurora Australis and imprint of two penguins. Verso of upper cover stencilled 'British Antarctic Expedition 1907'; verso of lower cover stencilled 'Petit Pois'. 'Format A copy (with illustration of Nimrod in dock ('Many Shekels were needed for the ship to go forth') on verso of one unpaginated leaf of 'An Ancient Manuscript'. Presentation copy inscribed and signed by Frank Wild 'To Rudyard Kipling with Ernest Shackleton's regards. 1914', dated 8/6/14. Bookplate of Rudyard Kipling. Letter of June 1942 from Elsie Bambridge about the gift to her father inserted. For Shackleton's admiration for Kipling see entry for the plaque with Kipling's poem 'If' under the Quest expedition. Shackleton and Emily were guests of the Kiplings at Bateman's, and it is possible that this volume and the album of Hurley photographs, No 151, were the gift of Mrs. Bambridge to the College, but no evidence has been found.
Source: Piggott, Jan, editor. Shackleton: The Antarctic and Endurance Dulwich College, 2000. p. 78.

This copy is contained in a brown solander box; no labeling.

Source: Personal inspection, 26 May 2011.

Contacts: Calista M. Lucy, Keeper of the Archives, Dulwich College.

Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.

Left: The Kipling bookplate. Right: The inscription

Left: The uncolored title page. Right: The first page of the Bambridge letter.


Copy Number: 13     Other identifiers: SOAP copy; Joel copy; Discovery copy.
Location: Discovery Point, Discovery Quay, Dundee DD1 4XA, UK.    

Information on the Dundee Heritage Trust copy of Aurora Australis

This copy came to the Dundee Heritage Trust in 1995 from the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, where it went when removed from the Discovery.

This conflicts with what John Millard found and reported to me in a letter dated 7 November 1982: "Copy #1 [of the National Maritime Museum's three copies] was given to Mrs. J.B. Joel by Shackleton. Unfortunately, there is no date. Later; presented to 'HMS Discovery', in November 1975 by the son H.J. Joel. It's evidently on indefinite loan to the Museum [HMS Discovery?], in view of their special interest in the ship, which is being restored by the Maritime Trust."

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: SOA[P presumably] running vertically upward with the top of the lettering closest to the outer edge.
      b) Inside back cover: None

2. Inscriptions (text and location): On the recto of the first leaf: To Mrs. J. B. Joel | with kindest regards | from the Editor | Ernest Shackleton
Mrs. Joel presumably was the wife of Jack Barnato Joel (1862-1940) the South African mining magnate and champion horse breeder.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: The outer surface of the top board is clean with no knots although there is a bump at the edge of the leather strip about a quarter down from the top edge. The outer surface of the bottom board has some marks that could be shelf wear. Slight rubbing at the head and tail of the spine. The spine is original (with the logo and title) with no splits other than a split of about 1 inch at the head of the top board. The green cord is present. There are a few loose leaves. There is some browning from the leather strip on the recto of the first leaf.

11. Provenance: Transferred to the Dundee Heritage Trust from the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, in 1995.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Conversation with Chris Henry, DHT, September 2007. Personal inspection 1 June 2011.

Contacts: Chris Henry; Gill Poulter

Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.


Copy Number: 38     Other identifiers: Dunlop copy 1; Rations; Dummy
Location: Scott Polar Research Institute, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, U.K.    

Information on the SPRI copy of Aurora Australis

Call number: MS 2179/1/1;ER

This copy is on 5-year loan from the owner.

This is an incomplete copy.

This copy along with #39, will be sold at Bonhams, Knightsbridge, on 1 February 2017. See

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: RATIONS Oriented vertically upward with base of letters closest to the gutter. Located ca. midway between gutter and outer edge.
      b) Inside back cover: RCTIC | 1907 Oriented horizontally in upper left corner.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Signed in pencil H J L Dunlop on inner front cover above the stencilling.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? n/a

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? n/a

      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? n/a

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? n/a

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? n/a

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? n/a
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? n/a

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? n/a

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: n/a
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? n/a

10. Condition: Incomplete copy. Green cord present (although the tie is in the front not at the back as it should be). The logo and title are present on the spine but appear to be not placed as they are in other copies (the base of the logo is 1-7/8 inches from the tail of the spine; the top of AURORA is 1 inch from the head of the spine.) The condition of the spine is very good overall; no breaks or splits. The boards are in good condition although a little dusty. The recto of the first leaf is foxed particularly at the outer edges. The final leaf is inserted loosely and contains a drawing (see below under Notes).

11. Provenance: From H J L Dunlop, who was First Engineer on the Nimrod. (Harry) Born Belfast, Ireland, 1876. Signed on at Poplar 26 July 1907, discharged at Poplar, 31 August 1909, serving as First Engineer for both voyages south. Served his time with the world-famous engineering firm Harland and Wolff. Chief engineer on the Ashburton prior to joining the expedition.
The family of Dunlop recently deposited his papers and some artefacts with SPRI.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? n/a
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? n/a
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? n/a
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This is an incomplete copy consisting of 57 blank leaves which have the Abbey Mills watwermark. This probably was a dummy or mock-up, possibly done up by Day to refine the binding process. The portion of the spine attached to the boards is narrower than in the typical copy, ca. 1 inch. The boards themselves are 10-3/8 inches tall (versus Copy 107's 10-3/4 inches) by 7-7/8 inches wide (versus Copy 107's 8-3/16 inches). The spine itself is slightly thicker than usual (despite there only being 57 leaves). The final leaf (loose) has on it a comical drawng in ink showing a kilted burly Scotsman with a sword pointing at a slim man in tights with a fencing foil. There are three figures in the background. There is one punch hole at the top but this doesn't line up with the middle punch hole of the other leaves. The paper is different as well. The edges are cut and in the upper right corner is an embossed trademark that reads "5A Pall Mall" with some larger initials above possibly R and S. This drawing is oriented horizontally (landscape).

Source: Miss Naomi Boneham, Archvist, Scott Polar Research Institute. E-mail 24 August 2011. Personal inspection 11 November 2011.

Contacts: Miss Naomi Boneham, Archvist, Scott Polar Research Institute.


Copy Number: 39     Other identifiers: Dunlop copy 2; Giant Tick
Location: Scott Polar Research Institute, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, U.K.    

Information on the SPRI copy of Aurora Australis

Call number: MS 2179/1/2;ER

This copy is on 5-year loan from the owner.

This copy along with #38, will be sold at Bonhams, Knightsbridge, on 1 February 2017. See

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: None
      b) Inside back cover: B43936 | 25.1LB TINS | BRITISH [only the top of the letters in British]. Oriented vertically upward with base of letters closest to the outer edge. This is almost identical to the stencilling on inside front board of Copy 107.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Signed in ink on the recto of the first leaf which is otherwise blank. The hand is somewhat copperplate.H J L Dunlop on first page.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color

      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2)Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: Outer surfaces of both boards are fine with no cracks or knots. The spine is scruffed a bit but no splits or cracks. There are odd dark markings at right angle on the spine, resembling somewhat a tiger skin pattern. The base of the logo is 2-1/16 inches from the tail of the spine; the top of AURORA is 3-1/4 inches from the head of the spine (compare with Copy 38). The spine is 1-9/16 inches thick. The top board is 10-13/16 inches tall by 8 inches wide. The green cord is present. Many leaves have become separated. On the inner top board in lower left corner a 2-1/4 inch by 1/4 inch triangular section of the top layer of the Venesta is lacking.

11. Provenance: From H J L Dunlop, who was First Engineer on the Nimrod. (Harry) Born Belfast, Ireland, 1876. Signed on at Poplar 26 July 1907, discharged at Poplar, 31 August 1909, serving as First Engineer for both voyages south. Served his time with the world-famous engineering firm Harland and Wolff. Chief engineer on the Ashburton prior to joining the expedition.
The family of Dunlop recently deposited his papers and some artefacts with SPRI.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: 111 leaves. Annotations to some pages in pencil. Looselty inserted at the end is a menu for the 23rd June 1908.

It is printed on the same Abbey Mills paper and has 3 punch holes. The verso is blank.

Also loosely inserted at the end is an etching with 3 punch holes. Below the plate, in pencil, is written "A Giant Tick was investigating the carcase." It is printed on Abbey Mills paper.
This is the illusive plate which appears in no other recorded copy. The chapter title exists in several copies but the illustration has never been found before.

The etching is very similar to the above illustration that appears in The Antarctic Book. It is much lighter in comparison and a second mushroom has been added in the lower left corner, obscuring the lower torsos of the two men. See below.

The only known example of the plate "A Giant Tick Was Investigating the Carcase."

Also loosely inserted after the illustration "At the Edge of the Crater" is a leaf with the first page of the poem "Erebus" on the recto with a rectangle drawn over it in pencil with four holes, one at each corner, and a vertical pencil line in the center. The two vertical lines of the rectangle have been crossed out with wavy lines. On the verso is a washed-out version of the illustration "At the Edge of the Creter".

Source: Miss Naomi Boneham, Archvist, Scott Polar Research Institute. E-mail 24 August 2011. Personal inspection 11 November 2011.

Contacts: Miss Naomi Boneham, Archvist, Scott Polar Research Institute.

ETON COLLEGE College Library

Copy Number: 35     Other identifiers: Bernard Eckstein copy
Location: Windsor, Berkshire SL4 6DW, U.K.    

Information on the Eton College copy of Aurora Australis

The Fishers, who wrote the biography 'Shackleton' (London: Barrie, 1957), claimed in correspondence with John Millard that in preparing their book they made use of a copy of the Aurora held by Eton College.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: 1902 [sic] running downward vertically with the base of the lettering closest to the outer edge.
      b) Inside back cover: There is no regular stencilling on the back board. There is part of a word in cursive: sions. This could be "[provi]sions.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "Ernest Shackleton | Editor" on first blank recto.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "Cracked along spine - spine detached in places. No sign of any repair work. No separated leaves."

There is a small knot in in the center slightly to the left of the outer surface of the top board. The bottom board is clean and has no marks other than two slight horizontal cracks. It appears that the original spine with logo and title has not been rebacked.
Some splits along rear joint at top and bottom. Some roughness/rubbing of the leather. Front joint completely separated. Original green cord present.
Some slight browning on the first and last leaves as a result of contact with the boards. A small piece of the inner layer of the venesta board (ca. 1/8 inch) is missing on the top edge of the back board ca. 3 inches in from the spine.

11. Provenance: This copy bears the bookplate of Bernard Eckstein. The Fishers, who wrote the biography 'Shackleton' (London: Barrie, 1957), claimed that in preparing their book they made use of a copy of the Aurora held by Eton College.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: E-mails to Robert Stephenson from Rachel Bond of the College Library, 22 March 2010, and from Katie Lord (now Flanagan) MCLIP, Deputy College Librarian, Eton College, 26 March 2010. Personal inspection 27 May 2011.

Contacts: Katie Lord (now Flanagan) MCLIP, Deputy College Librarian, Eton College

Tracings of the inside front cover and the inside back cover.

Unknown (Previously BRIAN FROST)

Copy Number: 118     Other identifiers: Frank Wild copy; POB Frost copy; Brian Frost copy; GRIFFITHS copy. Same as copy 277.
Location: Christie's, King Street, London.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this sale, click here.

Date of sale: 25 October 1995. Lot 149.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: GRIFFITHS, McALIS… EXPORT PROVISION M... LIVERPO
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "The book had been restored by the conservators of the South African library in Cape Town for the sum of R800 which resulted in obscuring the original stitching holes in the inner margins. The book had its own leather-lined cloth solander box, again restored, which also contained a portion of the original spine and a length of the green twine used in the original binding." Source: Angie Butler.

11. Provenance: "The fifth Aurora Australis went with Wild to South Africa and somehow it was acquired by POB Frost and eventually found its way to Brian Frost in Cape Town." Source: Angie Butler.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: The present owner is unknown.

Source: Angie Butler


BAY AREA USA copy 1, formerly GREENE COPY

Copy Number:103. Same as copy 255     Other identifiers:
Location: Seattle, Washington, USA.    

Information on the Greene copy of Aurora Australis

This is the same as Copy 255, which was sold on 16 November 1994 at the Gaston Renard - Leonard Joel sale in Melbourne.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes.
      a) Inside front cover: "The boards of this copy are stencilled with the first letters of the B[ritish] AN[tarctic] EX[pedition]" The lettering is at the very foot of the board with the base of the letters closest to the outer edge.
      b) Inside back cover: "19". The stencilling is in the lower right corner of the board with the base of the numbers closest to the spine.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "new leather backstrip with the original harness leather backstrip mounted thereon; a fine, clean copy, preserved in a cloth Solander box".
"Leaves all very clean and near fine.  Rebound spine with original backstrip laid down, title and penguin motif preserved.  Green cord ? original.  Three holes in text for binding, no tears or reinforcements on holes. 109 leaves [including one fp in color, 10 plate leaves with verso blank (8 printed on one side of leaf, 2 tipped onto leaf), 16 title leaves in red printed on one side, 67 leaves with text on one or both sides, 15 blank leaves]."

11. Provenance: Purchased by the present owner at the Gaston Renard - Leonard Joel sale in Melbourne on 16 November 1994. See Copy 255. (Actually I have learned from the owner tht it was not purchased at the sale but afterwards, either from the purchaser or from Renard-Joel.)

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 34°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: A bookseller's ticket is affixed to the upper left corner of the inner top board.
August 2012: This copy was in the Bonham's 30 March 2012 sale and did not sell. It has since been sold privately but to whom is unknown to me.

Source: From the auction catalogue; Present owner.


Inside front cover and the inside back cover.


Copy Number: 111     Other identifiers:
Location:     Seattle

Information on the Harrison/Metz copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Signed by Shackleton and Marston

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Obtained from Patrick Walcot in January 1996.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Owner



Copy Number: 04     Other identifiers: Donald McKay Frost copy; [B]AYLEY copy;
Location: Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.    

Information on the Harvard copy of Aurora Australis (Source:

Title: Aurora australis. [Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston.
Published: Printed at the sign of ʻThe Penguins’; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77° 32ʹ South, longitude 166° 12ʹ east. Antarctica 1908]
Location: Houghton Typ 100.908 F [Prefaces signed by the editor: E.H. Shackleton.] [The count of pages includes all printed leaves except the plates. The contents are recorded from the table; in the text "Midwinter night" is signed Veritas, and "An ancient manuscript" is signed Wand Erer.] [Original half leather, and unfinished wooden boards made from packing cases; the leaves laced into the cover with olive green silk cord; in cloth case.] 
Description: 6 p.ℓ., [151] p. : 1 illus., 10 plates ; 28 cm.
Contents: The ascent of Mount Erebus [by] T.W.E. David.--Midwinter night [by] Nemo.--The messman [by] A messman.--A pony watch [by] Putty.--Southward bound [by] Lapsus linguæ.--An interview with an emperor [by] A. F[orbes]. M[ackay].--Erebus [by] Nemo.--An ancient manuscript [by] Shellback.--Life under difficulties [by] James Murray.--Bathybia [by] Douglas Mawson.
Notes: Title within ornamental border, with illus. in colors. At head of title: 1908-09.
The first book ever printed in the Polar regions; only 90 copies printed.
"Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July, 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston. Printed at the sign of ’The Penguins’; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77°· 32' south, longitude 166°·12' east. Antarctica ..."
HOLLIS Number: 004146875

An interesting article on Harvard's Aurora appeared on the Houghton Library Blog on December 27, 2013.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: [J & T B]AYLEY Ltd | [EXP]ORT | [PAC]KERS | [Lon]DON | E C The full stencil probably reads: J & T BAYLEY LTD LONDON EC [not readable] EXPORT PACKERS. A street address was probably included as well. (This was a large company with several addresses at one time or another in the East End: 18 Camomile Street, 1 Cousin Lane, 23a Hanbury Street and 10 Bury Court.)
      b) Inside back cover: [BRIT]ISH | [ANTA]RCTIC | [EXPED]ITION | [19]07 [stencilling upside down and closer to the top edge] (Source: A. Mawer with minor corrections by R. Stephenson)

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None "Prefaces signed by the editor: E.H. Shackleton." [Note: These are not signatures; they are printed and thus the same as all copies. This copy has no signatures or inscriptions of any kind.]

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Backstrip defective. Many leaves torn from cord lacing." (July 1978). "The backstrip is totally separated from the book." (17 September 2008). "The original spine, totally separated and loose in the box, has the blind-stamped title and penguin logo. The green cord is present. A large number of the sheets are entirely loose or nearly so, torn through at the holes. The outer surfaces of each board has a knot, as issued. The Venesta layers of the top edge of the front board have separated somewhat."

11. Provenance: Gift of Donald McKay Frost. Deposited 29 October 1946. Given 4 December 1946. There were 100 or so other titles given by him at the same time. A note in the accession record indicated "100" which library staff surmised to indicate a value of $100. It appears that this collection may have originally been given to the Amercan Antiquarian Society in Worcester, Massachusetts, and then transferred to Harvard.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 34°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy is kept in a light green linen covered box with SHACKLETON | AURORA AUSTRALIS on a black leather label at the head of the spine and 1908 on a black leather label at the base of the spine, all in gilt lettering.

Source: Personal inspection (July 1978, 17 September 2008, 24 September 2010).


Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.



Copy Number: 05     Other identifiers: Edith Shackleton copy; Rosenbach copy; [BOTTLED F]RUIT copy
Location: 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, California 91108, USA.    

Information on the Huntington copy of Aurora Australis (Source:

Call #: 70724
Title: Aurora australis. [Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston]
Imprint: Printed at the sign of ʻThe Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77° 32' South, longitude 166° 12' east. Antarctica [1909]
Description: Large 8vo
Note: Title within ornamental border, with vignette in colors. At head of title: 1908-09
The first book ever printed in the Polar regions; ed. by E. H. Shackleton. Loose sheets laced in wooden covers, made of packing-cases which contained the provisions. Only 90 copies printed
Contents: The ascent of Mount Erebus; T.W.E. David.--Midwinter night; Nemo.--Trials of a messman; a messman.--A pony watch; Putty.--Southward bound; Lapsus Linguae.--An interview with an emperor; A.F.M.--Erebus; Nemo.--An ancient manuscript; Shellback.--Life under difficulties; J. Murray.--Bathybia; D. Mawson
Note: At head of title: 1908-09 Heh copy: Bound in one-half calf, wood covers, uncut
Presentation copy from A.S.W. Rosenbech to Mr. Huntington: rec'd from Mrs. Huntington, June 1925
Libr congr #: 13012986 //r953

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: [BOTTLED F]RUIT in gutter, upside down.
      b) Inside back cover: None

2. Inscriptions (text and location): On upper recto of front end-paper: "Purchased in April, 1925 from Miss Edith | Shackleton, and on June 8, 1925 is | presented to Henry E. Huntington with | the warm regards of | A.S.W. Rosenbach"

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: The edge of the venesta of the top of front board is split. One small groove split ca. 1/3 from bottom of top board running horizontally. Knot in center at top edge of back board. Leather backstrip in good condition. Joints worked at head of spine, top joint. Green cord present.

11. Provenance: Edith Shackleton to A.S.W. Rosenbach to Henry E. Huntington. Ernest Shackleton's sister, Edith, was born on 25 April 1878 and died on 26 September 1935. She was the wife of Rev Frank Ayres although they later separated.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: R. Stephenson, personal inspection, April 9, 1985.


Antarctica's First Published Book on Display
Ernest Shackleton Printed Rare Volume in 1908

For readers who enjoy a thrilling adventure story, nothing can compare to the true-life saga of Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton and the crew of the Endurance. This epic tale of survival against all odds has held readers spellbound for nearly 100 years. And Shackleton continues to inspire the imagination: he is the subject of numerous new books and documentaries, a television movie starring Kenneth Branagh, and a traveling exhibition currently on view at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.

But for bibliophiles, Shackleton's real claim to fame may rest on a very different polar feat: he was the publisher of the first book ever printed in Antarctica.

A first edition of that historic 1908 publication, entitled Aurora Australis, is on view at the Huntington Library through September 2. Bound in wood from provision cases, and containing accounts of expedition activities as well as humorous essays, fiction, and poetry contributed by the crew, the 120-page volume is both a publishing milestone and a fascinating artifact from the "Heroic Age" of polar exploration.

In 1907, seven years before setting sail on the ill-fated Endurance, Shackleton embarked on an expedition to Antarctica aboard the Nimrod in an attempt to be the first to reach the South Pole. Already a veteran of polar exploration—he had accompanied Robert Falcon Scott on the Discovery voyage in 1903-04—Shackleton recognized the importance of maintaining morale among his crew during the long, dark months of the Antarctic winter. To keep tedium at bay, the British expedition's essential supplies included a printing press, an etching press, large quantities of paper and ink, and all the materials needed to write, typeset, illustrate, print, and bind a full-length publication.

Their "publishing house" was a cramped hut at Cape Royds on Ross Island, the expedition's base and home to 15 men. Crew members Frank Wild and Ernest Joyce had learned the rudiments of printing in England prior to departure, but special challenges arose when they set up shop in Antarctica. With outdoor winter temperatures of -50 degrees or less, and indoor temperatures often below freezing, they had to move a candle back and forth under the inkplate to keep the ink from freezing solid.

Expedition artist George Marston illustrated the volume with etchings and color lithographs. In the crowded and dirty hut, achieving a clean print could be a frustrating process. Crew biologist James Murray, working on his specimens alongside Marston's etching press, noted, "I've seen him during a whole night pull off half a dozen wrong ones for one good print, and he did not use so much language over it as might have been expected."

The job of binding the printed books fell to Bernard Day, engineer and general handyman. The expedition's packing crates provided convenient material for the covers. Day cut and planed the wooden crates, polished the surfaces, and added beveled edges. The printed pages were sewn together then attached to the boards, and the spine was covered in sealskin.

As the finishing touch, the spine was imprinted with a "Penguin Press" trademark designed by Marston. An inscription inside the book reads, "Printed at the sign of the Penguins… Latitude 77° 32' South, Longitude 166° 12' East, Antarctica."

Only 25-30 bound copies of Aurora Australis were produced. (An unknown number of unbound pages was also printed; the total number of bound and unbound copies is estimated at fewer than 100.) The Huntington's volume is known as the "Bottled Fruit" edition after the contents of the packing case used for its covers. Philadelphia bookseller A. S. W. Rosenbach presented this copy to Henry Huntington in 1925. It has been studied by scholars researching polar history but has rarely been exhibited to the public.

The book takes its name from the mysterious "southern lights," the Antarctic counterpart of the Arctic's Aurora Borealis.

Shackleton and fellow publishers Frank Wild and George Marston would later achieve their greatest fame as survivors of the Endurance. But their polar publication has achieved a certain fame of its own as a bibliographic "first" and a fascinating piece of Antarctic history.

Aurora Australis is on display at The Huntington in the East Foyer of the Library Exhibition Hall, through September 2 [2002?].

Source: From the Library's website but it is no longer up.


Copy Number: 110     Other identifiers: 443 copy
Location: Private collection, New Jersey, USA.

Information on the Joyce copy of Aurora Australis

"This copy has significance as it is one owned by Ernest Joyce, who with Frank Wild were the two printers, and was passed down within the family until purchased at auction in 1992. It would seem odd that there are no inscriptions or other markings of any kind. Two sheets are included with this copy. Although now loose they are punched and presumably were bound in originally. The sheets were printed on the same press and constitute a menu for a Midwinter Celebration at Winter Quarters June 23rd 1908." (From the auction catalogue description, 1992)

1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BRITISH [partially obscured by leather hinge] | ANTARCTIC | EXPEDITION | 1907
      b) Inside back cover: 443

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Two of the lithographs are tipped in. Which ones not known.
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Good condition, but the first third of the pages are loose." —From the present owners.
"Approximately 100 pages have pulled loose including the 4 additional pages previously described but all could be made good with eyelet reinforcements. One page has a 8cm. tear, otherwise the pages are generally clean and there is very little foxing. The leather spine is partially split down the front and has a small split on the back, however, the binding is still fIrm. The leather hinges inside have not been handled as much as the outside leather and are of a lighter colour than the outside leather but it is the opinion of the cataloguer that they are original." —From the auction catalogue description.

11. Provenance: The present owners purchased this copy at a 1992 New Zealand auction sale. It was consigned by a member of the Joyce family.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Communication with the present owners, March 2010.



Copy Number: 41     Other identifiers: Bernacchi copy; BEANS copy. Same as copies 268, 303, 312.
Location: 7900 Miami Lakes Drive West, Miami Lakes, FL 33016, USA.    

Information on the Kislak copy of Aurora Australis (Source: Also, catalogue description, Christie's Sale 7073, Lot 345; 21 September 2005.)

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BEANS running downward vertically with the base of the lettering closest to the outer edge.
      b) Inside back cover: [JULIE]NNE SOUP running downward vertically with the base of the lettering closest to the gutter.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): No inscriptions or signatures are listed in catalogue entries so the assumption is that none appear.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "Chromolithographic title, 10 lithographic or etched plates by G. Marston (of a possible 11), penguin device repeated throughout in brown or orange. (Lacks the plate 'In the Stables', one plate detached, some text leaves partially detached or with short tears around punch holes, without the final printed leaf, 'A Giant Tick Was Investigating the Carcase', known to exist in only a few copies.) Bound by Bernard Day in original sheep-backed packing-case boards, inside lower cover stencilled 'BEANS' and back cover '...NNE SOUP', uncut (rebacked, preserving old spine with title and penguin device in blind)." (From the catalogue description, Christie's Sale 7073, Lot 345; 21 September 2005).
The original green cord is present. There is some sort of pencil writing on the surface of the top inner board, not readable. The upper right corner of the upper board appears to have a small chip. There is a knot hole about two-thirds of the way down and slightly right-of-center on the outer surface of the upper board. There is a similar knothole about one-third of the way down and right-of-center on the outer surface of the lower board.

11. Provenance: "Louis Bernacchi by direct descent" (From the catalogue description, Christie's Sale 7073, Lot 345; 21 September 2005).

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: On the inside front cover is affixed a newspaper clipping: "A Polar Book.—Messrs. Sotheby's sale yesterday included a copy of the "Aurora Australis," published at the Winter Quarters of the Antarctic Expedition, 1907, illustrated with lithographs and etchings by G. Marston; this is the first book ever printed in the Polar regions, and was edited by Sir E. H. Shackleton, the covers of the book being made from the wood of the packing-cases which contained the provisions, and is one of only 90 copies struck off; it realized £10 5s." In ink at top: "Times March 29 1912"

Source: Also, catalogue description, Christie's Sale 7073, Lot 345; 21 September 2005.

Contacts: Arthur Dunkelman, Director, Jay I Kislak Foundation

Inside front and back covers
(Source: AND


Copy Number: 104     Other identifiers: Levinson copy; Buckley copy; VEAL copy
Location: Unknown. Jeremy Markowitz described the buyer at the Swann sale as a "private collector from the US."    

Information on the former Levinson copy of Aurora Australis (adapted from the description in Swann sale catalogue)

Lot 120, Swann 5/24/07
SHACKLETON, ERNEST H. Aurora Australis. Plates. 4to, publisher's leather-backed packing crate venesta wooden boards, the inside upper cover stencilled with "[Bri]tish [A]rctic [Expe]dition" and the inside lower cover with "Veal," rebacked in facsimile to the original; uncut.
East Antarctica: "Printed at the Sign of 'the Penguins'; By Joyce and Wild," 1908-09 [$50,000/75,000]
The inscription in Shackleton’s hand to Buckley, reads "as a remembrance of the practical help and enduring sympathy to our little Expedition from the Publishers, Editor, Artist & printers." Buckley (1866-1937) met Shackleton in New Zealand when the Nimrod arrived there in 1906 and convinced him to take him on the expedition as far as the ice pack, at which time he would return to New Zealand on the towing vessel the S. S. Koonya. Shackleton agreed to let him join the expedition only a few hours before sailing, and writes in The Heart of the Antarctic that Buckley was "equipped for the most rigorous weather in the world with only the summer suit he was wearing; surely a record in the way of joining a Polar Expedition" (page 41). Upon reaching 61°29'S, Shackleton continues: "The meeting with the pack-ice was to terminate the Koonya's tow, and that also meant our parting with Buckley, who had endeared himself to every man on board, from able seaman upwards ... " (page 59).
ONE OF APPROXIMATELY 100 COPIES PRINTED of which approximately 65 extant copies are known, with roughly half located in institutions. This copy a rare variant, issued without the final leaf with the plate titled "A Giant Tick Was Investigating the Carcase" and with the verso of leaf 63 without the illustration titled "Many Shekels Were Needed For The Ship To Go Forth." See John Millard's introduction to the 1986 Bluntisham facsimile reprint for a discussion of this and other variants. This lot is accompanied by two 1994 typed letters signed by Millard to John Levinson, discussing Buckley, the printing of AA, known variants, the need for many copies to be rebacked, etc.
"The most renowned title in the Antarctic canon, this book was printed throughout an Antarctic winter at Cape Royds in 1908, during Shackleton's Nimrod expedition"- Taurus 60; Spence 1095; Rosove 304.A 1; Books on Ice 7.5.
WITH-George Buckley's Antarctic Club Certificate of Membership, "restricted to members of British Expeditions which have been engaged in exploration work in the Antarctic Regions," certificate number 24, signed by Reginald Skelton. Approximately 11x15 inches. Framed. [London], 17 January 1929.

SOLD FOR $70,000 including the 20% buyers premium.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: [BRI]TISH | [ANTA]RCTIC | [EXPE]DITION
      b) Inside back cover: VEAL running downward with base of letters closest to the gutter.
      Note: Apparently the covers were switched during rebinding. See letter of 11 July 1997 below.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Inscribed to Nimrod Expedition Member George Buckley and signed by Shackleton, Frank Wild, George Marston, Ernest Joyce and Bernard Day. The inscription in Shackleton's hand to Buckley, reads "as a remembrance of the practical help and enduring sympathy to our little Expedition from the Publishers, Editor, Artist & printers."

"To Mr & Mrs George Buckley | as a remembrance of the | practical help and enduring | sympathy to our little Expedition | from the Publishers, Editor | Artist & printers. | E. H. Shackleton. | Frank Wild | George Marston. | Ernest E. M. Joyce | Bernard C. Day."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "rebacked in facsimile to the original"

11. Provenance: Shackleton to George Buckley...John Levinson (purchased at a Bloomsbury auction sale), to unknown American buyer at the Swann sale.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: "Buyer of the AA was a private collector from the US." [E-mail from Jeremy Markowitz to Robert Stephenson.]

Source: R. Stephenson, personal inspection; Swann auction catalogue May 24, 2007.


Source: Swann auction catalogue.

Information from correspondence to and from John Millard:
John Millard writes Robert Stephenson, 18 May 1984: "It seems that George Buckley did receive a copy of the 'A', plus a copy of Shackleton's book "Heart of the Antarctic", which was inscribed to him. Later Buckley gave the 'A' to a friend, who in turn gave it to Buckley's granddaughter, Daphne, after grandfather's death in 1937. Daphne is the only child of Richard, by his first wife, as Mrs Buckley refers to Daphne as her stepfaughter. It seems that Daphne held on to the books for a number of years, but in the early 1970s decided she need the cash that they represented and relucatantly consigned them to auction at Sotheby's. The letter says in 1974, and the successful bidder was Gaston's Alpine Books in Middlesex. On checking my recoprds of auction sales, I couldn't find one for 1974, but there was a sale at Sotheby's on the 12th of June 1972, at which Gaston's was the successful bidder. So I assume that this is the right date. On checking the photo-copies of the Sotheby's catalogue descriptions that I acquired from the British Library, I found that Shackleton's and George Marston's signatures are in this particular copy of the 'AA', although it is not mentioned in the B.A.R. or A.B.P.C. listings. Further, some time ago, when I first made up my records of the copies sold at auction, I wrote to Gaston's for the details on this copy they acquired from this sale, unfortunately I never heard from them."

John Millard writes Robert Stephenson, 10 June 1985: "#10. Bob Finch put me on to this one. It's owned by the owner of Gaston's Alpine Books. The Sheaf copy that he sold to Bob, he acquired from Sotheby's sale, 12th June 1972. His present copy is a presentation copy given originally to Lt. Col George Alexander Maclean Buckley, the New Zealander, who did a great deal to help Shackleton's expedition."

John Millard writes John Levinson, 16 May 1994: "Buckley was born in Heathcote Valley, N.Z. on the 25th October 1866. He was christened George Alexasnder McLean Buckley. McLean was his mother's maiden name. After receiving his primary school education in N.Z., he was sent to Britain for extra schooling, after which he received a commission as a lieutenant in the British Army. While serving with his regiment in India, he received word that he had inherited a large estate in N.Z. from an uncle on his mother's side of the family. He resigned his commission , went to Britain, married his girlfriend Mabel Gertrude Warren in 1890. He and his wife arrived in N.Z. in 1891 to take up his inheritance. In 1894 they had a son Riochard McLean Buckley, followed by two daughters. Buckley himself was a very active individual. He was an expert swimmer, won many prizes and honors, it has been said that he never lost a race that he entered. He was also a very accomplished horseman, he rode very well and knew about horses and how to keep them fit, etc. He was also interested in deep sea sailing, etc. In 1904 he gained his Master Mariner Certificate. When Shackleton and the "Nimrod" arrived in N.Z. in 1906, Buckley was gung-ho for it, for him it was the ultimate adventure. He did everything that he could to help make it a success. The final plan was have the "Nimrod" towed down to the ice pack by the Dominion Government steamer the "S.S. Koonya", in order to conserve the small amount of coal carried by "Nimrod", some of which had to be off loaded for the wintering party. When Buckley heard about this he persuaded Shackleton to let him travel to the ice pack on the "Nimrod", to return on the "Koonya". Buckley entered into this whole heartedly, and took on all the dirtiest and difficult jobs available. He helped a lot with the Manchurian Ponies that Shackleton was using for motive power, in place of sled dogs. Being an expert sailor he took his turn at the wheel. When they reached the ice and Buckley was transferring to the "Koonya" the crew of the "Nimrod" gave him a rousing sendoff. I thought, to myself, when I read this if anyone deserved a copy of the 'AA' Buckley certainly did. I made a number of inquiries in New Zealand, to the ATL, the Christchurch Public Library, etc., but there wasn't a lot of information about his later life available. Buckley served in the first World War and sometime later he sold his properties in N.Z. and moved back to Britain for the rest of his life. He died in London on 10th November 1937, leaving his son and one daiughter. His wife and other daughter had died earlier. As I didn't have any information regarding his son, I inquired of the authorities in Britain for a copy of his will and last testament. This revealed his son's given names and this his son was his sole heir and he had earlier made a settlement on his remaining daughter when she married. I learned from "The Times" that Richard had died on the 1st April 1960. Leaving a second wife and a daughter by his first wife. Also, that he was a Founder, First Secretary and later Admiral of the Royal Ocean Racing Club, following in his father's footsteps with an interest in sailing
My next approach was to the present Secretary of the RORC for any information he could give me about Richard. Eventually, through a previous Secretary, I was put in touch with Richard's widow. She was, to say the least, most helpful. She contacted her Stepdaughter, George Buckley's granddaughter, and from her learned that George had lent his copy of the 'AA' to a friend, when George died in 1937, this friend retuned the 'AA' to the family. The granddaughter said she held the 'AA', plus one or two Antarctic items for a number of years, but some time later decided to sell the 'AA', as she and her husband needed the money to help with the farm they were operating. I understand it was sold privately to a dealer in London, who decided to keep it and to sell it later to help finance his retirement. I assume he had decided to retire and put the 'AA' up for sale and now you have it."

John Millard writes John Levinson, 16 May 1994: "Do you have a copy of the catalogue of the Bloomsbury Book Auction sale in which your copy of the 'AA' is listed?" In other words, Dr Levinson purchased his copy at auction in London sometime prior to May 1994.

John Millard writes John Levinson, 11 July 1997: "Recently, I looked up my correspondence with the previous owner of the 'Buckley' copy, this dates back to March 1985. At that time he had two copies of the 'AA', the 'Buckley' and another known as the 'Sheaf' copy. This latter one he eventually sold to Bob Finch, who resold it, after holding it for awhile. In my request for information I included a pre-printed form "Original Packing Case Markings", which the owner filled in and retuned to me with a lot of other information. It would appear from the information in your recent letter and the form that I received from the previous owner that the covers of your copy have been switched around when it was re-bound. I have enclosed a copy of the form for your information. I would assume that the re-binder had no information as to which was the front cover and which was the back or he may have arbitrarily used the best looking one for the front. I don't think it really matters at this late date, as a lot of different things have happened to the various copies over the last 86 years that books have been in existence."



Copy Number: 06     Other identifiers: TURTLE SOUP copy; HONEY copy
Location: Thomas Jefferson Building, 1st Street SE between Independence Avenue and East Capitol Street, Washington, D.C.    

Information on the Library of Congress copy of Aurora Australis

LC Control No.: 13012986
LCCN Permalink:
Type of Material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Main Title: Aurora australis. [Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston.
Published/Created: Printed at the sign of 'The Penguins’; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77° 32' South, longitude 166° 12' east. Antarctica [1908]
Description: 6 p.l., [151] p. I illus., 10 pl. 28 cm.
Contents: The ascent of Mount Erebus; T.W.E. David.--Midwinter night; Nemo.--Trials of a messman; a messman.--A pony watch; Putty.--Southward bound; Lapsus Linguæ.--An interview with an emperor; A.F.M.--Erebus; Nemo.--An ancient manuscript; Shellback.--Life under difficulties; J. Murray.--Bathybia; D. Mawson.
Notes: Title within ornamental border, with vignette in colors. At head of title: 1908-09.
The first book ever printed in the Polar regions; ed. by E. H. Shackleton. Loose sheets laced in wooden covers, made of packing-cases which contained the provisions. Only 90 copies printed.
LC Classification: G850 1907 .A8
CALL NUMBER: G850 1907 .A8
Request in: Rare Book/Special Collections Reading Room (Jefferson LJ239)
VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: TURTLE SOUP running upward vertically with the top of the lettering closest to the outer edge, centered in the middle.
      b) Inside back cover: HONEY running upward vertically with the top of the lettering closest to the outer edge, in lower left corner.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): No inscriptions or signatures other than the pencil notation "£5/5/-" on the verso of the first leaf, upper left hand corner, and "196507" with "13" [could possibly be a capital B] underneath, on the verso of the title-page.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? No. There is a "LC" punched in tiny holes at the bottom.

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? No

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? No

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: All illustrations are on separate paper glued onto the page except the ones of a ship and mushrooms, which are pressed into page.
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "Excellent"

11. Provenance: Unknown, although by gift or presentation, not purchase. The copy has been at the Library of Congress at least since 1913 based on the cataloguing. Tom Henderson: "I have contacted the appropriate librarian to hopefully determine this answer. They said that it would be 2-3 weeks before they could retrieve an answer from their archives, if there is one."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: "I went to the Library of Congress today and was successful in my personal research and in viewing the LOC copy of "Aurora." The book they have is in exceptional condition. I thoroughly enjoyed going through it, although I got a bit nervous knowing how valuable it is. The Head Librarian in the Rare Books section was sympathetic to my purpose and allowed me to use a camera to record portions of the book. I took quite a few shots including all illustrations and all chapter and sub-chapter pages. I will send those images to you on CD when I return. If I am unable to do it this weekend (I leave again for a two-week interviewing trip in the West on Monday) then it will be in early September. Some images will be a bit distorted because they were very strict about how much the book could opened (to preserve the bindings) but I think it will all be legible."

Sources: Liz Batiste, who inspected the copy and reported this to me in a letter dated 9 July 1980.
Tom Henderson, 6 August 2015.


Stenciling in the top and bottom inner boards. Photos by Tom Henderson.


Copy Number: 130     Other identifiers:
Location: Private UK collection (still in the family)    

Information on the Aeneas Mackintosh copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover?: BRITIS | ANTARCT | EXPEDITI | 1907 Lettering is upside down, covering much of the board. Some letters/numbers clipped.
      b) Inside back cover: BAE 1907 [within a diamond shaped stamp] | NIMROD.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: "The Messman," "In the Stables" and "Fourteen God and True"
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: Has a number of separated leaves. The green cord is present. Leather spine is in excellent condition and has the penguin trademark logo at the bottom. The boards are not cracked.

11. Provenance: The copy came to the present family member from his grandmother, Mrs Elizabeth Dowler, the daughter of Aeneas Mackintosh. Mackintosh was a member of Shackleton's Nimrod expedition and later commanded the Ross Sea Party. This copy was probably presented to him by Shackleton and if so one would expect a personalized inscription but no such inscription appears.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Paul Davies (Kingsbridge Books) informed me of this copy in 2015. I have spoken on the phone with the family member presently owning the copy. Personal inspection by Richard Phillips on 6 December 2015.


Family member holding the Mackintosh copy. Source: unknown.


Copy Number: 132     Other identifiers:
Location: Offered by Maggs and since sold.    

Information on the Maggs copy of Aurora Australis

MARSTON (George). & SHACKLETON (Sir Ernest Henry). Aurora Australis.

Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, During the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908. First edition. 11 plates. 4to. Original leather backed packing case boards, with stencil lettering on the inside of the upper board "ANTARCTIC /[EXPEDI]TION 1907" and "273" inside the lower board with the original spine and joints intact (apart from a 15mm split to the top of the upper joint) and entirely unrestored. 120pp. Antarctica, Joyce and Wild, 1908.   £80,000

The first book to be published in Antarctica and probably the scarcest of all Antarctic material. There is some conjecture as to the exact number of copies that exist - it may be as low as 35 but is certainly less than 100. Due to the nature of the production (the pages are punctured and bound with green twine) copies inevitably and regularly vary in their collation. This copy has one leaf out of order, and as usual, does not contain the final leaf, "A Giant Tick was investigating the Carcase." According to Rosove, it's a "b issue." Comprised of ten pieces, the tone and subject matter of the pieces vary but together it presents a unique insight to the preoccupations and lives of those on the expedition. On one hand, Edgeworth David provides a detailed 34 page account of the ascent of Mount Erebus and, on the other, a humourous essay on the duties of a messman is present. Surviving the tedium of the long Antarctic winters was recognised as a genuine morale problem. To try and overcome this, a printing press was first included on Scott's Discovery expedition of 1901-03. A monthly paper The South Polar Times was produced along with the Blizzard. It proved popular with the men, Shackleton among them. Yet always keen to try and outdo Scott, Shackleton determined to produce an actual book during the winter of 1908. The work was created and completed in a small hut at Cape Royds on Ross Island, the expedition's base and home to 15 men. The Nimrod expedition of 1907-09 set out to reach the South Pole (it came within 100 miles), plant the flag at magnetic South Pole, and define the southern limits of the Great Ice Barrier. The first successful ascent of Mt Erebus was made in 1908, and although it would be later overshadowed by the drama of Endurance expedition, the mission is regarded as successful. Signed by H. Ponting, John Runnstrom, Hardland D. Wood, and Harmes Alpen. Spence, 1095; Rosove, 304.
Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BRITIS | ANTARCTI | TION 1907. Lettering very close to the top edge of the board and stretching the full width. See image.
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Signed on the inner board (see image) by H. Ponting, John Runnstrom, Hardland D. Wood, and Harmes Alpen (from Magg's listing). Ponting had no association with Shackleton and the 'P' appears more like a 'R'. Nothing can be found about the others who signed.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Not present

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy has since been sold by Maggs and the present owner is unknown to me.

Source: Fuchsia Voremberg, Maggs, e-mail dated February 20, 2015.


Title page and inner top board.


Copy Number: 135     Other identifiers: Lady Grey copy; MARMALADE copy. Same as copy 269.
Location: UK?    

Information on the Meridian copy of Aurora Australis

This copy has been called the Meridian copy here for want of a better name. It's owner is unknown to me. But a case is being made by Meridian Books for the owner so that name has been adopted for this inventory.

This is the same as Copy 269, which was sold on 21 March 2006 at Anderson & Garland, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Lot 683. Results: £46,000 which with the buyer's premium took it to £53,000 or ca. $92,000.
For more information on this sale,
click here.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: [MARM]ALADE (Horizontal orientation in center of board starting at outer edge. There is writing in pencil above: "[Ma]rmalade".)
      b) Inside back cover: MARM[ALADE] (Horizontal orientation in center of board starting at center and going to outer edge. There is writing in pencil above: "45 Tins Ma[rmalade]".

2. Inscriptions (text and location): At the top of the recto of the first leaf: "To Lady Grey | from the Editor | E.H. Shackleton | June 1910".

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: A Pony Watch, Fourteen Good and True.
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: Rebacked with original spine preserved. One leaf slightly proud (punched holes torn), else very good with sharp corners to boards. Pleasant 'smoky' aroma!

11. Provenance: Presented to Viscountess Grey, wife of the fourth Earl and one-time Governor General of Canada. Sold on 21 March 2006 at Anderson & Garland, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Lot 683. Results: £46,000 which with the buyer's premium took it to £53,000 or ca. $92,000.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: The Journal (Newcastle), 23 March 2006, and other sources. Stuart Leggatt, October 9, 2015.


L to R: Inner upper board and title page; Outer upper board; Inner upper board; Inscription; Inner lower board; Outer lower board.


Copy Number: 07     Other identifiers: OATMEAL copy
Location: The Morgan Library & Museum, 225 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA.    

Information on the Morgan Library copy of Aurora Australis

Location: Archives--Bound Volumes (ARVBD)
Call Number: ARC 0571
Record ID: 194239
Accession Number: ARC 571.1
Title: Aurora australis : [published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908 : illustrated with lithographs and etchings / by George Marston] Published/Created: Printed at the sign of ’The Penguins’ : by Joyce and Wild, Latitude 77° 32' South, longitude 166° 12' East, Antarctica, [1908]
Description: 109 leaves, 10 plates : ill. ; 28 cm.
Contents: The ascent of Mount Erebus / T.W.E. David -- Midwinter night / Nemo -- The messman / A messman -- A pony watch / Putty -- Southward bound / Lapsus linguae-- An interview with an emperor / A. F[orbes]. M[ackay] -- Erebus / Nemo -- An ancient manuscript / Shellback -- Life under difficulties / James Murray -- Bathybia / Douglas Mawson.
Notes: Title within ornamental border, with ill. in colors; at head of title"1908-09". The first book ever printed in the Polar regions; only 90 copies printed. Originally shelved as part of the Morgan Family Collection.
Provenance: From the library of J.P. Morgan (1837-1913) with a letter from Ernest Shackleton to Morgan dated July 25, 1911 tipped in and the following inscription on the flyleaf: "To J. Pierpont Morgan with gratitude from the editor, E.H. Shackleton".
Associated Names: Shackleton, Ernest Henry, Sir, 1874-1922, inscriber. Marston, George, illustrator. Joyce, Ernest E. Mills (Ernest Edward Mills), d. 1940, printer. Wild, Frank, b. 1874, printer, Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont), 1837-1913, former owner. British Antarctic Expedition (1907-1909)
Formatted Place: Antarctica.
Accompanying Material: With two descriptions of the book from dealers’ catalogs.
Subjects: 1908. Antarctica.
Dept./Collection: Pierpont Morgan Library Archives

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: None but there is a small bookplate which is black leather with a coat of arms in gold within which appears "John Pierpont Morgan".
      b) Inside back cover: OAT (plus portion of the letter M clipped at the outer edge of the board) running horizontally.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "To J. Pierpont Morgan Esq | with gratitude from | The Editor. | E. H. Shackleton." The inscription appears on the recto of the first leaf. Some of it is obscured by a letter written in ink (one leaf, folded) that is attached to the leaf. See below for the text. In the upper right of this page, in pencil, appears the following: "Base | Morgan | family | Coll."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Backstrip off and mounted in box. Unlaced. Many holes pulled through. (10 October 1980). Totally disbound: the sheets are all loose and in a file folder within the clamshell box. Some browning on the outer edges of some leaves. Green cord present but loose within box. Some holes pulled through but mainly in the first 15 or so leaves. Rear board somewhat cupped. The front board has a knot that appears to go all the way through to the inside, presumably as issued. (6 October 2010).

11. Provenance: Presented to J. P. Morgan by Shackleton. See Inscription above and letter below.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Accompanying the book is a Blackwell's catalogue of 1970 which offers a copy of the Aurora for £825, this copy having BRITISH ANTA EXPEDITION stenciled on the inside front cover and BUTTER on the inside back cover. Based on the stencilling alone, this would be Copy 109, The Taurus Collection.
Also in the box is a photocopy of the title page of a Sotheby's book auction 27 and 28 June 1991; page 197 of the catalogue which includes Lot 457, an Aurora Australis (Lysaght copy, Copy 274); and an image of the title page.
Mounted on the inside front cover of the clamshell box is the Library's bookplate:
"The | Pierpont | Morgan | Library".
Mounted in the center panel of the box near the top is what appears to be the title from the original spine. It's only the portion that reads "AURORA | AUSTRALIS". However, unlike other spines the letters are blackened and not stamped in blind. On the other hand the leather looks right. The penguin logtype is not present.
The clamshell box is of light green linen and red spine with
"AURORA | AUSTRALIS | [star device] | SHACKLETON" in gilt.

Source: Personal inspection, 10 October 1980 and 6 October 2010.

Contacts: Inge Dupont, Head of Reader Services.

The following handwritten letter accompanies the Morgan's Aurora:
25th July 1911 [sic]

Dear Mr Pierpont Morgan

Mr ?? ?? ?? [Mr Oliver Locker Lampson]
has told me of your
generous help to the
scientific results of
my Expedition. I much
appreciate this and
as a slight remembrance
of your kindness
________page break_______
would ask you to
accept this book I
send you:
This is the first book
ever printed in
the Polar Regions.
It was written by
members of the
Expedition: printed
and bound in
the Antarctic, the
________page break_______
covers are made out
of our provision cases,
and the whole was
done during the long
polar night: There
are only 80 copies
in existence that being
the number printed
and only 30 have
been distributed.
Again thanking You
Believe me
Yours truly,

Ernest Shackleton
NOTE: "Commander Oliver Stillingworth Locker-Lampson CMG, DSO, (1880-1954) was a British soldier and right-wing Conservative Party politician. His older brother Godfrey was also a Tory MP.
He was elected to the House of Commons at the January 1910 general election as Member of Parliament for Ramsey in Huntingdonshire. When that seat was abolished at the 1918 general election, he was returned for the newly re-established Huntingdonshire seat, transferring in 1922 to Birmingham Handsworth, which he held until he stepped down from Parliament at the 1945 general election.
The son of the poet Frederick Locker and Jane Lampson (daughter of Sir Curtis Lampson), he was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge. Lawyer then MP before First World War.
During World War I he commanded Royal Naval Air Service armoured cars. In 1931 he founded the short-lived Sentinels of Empire "to peacefully fight Bolshevism and clear out the Reds!" whose motto was "Fear God! Fear Naught!"."
Also see

This photograph was on display at the Athy Heritage Centre in Athy, Ireland, in November 2009. It shows Shackleton with a Frederick Locker-Lampson. This could be mislabelled and in fact be Oliver Locker-Lampson the author of this letter. The only Frederick that could be found was Oliver's father, the poet.


Copy Number: 131     Other identifiers:
Location: UK.    

Information on the Murray copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover?: SUET running vertically upward, the S closest to the bottom edge, the top of the lettering below the outer edge.

      b) Inside back cover: POULTRY running vertically upward, the P closest to the bottom edge, the top of the lettering below the gutter.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Black and white
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 'Pony watch,' perhaps others
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Black & white

10. Condition: The spine is detached and not present. Some leaves have separated. Green cord is present. Condition of boards is very good. Overall condition of contents is good.

11. Provenance: The present owner says that Shackleton gave it to his ancestor, Sir William Mather. Shackleton at one time worked for or interned at Mather & Platt, a large British company.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Paul Davies (Kingsbridge Books). Personal visit, November 2015


Stencilling on upper and lower inner boards.

Uncolored titlepage and the lacking spine.



Robert Stephenson and Leonie Cash.

Copy Number: 25       Other identifiers: CHICKEN copy; Eager copy; Sir Thomas Ramsay copy
Location: 11 Nicholson Street, Carlton, Victoria, Australia

Information on the Museum Victoria copy of Aurora Australis

There is a pencil notation in some early papers that I have from John Millard of Toronto. Sir Thomas Ramsay is noted as having a copy, in Australia. Sir Thomas was a benefactor of Museum Victoria. There is a Ramsay Collection at Scotch College, Melbourne. He was a noted book collector, his collection or a portion of it is apparently being sold at Christie's in Australia in March 3, 1977. Although the 1977 volume of American Book Prices Current lists the Ramsay sale, no Aurora appears in ABPC as having appeared at that sale.
(This statement appeared in the entry for Copy 208, The Sir Thomas Ramsay copy. This copy is now definitely identified as the one at Museum Victoria, Copy 25.)

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: None
      b) Inside back cover: CHICKEN in the top center running vertically top of lettering closest to spine, base of lettering closest to outer edges of the boards.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "Ernest H. Shackleton | George Marston" in upper center of recto of blank leaf following copyright page and preceding the dedication page (see image).

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: Top board is quite clean although with slight cupping. Back board is quite good though a tiny split at top, ca. 1/2 inch in length. Original spine (not rebacked). A little rubbing but no splits. Blindstamped logotype and title are in place. On the gutter an adhesive strip has been somewhat crudely added (see image). The original green cord is lacking and the individual sheets have had tabs added to them which are in turn bound.

11. Provenance:

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Given the context the intention was almost certainly "household goods". "gods".
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? "Period".
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34° ? "34°".
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Appearing in the upper rignt corner of the first blank leaf, stamped in blind (see image): F.Z.E. | LIBRARY OF | FRED Z. EAGER
On the verso of the last blank in pencil at the foot: RB | 919.9 | A931

"I have managed to find out some about FZE – he came from America in 1912 to Queensland and established a successful car dealership which still continues today. FZE died in 1949 and reportedly left a sum of £300,000 along with his estate and its contents to a friend, Miriam ‘Midge’ Whippell, who then died in 1985. My assumption is that we must have purchased the Aurora Australis at some point as I cannot fathom that it would have been donated to us by Eager or Whippell over one of the Queensland institutions, but I do also wonder how FZE came to have a copy in the first place."
(From an e-mail from Gemma Steele, September 8, 2016)

"I made an accidental discovery today that has now made me 99% certain that we have Sir Thomas Ramsay’s copy of the Aurora Australis.
I have attached a PDF of a book which confirms that Sir Thomas acquired Fred Z. Eager’s book collection when he died in 1949, and FZE had acquired part of the Edge Partington Collection which had been sold in London in 1934. I am currently waiting on a copy of the catalogue of the Edge Partington Collection to confirm that the Aurora Australis was included in that sale.
We are still unsure as to how exactly the AA ended up with us, although obviously Sir Thomas was one of the trustees of the museum during his life.
(From an e-mail from Gemma Steele, September 9, 2016)

"We finally found a record of the donation of the Aurora Australis to our museum today, so I can say now 100% we have Sir Thomas Ramsay’s copy. The donation was made in 1996 (the year after Sir Thomas’ death) by Lady Ramsay."
(From an e-mail from Gemma Steele, September 13, 2016)

Sources: ; Leonie Cash (Librarian Museum Victoria); Personal inspection 17 June 2010.

Contacts: Leonie Cash (Librarian Museum Victoria); Gemma Steele (Librarian Museum Victoria).

Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.

Left: Fred Z. Eager marking. Right: Signatures of Shackleton and Marston


Right: Robert Stephenson, Allen Mawer and Erca Ryan.

Copy Number: 21       Other identifiers: BUTTER 267 copy; Kivell copy
Location: Parkes Place, Parkes, ACT 2600, Australia

The NLA has two copies of the Aurora, one of which (SR 919.9 AUR) is disbound (Copy 33).

An article on this copy (Copy 21) appeared in the March 2009 issue of The National Library Magazine.

Information on the National Library of Australia copies of Aurora Australis

Bib ID: 855596
Format: Book
Online Access: SR 919.9 AUR
Printer: (Antarctica : Printed at the sign of the Penguins by Joyce and Wild)
Description: [Antarctica : s.n.,] 1908 
[150] p., [11] leaves of plates : ill. ; 27 cm. 
Collection: Rex Nan Kivell Collection ; NKq5544
Notes: "Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July, 1908."
Edited by E.H. Shackleton.
The first book ever printed in Antarctica.
Title within ornamental border, with vignette in colors. At head of title: 1908-09.
Loose sheets laced in wooden covers made of packing-cases which contained the provisions.
Only 90 copies printed.
Also available in an electronic version via the Internet at: http:/­/­­nla.aus-vn855596 [White copy]
Rex Nan Kivell Collection NKq5544 - "Butter 267".
SR copy [Copy 33 or White copy] disbound.
Copy 1—Details: NKq 5544. Collect from: Petherick Reading Room (Australian Rare or Fragile)
Copy 2—Details: SR 919.9 AUR. Collect from: Petherick Reading Room (Australian Rare or Fragile)
VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BUTTER in the center somewhat closer to the gutter, running vertically top of lettering closest to spine, base of lettering closest to outer edges of the boards.
      b) Inside back cover: 267 in the center, top of numerals closest to spine, bottom of numerals closest to outer edges of the boards.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Excellent. Very tight. No loose sheets. Original green cord. Original spine. Knot at foot of outer front board and two knots in area of stencilling on inner front board, presumably as issued.

11. Provenance: Purchased from Rex Nan Kivell in 1959.
"Rex Nan Kivell was a collector, who's magnificent collection the Australian Government acquired in 1959. More information about the Nan Kivell collection is available from and you might find his biographical entry in the Australian dictionary of biography also of interest:"

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Given the context the intention was almost certainly "household goods". "Unknown".
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? "Unknown".
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34° ? "Unknown".
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy is kept in a light blue drop-leaf custom box with green leather spine. In gilt: AURORA | AUSTRALIS | 1908-9 | JOYCE | AND WILD | FIRST BOOK | PRINTED | IN THE ANTARCTIC
There is a Kivell bookplate (see image) on the inside front board of the box. At the base of the bookplate in pencil is the notation: FRM/NK 5544.
The same bookplate is found on the recto of the first blank on the book. It has the same notation on its base.
Loose in the box is a single sheet of paper: "This book was printed at South Pole a printing press was taken on the Expedition. Wooden cover made from a Butter box."
There is a bar code sticker at the center of the verso of the final leaf of the book.

Sources: Catalogue; Allen Mawer; Erica Ryan (Manager, Australian Collection Development, National Library of Australia); Personal inspection 7 June 2010.

Contacts: Erica Ryan (Manager, Australian Collection Development, National Library of Australia)

Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.

Left: Outer front board. Right: The Kivell bookplate.


Right: Robert Stephenson, Allen Mawer and Erca Ryan.

Copy Number: 33       Other identifiers: White copy
Location: Parkes Place, Parkes, ACT 2600, Australia

The NLA has two copies of the Aurora, one of which (SR 919.9 AUR) is disbound (Copy 33).

Photographs of each page of this copy may be found at
Information on the National Library of Australia copies of Aurora Australis

Bib ID: 855596
Format: Book
Online Access: SR 919.9 AUR
Printer: (Antarctica : Printed at the sign of the Penguins by Joyce and Wild)
Description: [Antarctica : s.n.,] 1908 
[150] p., [11] leaves of plates : ill. ; 27 cm. 
Collection: Rex Nan Kivell Collection ; NKq5544
Notes: "Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July, 1908."
Edited by E.H. Shackleton.
The first book ever printed in Antarctica.
Title within ornamental border, with vignette in colors. At head of title: 1908-09.
Loose sheets laced in wooden covers made of packing-cases which contained the provisions.
Only 90 copies printed.
Also available in an electronic version via the Internet at: http:/­/­­nla.aus-vn855596
Rex Nan Kivell Collection NKq5544 - "Butter 267".
SR copy disbound.
Copy 1—Details: NKq 5544. Collect from: Petherick Reading Room (Australian Rare or Fragile)
Copy 2—Details: SR 919.9 AUR. Collect from: Petherick Reading Room (Australian Rare or Fragile)
VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): No
      a) Inside front cover: None unless under bookplate which seems unlikely.
      b) Inside back cover:

2. Inscriptions (text and location): There are no signatures or presentation inscriptions dating to the time of the expedition.

In the center of the inside front cover is the bookplate (see image) of Henry L. White and at the foot in the lower right corner is a booksellers ticket (see below under 'Provenance'). Written diagonnaly across the upper left corner in pencil: "919.9 AUR [unreadable] Printed at the Winter Quarters in the Antarctic Regions. The covers were made out of kerosene cases. Professor Sir T. W. Edgeworth David was a notable member of this Expedition." The number "482" in pencil within a circle appears in upper right hand corner of the bookplate.


Written in pencil diagonally in the upper left corner of the recto of the first blank immediately proceeding the title page: "Printed at the South Polar regions. Read Shackleton's "additional preface" within."

On the verso of the title page, centered, is a rubber oval stamp: "Commonwealth National Library 12 Sep. 1929"

In the upper right corner of the copyright page are the rubber stamped numbers: "69944"

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Disbound. Leather backstrip, although original, is rubbed and separated from back cover. Slight horizontal split in front board about two-thirds from the foot. Green cord is present (in the mylar sleeve containing the sheet of paper noted above). The individual leaves appear in good condition despite punch holes having torn to the edge.

11. Provenance: Contains bookplate of Henry L. White of Belltrees (a property in Scone, NSW), a collector of Australian ornithology, philately and bibliography. The front cover has a label from A.H. Spencer “new & secondhand bookseller & publisher, 86 Bourke St., Melbourne (The ‘Hill of Content’) Aust.".

In an e-mail dated 30 September 2010, Erca Ryan provided further details on this copy's provenance and supplied an image of the accession register of the Library of the Parliament of the Commonwealth. Entry 69944 reads: "Aurora Australis, 1908-1909 – 4o, East Antarctica, 1908 – 1 vol - £10-10-0 – A.H. Spencer, 12/9/29" She goes on to note that "Henry Luke White (1860-1927) was the uncle of noted Australian author Patrick White and is pictured at More information about him is available from the Australian Dictionary of Biography online at"

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Given the context the intention was almost certainly "household goods". "gods"
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? "Period".
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34° ? "30°"
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy is kept in a light blue drop-leaf custom box with green leather spine. In gilt: AURORA | AUSTRALIS | 1908-9 | JOYCE | AND WILD | FIRST BOOK | PRINTED | IN THE ANTARCTIC
There is a Kivell bookplate (see image) on the inside front board of the box. At the base of the bookplate in pencil is the notation: FRM/NK 5544.
The same bookplate is found on the recto of the first blank on the book. It has the same notation on its base.
Loose in the box is a single sheet of paper: "This book was printed at South Pole a printing press was taken on the Expedition. Wooden cover made from a Butter box."
There is a bar code sticker at the center of the verso of the final leaf of the book.

Sources: Catalogue; Allen Mawer; Erica Ryan (Manager, Australian Collection Development, National Library of Australia); Personal inspection 7 June 2010.

Contacts: Erica Ryan (Manager, Australian Collection Development, National Library of Australia}

Left: Inside front cover with bookplate. Right: Inside back cover.


Copy Number: 14     Other identifiers: HONEY copy
Location: National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EW, Scotland, UK   

Information on the National Library of Scotland copy of Aurora Australis (source:

Title: Aurora Australis, 1908-09 / [edited by Sir E. Shackleton; illustrated by George Marston].
Date(s): 1908.
Publisher: Antarctica : published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, printed at the Sign of ’The Penguins.'
Format: Book
Size etc: 1 v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Note: Signed by the editor and illustrator, and bound in wooden boards, being fragments of packing-cases used in the expedition.
Limited. ed of 90 copies.
Consult in: NRR (George IV Bridge); stored in George IV Bridge
Shelfmark: GB/B.422
VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: HONEY running vertically downward with the base of the lettering closest to the outer edge. There is some old unreadable light cursive writing in pencil oriented vertically upward in the left hand side of the inner board.
      b) Inside back cover: [FR]UIT with the top of the lettering closest to the top edge. It's conceivable that the word could be 'biscuit', although John Bowles thinks not.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Signed by Shackleton and Marston on the blank leaf following the title page.
The form of the signatures are: Ernest H. Shackleton | George Marston

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) In the Stables; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "Spines cracked otherwise very nice copy. Green cord present. " (April 1980). "We have had some remedial work done on the spine. Our copy has the title and the stamped trade mark on the spine." (June 4, 2010)

There are four small knots on the upper cover, otherwise clean and unmarked. The outer surface of the back board is also clean with the exception of a small stain at the foredge ca. midway between the head and foot. The leaves are very clean and bright and there are no loose leaves.

11. Provenance: "Our ownership stamp indicates that we purchased it in the autumn of 1977. I don’t have any further information on this at present."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Contained in a light brown solander box with lettering in black on spine. At the top within a rectangular box: NATIONAL | LIBRARY | OF SCOTLAND. Ca. 1/3 down from top: AURORA | AUSTRALIS. At the foot: GB/B 422.

In the upper left corner of the recto of the first blank appears the catalogue number: GB/B.422.

Source: R. Stephenson, personal inspection (April 1980). E-mail from John Bowles (4 June 2010). Personal inspection 31 May 2011.

Contacts: John Bowles, Curator, Foreign Collections Unit, National Library of Scotland.

Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.


Copy Number: 15     Other identifiers:
Location: Caird Library, National Maritime Museum. Greenwich, UK    

Information on the National Maritime Museum Dawson-Lambton copy of Aurora Australis

Aurora Australis 1908-09
    Marston, George (ill)
See also: 094:910.4(99)"1908/1909"
See also: 820-82
See also: 919.9
See also: 910.4(99)"1908/1909":094
Personal Author: Marston, George (ill)
Title: Aurora Australis 1908-09
Publication info: Ross Island Joyce & Wild 1908
Physical descrip: 225p
General Note: Printed at the sign of the Penguins, latitude 77 degrees 32 minutes South longitude 166 degrees 12 minutes East
General Note: Front and back boards made from the Expedition's packing cases
Technical details: STEER
Acquisitions source: L1956-141 : PBB4190
Acquisitions source: Shackleton, E H (to) Dawson-Lambton, E : 25 Dec 1909 : inscription : PBB4190
Acquisitions source: Joyce, Ernest E (to) Buckley, Mr & Mrs : inscription : PBB4190
Acquisitions source: Wild, Frank : signature : PBB4190
Acquisitions source: Marston, George : signature : PBB4190
Acquisitions source: Day, Bernard : signature : PBB4190
Binding: 28cm
Local subject: Exploration
Added author: Shackleton, Ernest H, Sir
Item ID: PBB4190
Call number: 910.4(99)"1908/1909":094
Location: Book stack
VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: Upside down and in the half closest to the edge. Represented is a portion of the packers stamp: Visible are "J & T | EX | PAC | LON".
      b) Inside back cover: Lettering running vertically upward with the base of the lettering closest to the edge. "BRITISH | ANTARCTIC" with the lower half of Antarctic clipped.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): On the recto of the second leaf in ink: "To Miss Dawson-Lambton | from the Editor and | printers with Best | wishes for the coming | year; and remembrance | of all her kindness and | help. Dec 25th. 1909."
This is followed by a blank leaf and after this the title page.
On the verso of the final leaf of "Bathybia", upside down, in ink: "To | Mr & Mrs Buckley | With the Kindest regards. | of the publishers | Ernest E. Joyce. | Frank Wild. | George Marston. | Bernard G. Day. | December. 1909".

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: Completely disbound. The condition of the leaves is quite good. The green cord is not present. There are knots on the exterior of both the upper and lower boards. One knot has come out. The logotype and title are present on the spine. No indication of being rebacked. Paper label with call number at foot of spine: "910.4(00) | "1908/ | 1909" | :094 | SHA" Hindges split in places.

11. Provenance: Presented to Elizabeth Dawson-Lambton by E.H. Shackleton. Unclear why there is an inscription to Mr and Mrs Buckley.
John Millard, in a letter to Robert Stephenson dated 11 July 1982, states: "It was originally given to Miss Dawson-Lambton, in December 1909, one of the two sisters to whom the book is dedicated. It was donated to the Museum by M. Bernard, esq, of London, on the 17th of July 1956, as part of a collection of books on polar voyages and discoveries. Interesting is the fact that this copy was sold at Auction, by Sotheby's, 24th February 1953, for £27. It was acquired by someone by the name of Patch. People at the Museum seem to think Patch was the Auctioneer's Clerk.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy is stored in two archval boxes: 1) the boards and 2) the text. On the outside of the text box is a label titled "Treatment note". It reads: "The original cord sewing structure restricted page opening and resulted in some leaves tearing away at the sewing holes. The text block has therefore been separated from the book boards and gathered on loose cords to allow ease of page turning during consultation and safe opening for display. Additionally, the original spine leather joining the boards, has degraded and split leaving the board structure vulnerable to further deterioration. Handle the boards with particular care. Paper Conservation. January 2005."
New stiff card has been added to the top and bottom of the text block.
On the recto of the first leaf is the armorial bookplate of the National Maritime Museum and above this arubber stamp with the following information added in pencil: "No. B4190 | Class 910.4(99)"1908/1909":094 | Date 25 . 7 . 83 ." Below this appears: "919.9 BS | 820-82". The final leaf of "Southward Bound" ending in LINGUAE, is duplicated, i.e. it appears twice.

Source: Personal inspection 21 October 2010.

Contacts: Hannah Dunmow, Caird Library, National Maritime Museum.

Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.


Copy Number: 16     Other identifiers:
Location: Caird Library, National Maritime Museum. Greenwich, UK    

Information on the National Maritime Museum Invernairn copy of Aurora Australis

INVERNAIRN, Lady Elspeth, fl.l902-l952
Item info: 1 copy available in SWW.
1 copy total in all locations. 
Call number: IVR/13
Copy: 1
Item ID: IVR/13
Material: Manuscripts
Location: SWW basement

Aurora Australis 1908-09
    Marston, George (ill)
See also: 094:910.4(99)"1908/1909"
See also: 820-82
See also: 919.9
See also: 910.4(99)"1908/1909":094
Personal Author: Marston, George (ill)
Title: Aurora Australis 1908-09
Publication info: Ross Island Joyce & Wild 1908
Physical descrip: 225p
General Note: Printed at the sign of the Penguins, latitude 77 degrees 32 minutes South longitude 166 degrees 12 minutes East
General Note: Front and back boards made from the Expedition's packing cases
Technical details: STEER
Acquisitions source: L1939-36 : PBP2621
Acquisitions source: Shackleton, E H (to) Elspeth : Nov 1909 : inscription : PBP2621
Binding: 28cm
Local subject: Exploration
Added author: Shackleton, Ernest H, Sir
Item ID: PBP2621
Call number: None given
Location: On display

Additional information: "Lady Invernairn had already between 1938 and 1939 presented to the Museum…presentation copies of the Aurora Australis and the Heart of the Antarctic (1909).
Lady Invernairn, nee Elspeth Tullis, married William (later Sir William) Beardmore (1856-1936), Chairman and Managing Director of William Beardmore & Co., Engineers and Shipbuilders, in 1902. He was created Baron Invernairn of Strathnairn in 1921. They both met Ernest (later Sir Ernest) Shackleton (1874-1922) in Edinburgh in 1905, not long after the latter's return from the Antarctic where he had taken part as a junior officer in the British National Antarctic Expedition, 1901 to 1904. In 1906 Shackleton entered Beardmore's employment at Parkhead, Glasgow. With Mrs Beardmore's encouragement, he planned his own British Antarctic Expedition in the Nimrod in 1907. Shackleton went south again in the Endurance as leader of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 1914 to 1917. See H.R. Mill, 'The Life of Sir Ernest Shackleton' (London, 1923) and Margery and James Fisher, 'Shackleton' (London, 1957)."
VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown The boards were not inspected as they are in a display case. They are covered by a sheet with an inscription (see below) which suggested there is no stencilling.
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None present in the disbound text inspected but a leaf is displayed with the boards in the "Oceans of Discovery" gallery. An inscription appears on the recto of a blank leaf that, if placed in the correct order, occurs immediately before the title page. In ink, it reads: "To Elspeth from | Ernest. Nov 1907. | The Editor." [Almost certainly the 7 is actually a 9.]

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) In the Stables; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Black & white

10. Condition: Completely unbound. No green cord present. The leaves are tied together with an off-white cord. Although disbound, the condition of the leaves is better than good.

11. Provenance: Presented to Lady Elspeth Invernairn by E.H. Shackleton. It appears to have come to the NMM in 1939 as suggested above ("Acquisitions source: L1939-36 : PBP2621")
John Millard, in a letter to Robert Stephenson dated 11 July 1982, states:
"Copy #2 was given to Lady Elspeth Invernairn, in November 1909, by Shackleton. Lady Invernairn in turned [sic] donated it to the Museum in 1939, along with some Shackleton letters."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: No storage box present as this copy is on display. The boards remained in the display case and were not inspected. The first leaf is the title page. On the recto of the second leaf there is a rubber stamp form with additions in pencil: "No P2621 | Class 910.4(99)"1908-1909". 094 SHA | Date 8 12 93" Below this, in pencil, appears: BS. | 919.9 | 820-82". The third leaf is the copyright page. A rubber stamp appears on the final leaf: LIBRARY | NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM, | [unreadable] within a rectangular rule.

Source: Personal inspection 21 October 2010.

Contacts: Hannah Dunmow, Caird Library, National Maritime Museum.


Source of photo: Elisa.rolle [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Copy Number: 45     Other identifiers: Carnock copy, Sissinghurst copy.
Location: Sissinghurst Castle Garden, Biddenden Road, Nr Cranbrook, Kent l TN17 2A, UK. Telephone: 01580 710700    

Information on the National Trust copy of Aurora Australis (source:

Item No: NT 3212787
Aurora Australis : Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings.
6 preliminary leaves, 180 unnumbered pages, 10 leaves of plates : ill. (1 col.) ; 28 cm. Provenance: inscribed on first blank leaf: "To Sir Arthur and Lady Nicolson from the editor E H Shackleton Jan 1910." [i.e. Arthur Nicolson, first Baron Carnock (1849–1928) and (Mary) Catherine Nicolson, Lady Carnock (1860-1951) from Sir Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922)]. Binding: twentieth-century quarter calf; with venesta wooden boards; pages attached with green silk cord. Stencilled on inside of upper board: Brit[ish] Anta[rctic] Exped[ition] 190[7]; on lower board: Bottled f[ruit?] ...
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: Brit[ish] Anta[rctic] Exped[ition] 190[7]
      b) Inside back cover: Bottled f[ruit?]

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "To Sir Arthur and Lady Nicolson from the editor E H Shackleton Jan 1910." On first blank leaf.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? The information on this copy on the National Trust website says "10 leaves of plates." This suggests that it is Variant B, i.e. without the illustration. But this needs to be confirmed.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "The book itself is terribly fragile with the leather and board binding."

11. Provenance: Inscribed on first blank leaf: "To Sir Arthur and Lady Nicolson from the editor E H Shackleton Jan 1910." [i.e. Arthur Nicolson, first Baron Carnock (1849–1928) and (Mary) Catherine Nicolson, Lady Carnock (1860-1951) from Sir Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922)].

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: “Polar Books in the National Trust” by Tim Pye appearing in the Autumn 2018 issue of The Book Collector. Mr Pye is listed as the Libraries Curator at the National Trust. National Trust website.

Contacts: Helen Davis, Senior House Steward.


Source of left photo:

Copy Number: 08     Other identifiers: Spencer copy.
Location: New York Public Library, Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street, New York, NY 10018, USA.    

Information on the New York Public Library copy of Aurora Australis (source:

Aurora australis. : [Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July, 1908 / Illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston. Printed at the sign of "The Penguins;" by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77° 32' south, longitude 166° 12' east.
Imprint: Antarctica, 1908.]
Description: 99 l., 10 pl. 4.
Location: Humanities - Print Room
Call Number:  Spencer Coll. Eng. 1908. [The Spencer Collection surveys the illustrated word and book bindings of all periods and all countries and cultures, from medieval manuscripts, Japanese scrolls, and Indian miniatures to monuments in Renaissance printing, illustration and binding to contemporary livres d'artistes.]
Note: David, T. W. E., The ascent of Mount Erebus. Nemo, Midwinter night. A messman, Trials of a messman. Putty, A pony watch. Lapsus linguæ, Southward bound. M., A. F., Erebus. Shellback, An ancient manuscript. Murray, J., Life under difficulties. Mawson, D., Bathybia.
One of ninety copies printed. Title within ornamental border, with vignette in colors. At head of title: 1908-09.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): None
      a) Inside front cover: Although there is no stencilling there is a Library bookplate, square in shape with a double rule border within which are various design flourishes and the text "SPENCER | COLLECTION | THE NEW YORK | PUBLIC LIBRARY"
      b) Inside back cover:

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Condition of sheets quite good. (10 October 1980) The backstrip is totally separated from the book and is not to be found (but it may have been present in 1980). The sheets, however, are still held to the boards and the green cord is present. Few if any holes have separated. The remaining leather on the boards is slightly rubbed. The outer covers are clean and unmarred. The title page and the printed sheets appear particularly sharp, the latter quite black. The first leaf is browned at te edges. Other than the missing backstrip, the condition is quite good. (6 October 2010)

11. Provenance: London bookdealer Bernard Quaritch sold this copy to W.A. Spencer. In a letter to Spencer dated 11 March 1912, Quaritch said the the man who sold it to him had a second copy exactly like this one. The seller assured Quaritch that the plate in question was never issued. [The plate in question, according to the Quaritch catalogue which must have accompanied this copy, was called for in the text of "Life under difficulties." No such plate is called for in the Table of Contents or elsewhere. The bookseller could have been thinking of the elusive "Giant Tick" illustration.]

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: On the recto of the first leaf is Spencer's rectangular embossed bookplate, heightened in gilt. Incorporated are his initials and EX LIBRIS W. A. SPENCER.
In lower right corner of the same page in pencil appears:
"English 1908 | Aurora".
The book is kept in a blue linen clamshell box, lined with marbled papers and labelled on the spine in gilt: "AURORA | AUSTRALIS" at the head and "ENGLISH | 1908" at the foot.

Source: Personal inspection, 10 October 1980 and 6 October 2010.

Contacts: Margaret Glover, Spencer Collection.


Copy Number: 34     Other identifiers: Marshall copy, Kendall copy, Fitzgerald copy
Location: The Newberry Library, 60 West Walton Street, Chicago, Illinois 60610-7324, USA    

Information on The Newberry Library copy of Aurora Australis

The Newberry Library copy is in the Gerald F. Fitzgerald Collection. The Collection is yet to be added to the library's on-line catalgue. The entry in the published The Gerald F. Fitzgerald Collection of Polar Books, Maps, and Art at The Newberry Library (2000) reads:
Shackleton, Sir Ernest Henry, Sir (1874-1922) [643]
Aurora Australis: Published at Winter Quarters of British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908. Illustrated with Lithographs and Etchings by George Marston. Printed at the Sign of 'The Penguins'; 77°.. 32' South, Longitude 166°.. 12' East, Antarctica.
Quarto, quarter red leather on original packing case boards with bevelled edges restored by Middleton.
6 p. 1. [151] p., [10] leaves of plates.
One of 60 bound copies. Signed by "Ernest H. Shackleton. George Marston [and] Eric S. Marshall 'Lapsus Linguae' ".
The first book printed in the Polar regions.
References: Spence 1095. OCLC 14213274.
Call Number: Case Fitzgerald 643

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: ME | COM [upside down]
      b) Inside back cover: ALISTER & CO. | ON MERCHANTS. | POOL. | MI [The MI is right side up; all else is upside down].

2. Inscriptions (text and location): On first blank page, recto: At top, in pencil: "Binding restored by Bernard Middleton of London | 1979." In middle of page, in three different inks, signatures of "Ernest Shackleton | George Marston | Eric S. Marshall | "Lapsus Linguae" On second blank page, recto: Top center, in blue ink: "E. J. C. Kendall | September 1951 | given by Dr. E. S. Marshall" [E.S. Marshall was a member of the Nimrod expedition and of the polar party; E.J.C. Kendall was a British M.D., long the Medical Officer of Epsom College, Surrey]

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Spine is excellent, but no blind-stamped "Sign of the Penguins." The title is blind stamped at the top, with the bottom lines of the type measuring 5 mm and 6.2 mm from the top of the spine. A couple sections of pages have begun to spring from the binding cord. They are not completely detached, but could become so if the volume were forced open."

11. Provenance: E.S. Marshall to E.J.C. Kendall (Kendall inscribed this in 1951, see above). To Gerald F. Fitzgerald (purchased by him from Maggs [London bookseller] in August, 1979—probably going directly from Kendall to Maggs). Thence to The Newberry Library.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: See Copy 18 (Scott Polar Research Institute). "In the center of the inner top cover [of Copy 18] is a large bookplate (4-3/4 x 3-1/2 inches) of H.R. Mill…Above the bookplate, typed on paper: "Photostat copies of missing | leaves were made from copy in | Dr. E.J.C. Kendall's possession. | His copy also contains various | blank leaves not in this copy, | and has coloured decoration on | title-page."
Kendall was apparently the Medical Officer of Epsom College. He contributed an article to the Polar Record on "Scurvy During Some British Polar Expeditions, 1875-1917" (Vol 7, No 51, September 1955, pp 467-85)

This copy was given to Kendall by E.S. Marshall.

Source: Robert W. Karrow, Jr., Curator of Special Collections and Curator of Maps, The Newberry Library.

Contacts: Robert W. Karrow, Jr., Curator of Special Collections and Curator of Maps, The Newberry Library.

Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.


Copy Number: 136     Other identifiers: Wild copy; Cooper copy; Holmes copy. Same as copy 270.
Location: Private collector, Norway

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

This copy was sold at a Christie's auction on 27 September 2006. Lot 181. For more information on this sale,
click here.
To see more on this copy, click here.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown but nothing mentioned in catalogue for the Christie's sale, 27 September 2006. Charles Cooper, the original owner, says in his memoirs (see link above) that it is stencilled "Butter".
      b) Inside back cover: [Bri]TISH | [ANTA]RCTIC | [EXPEDI]ITION | 07 | 62. Upside down, running from top to bottom in the outer half of the board; some letters clipped

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Presentation to Charles Cooper on the recto of the second blank: "Presented to Mr Chars Cooper | by one of the printers. | Ernest E. Joyce | May 12th 1910"

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration based on number of illustrations given in catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Propeller

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Some text leaves with short tears around punch holes, some reinforced, without the final printed leaf 'A Giant Tick Was Investigating the Carcase' known to exist in only a few copies.)…rebacked preserving original spine."

11. Provenance: Presented to Mr Chars Cooper by Frank Wild but signed by Ernest Joyce, then or eventuallly to Quentin Keynes then to his doctor.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: John Millard writes Robert Stephenson, 1 May 1982: "It appears that Frank Wild…had a least 2 copies of the 'Australis'. This one, that he gave to Cooper, and the one that Mr. Starr now has. It seems that Frank either gave it, or left it with Stanley, one of his younger brothers, he had three. It later came into the possession of Frank's niece, a Miss J. Wild. In 1970 she put it up for sale and it was acquired by Maggs Bros., London, who then sold it to a Mr. K.D. Holmes, in Buckinghamshire. In 1978 he gave it to Sotheby's to sell. It's #22 on my list of items sold at Auction 1912-1979."

Source: Catalogues; Exploring Shackleton (Oslo: Fram Museum, 2015, pp. [92-93]).


Top board and title page.

Inscription on second leaf and stencilling on inner bottom board.


Copy Number: 42     Other identifiers: Oates [Robert Washington Oates] copy
Location: The Oates Collections, Gilbert White's House, High Street, Selborne, Alton, Hampshire GU34 3JH, UK.    

Information on The Oates Collections copy of Aurora Australis

The Oates Collections copy of the Aurora was given to this museum in the 1930s by Robert Washington Oates who was family member and a book collector and dealer.
VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BRIT | ANTA and a portion of R | EXPED | 19 and a portion of 0 [upside down, with text running off of the outer edge and the 190 just touching the upper edge].
      b) Inside back cover: None.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman, 2) In the Stables, 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "Overall the copy is in very good to fine condition. The boards are clean (with minor nicks on the back board) as are the individual sheets. No leaves were fouind to be loose or unbound. The original spine is in placce but reinforced on the exterior with Japanese paper. The original green cord is present."

11. Provenance: The Oates Collections copy of the Aurora was given to this museum in the 1930s by Robert Washington Oates who was family member and a book collector and dealer. Where he obtained it is unknown. However, being a collector and dealer he probably obtained it at auction or through a bookseller as opposed to being presented a copy by Shackleton or the printers. A dozen or so sales of the Aurora occurred before the 1930s (see but descriptions were very sparse and there is no way to identify the copies sold through the stencilling, etc.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy was inspected by Robert Stephenson at Selborne on May 19, 2015.
The copy is stored in a nicely made blue quarter-bound clamshell box with gilt title on the spine and five raised bands.

Source: Derick Summers, Librarian, Gilbert White's House. (Shown in the photograph above with Robert Stephenson.)

Contacts: Derick Summers, Librarian, Gilbert White's House.

Inside front cover.


Copy Number: 122     Other identifiers: OATMEAL copy; Porter copy; Fitzsimmons copy
Location: Ann Arbor Michigan, USA.    

Information on the Ann Arbor copy of Aurora Australis

Jay Platt of West Side Bookshop in Ann Arbor told me of this copy. It is the copy that appears below at 267. The present owner purchased it at the Discovery Book Auction of 14 September 2005. The information and image below is from the catalogue for that sale.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: OATMEAL running vertically top to bottom.
      b) Inside back cover: [BRIT]ISH ANTARCT | [IC EXP]EDITION 190 running vertically bottom to top.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration based on number of illustrations.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) In the Stables; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "some leaves detached at perforations" "A very fine, completely unsophisticated copy, with no repair or restoration, and none needed. The spine leather is just slightly rubbed, there is stain (or possibly a defect in the leather) just above the ending "A" in the blindstamped "Aurora" in spine title, but no cracking or flaking, inner joint leather & cord lace in original condition, no pulling of punched holes in text leaves. - in all a very superior copy, possibly one of the finest in existence. " (from the auction catalogue). "The green cord is present. Not rebacked. Excellent tight condition." (from the present owner)

11. Provenance: Purchased at Discovery Book Auctions, Calgary, Alberta, 14 September 2005. Lot 243. The Porter Copy. Sold for US$53,437.50 which includes the 12.5% buyer's premium. In turn, the consigner—Dr Michael Porter— purchased it at Sotheby's Chancery Lane (Hodgson's Rooms), London, on 24 June 1976. Lot 408. Sold for £850.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 34°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Contained in a custom clamshell box as shown below.

Source: Catalogues; Owner



Copy Number: formerly 127     Other identifiers: Truscott copy; 31 copy; Alexander Turnbull Library (40).
Location: East Coast, USA.    
NOTE: Complete information on this copy can be found under
Copy 40. It is now owned by the Alexander Turnbull Library.

Information on the East Coast copy of Aurora Australis

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: None. Armorial bookplate of Sir George Wyatt Truscott. Bt. v Kt.
      b) Inside back cover: 31 (The second numeral appears to be a "1" but could be something else.)

2. Inscriptions (text and location): On recto of first leaf: #28268 (pencil)
To G. Wyatt Truscott | from the Editor | E H Shackleton | 1909 [This date has been added later in pencil and is not part of the original presentation inscription.]

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color, page is facsimile
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations (which ones are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?): 1) The Messman (facsimile); 2) Fourteen Good and True
Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia (facsimile)

10. Condition: Original boards, spine rebacked with new leather backstrip in exact facsimile of the original harness leather backstrip, complete with ‘Aurora Australis’ title and ‘Sign of the Penguins’ stamp. Small marginal tears to a couple of leaves neatly repaired. The following eight (8) leaves are supplied in facsimile and marked as such in pencil on the blank side. All are in appropriate color.
   1. Title page (color)
   2. Blank leaf prior to 'Midwinter Night' title page
   3. 'Night Watchman' title page (red)
   4. 'Night Watchman' illustration (black/white)
   5. 'The Messman' illustration (tipped-in, black/white)
   6. 'Struggle? for the Broom' illustration (sepia)
   7. 'In the Stables' illustration (black/white). Title page follows illustration.
   8. Blank leaf prior to last page of 'Life Under Difficulties' chapter

No other defects noted. No staining or foxing, leaves clean, original sheet holes in very nice condition.

11. Provenance: Shackleton presented this copy to Truscott's daughter during the formal opening of the Nimrod for public inspection along the Embankment. A contemporary newspaper article reported: "Upon arrival at the Examination Hall, Mr. Shackleton presented Miss Truscott, as the representative of the Lady Mayoress, with a bouquet, and asked the Lord Mayor's acceptance of a copy of the "Aurora Australis," of which there are only a hundred copies."
This copy was sold at Sotheby's 29 November 1990, Lot 348 fetching £3,500 (see Copy 273).

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy is in the hands of a Vermont bookseller to be sold on consignment.

Source: Personal inspection and information from the Vermont bookseller.

Contacts: Greg Glade, Top of the World Books, Hinesburg, VT

Left: Inside front cover. Middle: Inside back cover.Right: Inscription.

Two photos of G. Wyatt Truscott


Copy Number: 113     Other identifiers: Jephcott copy; SYRUP copy
Location: Devon, UK.    

Information on the Devon copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BRI | ANTA | EXPE | 19 [and portion of 0] 315 [clipped at bottom] Upside down with BRI at the bottom.
      b) Inside back cover: SYRUP running vertically with the base of the letters closest to the outer edge.

2. Inscriptions (text location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: Top cover is clean, no knots. Original spine with penguin logo and title. Appears not to have been rebacked. Green cord present. A fair number of leaves have separated at the holes and are loose. Back cover has some minor stains. Very small knot hole near lower let corner. Minor splits on the upper hinge: ca. 2 inches at the bottom and ca. 1/2 inch at the head.

11. Provenance: The owner is of the opinion that the copy came from Mawson.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 34°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: "Purchased for AUD500 from a bookseller in Pitt Street, Sydney, Australia, in 1969." Contained in a nice half-bound red morocco and marbled solander box with AURORA AUSTRALIS in gilt on spine.

Source: Correspondence with the present owner. Personal inspection 6 June 2011.


Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.


Copy Number: 121     Other identifiers:
Location: New Mexico, USA    

Information on the New Mexico copy of Aurora Australis

In September 2010, bookseller David Lilburne told me that there is a copy of the Aurora in New Mexico, a copy he had been associated with.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Copy Number: 123     Other identifiers: Reaney copy; F.W. White copy.
Location: Near Hastings, New Zealand    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: EXPEDITION 1907 [nearly all of the first E is cropped]
      b) Inside back cover: CTIC 18 [most of the first C is cropped] | SHIP [partly obliterated] | ROD [most of the R is cropped] | LTON | PARTY [most of the P is cropped] | A

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Yes, recto of second blank leaf. "To | F.W. White Esq. with best wishes from the printers [signed] Ernest Joyce [an initial which could possibly be Joyce's.] Kia Oro" There is a loose leaf page inside front blank page with inscription: With the Comp.s and Kind regards of Monkshood."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) In the Stables; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "Very good condition—expertly rebacked with original leather overlaid with blind stamp of 'Sign of the Penguins' and title at top (title faded but readable)."

11. Provenance: "Purchased from John Simper [Explorer Books, UK] 2001. Do not know prior history, other than it was held in an English family for some time."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy was added to the census on 22 May 2011. There was no previous record of this copy, either in the Millard-Stephenson census or auction sale records.

Source: The present owner in New Zealand.


Inside front cover; inside back cover

Inscription on second leaf; inscription on loose leaf


Copy Number: 114     Other identifiers: Scott-Fawcett copy.
Location: Norfolk, UK.    
Web: Provenance:

Information on the Norfolk copy of Aurora Australis

The owner of this copy told me that it was bought at Christie's London in 1999. (There is, however, no record of a Christie's sale in 1999 at which an Aurora was offered.) In 2011 the owner e-mailed to say that the copy, stored in a bank vault, was missing when recently checked. This brings into question the existence of the copy; it may have been apocryphal.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]




PRIVATE COLLECTION Perth, Australia, Copy 1

Copy Number: 119     Other identifiers:
Location: Perth, Western Australia    

Information on the Perth copy 1 of Aurora Australis

In September 2010, bookseller David Lilburne told me that there are two copies of the Aurora in Perth, copies he had been associated with.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]




PRIVATE COLLECTION Perth, Australia, Copy 2

Copy Number: 120     Other identifiers:
Location: Perth, Western Australia    

Information on the Perth copy 2 of Aurora Australis

In September 2010, bookseller David Lilburne told me that there are two copies of the Aurora in Perth, copies he had been associated with.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Copy Number: 105     Other identifiers: PEDITION 907 copy; Sheaf copy; Baume copy
Location: California, USA.

Information on the the Santa Monica copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: [Ex]PEDITION | [1]907
      b) Inside back cover: None

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "Signed 'Ernest H Shackleton | George Marston' on the recto of a blank leaf situated between the publication and dedication leaves."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "This copy was expertly rebacked and joints repaired, with the original spine laid down, by René Patron of Los Angeles in 1985. René was and is still widely considered one of the finest bookbinders in our area. The book has the original green tie, and the leaves appear never to have been dissembled. No leaves or plates are loose. The verso of the last leaf of the book has the penciled identification mark of Jake Zeitlin, who was the premier general antiquarian bookseller in Los Angeles for decades."

11. Provenance: The present owner purchased this copy in 1986 from Jake Zeitlin (Zeitlin & Ver Brugge, Los Angeles).

"Louis C. Baume, the now deceased proprietor of Gaston's Alpine Books, "Brooklands", Unicorn Street, Bloxham, England, OX15 4PX, bought the copy on 12 June 1972 at a Sotheby's auction (lot 118) for £650 Baume stated that the book had laid into it an invoice from 1922 from Bumpus of London (the well-known book dealers, long since closed down) offering the book at 10 guineas. In a letter to me in 1991, Baume stated that the Bumpus invoice formed part of the history of this particular book, that it shed light on the disposal of copies Bumpus had acquired, it seems, from Shackleton. Millard stated that he had learned during an inquiry to the antiquarian firm of Francis Edwards Ltd. of Marylebone High Street, London, that 10 copies of Aurora Australis had been sold to Bumpus at £5 each.

The invoice in what is now my copy was on the firms notepaper, John & Edward Bumpus Ltd. of Oxford Street, London, dated 28 February 1922, to E. Sheaf, Esq. of Epsom Rd., Guildford, offering the copy (published at £20.0.0 net) for £10.10.0 net (i.e., 10 guineas). Therefore, Baume referred to this book as the Sheaf copy. Millard wondered whether this copy had resided in the Sheaf estate until it was auctioned at Sothebys, but he could only speculate; Baume himself did not know.

Baume bought the book for his own collection, but he later acquired another by private sale, a presentation copy given to a New Zealand friend and supporter of the Shackleton expedition. For a while Baume kept both copies, but he eventually sold the Sheaf (PEDITION 907) copy to Bob Finch (High Latitude Books, Bainbridge Island, Washington) in 1985.

Jake Zeitlin, who was the best known general antiquarian bookseller in Los Angeles, acquired the book from Bob Finch later in 1985 and penciled his well-known small monogram on the verso of the last leaf, which remains. I saw the book within the first month Zeitlin acquired it, and I recall the Bumpus invoice of 1922 and verify what Baume said about it. The upper thirds of the joints were split. I declined to purchase the book at that time, largely because just as I was about to write the check Zeitlin and I had a misunderstanding over the purchase price.

Zeitlin then had the joints expertly repaired and spine rebacked with the original spine laid down. The restoration was done by René Patron of Los Angeles, a highly reputable bookbinder. Zeitlin had an attractive clamshell box made for the book (quarter brown leather, raised bands, gilt titling, beige cloth sides). He held the book for about eight months, showed it at the California International Book Fair in Los Angeles in February 1986, where I examined it again. Zeitlin was unable to sell the book at his asking price of $12,500. A substantial regret is that the 1922 Bumpus invoice was missing. Zeitlin stated he knew nothing of its whereabouts. (Possibly it was lost or discarded when the book was repaired, or possibly he put it in his archives.)

In August 1986, I contacted Zeitlin, and he still had the book. He sold the book back to Bob Finch in Washington, and I purchased the book (with box) directly from Bob …. The book is signed by Shackleton and Marston, has the 2nd state of leaf 63, and does not have the Giant Tick plate fly-title leaf.

Zeitlin died shortly thereafter, and in 1991 I contacted his widow about the Bumpus invoice, but she had no recollection or knowledge of it.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Present owner


Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.


Copy Number: 117     Other identifiers: Wordie copy.
Location: Scotland, UK.    

Information on the Scotland copy of Aurora Australis

This is probably the copy Millard identifies as "UK Private Collection #4, Scotland, UK" (Copy 252).
A copy sold at a Scottish country house auction on 20 September 1982 fetching £1,800. This copy has autographs including E.H. Shackleton, Bernard Day, George Edward Marston, James Murray, A. Forbes Mackay and Frank Wild. The buyer is believed to be a Scottish descendant of a member of Shackleton's Endurance expedition.
Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Front and end paper autographed by E.H. Shackleton, Bernard Day, George Edward Marston, James Murray, A. Forbes Mackay and Frank Wild.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown.

11. Provenance: Purchased at a Scottish auction sale September 20, 1982.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: E-mail from Sue Gibson through Jonathan Shackleton July 27, 2007.



Copy Number: 115     Other identifiers: Hill copy. Manney copy.
Location: West Coast, USA.    

Information on the West Coast copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: 537 (horizontal orientation; base of lettering closest to the outer edge)
      b) Inside back cover:[BRIT] TISH ANTARC[TIC] | [EX]PEDITION 19 [07?] (horizontal orientation; base of lettering closest to the outer edge)

2. Inscriptions (text and location): With Best Wishes to | Mr. & Mrs Hill from the | printer | Ernest E. Joyce | August 19th 1911

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations (which ones are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?): Unknown
Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: This copy was sold at Sotheby's 18 November 1986, Lot 1223, bought by Quaritch. Quaritch presumably sold it to Richard Manney. Acquired at the Manney Sale (Sotheby Parke Bernet 11 October 1991, Lot 274) by a private New Jersey collector. Sold to the present owner on 15 March 2000. See Copies 275 and 304.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Entrance to the library.

Copy Number: 17    Other identifiers: MOCK TURTLE SOUP copy; Royal copy
Location: Royal Library, Windsor Castle    

Information on the Royal Collections copy of Aurora Australis

ERNEST SHACKLETON (1874-1922), ed.
Aurora Australis 1908-09, 1908

Rebound in the Royal Bindery in 2008 in quarter leather with original cowhide spine inset, Venesta packing case boards, stamped MOC[K TU]RTLE [SOUP] inside front board, BRITISH AN / EXPEDITIO and crate number 1723 inside back board, TION 1907 inside spine
Rebacked 273 x 210 mm (10-3/4 x 8-1/4 in.)
RCIN 1121970

PROVENANCE: Probably presented to King Edward VII
by Ernest Shackleton, 1909

Aurora Australis was the first book to be produced entirely in Antarctica. The idea of an expedition newsletter was not new in polar exploration (as is demonstrated by the South Polar Times of Scott's Discovery expedition - see no. 88), but an actual publication had not heen attempted. Shackleton returned to the Antarctic with a printing press, paper, type and plate-making equipment, all donated by the printing firm of Joseph Causton & Sons. Frank Wild and Ernest Joyce took a quick course in printing before they left England, sufficient to be able, after a couple of weeks' practice, to produce two pages a day. The difficulties were considerable. 'A lamp had to be placed under the type-rack to keep it warm, and a lighted candle was put under the inking-plate, so that the ink would keep reasonahly thin in consistency' (Shackleton 1909, vol. I, p. 217). The biologist James Murray described the cramped conditions: 'The work had to be done ... in a small room occupied by fifteen men, all of them following their own avocations, with whatever of noise, vibration and dirt might be incidental to them' (Murray and Marston 1913, p. 104).
No more than 80 copies of the book were ever produced, according to Shackleton himself in a letter to Pierpont Morgan, 25 July 1911 (Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, ARC 571.2). The copies were bound in boards prepared hy Bernard Day, from Venesta packing cases. Surviving bound copies are often known by the commodity advertised on the boards. This is the only known copy with boards from crates used to transport mock turtle soup.
Shackleton begged indulgence from his readers: 'I trust that all who have a copy will think kindly of the first attempt to print a book and illustrate it in the depth of an Antarctic Winter' (Shackleton 1908, fol. 5v). The book featured articles on the first ever ascent of Mount Erebus, a comic account of the 'Trials of a Messman', and an encounter with an Emperor penguin. Shackleton noted in the preface that in the 'months lit only by vagrant moon and elusive aurora; we have found in this work an interest and a relaxation, and hope eventually it will prove the same to our friends in the distant Northland' (Shackleton 1908, fol. 4v).

Source: Hempleman-Adams, David, Sophia Gordon and Emma Stuart, The Heart of the Great Alone; Scott, Shackleton and Antarctic Photography (London: Royal Collections Publications, 2009), p204.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: MOC[K TU]RTLE [SOUP] running vertically downward with the base of the lettering closest to the gutter. A bookplate obscures some of the stenciling (the letters—presumably—K and TU and some of R are covered by the bookplate). The bookplate has a design incorporating ER, a lion and a crown. At the base appears: ROYAL LIBRARY WINDSOR CASTLE.
      b) Inside back cover: BRITISH AN | EXPEDITIO and crate number 1723 (the numeral 1 is mostly obscured by the leather of the inner joint). The lettering is at the top of the cover with the tops of the letters at the top edge. The numbers are at the bottom of the cover with the base of the numbers at the bottom edge. Inner spine: TION 1907 (normally not visible)

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None (which seems very odd)

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "Rebound in the Royal Bindery in 2008 in quarter leather with original cowhide spine inset." All leather throughout is new. The original spine laid on is in very poor condition. There is a small knothole at the top center of the inside of the upper cover, passing down to the next level of venest. The green cord is not original and the tie is at the front joint not at the rear joint as is typical. The outer surface of the lower board has some dark shading in the lower half. It could be natural. The individual leaves are all bright and clean.

11. Provenance: "Probably presented to King Edward VII by Ernest Shackleton, 1909."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 34°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Appearing at the lower left corner of the recto of the first blank leaf in pencil: III 54 B G/6. The 'B' is elevated above the other letters/numbers.

Source: Hempleman-Adams, David, Sophia Gordon and Emma Stuart, The Heart of the Great Alone; Scott, Shackleton and Antarctic Photography (London: Royal Collections Publications, 2009), p204. Personal inspection 27 May 2011.



Copy Number: 43     Other identifiers:
Location: 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7, UK    

Information on the Royal Geographical Society copy of Aurora Australis

UPDATE: This copy, long thought to be missing, was recently unearthed at the RGS. According to Cameron Treleaven of Calgary in a phone conversation with Robert Stephenson on 21 April 2016, the spine had become detached and so it presumably was overlooked. Cameron arranged to have it re-bound. According to Cameron the copy has no names or inscriptions and something indicated that it was purchased not given.

This copy also appears below in Group D as No. 206.

The online catalogue of the Royal Geographical Society lists an Aurora Australis and gives a call number of MG161K. The control number is 351820. The catalogue gives it as: "(MISSING?)". According to Eugene Rae, Principal Librarian, the book has been missing for quite some time. At one time the shelves were open to all and presumably someone removed it.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: SOUP | O running horizontally with the top of SOUP parallel with the top edge.
      b) Inside back cover: BRITIS | EXPED running horizontally with the top of BRITISH parallel with the top edge.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None present

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) In the Stables; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: Totally new spine. Boards are clean with no splits. Green cord present. Leaves are clean and bright.

11. Provenance: "This work was added to the library of the Royal Geographical Society by purchase 23 November 1921."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: The book is contained in a new black clamshell box with title in gilt and five raised gilt bands separated by gilt devices. In the box is a mylar sleeve in which is the original large bookplate containing various catalogue numbers. Control number = rgs 351820. Original accession number = N/442. Shelf mark = NO7/II I

Source: Online catalogue. Personal visit to the library, 15 October 2010. Personal visit to the library, 13 May 2016.

Contacts: Eugene Rae, Principal Librarian, Royal Geographical Society.


Copy Number: Former 36     Other identifiers:
Location: Cambridge, U.K.    

Information on the St John's College copy of Aurora Australis

Thought to have a copy of the Aurora. Needs confirmation. According to Hew Lewis-Jones (SPRI) this might be a copy owned by Vivian Fuchs who was a member of the college.

NOTE: IT'S BEEN CONFIRMED THAT THE COLLEGE DOES NOT OWN A COPY OF THE AURORA AUSTRALIS. Confirmed in an e-mail from Kathryn McKee, Special Collections Librarian, St John's College, 8 September 2010.

PRIVATE COLLECTION San Rafael, California

Copy Number: 125     Other identifiers:
Location: San Rafael, California    

Information on the San Rafael, California copy of Aurora Australis

E-mail communication with owner confirms the existence of this copy. No further details at the moment.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Copy Number: 18     Other identifiers: BRI[tish] | BUTTER copy; H.R. Mill copy; Emily Shackleton copy
Location: Scott Polar Research Institute, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, U.K.    

Information on the SPRI copy of Aurora Australis

Call number: MS 722;EN

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: The bookplate of H.R. Mill is on the inside front cover and may obscure some stencilling although unlikely. BRI (upside down, at the bottom, close to the outer edge) appears, almost surely BRI[TISH]. A portion of the 'B' is covered by the paper label with the SPRI rubber stamp (see below under 'Notes'.) There is handwriting in pencil (?) in ca. the top third of the board. This is very dim and cannot be made out. Unclear whether it dates to time of production or was added later. There is also stencilled script at the very bottom edge of the board. Only the lower portion of this script appears. It not readable.
      b) Inside back cover: BUTTER running downward vertically with top of lettering closest to the edge.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Inscribed in ink on first (uncolored) title page within the cartouche: To Hugh Robert Mill. | In memory of his friend | Ernest H. Shackleton | and of the years 1901-1922 | from Emily Shackleton. | Dec: 7th 1922.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? There are two title pages: First (which is the first leaf in this copy): Black and white. Second (which is the second leaf in this copy): Colored. At the foot of this title page is the same SPRI rubber stamp that appears on the inner top board. Beside it, to the right, in pencil appears: "MS.722"
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? First (black and white) title page: Not present (and no "ghosting"). Second (colored) title page: Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: One of the two "Fourteen Good and True" illustrations is tipped-in, the other is not. No other tipped-in illustrations.
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Black & white

There are two "Fourteen Good and True" illustrations. The first one is full-size, i.e. not tipped-in. The heads of the men shown are closest to the outer edge. Each person is labelled in ink (see image below). The second illustration is tipped-in. At the top of the "In the Stables" illustration, in pencil appears "In the original this is on the verso of the title leaf | "In the Stables.""

10. Condition: The top upper board is clean. There is a small knot at the top, right of center. Minor horizontal split running from the spine ca. thwo-thirds of the way to the outer edge, seemingly affecting only the top layer of the Venesta. This split also affects the top surface of the leather strup. The spine is rubbed especially at the joints. The back outer cover is clean. The penguin logotype and title are present on the spine. Some leaves are torn through at the holes.

11. Provenance: Presentation copy Emily Shackleton to H.R. Mill.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: The following are photostats/photocopies: Chapter titles: "Struggle? For The Broom", "In the Stables".
The illustration "The Messman" has been labelled in pencil. Figure on right noted at top as 'Ray Priestley'; figure on left noted below as 'W. Roberts'.
The illustration "Struggle? For The Broom" is not in sepia but in black and white.

The book is kept in a medium brown clamshell box with AURORA | AUSTRALIS on the spine with a rule above and below, all in gilt. On inside of box at top in the front in pencil appears: "Repaired and boxed by J.P. Gray and Sons, Cambridge | with funds provided by the Friends of the Polar | Institute, 1965"

In the center of the inner top cover is a large bookplate (4-3/4 x 3-1/2 inches) of H.R. Mill. It shows a ship, half globe, two penguins, one seal, the initials HRM intertwined, a Sanskrit 'swastika' device, and the wording: HUGH ROBERT MILLS | ANTARCTIC | COLLECTION. Above the bookplate, typed on paper: "Photostat copies of missing | leaves were made from copy in | Dr. E.J.C. Kendall's possession. | His copy also contains various | blank leaves not in this copy, | and has coloured decoration on | title-page." Below the bookplate, there is a purple rubber stamp ca. 1-3/8 inches in length with a rectangular border. Within appears: "Scott Polar | Research Institure".

The original green cord is not present. Instead there are two newer cords. The first is "red tape" which goes through only the upper and lower holes of the leafs and the leather binding. The second is a uncolored linen tape that passes through all three holes of the leaves but not through any of the holes of the leather binding.

Source: Personal inspection by Robert Stephenson, 24 April 1980, November 2007 and 18 October 2010.

Contacts: Miss Naomi Boneham, Archvist, Scott Polar Research Institute.

An annotated version of "Fourteen Good and True" identifying the expedition members.
The annotations are in Raymond Priestley's hand. Oddly, this is not Priestley's copy although SPRI's other copy (No 36) was Priestley's.
Source: From the Bluntisham/Paradigm 1986 edition.


Copy Number: 36     Other identifiers: Priestley copy
Location: Scott Polar Research Institute, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, U.K.    

Information on the SPRI copy of Aurora Australis

Call number: MS.2112;en

This is an incomplete copy.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): No
      a) Inside front cover:
      b) Inside back cover:
This incomplete copy lacks the original Venesta boards. It is bound in a medium green binding. In the upper right corner: "AURORA | AUSTRALIS" in small caps. To the right of "Aurora" is a device of some sort. In the lower right corner: "1907-8" All these appear in gilt within a rectangular gilt rule. There are seven horizontal gilt rules on the spine.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): No inscriptions other than marginal notes and Priestley's signature.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? There is no title page.

      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? There is no title page.

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown
The following illustrations are missing: "Under the Shadow of Erebus", "At the Edge of the Crater", "Night Watchman", "In the Stables", "Southward Bound", "Messman", "Struggle? for the Broom", seven in all.
The following illustratons are present: "Executing Evolutions in Mid Air", "Each Sheltered Under One of the Novel Umbrellas", "Fourteen Good and True", "Many Shekels Were Needed for the Ship to Go Forth", four in all.
The following illustraton title pages are missing: "In the Stables", "Struggle? For the Broom", "Fourteen Good and True", three in all.

10. Condition: Although in the new binding, the leaves are all detached and loose. Although many leaves are missing, those present are in generally good condition. There is no green cord present. Each leaf is numbered in pencil in upper right corner (79 in all, although this is inaccurate as there are some unnumbered pages and some numbers are repeated and there are some gaps in the numbering. As best can be determined the total number should be 81). Each leaf has many small pin-prick sized holes along the edge between the three punched holes and the edge. Probably from having been bound in the new covers.

11. Provenance: This copy was originally owned by Raymond Priestley. Apparently Frank Debenham occasionally gave away leaves to persons who had imperfect copies.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 34°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy is kept in a generic archival clamshell box.

Centered on the front paste-down endpaper (dating from the binding, not original) is Priestley's crossed skis and poles bookplate.

In the upper right corner of the free endpaper (dating from the binding, not original) is the signature in ink: "J. E. Priestley | 1910".

The first original page to appear is the Copyright Page ("Published at Winter Quarters…")

The arrangement of the individual chapters of this copy has been altered. For instance, the chapter "Bathybia", which concludes the book, occurs in this copy after the first chapter, "Ascent of Mount Erebus". There are at least two other such rearrangements.
Also missing from this copy: The contents page and the following chapter title pages: "Ascent of Mount Erebus", "Night Watchman", "Struggle? For the Broom".
There are approximately ten blank leaves that are missing.
Six pages appear as photocopies" First four pages of text of the chapter "Pony Watch", the Chapter title "An Interview with an Emperor" and "Erebus".

The sheet numbered as 46 (the concluding page of the Chapter "A Pony Watch") has in pencil at the top: "Trial Sheet". The last word that appears is "begins,". The proofreader has crossed out the comma and placed in the margin the symbol for a period and under this has written "PUTTY". At the bottom in pencil appears: "Corrections made from E.S. Marshall's copy".
The sheet numbered 52 (the first page of the Chapter "An Interview with an Emperor Penguin"), has in pencil at the top: "Trial Sheet". There are no further annotations.
The sheet numbered 53 (the page of "An Interview with an Emperor Penguin" that begins with the word "perhaps" and ends with the word "stock"), has in pencil in the left margin: Numerical calculations showing 100 over 100 with a line under and below that 10000. Also, 12000 with 200 to the left with a horizontal line under the 12000 and a vertical line to the left of 12000. Below this is the figure 6000 with 12000 repeated below the 6000.
The sheet numbered 54 (the page of "An Interview with an Emperor Penguin" that begins with the word "Under" and ends with the word "an"), has in pencil at the top: "Trial Sheet". There are no further annotations although there are finger prints in the right margin.
The sheet numbered 55 (the page of "An Interview with an Emperor Penguin" that begins with the word "hauteur" and ends with the word "district"), has in pencil in the lower margin: "Tests for 8". There are no further annotations.
The sheet numbered 56 (the page of "An Interview with an Emperor Penguin" that begins with the word "Aye" and ends with the word "to"), has in pencil at the top: "Trial Sheet". There are no further annotations.

Source: Personal inspection by Robert Stephenson, 18 October 2010.

Contacts: Miss Naomi Boneham, Archvist, Scott Polar Research Institute.


Copy Number: 100     Other identifiers: Lascaux copy.
Location: Seattle, Washington, USA.    

Although unconfirmed by the present owner, it is believed that this copy of Aurora Australis was obtained at a Christie's sale on May 1, 1991 (lot 93). (See copy
306). That copy fetched £22,000.

The information below is from the catalogue description of that copy.

"[SHACKLETON ) Sir ERNEST HENRY, editor)]: AURORA AUSTRALIS, one of 100 copies, lithographed title, 11 lithographed and etched plates by George Marston, front free endpaper inscibed by the editor, with a four line stanza from the poem 'The Antarctic' by Robert Service, and an additional note initialled EHS 'The only printed book ever produced in the South Polar regions', original sheep-backed packing case boards, slightly rubbed, verso of upper cover with portion of stencilled title 'British An[tarctic] Expeditio[n case] 705', spine with blind-stamped title and monogram of the sign of the penguins, uncut as issued, 4to, Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition. .Printed at the sign of 'the Penguins', 1908

A fine copy of one of the rarest polar works. Following Shackleton's experience on the Scott expedition of 1901-04, and particularly his involvement in editing the South Polar Times, he realised the importance of providing a polar expedition with sufficient tasks to occupy themselves over the dark winter months. To this end when planning his own expedition to the South Pole, 1907-9, he brought with him a printing press, paper and necessary type and plate making equipment donated by J. Causton & Sons Ltd. Despite the cold and the cramped conditions of the hut at Cape Royds, around 100 copies were printed and bouind in the antarctic winter of 1908. The printers of the work Frank Wild and Ernest Joyce, had both taken a quick course in printing before their departure from England, and despite their inexperience at 3 weeks of practise were setting out and printing 2 pages a day. Most copies were inscribed and presented by members of the 15 man expedition to friends and relatives. This copy appears to be one of the few copies retained by Shackleton and not presented.
[estimate:] £8,000-12,000.
Inscribed by Shackleton."

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?):
      a) Inside front cover: "portion of stencilled title 'British An[tarctic] Expeditio[n case] 705'"
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown. Possibly none as there is no mention of it in the catalogue description.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "Inscribed by Shackleton". "front free endpaper inscibed by the editor, with a four line stanza from the poem 'The Antarctic' by Robert Service, and an additional note initialled EHS 'The only printed book ever produced in the South Polar regions'"

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration (based on the number of illustrations in the catalogue description)

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "A fine copy"

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 106     Other identifiers:

Information on the Shackleton copy of Aurora Australis

A Shackleton descendant is believed to have this particular copy. This descendant definitely has one and apparently the stencilling is GRANULATED SUGAR.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?):
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Correspondence with Lord Shackleton.



Copy Number: 126     Other identifiers: Lysaght copy. Same as 274.
Location: UK.

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Purchased at a Sotheby's sale in London, 27 June 1991. Lot 457.
For more information on this sale,
click here.
Source: American Book Prices Current. Results: £19,000. Sold to "Simper"

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): None
      a) Inside front cover: Although no stencilling per se there is a pattern of some sort (vaguely like a tire track) covering most of the surface.
      b) Inside back cover: -

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Recto of first blank: dedication inscription in ink: "To Mrs Lysaght from | the Editor E H Shackleton | with best wishes | Feb. 1910"

Recto of next leaf: Blank, with envelope attached using gummed edge of envelope, with hand-written ink inscription on front of envelope: "Mrs. G. Lysaght | Minehead Court | Wellington | Somerset"
Envelope has two New Zealand one-penny red stamps overprinted with: "King Edward VII | Land"
Stamp on front of envelope cancelled with circular ink cachet with words: "BRIT. ANTARCTIC EXPD"
Date of cancellation cachet nearly illegible although "09" date clearly visible.
Flap of envelope printed in blue ink with: "BRITISH ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION 1907"

No other annotations, marginalia, inscriptions, ownership marks.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "All as originally produced. Some minor scuff marks to the leather backstrip and very minor dirt marks on venesta boards. Original green silk drawstring present. All edges uncut. A few leaves pulled through. Overall, a Fine copy."

11. Provenance: Presentation copy to Mrs Lysaght. (One wonders why the book was presented to Mrs Lysaght and not to her husband, Gerald, who was a great supporter of Shackleton's expeditions from Nimrod through Quest. He outlived Shackleton so it wouldn't have been given to her as a widow.)

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: "Gerald Lysaght was a steelmaker from Scunthorpe who first met Shackleton in 1899 when the latter was an officer on the Union Castle liner Tantallon Castle. He was a signficant sponsor of both the Nimrod and 1907 expeditions [sic]." (From catalogue description for Sotheby's sale)
Gerald Lysaght, a yachtsman, accompanied the Quest from Plymouth to Cape Verde. (Source: Wikipedia)
Interestingly, Gerald Lysaght lives on as the namesake of the Lysaght Club, Old Cleeve, Minehead, Somerset TA24 6HJ, which was "given to the village by local landowner Gerald Lysaght."

Source: Owner


Inner boards.

Outer boards.

Presentation inscription.

Envelope of letter postmarked King Edward VII Land.

Gerald Lysaght

Sotheby's copy

Copy Number: 137     Other identifiers: PETIT POIS copy
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis
NOTE: To be sold on May 28, 2016. Same as copy 315.
Aurora Australis. Antarctica: "Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907 During the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908... Printed at the Sign of 'The Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77°.. 32' South Longitude 166°.. 12' East, [1908-1909]
FIRST EDITION, 4to (260 x 190mm.), 94 printed leaves (including the coloured title-page and 11 illustrations), bound by Bernard Day in original venesta boards taken from expedition packing crates, inside lower cover stencilled "PETIT POIS", backed with leather from horse harnesses, title and penguin motif blindstamped on spine, sewn with green silk binding cord, edges uncut as issued, expert repairs to joints by Brockman Bookbinders.
THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN ANTARCTICA. "THE MOST RENOWNED TITLE IN THE ANTARCTIC CANON" (Taurus). The book is also a celebrated rarity. According to Murray and Marston's Antarctic Days, at most 100 copies were produced, but Rosove notes that "approximately sixty-five copies have been accounted for to date."
That such a beautiful book should be produced by amateurs, and under such testing conditions, is remarkable. Murray and Marston describe one of the main stumbling-blocks of Antarctic printing:
"It is too cold to keep the printer's ink fluid; it gets sticky and freezes. To cope with this a candle was set burning underneath the plate on which the ink was. This was all right, but it made the ink too fluid, and the temperature had to be regulated by moving the candle about."
Reflecting the expedition's actual provisions, the contents of the original packing crates are stencilled on the inside of the venesta covers. This copy has a letter "S" on the inside upper cover and "PETIT POIS" on the lower cover.
Included with this lot is an illustrated "Souvenir of lecture: Nearest the South Pole, by Sir Ernest Shackleton," (8vo, in original wrappers; slightly marked), together with a matt silver-print cabinet card of Shackleton by Thomson of New Bond Street and a glossy real photograph postcard of Shackleton, also by Thomson.
Rosove 304.A1.b; Spence 1095; Taurus Collection 60
Acquired in the late 1960s by the husband of the present owner.
£40,000-60,000 €52,000-77,500

Date of sale: 28 April 2016. Lot 65. Results: £75,000 including buyer's premium.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: IS
      b) Inside back cover: PETIT POIS

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown but assume none as no mention of any.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Messman and Fourteen tipped in; Stables not
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "expert repairs to joints by Brockman Bookbinders." :The binding is original i.e. original boards and spine. The joints have been expertly restored—invisibly so—by Brockman, who I assume untied the strings to do so. The boards are somewhat warped, the upper more so than the lower. A few of the leaves are protruding due to being forced forward from the ties, with damage to the bore holes, but the remainder of the leaves are in remarkably good order and clean."

11. Provenance: "Acquired in the late 1960s by the husband of the present owner." Sotheby's says "…that this copy had been acquired by someone in this country, his widow has consigned it. She believes it belonged to an expedition member, but could not say more than that or suggest how she knew so."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Purchaser/present owner unknown.

Source: Unknown

Contacts: Richard Fattorini, Sotheby's

Left: Top board. Middle: Stencilling on inner lower board. Right: Title-page.


Copy Number: 37     Other identifiers: Mawson copy; PETIT POIS copy
Location: North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia 5000

Information on the South Australian Museum copy of Aurora Australis

This copy physically resides in the Science Centre at the South Australian Museum.

In the gutter of the recto of the first blank very close to the center hole in pencil appears 75653.

In the upper right corner of the title page is an oval rubber stamp which reads LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE and in the center, in ink, the date 15.6.62.

In the upper right corner of the verso of the last blank is a handwritten notation in pencil(?): 919.9 | A9 | SR cabinet | (for Mawson Inst).

With the copy is a letter dated 27 September 1982 from Eric Wainwright, University Librarian, to Dr. J.B. Jones, Chairman, Department of Geology, regarding this copy.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: PETIT POIS running downward vertically with the base of the lettering closest to the outer edge.
      b) Inside back cover: H ANTARCTIC | ITION 1907. running downward vertically with the top of the lettering closest to the outer edge.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Original spine, title and logo present. Large long and narrow knot in ca. center of outer top board, probably 'as issued.' No splits in or warping of boards. Very tight. Few if any sheets loose. Original green cord. Very bright stencilling. Overall condition is very good to excellent.

11. Provenance: This copy "(presented by Lady Mawson in 1962) was originally held in the Strong Room [of the Barr Smith Library] but was part of the Mawson Institute for Antarctic Research collection, at that time part of the University of Adelaide. This collection has since been transferred to the South Australian Museum." (Source: E-mail from Cheryl Hoskin, Special Collections Librarian, Barr Smith Library, 5 April 2010.)

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Sources: Personal inspection 15 June 2010. E-mail From Mark Pharaoh, 8 September 2010.

Contacts: Mark Pharaoh, Senior Collection Manager, Mawson Centre, South Australian Museum; Clive Wilson-Roberts, Mawson Centre, South Australian Museum.

Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.

STATE LIBRARY OF N.S.W., Dixson Library

Copy Number: 22     Other identifiers: Dixson copy; SUGAR copy
Location: Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

"The Dixson Library printed book collection has over 20,000 printed items. The Library is not added to and was the personal collection of Sir William Dixson (1870–1952)."

Note: The electronic/digital version appearing at,-1,0,E/l856~b1706157&FF=csafe%2F+q90%2F80&1,1,,1,0
is the Mitchell Library copy (No 23) not this copy.

Information on the Dixson Library copy of Aurora Australis (Source:

Published: [Antarctica : s.n.,] 1908 (Antarctica : Printed at the sign of the Penguins by Joyce and Wild)
Description: 1 v. unnumbered [ca.150] p., [11] leaves of plates : ill. ; 27 cm.
Series: Dixson images
Subject: Antarctica -- Discovery and exploration.
Antarctica -- Description and travel.
Antarctica -- Literary collections.
Notes: Illustrated with lithographs and etchings by George Marston.
"Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July, 1908."
Edited by E.H. Shackleton.
The first book ever printed in Antarctica.
Title within ornamental border, with vignette in colors. At head of title: 1908-09.
Contents: The ascent of Mount Erebus / T.W.E. David -- Midwinter night / Nemo -- Trials of a messman / a messman -- A pony watch / Putty -- Southward bound / Lapsus Linguæ -- An interview with an emperor / A.F.M -- Erebus / Nemo -- An ancient manuscript / Shellback -- Life under difficulties / J. Murray -- Bathybia / D. Mawson.
Summary: Printed in 1908 by members of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907-09, the first book ever printed in the Polar regions; ed. by E. H. Shackleton. Loose sheets laced in wooden covers, made of packing-cases which contained the provisions. Estimated only about 90 copies printed; not a public ed.
Notes: Sir William Dixson Library
Also available in an electronic version via the Internet at
Dixson copy has ms note on fly leaf: 90 copies only printed.
Other Author: Shackleton, Ernest Henry Sir, 1874-1922.
Marston, George.
Millard, John.
Conference: British Antarctic Expedition (1907-1909)
Bib Util: 2898432
Call No: SAFE/ Q90/80 
VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: GRANULATED | SUGAR running downward vertically with the base of the lettering closest to the outer edge. The first word appears to be 'granulated' but it is difficult to make out. The bookplate obscures the lower portions of several letters in this first line.
      b) Inside back cover: MEDICAL running upward vertically with the base of the lettering closest to the outer edge.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color In upper right corner is an oval blind stamped "Library of New South Wales Dixson Library". Each leaf (not page) has been numbered in pencil in upper right corner of recto. The last leaf is numbered 108.
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: This copy is disbound. Original spine with title and logo present and still attached to both boards. The outer front cover has a knothole close to the spine about midway between the top and bottom edges (probably as issued). No foxing present. The holes of many of the sheets have opened to the edge. The green cord is preserved in a mylar sleeve.

11. Provenance: John Millard, in a letter to Robert Stephenson dated 11 July 1982, states: "According to the Library the book was purchased by Sir William Dixson for his collection in 1913, from Angus & Robertson. His collections was bequeathed to the State Library after his death in 1952. There is no information in it regarding previous ownership…"

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy is kept in a generic gray archival box. On recto of first blank in lower left corner in pencil: "94 printed".

Source: Personal inspection 4 June 2010.


Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.

Left: Bookplate on inside front cover. Right: Outer front cover.

STATE LIBRARY OF N.S.W., Mitchell Library

Copy Number: 23     Other identifiers: Mitchell copy; Packets copy
Location: Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia    

This copy is kept in a custom blue box. There is a note affixed to the inner top cover of the box stating that the book was preserved by funds from Mr Maurice and Mrs Fran Cutler from a preservation auction 17 April 2002.

Information on the Mitchell Library copy of Aurora Australis

Published: [Antarctica : s.n.,] 1908 (Antarctica : Printed at the sign of the Penguins by Joyce and Wild)
Description: 1 v. unnumbered [ca.150] p., [11] leaves of plates : ill. ; 27 cm.
Series: Dixson images
Subject: Antarctica -- Discovery and exploration.
Antarctica -- Description and travel.
Antarctica -- Literary collections.
Sir William Dixson Library.
Notes: Illustrated with lithographs and etchings by George Marston.
"Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July, 1908."
Edited by E.H. Shackleton.
The first book ever printed in Antarctica.
Title within ornamental border, with vignette in colors. At head of title: 1908-09.
Contents: The ascent of Mount Erebus / T.W.E. David -- Midwinter night / Nemo -- Trials of a messman / a messman -- A pony watch / Putty -- Southward bound / Lapsus Linguæ -- An interview with an emperor / A.F.M -- Erebus / Nemo -- An ancient manuscript / Shellback -- Life under difficulties / J. Murray -- Bathybia / D. Mawson.
Summary: Printed in 1908 by members of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907-09, the first book ever printed in the Polar regions; ed. by E. H. Shackleton. Loose sheets laced in wooden covers, made of packing-cases which contained the provisions. Estimated only about 90 copies printed; not a public ed.
Notes: Also available in an electronic version via the Internet at,-1,0,E/l856~b1706157&FF=cmrb%2F+q989.8%2F+a&1,1,,1,0
Dixson copy has ms note on fly leaf: 90 copies only printed.
Other Author: Shackleton, Ernest Henry Sir, 1874-1922.
Marston, George.
Millard, John.
Conference: British Antarctic Expedition (1907-1909)
Bib Util: 2898432
Call No: MRB/ Q989.8/ A

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): None. Allen Mawer reports that "45 packets" appears in pencil on inside back cover. This is barely visible and upside down appearing just above a rectangular white label with typescript: "MRB/ Q989.8? A | Aurora Australis". In the center of inner back board is a handwritten adhesive label reading: MRB | Q989.8 | A. In the lower left of the inner back board is a modern barcode adhesive label reading: STATE LIBRARY | OF N.S.W. | [barcode] | N1665467".
      a) Inside front cover:
      b) Inside back cover:

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration. This sheet—text on the recto and illustration on the verso—appears in duplicate.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: This copy is disbound. The spine has been totally replaced, somewhat crudely. The top of the new spine is stamped in gold capitals: MITCHELL | LIBRARY [at the top]; AURORA | AUSTRALIS [ca. 1/4 down from head of spine]; ML | Q989.8 |A [at foot of spine]. The outer surface of the boards are clean without noticeable defect with the exception of moderate cupping to the top board and a slight horizontal split two-thirds down from the top edge of the top board stretching from the gutter two-thirds to the outer edge. Occasional foxing present. The holes of many of the sheets have opened to the edge. The green cord is preserved in a sealed clear mylar square sleeve.

11. Provenance: Unknown. Possibly entered the collection from the bookseller Angus & Robertson sometime after 9/7/12. See note below.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: On recto of first blank in upper left corner in pencil: "90 copies only | Privately Printed". Each leaf (not page) has been numbered in pencil in upper right corner of recto. The last leaf is numbered 108. On copyright page, below '(All rights reserved)' are the following numbers written in ink: "72974". There is a rubber stamp above the word DEDICATED on the dedication page: Round with a crown on the top and inside around the inner edge: "PUBLIC LIBRARY OF N.S.W." Within that appears "MITCHELL | LIBRARY" with a rule above and a rule below. This same stamp appears in a variety of places throughout the copy. To the left of the dedication, close to the gutter and running vertically upward, appears the following in pencil: "9/7/12 A&R. [presumably Angus & Robinson, see Provenance] Ga/-/- [The G could be a J; presumably a price code in £/s/d]

Source: Personal inspection 4 June 2010.


Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.


Copy Number: 26     Other identifiers: Josiah Henry Symon copy
Location: Corner North Terrace and Kintore Avenue, Adelaide, South Australia.    

Information on the State Library of South Australia copy of Aurora Australis

Title: Aurora australis / illustrated with lithographs and etchings by George Marston.
Dates/Publication Details: [Antarctica : s.n.,] 1908 (Antarctica : Printed at the sign of the Penguins by Joyce and Wild)
Description/Quantity: [150] p., [11] leaves of plates : ill. ; 27 cm
Note: "Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July, 1908."
Edited by E.H. Shackleton.
The first book ever printed in Antarctica.
Loose sheets laced in wooden covers made of packing-cases which contained the provisions.
Only 90 copies printed.
Location: Rare Books Room.
Call No.: 919.8904 A931 b  Restricted use.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: "consists of a row of the bottom-half of a number of unidentifiable letters (10 stencil markings) and below these a half 007 so presumably the box the cover was made from was stencilled 007 with the cut made through the first 0." [Source: Valerie Sitters]
What appears to be stencilled are portions of the word EXPEDITION (the bottom portions of EDITION) and the date 1907 (the right half of 9 and all of 07). The bookplate of Josiah Henry Symon covers the very bottom of the number 7.
      b) Inside back cover: None

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Signatures in ink of Ernest H. Shackleton and, beneath, George Marston, "on second fly leaf" [this is interpreted as the recto of the second blank leaf].

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Our copy has been conserved. The leather spine was replaced but the old has been kept and it is possible to discern that it was blind stamped with 'The sign of the penguins'. As additional evidence of this the conservator has re-created the blind stamping on the new leather. The cord is in situ but is no longer used to hold the pages together following conservation." [Source: Valerie Sitters]
The conservator has put leaves into signatures and bound these in. Stubs can just be detected at the top and bottom of the gutter. The green cord holds the signatures together. The new spine has been well executed. There are three fragments of the original spine in a plastic sleeve in the box. The outer top board has a speckling on it which could be natural. There is none on the outer bottom board. No cupping or bowing. The condition of the leaves is very good: no foxing.

11. Provenance: "Donated by the Estate of Sir Josiah Symon." "Aurora Australis came to the State Library as a part of Sir Josiah Symon's library which was bequeathed to us in the 1930s, so the book was part of his collection, rather than being donated as a single object which is how I read the statement "Donated by the estate of Sir Josiah Symon". A moot point perhaps. The volume has his Manoah House bookplate (as opposed to his alternative armorial bookplate) pasted on the inside front cover. Note also that on the back of the first fly leaf in the top left hand corner is lightly pencilled '5/5/-M' perhaps a bookseller's notation of five guineas (5 pounds 5 shillings, no pence)." [Source: Valerie Sitters]
Sir Josiah Henry Symon was a noted lawyer, politician and book collector.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Contained in a light brown folding box with the title on a label on the spine: AURORA | AUSTRALIS.
A bookplate has been affixed to the inside front cover: Ex Libris at the top, Josiah Henry Symon | "Manoah" S.A. at the bottom with a drawn depiction of a building, all within a double rule. Below the rules are the words Bay and Shelf. The bookplate covers the very bottom of the numeral 7 of the stencilling.
The leaves are numbered in pencil in the lower right corner. Bathybia ends on page 109. The last blank is page 110.
The call number on the slip accompanying the box is rbr | 919 | .8904 | A931 | b | 1908.

Sources: Valerie Sitters, Content Services Librarian, State Library of South Australia, e-mail to Robert Stephenson 11 April 2010. Personal inspection 15 June 2010.

Contacts: Valerie Sitters, Content Services Librarian, State Library of South Australia.

Left: Inside front cover and bookplate. Right: Inside back cover.
(Photos courtesy of the State Library of South Australia)


Photo at right: Courtesy of Gordon Bain

Copy Number: 24     Other identifiers: Juliennes Soup copy; John King Davis copy.
Location: State Library of Tasmania, 91 Murray Street, Hobart, Tasmania 7000, Australia.

Information on the State Library of Tasmania copy of Aurora Australis

An article by Penny Carey Wells on this copy appeared in the Journal of the New Zealand Antarctic Society, Vol 21, Nos. 3 & 4, 2003.

Title: Aurora Australis 1908-09: [published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings by George Marston; edited by E.H. Shackleton]
Publisher: Printed at the sign of 'The Penguins' : by Joyce and Wild, [1908]
Description: 1 v. : ill., map ; 28 cm.
Notes: Title with ornamental border, with vignette in colors. The first book ever printed in the Polar regions. Loose sheets laced in wooden covers, made of packing cases which contained the provisions.Only 90 copies printed. Tasmaniana copy includes mounted photographs of Expedition participants and signatures. The copy was presented to Capt. J.K. Davis by the printer, Ernest E.M. Joyce.
Location: Hobart izone Tas Quarto (Stack)
Call Number: TL.Q 919.89 AUR

Comment: I believe this to be the most interesting and possibly the most valuable—both scholarly and a monetarily—of the Auroras that I have had the privilege to see. First, it's in excellent condition (with the exception of a substitute binding cord). Two, it has the variant text which is considerably less common. Three, it's presentation copy to a major player in the expedition, John King Davis, signed by one of the two printers, Ernest Joyce. Four, it has stencils on not just one but on both inner boards. Five, it is extra-illustrated, including a bound-in autographed menu from the same press. Six, it comes with accompanying documentation. And seventh, and most importantly, it is accompanied by a bound proofs which shed light on editorial changes made during the production of the volume.
—R. Stephenson
VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes (see images).
      a) Inside front cover: The numeral 1 and a portion of what appears to be the numeral 9 are found in the lower right corner in a vertical orientation with the base of the numerals closest to the fore-edge of the boards. This probably was a part of a year perhaps 1907.
      b) Inside back cover: JULIENNES | SOUP running vertically, base of lettering closest to spine, top of lettering closest to outer edges of the boards. The very left portion of the letter J is clipped, while only the very left portion of the letter S of JULIENNES is visible.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "To Captain Davis from the Artist | and printers - Kia Ora | Ernest E. M. Joyce | Nov. 3rd 09" This appears at the top of the recto of the second blank leaf (see image). Below it are clippings mounted to the leaf, the upper one is from vol I of The Heart of the Antarctic, opposite page 222, and shows the press and type case inside the hut and the second one, possibly an original photograph, is captioned below in handwriting and reads "The artist George Marston and James Murray at Cape Royds 1908". It shows the two men standing in front of the hut door.

3. Text variant: Is 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is replacement text present (B)? Text

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Overall this copy is in very good condition. Green cord has been replaced by a white one. The binding is wholly original and in good condition although a library mark has been added to the spine just below the Penguin logotype in black ink: T.C. | Q | 919.9 | AUR [This differs slightly from the call number given above.]

11. Provenance: Ernest Joyce to Captain John King Davis. Davis presented it to the Library in 21 December 1961. Included with the book is a letter from Davis.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 34°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.] (See Addendum below.)

Notes: This copy is extra-illustrated. In addition to the two photographs noted above on the same page as the Joyce inscription, there are:
1) A newspaper clipping on the recto of the first blank (see image). The headline is "AURORA AUSTRALIS" with the supra title reading TREASURES OF OUR LIBRARY. It is given as "By J.A.F." [This could be John Feely who wrote an article that appeared in the Melbourne Sun on 2 July 1949 entitled "Penguins Watched these Polar Printers."] At the bottom of the clipping, in handwriting, is "Melbourne Herald March 10th 1945". In the article the Victorian Public Library is mentioned so the "Treasures of our Library" refers to that library. (The copy referred to is now in Museum Victoria.)
2) Two black and white photographs are mounted on the verso of the first blank (see image). The uppermost one shows what can be assumed to be the officers and crew of the S.Y. Nimrod. Below this is a photograph of the S.Y. Nimrod. At the foot of the page is a mounted typed sheet that reads:
Wood Aux. Barqentine built 1866 by A. Stephens & Sons at Dundee
227 Tons Nett: Length 136'. Beam 27' Depth 16'
British Antarctic Expedition 1907/09
Lieut. E.H. Shackleton, R.N.R.
3) Map mounted to verso of title page showing Shackleton route overprinted in red to show where the Aurora Australis was produced (see image).
4) Mounted below the concluding lines of 'Bathybia', the last page of printed text, is a photograph of Mawson and Shackleton looking over documents (see image). Below the photograph is the handwritten caption "Dr Douglas Mawson and Sir Ernest Shackleton at 9 Regent Street London in 1911."
5) Bound-in after the concluding leaf of "Bathybia" is a signed menu (see image) that was printed for the Mid Winter 1908 dinner. This would have been printed on the same press as the Aurora Australis using the same paper.
The signatures are of Adams, Brocklehurst, David, Day, Joyce, Mackay, Marshall, Marston, Mawson, Murray, Priestley, Roberts, Shackleton and Wild.

Source: From article noted above. Personal inspection on 24 June 2010.

Contacts: Ian Morrison, Stephanie McDonald (Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office).

Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.

Left: The newspaper clipping mounted on recto of first blank. Right: Photographs of the Nimrod and its crew on verso of first blank.

Left: The inscription from Ernest Joyce on recto of second blank. Right: Map mounted to verso of title page.

Left: Mawson and Shackleton in 1911. Right: Bound-in Midwinter 1908 dinner menu with signatures.

ADDENDUM - The Aurora Australis Proofs

The State Library of Tasmania also has in its possession a bound volume which is described as proofs of the Aurora Australis. These are the only known such proofs.

It was donated to the Library by Sir William Crowther. On the inner top cover Crowther's signature and date ("6.8.70") appear. In the upper left corner is a call number: "919.9 | AUR". In the upper right corner is the number "C6386". These are not proofs of the full volume, only of parts. Those included are the 'Preface', 'Erebus' (poem), 'Southward Bound' (poem) and much but not all of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'.

Included with the bound proofs is a letter signed John K. Davis, dated 2nd June 1944, written from 83 Queens Road, Melbourne, to Dr. Crowther. Davis states that "While searching for some other papers I came across some proofs of the first book to be printed in the Antarctic … I received these page proofs from Ernest Joyce … With the happiest recollections of my evening spent with you in Hobart, I am sending you these proofs as an additional item you may like to add to your collection…"

Seventeen pages plus three duplicate pages out of a total of 34 text pages are included. Some of the sheets are soiled and some edges are missing. There are few mostly unreadable notations in pencil.

I undertook a reasonably close reading of the proofs and compared them with two published facsimile editions (Bluntisham and SeTo) and with my own copy. I found only minor changes which were all reflected alike in all three copies. There was one exception, however:
On the 8th line from the top of page 14 the angle of ascent appears as 30° in the proof, while in my copy the figure is 34°. The 1986 Bluntisham edition of the Aurora Australis has 30° while the 1988 SeTo/Airlife edition (which employed the Kinsey copy—No. 30) has 34° meaning that there are at least two variants, 30° and 34°. The digitized online version of the Mitchell Library copy (No 23) has it as 30° while the digitized online version of the University of Adelaide's copy (No 27) has 34°. This page begins with the text 'When we awoke at 4 a.m.', the 14th page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus.'

It will be interesting to find out which is the more common angle of ascent, in other words at what point in the press run was the change made. And was it strictly a typographical error that was being corrected or something else that caused the change?

—R. Stephenson
(2 August 2010)


Copy Number: 44       Other identifiers: Mackellar copy
Location: 328 Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

Information on the State Library of Victoria copy of Aurora Australis

Aurora australis : [published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908; illustrated with lithographs and etchings by George Marston ; [pref. by Sir E. H. Shackleton].
Printed at the sign of ʻThe Penguins' : by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77° 32ʹ South, longitude 166° 12ʹ east. Antarctica [1908]
Available Phone 03 8664 7009 to arrange delivery from Rare Books RARELT 919.9 B77A

Title: Aurora australis : [published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908; illustrated with lithographs and etchings by George Marston ; [pref. by Sir E. H. Shackleton].
Contributor(s): Ernest Henry Shackleton Sir, 1874-1922.; George Marston; Ernest E. Mills Joyce (Ernest Edward Mills), d. 1940.; British Antarctic Expedition (1907-1909)
Publisher: Printed at the sign of ʻThe Penguins' : by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77° 32ʹ South, longitude 166° 12ʹ east. Antarctica
Date: 1908
Description: [150] p., [11] leaves of plates : ill. ; 27 cm.
State Library note: Library's copy inscribed "To Campbell Mackellar of Lerags[?] from the members of the British Antarctic Expedition 1907-09 as a remembrance of his unceasing interest, great generosity, and personal friendship to all. Ernest Shackleton, Editor, Christmas 1910" "Presented to the Public Library of Victoria on the 26th day of Dec. 1925 by Campbell D. Mackellar, Esq."
Imperfect: Title page and four of the illustrations wanting. The missing illustrations are the "Night watchman", "The messman", "Struggle for the broom", and "A pony watch". The title page and the four leaves of illustrations have been supplied in photocopy from the copy owned by Sir Thomas Ramsay.
Subjects: British Antarctic Expedition 1907-1909; Antarctica
Notes: Title within ornamental border, with vignette in colors. At head of title: 1908-09.
Contents/Summary: The ascent of Mount Erebus / Midwinter night / Trials of a messman / A pony watch / Southward bound / An interview with an emperor / Erebus / An ancient manuscript / Life under difficulties / Bathybia /
Printed in 1908 by members of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907-09, the first book ever printed in the Polar regions; ed. by E. H. Shackleton. Loose sheets laced in wooden covers, made of packing-cases which contained the provisions. Estimated only about 90 copies printed; not a public ed.
Link to this record:

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover:
      b) Inside back cover:

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "To Campbell Mackellar of Lerags[?] from the members of the British Antarctic Expedition 1907-09 as a remembrance of his unceasing interest, great generosity, and personal friendship to all. Ernest Shackleton, Editor, Christmas 1910" "Presented to the Public Library of Victoria on the 26th day of Dec. 1925 by Campbell D. Mackellar, Esq." It is not known where these inscriptions appear.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? The original title page is lacking and has been replaced by a facsimle as noted below.
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Enter "Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with difficulty and ending with assistance in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of 'Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
      a) Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Enter Unknown
      See above. Four illustrations and the title page are lacking and supplied in facsimle (Night watchman, The messman, Struggle for the broom, and A pony watch).

10. Condition: Enter "Imperfect: Title page and four of the illustrations wanting. The missing illustrations are the "Night watchman", "The messman", "Struggle for the broom", and "A pony watch". The title page and the four leaves of illustrations have been supplied in photocopy from the copy owned by Sir Thomas Ramsay."

11. Provenance: From Sir Ernest Shackleton to Campbell Mackellar to the State Library of Victoria as noted in the inscription.

"Our copy was presented to the people of Victoria by Campbell D. Mackeller. It is the copy given him by Shackleton "on behalf of the members of the British Antarctic Expedition 1907-09, as a remembrance of his unceasing interest, great generosity and personal friendship to all." (Penguins watched these Polar Printers). According to John Millard, "Campbell D. Mackeller was a great friend and a loyal supporter of Shackleton."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Given the context the intention was almost certainly "household goods". Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle of ascent given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: John Millard, in a letter to Robert Stephenson dated 10 July 1982, tells about an Australian correspondent who "...made a trip to the State Library to have a look at their copy of the 'A'. She described its state, etc., and also mentioned that included in the box, which holds the 'A', were some loose lithographs from the 'A', with a note that they came from a copy owned by one Mr. L. Ramsay. Then she said that none of the loose lithographs appeared in the copy held by the Library. Mr. Ramsay, according to my correspondent, was a wealthy Melbourne business man, and obviously a benfactor of the Expedition, who had a copy of the 'A'."

For some time this copy and copy 25 (Museum Victoria) have been mixed up. For some reason it was either earlier thought that Museum Victoria was an off-shoot of or the successor to the State Library of Victoria or that the State Library of Victoria had transferred its copy to Museum Victoria. Neither is so. There are two distinct copies, each institution having one. Thanks to Gemma Steele of Museum Victoria for pointing this out.

Source: E-mail correspondence from Gemma Steele, Librarian, Museum Victoria; State Library of Victoria website.



Copy Number: 107     Other identifiers: B43935 copy
Location: Jaffrey, NH 03452, USA.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: B43935 | 25.1LB TINS
      b) Inside back cover: ANTA | NI | LYT | LAND | T | 2.0. [see copy 112 which has similar stencilling]

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: Excellent. Green cord present.

11. Provenance: Purchased from Francis Edwards, Ltd., London, July 28, 1978, for £1,000. See entry in 'Copies sold at auction or appearing in booksellers' catalogues.'

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34° ? 34°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Personal inspection.


Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.


Copy Number: 129     Other identifiers: Züst copy
Location: Douglas Stewart Fine Books, Armadale, Victoria, Australia.    

Note: This is the Züst copy that sold at Christie's London, 9 May 2002 (see copy 264). It was being offered at the California International Antiquairian Book Fair, February 2015 at a price of $108,000.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: [OATM]EAL "and pencilled note '6 Tins Oatmeal'"
      b) Inside back cover: OATM[EAL] ["verso of lower cover with stencil 'OATM'" More likely the recto.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Signed in ink by Shackleton and Marston on blank leaf following title page.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration [based on number of illustrations given in catalogue]

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "expertly rebacked using the original packing-case (venesta) boards…"

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Based on the stencilling and signatures this could be the same as Copy 254.

Source: Catalogue.


Above: Front upper board. Verso showing stenciling.
Middle: Back outer board. Inner lower board showing stenciling.
Below: Title page. Signatures
Photos: All except the title page by M. Rosove.

DOUGLAS STEWART FINE BOOKS Copy 2 (Buddenbrooks as of November 2015)

Copy Number: 134     Other identifiers: Stancomb-Wills copy; Buddenbrooks copy (owner as of November 2015)
Location: Unknown.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis from Douglas Stewart's catalogue:

Aurora Australis SHACKLETON, Ernest Henry, Sir (editor); MARSTON, George (illustrator)
Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July, 1908 ; illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston ; printed at the sign of 'The Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild : latitude 77 degrees 32 south, longitude 166 degrees 12 east. Antarctica (colophon). Edition limited to fewer than 100 hors de commerce copies produced at Cape Royds; an important association copy presented by Shackleton to one of his major backers, Miss Janet Stancomb-Wills.

Quarto, in the original packing-case (venesta) boards, expertly rebacked, verso of upper board with stencilled identification "17/ [part letter = ?'H']lP / [part letter = ?'O']N / [part letter = ?T]Y", verso of lower board without stencil, inscribed by Shackleton for Miss Janet Stancomb-Wills on the recto of the first blank: "To my friend | Miss Janet Stancomb-Wills | this relic of another Expedition | is presented by the Editor | Ernest Shackleton | July 1917"; variant lithographic title printed in black (rather than black and blue), which is known, according to the records of the exhaustive census undertaken by Robert B. Stephenson (Antarctic Circle), in at least four other examples: the William Chrisant copy (#129)[now #128]; the Cecily Shackleton copy (#263); the Dulwich College copy (#12); and the SPRI copy (#18, which has both variants); "propeller" device present on title; colophon with symbol of two penguins printed in orange and additional text "Trade Mark / All Rights Reserved"; bound without the letterpress dedication leaf to the Misses Lambton-Lawson; two prefaces by Shackleton, with ten pieces in prose and verse by various contributors including Mawson and Edgeworth David, accompanied by 11 lithographic or etched plates by George Marston; some section titles printed in brown or orange; uncut, as issued; chapter titled "An Ancient Manuscript" with illustration of the Nimrod captioned "Many Shekels Were Needed for the Ship to go Forth" (Variant A); all chapter titles with the penguin logotype at bottom of the page (Variant A); the "Giant Tick" chapter title (known in only a small number of copies) not present; Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of "The Ascent of Mount Erebus"; text on the four th line of the 11th page of the chapter "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" reads "household gods" (no copies are known corrected to "goods"); full-stop after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" (no copies are known with a comma); the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" appears as 30° (copies are known with 34°); some sewing holes at inner margins with early cloth reinforcing rings; mild browning to edges, but internally fine. Rosove 304d; Spence 1095;Taurus 60.The present copy is included in the Antarctic Circle census, where it is assigned the identification code #266; the variants in the preceding description follow the detailed checklist compiled by the Antarctic Circle.
      Although by no means the first work printed in Polar regions - steam printing presses had been taken aboard numerous ships in the Franklin search expeditions, for example - Aurora Australis was the first book produced farther south than latitude 70°S, and is without doubt the most ambitious and aesthetically beautiful of early Polar publications. During Scott's first expedition of 1901-1904, Shackleton had gained experience in working on the monthly typed publication The South Polar Times, and on his own 1907-1909 expedition to Antarctica in the Nimrod, the objective of which was to reach the South Pole, he shipped a printing press, paper, and type- and plate-making equipment. During the Antarctic winter of 1908, in the expedition hut at Cape Royds, close to 100 copies of Aurora Australis were type-set and printed on a hand press by expedition members Frank Wild and Ernest Joyce, at the painfully slow rate of two pages per day. The lithographic illustrations were also produced in situ, and after collation each copy was bound in venesta boards recycled from used packing cases by Bernard Day, the expedition's electrician and motor mechanic. Day's original binding technique was to puncture the inner margins of the leaves and attach them to the boards with silk cords, using pieces of discarded leather for the backstrips.
      In a letter dated 17 July 1917 Shackleton wrote to Janet Stancomb-Wills: "You and I understand each other ... I feel in you the sense of reliance that I did with one or or two of my men and yet it does not take away from the woman side and that quick sympathy that we men lack so much. I write very openly because I know you understand. I have hammered through life, made but few friends and it is good to know you."
Provenance: Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, presented to Miss Janet Stancomb-Wills, July 1917; thence by descent; Christie's, London, 25 September 2002. Lot 412 (unsold); private collection, Australia.
$ 125,000 AUD £ 65,000 GBP

This copy appeared in a Christie's sale on 25 September 2002, Lot 412. It did not sell. See aurora.sales.htm#Christies8.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: 17 | IP | N | Y (see image).
      b) Inside back cover: None

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Presentation to Janet Stancomb-Wills on the recto of the first blank: "To my friend | Miss Janet Stancomb-Wills | this relic of another Expedition | is presented by the Editor | Ernest Shackleton | July 1917."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Black and white
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Bound without letterpress dedication leaf to the Misses Lambton-Lawson." "some sewing holes at inner margins with early cloth reinforcing rings…expertly rebacked using the original covers" Green cord present. Some scrape marks on inner front cover.

11. Provenance: Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton to Miss Janet Stancomb-Wills and thence by descent to the present owners.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Appeared in a catalogue issued by Douglas Stewart Fine Books, Melbourne, Australia, for the London Bookfair, May, 2015. Priced at $125,000 AUD, £65,000. According to Mr Stewart, the book has since been sold.
It is now (November 2015) being offered by Buddenbrooks Rare Books, Newburyport, Massachusetts, at $175,000.

Source: Catalogue.



Copy Number: 108     Other identifiers: Belle Donaldson copy; Skellerup copy; CHOCOLATE copy
Location: Athy, Ireland.    

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: 1903 [sic]
      b) Inside back cover: 40 x 1 LBS | CHOCOLATE

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "To Belle Donaldson | from E.H. Shackleton | Xmas 1910." on recto of first blank. Below this appears G J Skellerup | December 1970. [Note: The first initial certainly appears to be G but Skellerup's first name was Peter.]

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: Better than good. Green cord present.

11. Provenance: Belle Donaldson to P. J. Skellerup to … to Seamus Taaffe.
This copy sold at auction on 17 November 1970. See Copy 290.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Personal inspection (25 October 2008). E-mail from owner, 2 March 2011.


Left: Inscription to Belle Donaldson (1910) and G.J. Skellerup's name [see note above] and date (1970). Right: Title page (Variant A).

Left: Inside front cover. Right: Inside back cover.


Copy Number: 109     Other identifiers: BAE BUTTER

Information on the Taurus Collection copy of Aurora Australis

[SHACKLETON, Ernest, Editor] Aurora Australis. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings by George Marston. Printed at the Sign of The Penguins' by Joyce and Wild. 4to; pp. [2] (blank), [8] (title in blue and black), colophon, [1] (blank), dedication, [1] (blank), [2] (blank), [4] (Preface & Additional Preface, each 2pp. by E.H. Shackleton), [2] (Contents, verso blank), [2] (blank), [42] (The Ascent of Mount Erebus by T. W. Edgeworth David, last 2 blank & including title (in red) and 2 leaves of illustrations [1 etching, 1 lithograph], versos blank), [4] (title, in red "Night Watchman", verso blank) plus lithograph, [2] (title, in red "Midwinter Night", verso blank), [4] (Midwinter Night by Veritas, last 2 blank), [18] (Trials of Messman [Priestley], last blank, including two titles (in red), & 2 lithographs [1 mounted, 1 in brown ink], versos blank), [14] (A Pony Watch by Putty [Marston], last 3 blank & including 2 titles (in red), versos blank & 1 lithograph, recto blank), [10] (Southward Bound by Lapsus Linguae [Marshall], last 3 blank & including title (in red) & 1 etching, versos blank), [16] (An Interview with an Emporer by A.F.M. [Mackay], last 3 blank, including title (in red, verso blank), [10] (Erebus by Nemo [Shackleton], including 2 titles (in red) & 1 mounted lithograph, versos blank, & 1 blank leaf), [22] (An Ancient Manuscript by Wand Erer [? Frank Wild], last 3 blank & including title (in red), verso blank, and 1 illustrations on back of text), [16] (Life under Difficulties by J. Murray, last 3 blank & including title (in red), verso blank, & another blank leaf), [40] (Bathybia by Douglas Mawson, last 3 blank, including 3 titles (in red) & 2 etchings, versos blank); TOTALLING 109 unnumbered leaves, including 11 full page plates (7 lithographs, 2 of these mounted, and 4 etchings) and 16 title-leaves printed in red, versos blank, entirely uncut; in the original sheep-backed packing-case boards bound by Bernard Day, verso of upper cover with part of identification 'British Anta[rctic] Expedition' and verso of lower cover with 'Butter', new spine to match the original with title in blind and the two penguin symbol, sewn and uncut as issued, preserved in fleece-lined cloth chemise and drop-back box; edition limited to approximately 100 copies.

Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition 1908-09.
First edition. The most renowned title in the Antarctic canon, this book was printed throughout an Antarctic winter at Cape Royds in 1908, during Shackleton's Nimrod expedition. Wonderful descriptions exist of the difficulties encountered by Joyce, Wild and Marston in its printing, and by Day in its binding, all of which help to make the book a collector's curiosity. As for its contents, Shackleton's son later gave it a fitting epitaph: "It contains no very important information about the success or otherwise of expedition affairs but it does show imagination, ingenuity and a surprising degree of professionalism in the difficult circumstances."
Bernard Day bound this title in a decidedly eccentric manner, using Venesta boards (a kind of early plywood) from amongst the 2500 packing cases taken to the Antarctic by the expedition. Today, copies tend to be known by the contents stencilled on their boards. So this copy would be described as a "Butter" copy, since that word is to be found on the rear cover. It should be distinguished from another "Butter" copy, now in the Scott Polar Research Institute, which originally belonged to Lady Shackleton.
Conrad p146; Spence 1095.

Source: The Taurus Collection, Kossow and Milton, 2001.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BRITISH ANTA[RCTIC] EXPEDITION [unclear where line breaks occur]
      b) Inside back cover: BUTTER

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Probably none as there is no mention of any in the description above.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True [based on the description above]
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia [based on the description above]

10. Condition: "new spine to match the original..."

"rubbed and detached, probable original damage (1" nick) to lower edge of upper cover" [from Copy 261, presumed to be the same]

11. Provenance: Unknown. Accompanying the copy of the Aurora at the Morgan Library (Copy 07) is a Blackwell's catalogue of 1970 which offers a copy of the Aurora for £825, this copy having BRITISH ANTA EXPEDITION stenciled on the inside front cover and BUTTER on the inside back cover. Based on the stencilling alone, this would be Copy 109 The Taurus Collection.

In a letter to John Millard dated 24 March 1981, Kenneth Clarke of Blackwell's Rare Books wrote: "We had a very poor copy in 1971 of which we have little detail except the marking of the boards, which were: (Front cover) BRITISH ANTA EXPEDITION (Back cover) BUTTER."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: The Taurus Collection, Kossow and Milton, 2001.


From The Taurus Collection, Kossow and Milton, 2001.


Copy Number: 30     Other identifiers: Kinsey copy; JULIENNE SOUP copy
Location: Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa, Cnr Molesworth and Aitken Streets, Wellington, New Zealand.    

Information on the Alexander Turnbull Library copy No 1 (Kinsey) of Aurora Australis (source:

Title: Aurora australis.
Variant Title: At head of title: 1908-09
Publisher: [Antarctica : Printed at the Sign of ʻThe Penguins’; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77°··32ʹ South, longitude 166°··12ʹ east, 1908]
Description: [6] leaves, [182] p., [10] leaves of plates : 10 ill. ; 28 cm.
LC Call Number: G850 1907
Note: "Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston"--Leaf [4].
Publication details from leaf [4].
Issued on paper watermarked with crown, and "Abbey Mills" and "Greenfield" watermarks.
Title within ornamental border, with hand-coloured vignette. Each chapter has own t.p. printed in orange. Penguin design (designed by Causton & Sons) stamped in orange on leaf [4] as printer’s device, and blindstamped on spine of bound copies. Orange penguin stamps on t.p. of each chapter.
The first book ever printed in the Polar regions; ed. by E.H. Shackleton. Limited ed. of around 100 copies, 25-30 of which were bound by Bernard Day using wooden boards from packing cases. Copies vary slightly in contents.
Issued in two states, an earlier state with 10 engraved ill. (p. [119-120] has text on both sides), and a later state with 11 engraved ill. (p. [119-120] has revised text on one side and extra ill. on the other). Cf. Greene.
Alexander Turnbull Library copy exhibited ; qREng AURO 1908 (1772) copy 2 : Simple to Sumptuous: Bookbindings 1450 to the Present. 5 April - 19 July 2008 Nz
The Alexander Turnbull Library copy 1 (Kinsey copy) is earlier variant state with 10 plates. Binding: 1/4 harness leather, loose paper sheets laced with green cord within bevelled Venesta board wooden covers, printed "[J]ulienne soup", spine blind stamped with title and penguin printer’s device, untrimmed edges. News clipping and extract from publisher’s catalogue tipped onto flyleaf. Front cover loose. Provenance: Sir Joseph Kinsey bequest (bookplate and stamp), originally purchased from Sotheby’s. Acc. 658814.
The Alexander Turnbull Library copy 2 (Turnbull copy) is later variant state with 11 plates. Binding: 1/4 harness leather, loose paper sheets laced with green cord within bevelled Venesta board wooden covers, printed "Beans", spine blind stamped with title and penguin printer’s device, untrimmed edges. Provenance: bought by Alex H. Turnbull in 1912 from Francis Edwards, who possibly obtained it from Sir Ernest Wild [sic] (Alexander Turnbull Library MS-Papers-0057-112/1912/IV); bookplate of Alexander Horsburgh Turnbull. Acc. 1772.
Indexed Referenced in: Greene, M.L. Aurora australis (1908). (In Book talk, p. 69-79), p. 72-73
Other Contributor: Shackleton, Ernest Henry, Sir, 1874-1922.
Marston, George. ill.
Wild, Frank, b. 1874. printer.
Joyce, Ernest E. Mills (Ernest Edward Mills), d. 1940. printer.
Day, Bernard. binder.
Kinsey, Joseph, Sir, 1852-1936. former owner.
Turnbull, Alexander, 1868-1918. former owner.
Wild, Ernest E. (Ernest Edward), Sir, 1869-1934. former owner.
Sir Joseph Causton and Sons. ill.
Sotheby’s (Firm) bookseller.
Abbey Mills (Holywell, Wales). papermaker.
Francis Edwards (Firm) bookseller.
British Antarctic Expedition (1907-1909)
Place of Publication: Antarctica.
Table of Contents: The ascent of Mount Erebus / T.W.E. David
Midwinter night / Nemo
Trials of a messman / A messman
A pony watch / Putty
Southward bound / Lapsus Linguæ
An interview with an emperor / A.F.M.
Erebus / Nemo
An ancient manuscript / Shellback
Life under difficulties / J. Murray
Bathybia / D. Mawson.
Record number: 1200169
Note: I recorded the following number/marking during my inspection of the copy of 7 February 1991: "R919.9 | AURO | #1169"
VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: No stencilling or markings
      b) Inside back cover: U [portion of...] LIENNE | SOUP [running vertically downward] (Source: Airlife edition).

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "Top board totally separated from back strip. Rear joint slightly split at foot. But otherwise not bad. No markings on inside of top board." (7 February 1991)
The copy is disbound. Green cord present. Backstrip attached to bottom board but separate from top board. Original title and logo are present on spine. Outer covers are clean.

11. Provenance: Sir Joseph Kinsey bequest (originally purchased from Sotheby's. Acc 658814.)

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 34°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: On the recto of the first blank leaf are affixed two clippings. The first is a printed piece dated in blue pencil '1912' in lower right corner. This, in turn, is mounted on another larger piece of lined exercise paper with the signature in ink above 'Mr. J. J. Kinsey', also dated to the right '1912' in what appears to be the same hand as the date on the printed piece. The text reads:
"Messrs. Sotheby's have just sold for £8 5s one of the most remarkable books of modern times, "Aurora Australis," published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition during the winter months of April, May, June and July, 1907, illustrated with lithographs and etchings by G. Marston. This was the first book ever printed in the Polar Regions. The editor was Lieutenant (now Sir) E.H. Shackleton. The covers of the book are made from the wood of the packing cases which contained the provisions. Only ninety copies were printed, the majority of which are in the hands of members of the expedition."

The second clipping (which concerns 'The Antarctic Book', volume III of the edition de luxe of the 'Heart of the Antarctic') is from a newspaper and reads:
""THE HEART OF THE | ANTARCTIC." | A SUPPLEMENTARY VOLUME. | MYSTERIOUS PROCEEDINGS | United Press Association—By Electric | Telegraph—Copyright | MELBOURNE, February 10. |

The "Argus" states that Sir Ernest Shackleton has published a supplementary volume, an edition de luxe of his book "The Heart of the Antarctic," limited to a comparatively few copies. This contains the original autographs of all the members of the expeditions, two poems by Sir Ernest Shackleton and a prose article by Mr. Mawson. The price is fixed at £10 10s. The publishers have sent a few copies to Australia, and seventeen had already been sold when the Australian agent received peremptory orders to stop the sale and get back by some means the copies sold. Further instructions came ordering certain pages to be cut out and certain others pages, which we sent, bound up in their place. The proceedings roused great interest, as well as surrounding the new volume with an air of mystery."

[Note: I've tried without success to pin down the year of this article. Presumably it is either 1909 or 1910. Searching The Argus on-line via bore no results for 10 February or the days immediately following.]
In the upper right corner of the recto of the first blank is a dark blue rubber stamp: 'J. J. KINSEY.

In the lower left corner of the recto of the first blank is a black rubber stamp which has five lined fields, the last being 'Date'. In this is a second black rubber stamp that reads: '11 May 1943'.

On the verso of the first blank is affixed a bookplate of heraldic design. This is a photo reproduction and at the bottom reads SIR JOSEPH KINSEY and below that BEQUEST TO | ALEXANDER TURNBULL | LIBRARY | 1936.

On paper stub that accompanies the copy appears: qR ENG | AURO | 1908 | Copy 1 | ('Julienne')

Sources: Alexander Turnbull Library catalogue (; Airlife facsimile edition, 1988 (which used this copy); Personal inspection by Robert Stephenson, 7 February 1991; Personal inspection by Robert Stephenson, 13 May 2010.

Contacts: Dr Ruth Lightbourne, Curator Special Printed Collections, Alexander Turnbull Library.

Left: Inner front cover and recto of first blank. Right: Inner back cover.


Copy Number: 31     Other identifiers: Turnbull copy; BEANS copy
Location: Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa, Cnr Molesworth and Aitken Streets, Wellington, New Zealand.

Information on the Alexander Turnbull Library copy No 2 (Turnbull) of Aurora Australis (source:

Title: Aurora australis.
Variant Title: At head of title: 1908-09
Publisher: [Antarctica : Printed at the Sign of ʻThe Penguins’; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77°··32ʹ South, longitude 166°··12ʹ east, 1908]
Description: [6] leaves, [182] p., [10] leaves of plates : 10 ill. ; 28 cm.
LC Call Number: G850 1907
Note: "Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston"--Leaf [4].
Publication details from leaf [4].
Issued on paper watermarked with crown, and "Abbey Mills" and "Greenfield" watermarks.
Title within ornamental border, with hand-coloured vignette. Each chapter has own t.p. printed in orange. Penguin design (designed by Causton & Sons) stamped in orange on leaf [4] as printer’s device, and blindstamped on spine of bound copies. Orange penguin stamps on t.p. of each chapter.
The first book ever printed in the Polar regions; ed. by E.H. Shackleton. Limited ed. of around 100 copies, 25-30 of which were bound by Bernard Day using wooden boards from packing cases. Copies vary slightly in contents.
Issued in two states, an earlier state with 10 engraved ill. (p. [119-120] has text on both sides), and a later state with 11 engraved ill. (p. [119-120] has revised text on one side and extra ill. on the other). Cf. Greene.
Alexander Turnbull Library copy exhibited ; qREng AURO 1908 (1772) copy 2 : Simple to Sumptuous: Bookbindings 1450 to the Present. 5 April - 19 July 2008 Nz
The Alexander Turnbull Library copy 1 (Kinsey copy) is earlier variant state with 10 plates. Binding: 1/4 harness leather, loose paper sheets laced with green cord within bevelled Venesta board wooden covers, printed "[J]ulienne soup", spine blind stamped with title and penguin printer’s device, untrimmed edges. News clipping and extract from publisher’s catalogue tipped onto flyleaf. Front cover loose. Provenance: Sir Joseph Kinsey bequest (bookplate and stamp), originally purchased from Sotheby’s. Acc. 658814.
The Alexander Turnbull Library copy 2 (Turnbull copy) is later variant state with 11 plates. Binding: 1/4 harness leather, loose paper sheets laced with green cord within bevelled Venesta board wooden covers, printed "Beans", spine blind stamped with title and penguin printer’s device, untrimmed edges. Provenance: bought by Alex H. Turnbull in 1912 from Francis Edwards, who possibly obtained it from Sir Ernest Wild (Alexander Turnbull Library MS-Papers-0057-112/1912/IV) ; bookplate of Alexander Horsburgh Turnbull. Acc. 1772.
Indexed Referenced in: Greene, M.L. Aurora australis (1908). (In Book talk, p. 69-79), p. 72-73
Other Contributor: Shackleton, Ernest Henry, Sir, 1874-1922.
Marston, George. ill.
Wild, Frank, b. 1874. printer.
Joyce, Ernest E. Mills (Ernest Edward Mills), d. 1940. printer.
Day, Bernard. binder.
Kinsey, Joseph, Sir, 1852-1936. former owner.
Turnbull, Alexander, 1868-1918. former owner.
Wild, Ernest E. (Ernest Edward), Sir, 1869-1934. former owner.
Sir Joseph Causton and Sons. ill.
Sotheby’s (Firm) bookseller.
Abbey Mills (Holywell, Wales). papermaker.
Francis Edwards (Firm) bookseller.
British Antarctic Expedition (1907-1909)
Place of Publication: Antarctica.
Table of Contents: The ascent of Mount Erebus / T.W.E. David
Midwinter night / Nemo
Trials of a messman / A messman
A pony watch / Putty
Southward bound / Lapsus Linguæ
An interview with an emperor / A.F.M.
Erebus / Nemo
An ancient manuscript / Shellback
Life under difficulties / J. Murray
Bathybia / D. Mawson.
Record number: 1200169 Note: I recorded the following numbers/markings during my inspection of the copy of 7 February 1991: "R919.9 | AURORA | 1908" and "#1168"
VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: No stencilling, only a small bookplate: FROM THE | COLLECTION OF | ALEXANDER | HORSBURGH | TURNBULL, | WELLINGTON | NEW ZEALAND. within a rectangular double rule with curvilinear design at top. Centered outside rule at foot: TE RAU PRESS.
      b) Inside back cover: BEANS running upward vertically with the base of the lettering closest to the outer edge.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Some leaves are loose but generally a very good copy." (7 February 1991)
Overall in very good condition. The holes in some leaves have separated to the edge. The original title and logo are present. The green cord is present. Slight separation of the spine at head and foot. Outer front board clean; outer back board has two knots, as issued, one near top and one near bottom.

11. Provenance: Bought by Alex H. Turnbull in 1912 from Francis Edwards, who possibly obtained it from Sir Ernest [sic] Wild (Alexander Turnbull Library MS-Papers-0057-112/1912/IV); bookplate of Alexander Horsburgh Turnbull. Acc. 1772.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: At the top of the recto of the first blank written in pencil: 99 leaves without the plates

On paper stub that accompanies the copy appears: qR ENG | AURO | 1908b | Copy 2

Sources: Alexander Turnbull Library catalogue (; Personal inspection by Robert Stephenson, 7 February 1991; Personal inspection by Robert Stephenson, 13 May 2010.

Contacts: Dr Ruth Lightbourne, Curator Special Printed Collections, Alexander Turnbull Library.

Left: Inner front cover and recto of first blank. Right: Inner back cover.


Copy Number: 40     Other identifiers: Truscott copy; 31 copy
Location: Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa, Cnr Molesworth and Aitken Streets, Wellington, New Zealand.    

Note: This is the same as copies 127 & 273.

Information on the Truscott copy of Aurora Australis

Published[Antarctica : Printed at the Sign of ʻThe Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77°··32ʹ South, longitude 166°··12ʹ east, 1908]
Description[6] leaves, [182] p., [10] leaves of plates : 10 ill. ; 28 cm.
The Alexander Turnbull Library copy 1 is earlier variant state with 10 plates. Binding: 1/4 harness leather, loose paper sheets laced with green cord within bevelled Venesta board wooden covers, printed "[J]ulienne soup", spine blind stamped with title and penguin printer's device, untrimmed edges. News clipping and extract from publisher's catalogue tipped onto flyleaf. Front cover loose. Provenance: Sir Joseph Kinsey bequest (bookplate and stamp), originally purchased from Sotheby's. Acc. 658814.
The Alexander Turnbull Library copy 2 is later variant state with 11 plates. Binding: 1/4 harness leather, loose paper sheets laced with green cord within bevelled Venesta board wooden covers, printed "Beans", spine blind stamped with title and penguin printer's device, untrimmed edges. Provenance: bought by Alex H. Turnbull in 1912 from Francis Edwards, who possibly obtained it from Sir Ernest Wild (Alexander Turnbull Library MS-Papers-0057-112/1912/IV) ; bookplate of Alexander Horsburgh Turnbull. Acc. 1772.
Alexander Turnbull Library Rare Book copy 3 is the later variant with 11 plates. Binding: 1/4 harness leather, loose paper sheets laced with green cord within bevelled Venesta board covers, lower cover printed "31"; spine stamped with title and penguin printer's device, untrimmed edges. Provenance: armorial bookplate of Sir George Wyatt Truscott Bt & Kt on the inside of the upper board; presented by Shackleton to G. Wyatt Truscott, Lord Mayor of London c.1909; later sold at Sotheby's auction in London on 29 November 1990 but in a damaged state with some leaves missing; conservation work carried out (leaves secured and a tear repaired, leather backstrip and hinges replaced, and eight clearly labelled facsimile leaves inserted to replace the missing leaves); purchased in a restored state in 2002 by a private collector from the East Coast of the USA; purchased by the ATL from Waverly & Rugby Books, Pinehurst, North Carolina, 2013. Copy #273 on the Antarctic Circle website 'Census of copies of the Aurora Australis' . Acc. 407302.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: None. Armorial bookplate of Sir George Wyatt Truscott. Bt. v Kt.
      b) Inside back cover:31 (The second numeral appears to be a "1" but could be something else.)

2. Inscriptions (text and location): On recto of first leaf: #28268 (pencil)
To G. Wyatt Truscott | from the Editor | E H Shackleton | 1909 [This date has been added later in pencil and is not part of the original presentation inscription.]

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color, page is facsimile
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations (which ones are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?): 1) The Messman (facsimile); 2) Fourteen Good and True
Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia (facsimile)

10. Condition: Original boards, spine rebacked with new leather backstrip in exact facsimile of the original harness leather backstrip, complete with ‘Aurora Australis’ title and ‘Sign of the Penguins’ stamp. Small marginal tears to a couple of leaves neatly repaired. The following eight (8) leaves are supplied in facsimile and marked as such in pencil on the blank side. All are in appropriate color.
   1. Title page (color)
   2. Blank leaf prior to 'Midwinter Night' title page
   3. 'Night Watchman' title page (red)
   4. 'Night Watchman' illustration (black/white)
   5. 'The Messman' illustration (tipped-in, black/white)
   6. 'Struggle? for the Broom' illustration (sepia)
   7. 'In the Stables' illustration (black/white). Title page follows illustration.
   8. Blank leaf prior to last page of 'Life Under Difficulties' chapter

No other defects noted. No staining or foxing, leaves clean, original sheet holes in very nice condition.

11. Provenance: Shackleton presented this copy to Truscott's daughter during the formal opening of the Nimrod for public inspection along the Embankment. A contemporary newspaper article reported: "Upon arrival at the Examination Hall, Mr. Shackleton presented Miss Truscott, as the representative of the Lady Mayoress, with a bouquet, and asked the Lord Mayor's acceptance of a copy of the "Aurora Australis," of which there are only a hundred copies."
This copy was sold at Sotheby's 29 November 1990, Lot 348 fetching £3,500 (see Copy 273).
This copy was displayed at the SouthPole-sium in Jaffrey, NH, in June, 2012, being offered by Top of the World Books of Vermont.
In 2013 it was being offered by Waverly & Rugby Books of North Carolina.
Later in 2013 it was purchased by The Turnbull Library in Wellington, New Zealand.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy was in the hands of a Vermont bookseller to be sold on consignment.

Source: Personal inspection and information from the Vermont bookseller, June 2012.

Contacts: Dr Ruth Lightbourne, Curator Special Printed Collections, Alexander Turnbull Library.

Left: Inside front cover. Middle: Inside back cover. Right: Inscription.

Two photos of G. Wyatt Truscott


Copy Number: 27     Other identifiers: Sir Douglas Mawson copy; LIQUID copy; BOTTLED FRUIT copy
Location: Barr Smith Library, University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia.    

Information on the University of Adelaide copy of Aurora Australis

Title: Aurora australis : published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908; illustrated with lithographs and etchings by George Marston ; [pref. by Sir E. H. Shackleton]
Published: Printed at the sign of ʻThe Penguins’ : by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77° 32ʹ South, longitude 166° 12ʹ east. Antarctica, [1908]
Description: 6 p.l., [151] p., 10 plates : ill. ; 28 cm.
Table of Contents: Ascent of Mount Erebus / T. W. Edgeworth David -- Midwinter night / Nemo -- Trials of a messman / a messman -- Pony watch/ Putty -- Southward bound / Lapsus Linguæ -- Interview with an emperor / A.F.M -- Erebus / Nemo -- Ancient manuscript / Shellback -- Life under difficulties / J. Murray -- Bathybia / D. Mawson.
Summary: Printed in 1908 by members of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907-09, the first book ever printed in the Polar regions; ed. by E. H. Shackleton. Loose sheets laced in wooden covers, made of packing-cases which contained the provisions. Estimated only about 90 copies printed; not a public ed.
Note(s): Title within ornamental border, with vignette in colors. At head of title: 1908-09.
Location: Barr Smith Special collections strong room (internal use)
Call Number: 919.9 A9
Note: A digital version of this copy may be found at

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: RITISH AN | XPEDITIO | 46 appearing horizontally.
      b) Inside back cover: LIQUID | BOTTLED FRUIT running upward vertically with the base of the lettering closest to the outer edge.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "Fair to good condition. Many leaves have torn binding holes from string binding. String binding cord has been removed in order to digitise copy. Binding in good condition with blind ‘Aurora Australis’ at head and penguin trade mark at base of spine. (Source: E-mail from Cheryl Hoskin, Special Collections Librarian, Barr Smith Library, 5 April 2010.)
The copy is disbound. Original spine and green cord are present. The holes of nearly all the leaves have torn to the edge except in the second half which are mostly intact. The outer covers are in good condition with the exception of a tiny bit of the inner venesta gone at the bottom edge of the top board.

11. Provenance: Believed to be Sir Douglas Mawson's copy. "The copy in Special Collections in the Barr Smith Library at the University of Adelaide was originally held by the University of Adelaide Dept of Geology, presumably donated by Mawson (although I have nothing to substantiate this)." (Source: E-mail from Cheryl Hoskin, Special Collections Librarian, Barr Smith Library, 5 April 2010.)

Other: Aurora Australis Illustrations/duplicate leaves
Under the shadow of Erebus (engraving, black) same paper as text, plate mark, no 'title' leaf, caption at bottom of illustration.
At the edge of the crater (lithograph, black) thinner paper, no plate mark; no 'title' leaf, caption at bottom of illustration.
Night watchman (lithograph, black) same paper as text, no plate mark, 'title' leaf bearing caption.
The messman (lithograph, black) printed on thinner paper same as 'At the edge of the crater'; tipped onto text paper; 'title' leaf bearing caption.
Struggle? For the broom (lithograph, brown) same paper as text, no plate mark, 'title' leaf bearing caption.
In the stables (lithograph, black) same paper as text, no plate mark, 'title' leaf bearing caption.
Southward bound (engraving, black) same paper as text, plate mark, 'title' leaf bearing caption.
Fourteen good and true (lithograph, black) printed on thinner paper same as 'At the edge of the crater'; tipped onto text paper; 'title' leaf bearing caption.
Many shekels were needed for the ship to go forth (lithograph, black) printed on verso of text leaf, caption title at bottom.
Executing evolutions in mid air (engraving, black) same paper as text, plate mark, 'title' leaf bearing caption.
Each sheltered under one of the novel umbrellas (engraving, black) same paper as text, plate mark, 'title' leaf bearing caption.
Duplicate leaf: 6th leaf of text "An ancient manuscript" beginning on recto 'the sea' is duplicated.
(Source: E-mail from Cheryl Hoskin, Special Collections Librarian, Barr Smith Library, 5 April 2010.)

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34° ? 34°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: The copy is contained in a blue drop leaf box. The label reads: SR | 919.9 | A9 | Aurora | Australis.
The duplicate leaf in 'An Ancient Manuscript' is confirmed. It is the one that begins on the recto 'the sea'. (Only one leaf appears in the digitised version.)

Sources: Physical examination of work by Cheryl Hoskin, Special Collections Librarian. Digital version. Personal inspection 15 June 2010.

Contacts: Cheryl Hoskin, Special Collections Librarian, University of Adealaide.

Inner covers.

Outer covers and spine.



Copy Number: 09     Other identifiers: J.P. Johnson copy; Mary Goodwin copy; copy 169.
Location: A1713, Department of Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, Los Angeles, California 90095-1575    

Information on the UCLA copy of Aurora Australis

Title: Aurora australis. [Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston.
Published/distributed: Printed at the sign of ʻThe Penguins’ : by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77° 32ʹ South, longitude 166° 12ʹ east. Antarctica, [1908]
Physical description: 6 p.l., [151] p. illus., 10 pl. 28 cm.
Notes: Title within ornamental border, with vignette in colors. At head of title: 1908-09.
The first book ever printed in the Polar regions; ed. by E. H. Shackleton. Loose sheets laced in wooden covers, made of packing-cases which contained the provisions. Only 90 copies printed.
Rosove, M.H. Antarctica, 1772-1922, 304
Contents: The ascent of Mount Erebus; T.W.E. David.--Midwinter night; Nemo.--Trials of a messman; a messman.--A pony watch; Putty.--Southward bound; Lapsus Linguæ.--An interview with an emperor; A.F.M.--Erebus; Nemo.--An ancient manuscript; Shellback.--Life under difficulties; J. Murray.--Bathybia; D. Mawson.
Spec. Coll. copy: In Rosove, UCLA’s copy is described as 304(c), but the description of the difference is not quite accurate: it is missing the plate "Many shekels..." but there is no duplicated text on leaf [63]v.
Quarter calf and wooden boards. Gift of the Estate of Mary Joe Goodwin. Includes a note signed by Shackleton, an envelope signed by Joyce, and a news clipping with photographs of their Antarctic hut.
LC control number: 13012986
Record ID: 408740
Collection: UCLA Libraries and Collections
Location: YRL Special Collections Stacks
Call Number: G850 1907 .A8 1908
Special Collection/Archive: MJG Mary Joe Goodwin Antarctica Collection

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: "The front inner board has, at the lower edge, a very small portion of an E followed by an R (possibly part of BUTTER)."
      b) Inside back cover: "The rear inside board has at the bottom right hand side, and upside down, on two lines, "TARCTIC | N 1907.""

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "There are no signatures or inscriptions in the book itself.
Tipped onto the recto of the first blank is an envelope of light bluish paper, and it reads "To J. P. Johnson Esq
| a copy of the "Aurora | Australis" only about | 90 copies printed — | entirely printed in the | Antarctic Regions | With Compliments J. Joyce" (yes, J. Joyce, not Ernest E. Mills Joyce, it would seem). Unfortunately, it is undated, but obviously very old."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text (but see above)

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "The book is in its original, unrestored state. Both joints and hinges are split. All the original materials—boards, leather, green yarn, etc., are present."

11. Provenance: According to John Millard in a letter to Robert Stephenson May 1, 1982, "Originally owned by J.P. Johnson & Family for many years. He was a Canterbury N.Z. area Sheep Farmer and an Expedition Benefactor." Came into the possession of Mary Joe Goodwin who donated it to UCLA.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 34°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: "There are two bookplates on the front inner cover not interfering with the stenciling. Mary Jo's bookplate has a number of classic Antarctic figurines on it and reads "Ex Libris | Mary Goodwin". The bookplate is printed in black on bluish paper. Over that is a bookplate that UCLA created for books from the Mary Jo Goodwin library. It reads "UCLA Library | Department of Special Collections | Mary Joe Goodwin | Antarctica | Collection". The book plate is printed in black on white paper. Note their misspelling of Mary Jo.

Laid in to the volume is a half sheet of parchment paper, printed letterhead "Crown Chambers
| 9, Regent Street, | London, S.W." plus some other finer print, and (obviously) in Shackleton's hand, "14th August | 1911 | Dear Mr Johnson | 3 pm 8th Sept | all right | Yours truly | EHShackleton". It would appear to me that this half sheet may have nothing to do with the provenance of the book except that the original owner was likely Johnson and that he knew EHS. I'd have to check my sources to see if he's mentioned anywhere. I imagine you can do the same.

  Also laid in is a handwritten note from Mary Jo Goodwin concerning her lending this copy of AA for some kind of exhibit. Also laid in is a clipping from a newspaper concerning Scott and Shackleon, undated, and which newspaper not identifiable.

There is a small rubber stamp readng "UCLA LIBRARY" at the foot of the inner back cover next to the leather backstrip.

Source: The above information was provided by Michael Rosove based on his inspection of the book in December 2011.


Inside front and back covers.
Source: Image supplied to Michael Rosove by U.C.L.A. Department of Special Collections.


Copy Number: 10     Other identifiers:
Location: Special Collections Research Center, 1100 E. 57th Street Chicago, Illinois 60637    

Information on the University of Chicago copy of Aurora Australis

David Stam says in an e-mail (23 June 2007): "John Crerar is no longer an independent library but now the science library for the University of Chicago.  The book is kept with other Crerar Rare Books in the University Special Collections, not in the Crerar Science Library."

Title: Aurora australis. [Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston.
Imprint: Printed at the sign of 'The Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77° 32ʹ South, longitude 166° 12ʹ east. Antarctica [1908]
Description: 6 p.l., [151] p. I illus., 10 pl. 28 cm.
Notes: Title within ornamental border, with vignette in colors. At head of title: 1908-09.
The first book ever printed in the Polar regions; ed. by E. H. Shackleton. Loose sheets laced in wooden covers, made of packing-cases which contained the provisions. Only 90 copies printed.
Contents: The ascent of Mount Erebus; T.W.E. David.--Midwinter night; Nemo.--Trials of a messman; a messman.--A pony watch; Putty.--Southward bound; Lapsus Linguæ.--An interview with an emperor; A.F.M.--Erebus; Nemo.--An ancient manuscript; Shellback.--Life under difficulties; J. Murray.--Bathybia; D. Mawson.
Bib. number: 895047
URL for this record:|library/marc/uc|895047
Location: Special Collections, Crerar Rare Books
Call #: G850 1907 .A80

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: No stencilling
      b) Inside back cover: The stencilling is the left-hand portion of the logotype of J & T Bayley, the firm that made the boxes. What appears is as follows: J & T BA [portion of] | EXP | PACK [portion of] | LOND [portion of]. The first and last lines are in an arc with curved lines above and below the lettering. The stencilling is cut off by the outer edge of the cover. Two other copies are known to have the Bayley stencilling and in both cases it is the right hand portion. (See copies 04 and 116.) The latter one, owned by Antipodean Books, could very well be from the same original packing case as the divisions corresponds pretty closely.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): No inscriptions from Shackleton or others associated with expedition.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "Blue cord; leather spine in very good shape and no “sign of the penguins” on spine; no cracks in boards and they are not cupped; the first blank page has become separated from the binding."
Follow up: "There is definitely not a penguin logo on the spine. The spine is in great condition so it has most certainly been rebound."
"I am quite sure that it’s blue. I even asked a colleague to confirm that I’m not crazy!"

11. Provenance: "Inscription from bookseller or owner on the first blank page: 'Only 50 copies issued, written, printed and bound in the Antarctic Regions during the Shackleton Expedition bound with wood from the provision boxes used during the expedition'; on the preface page: call number RB20 L999 Q800 and 'Directors Room' is written above a number stamp: 625340; on the back blank page top right hand corner: 'lo8ab'; and on the bottom right hand corner of the page: “Alan Grace Fall '89 $60.00”.
Follow up: "I looked in the accession records for Crerar Library and it looks like the book came into its possession February 2, 1938. However, the record had no information about whether it was a gift or a purchase. Under the heading “Source” it simply says “Schmidt, see sheet."
" I could not find an Alan Grace Fall in our student records, so it doesn’t look like he was a student here."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: "The book is stored in a burgundy box that matches the book’s spine with the Title, Shackleton’s name, and date (1907) printed on it in gold. There is nothing on the box indicating previous ownership."

Source: Enquiry via e-mail.

Contacts: Mary Gibbons, Reader Services Assistant, Special Collections Research Center, 1100 E. 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637.

Permission to include this image has been given by
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center.



Copy Number: 28     Other identifiers: Griffith Taylor copy; John King Davis copy
Location: University of New England Heritage Centre, corner Dangar and Kentucky Streets, Armidale, N.S.W., Australia.    

This copy of the Aurora Australis is part of the Griffith Taylor Collection which "…consists of original letters, journals and sketches, copies of publications, various items of equipment and some geological specimens originally given to the Department of Geography (in 1960) by Professor Thomas Griffith Taylor." In 1988 it was transferred to the UNE Archives (now contained in the Heritage Centre).

John Millard, in a letter to Robert Stephenson dated 1 May 1982, writes: "It was presented to the Collection by Griffith Taylor's wife, Doris. Mrs Taylor was a sister of Raymond E. Priestley, a member of the Shackleton Expedition, 1907-09, but according to some information supplied by Griffith Taylor, this copy of the 'Australis' was given to Mrs Taylor, by Captain John K. Davis. There is no inscription in the book and the information is contained in a display card provided by Griffith Taylor, probably at the time he donated some of his papers to the Department."

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: Appears to be HARMUTT running upward vertically with the top of the lettering closest to the outer edge. Dr Ward at University of New England believes this to be 'HARICOT MUTTON', abbreviated.
Griffith Taylor's polar bookplate is affixed in the center of the verso of the first blank.
      b) Inside back cover: The letter S upside down in the lower right corner. Also a small portion of what appears to a letter T preceding the S.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not Present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) In the Stables; 3) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "All leaves are securely fastened to the cord, although the last page on The Pony Watch is torn. The leather spine is badly cracked, to the extent that the boards are almost separated from it. At some time, a repair was carried out using tissue paper. This is also badly torn, but we cannot study the full spine without removal of the tissue. The base does have a stamped penguin, although it is very faint. We cannot access the top of the spine to check the title."

11. Provenance: "Our copy has a book plate Ex Libris Mrs Griffith Taylor. In his letter dated 5 May 1960, to Professor Gilbert Butland of the University of New England, Griffith Taylor states that the book was being donated by his wife. According to a label provided by him, the book was given to Mrs Griffith Taylor by Capt JK Davis, captain of the Aurora, on Mawson’s 1913 expedition."

Griffith Taylor's letter to Professor Butland.

The printed letterhead reads "28 Alan Avenue, Seaforth". The letter is dated 5 May 1960 and reads "Dear Gilbert, My wife and I wish to send you our hearty thanks for our very pleasant visit to the University of New England. Nothing could have been more hospitable than our reception by Mrs Butland and yourself—and by other University folk, especially Miss Bagnall.
The students taking geography are privileged in their staff and equipment, and will surely turn out to be useful Australians. Judging by the standard of hospitality which we received in geographer's homes, in the Department and on our excursions, they are a lucky crowd!
My wife wishes to add her unique Antarctic 'relic'—the "Aurora Australis"—to my proposed collection. She rejoices to know that it will have such a suitable permenant home. It was actually printed at Cape Royds in 1908; and links three expeditions (Shackleton's, ours and Mawson's), as you will find when you receive it.
Yours sincerely
Griffith Taylor"

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: E-mails from Dr Philip Ward, Archives Officer, University of New England and Regional Archives, to Robert Stephenson, 28 and 29 April 2010.

Contacts: Dr Philip Ward, Archives Officer, University of New England and Regional Archives.

Inside front and back covers.



Copy Number: 19     Other identifiers: Albert Ehrman copy
Location: Weston Library, Bodleian Library, Univeristy of Oxford, Broad Street, Oxford, U.K.    

Information on the University of Oxford, Bodleian Library copy of Aurora Australis

This copy is in the collection of "The Broxbourne Library by Albert Ehrman." With the copy is one-sheet brochure issued by Sir Joseph Causton & Sons, Ltd. describing the book and the Albion press. The address of Causton at that time was 9 Eastcheap, London EC3. A letter dated 8 April 1982 from Paul Morgan, Senior Assistant Librarian to John Millard, Toronto states: "...Broxbourne Library, formed by the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ehrman and presented to the Bodleian Library by their son John. It was bought in 1919 from an unrecorded source and bears the signatures of Sir Ernest Shackleton and George Marston."

Shelf mark: Broxb. 51.14
Location: BOD Bookstack

Corporate Name: Aurora australis. 
Title: Aurora australis (publ. at the winter quarters of the British antarctic expedition).
Publisher: East Antarctica (1908)
Description: cm.26
Notes: [Ed. by sir E.H. Shackleton].
Other Names: Shackleton, Ernest Henry sir, ed.
Hierarchical Place Name: Antarctica 
Form, Genre or Physical Characteristics as Subject: Association copies (Provenance) -- Broxbourne 
Local Control Number: 14550938

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: No stencilling unless under the bookplate. The owner's bookplate has A and E at the corners; a coat of arms; and the saying: "Pro Viribus".
      b) Inside back cover: D KIDNEYS

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "Bears the signatures of Sir Ernest Shackleton and George Marston." (Source: Letter from Paul Morgan, Senior Assistant Librarian, Bodleian Library, to John Millard, 8 April 1982.) The signatures are on the recto of the first blank sheet.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) In the Stables; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: Very good and clean. Some minor wear (rubbing) of leather binding. Slight split at top front hinge. Olive green cord present.

11. Provenance: Presented to the Bodleian by John Ehrman.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Sources: Personal inspection by Robert Stephenson 7 November 2007. Personal inspection by David and Deirdre Stam, October 2011.



Copy Number: 133 formerly 103.     Other identifiers: Greene copy
Location: West Coast, USA.    

Information on the this copy of Aurora Australis

This is the same as Copy 255, which was sold on 16 November 1994 at the Gaston Renard - Leonard Joel sale in Melbourne.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes.
      a) Inside front cover: "The boards of this copy are stencilled with the first letters of the B[ritish] AN[tarctic] EX[pedition]" The lettering is at the very foot of the board with the base of the letters closest to the outer edge.
      b) Inside back cover: "19". The stencilling is in the lower right corner of the board with the base of the numbers closest to the spine.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) The Messman; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "new leather backstrip with the original harness leather backstrip mounted thereon; a fine, clean copy, preserved in a cloth Solander box".
"Leaves all very clean and near fine.  Rebound spine with original backstrip laid down, title and penguin motif preserved.  Green cord ? original.  Three holes in text for binding, no tears or reinforcements on holes. 109 leaves [including one fp in color, 10 plate leaves with verso blank (8 printed on one side of leaf, 2 tipped onto leaf), 16 title leaves in red printed on one side, 67 leaves with text on one or both sides, 15 blank leaves]."

11. Provenance: Purchased by the present owner at the Gaston Renard - Leonard Joel sale in Melbourne on 16 November 1994. See Copy 255. (Actually I have learned from the owner tht it was not purchased at the sale but afterwards, either from the purchaser or from Renard-Joel.)

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 34°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: A bookseller's ticket is affixed to the upper left corner of the inner top board.
August 2012: This copy was in the Bonham's 30 March 2012 sale and did not sell. It has since been sold privately.

Source: From the auction catalogue; Previous owner.


Inside front cover and the inside back cover.

Group C


Not up yet

Copy Number: 150     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

John Millard writes Robert Stephenson, 10 June 1985: "#9 is owned by a U.K. citizen living in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but he keeps his copy in the U.K. He purchased it from Blackwells in 1976. From his description it appears to be the one sold at Sotheby's, 20th May 1969. No information regarding previous ownership is available."

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Not up yet

Copy Number: 151     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Not up yet

Copy Number: 152     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Copy Number: 153     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

John Millard writes Robert Stephenson, 10 June 1985: "Finally, there is Private Collection #3, in New South Wales...Sometime back you sent me some information from American Book Prices Current regarding a copy sold at auction by Christie's and Edmiston's, in Glasgow, for £1,890, on the 20th September 1982. This was a long merry chase, but I think I have it all together now, except for information regarding the previous ownership, prior to the auction. At the auction it was acquired by John Smith & Sons Ltd., Glasgow, either for their own account, or as agents for Bruce Marshall of Ayrshire, Scotland. Marshall sold it to Bob Finch, and it was in Bob's Catalogue #16, Fall 1982, at $6,500. Bob sold it to Jake Zeitlan, of Zeitlan and Ver Brugge, in L.A., and Jake sold it to a customer of his in upstate New York for $10,300. From this customer I got the full details on it. Later I heard from a correspondent in Australia, that a copy sold in Glasgow in 1982 was recently sold in Sydney for $A20,000. This kind of puzzled me, as I didn't think there were two copies sold in Glasgow. I eventually got in touch with a bookdealer Derek McDonnell, and he confirmed the exchange; it seems that Jake's upstate New York customer is a friend of Derek's, he acquired it from him and sold it to the present opwner, who wishes to remain anonymous. As John Smith & Son Ltd, offered further assistance, I am going to send them this information, and see if by chance they know anything about the previous ownership."

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Not up yet

Copy Number: 154     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Not up yet

Copy Number: 155     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Not up yet

Copy Number: 156     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Not up yet

Copy Number: 157     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Not up yet

Copy Number: 158     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Not up yet

Copy Number: 159     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Not up yet

Copy Number: 160     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Not up yet

Copy Number: 161     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]




UK PRIVATE COLLECTION #3 "Sutton Coldfield"

Not up yet

Copy Number: 162     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Could be the same as Copy 162 as Patrick Walcot lives in Sutton Coldfield according to George Brigham.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Copy Number: 163     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

John Millard writes Robert Stephenson, 1 May 1982: "1.) Privately owned in Scotland. It's been in the family for a long time. For this one I do have a Collation and it states: An Ancient MSS. Red Title. An Ancient MSS., 17pp. p6 has on Verso plate "Many Shekels were needed for the Ship to go Forth"."

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Not up yet

Copy Number: 164     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]




UK PRIVATE COLLECTION #6 "Hertfordshire"

Not up yet

Copy Number: 165     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Copy Number: 166     Other identifiers:     Levinson copy; Buckley copy
Location:     Unknown

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Not up yet

Copy Number: 167     Other identifiers:

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Copy Number: 168     Other identifiers: Marshall copy, Kendall copy, Fitzgerald copy, Newberry copy
Location:     Newberry Library, Chicago

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis     For full information on this copy go to

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]




USA PRIVATE COLLECTION #2 "Los Angeles area"

Copy Number: 169     Other identifiers: Later the Mary Goodwin copy. Now at UCLA. See Copy 09.
Location:     Now at UCLA

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis     For full information on this copy go to

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]




Group D


Copy Number: 200     Other identifiers: BUTTER copy. Could be the same as Copy 162 as Patrick Walcot lives in Sutton Coldfield according to George Brigham.
Location: UK    

Information on the Bluntisham/Walcot copy of Aurora Australis

The first facsimile edition of the Aurora Australis was published in 1986 by Bluntisham Books and The Paradigm Press. No mention is made in the book as to what original copy of the Aurora was used in the production. An enquiry made of David Walton of Bluntisham led to the answer: A copy owned by the bookseller Patrick Walcot was used. Patrick Walcot has retired from the trade and David was not aware of whether he still has the copy or not. It could easily be one of the copies included above.
Any information included below is from the facsimile edition.

John Millard writes Robert Stephenson, 10 June 1985: "The copy being used for the re-print [Bluntisham/Paridigm Press, 1986] is the Sir Raymond Priestley copy in the Library of Christ's College, Cambridge. This copy has an extra illustration title/cover sheet, "A Giant Tick was Investigating the Carcase.", but no illustration follows." [The Christ's College copy being used for the reprint appears to be in error. The stenciling shown in the reprint is not the same.]

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes (assuming the photo Plate 2 in the Bluntisham/Paradigm edition is of the Bluntisham/Walcot copy).
      a) Inside front cover: BUTTER running upward vertically with the top of the lettering closest to the outer edge.
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "With the Editor's kindest | regards: | Ernest Shackleton | This Book was made | Bound; Printed, Published | in the Antarctic in | 1908." [On recto of blank leaf preceding title page, at least in the facsimile.]

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Spelled Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown [Photo in facsimile edition shows the front cover as clean—although with a slight horizontal split in the upper right corner—and the spine as complete

11. Provenance: See above

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This is the copy that was used in the first facsimile edition, published in 1986 by Bluntisham/Paradigm. Apparently some material (The annotated '14 Good and True' illustration, for instance) included was from a copy at SPRI. David Walton told me that Patrick Walcot's copy was used for most of the facsimile.



Inside front cover (from the Bluntisham/Walcot edition).


Copy Number: 202     Other identifiers: Unknown
Location: Unknown    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

"In a letter dated 15 April 1982, A.W. Jackson of the AAD wrote John Millard of Toronto stating that: "The Antarctic Division's copy is contained in the rare book collection of our library, which is composed mainly of the book collection of Captain J.K. Davis. We acquired 'Aurora Australis', and other volumes, from a personal friend of Davis after his death. This person is, or was, resident in New South Wales. He is the person referred to, but not named, on page xi of Davis' biography 'High Latitude', published in 1962." This mystery person could conceivably be W.B. Firth but if so one would think that Jackson would say so or at least suggest it. John King Davis died on 8 May 1967 so if this copy was indeed Davis's then it would have come to the Anare/AAD after that date. (Confirmed as copies once owned by Davis are copy 24 at the State Library of Tasmania in Hobart and copy 28 at the University of New England in Armidale. According to Millard, Davis also gave a copy to Herbert D. Murphy but exactly which copy this is, is unclear.)"
—From the entry for Copy 20 at the Australian Antarctic Division.

Murphy was in charge of stores during Mawson's Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911-14.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: See above.



Copy Number: 203     Other identifiers: Tripp copy
Location: Corner of Anzac Avenue and Parry Street, Dunedin, New Zealand.    

Information on the University of Otago, Hocken Library copy of Aurora Australis

An original copy was held "on deposit" in the Hocken Library from 17 March 1976 until it was returned to a descendant of the family concerned on 16 November 2005. Hocken Reference file: 804/3. The "original" copy that was held on deposit at the Hocken Library was classified at : Bliss KWT/Aur <#576012803> [From Hocken Library catalogue]

John Millard, who worked on the original census, identifies this copy as having been given to Leonard Tripp (see who "first met Shackleton in his home where Shackleton had been invited to have tea by one of Tripp's sisters, who had attended one of Shackleton's lectures on the Antarctic. Tripp became a good friend and advisor to Shackleton for the rest of his life. His copy was easy to find, he had given it to a nephew, who in turn gave it to a grandson. To the best of my present knowledge it more or less on permanent loan to The Hocken Library, University of Otago, Dunedin, N.Z." (Letter from John Millard to John Levinson, 16 May 1994)

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Copy Number: 204     Other identifiers:
Location: Harpenden, Hertfordshire, U.K.    

Information on the Clare Lodge copy of Aurora Australis

In a letter at SPRI dated 11 September 1957 (see below) the writer, Mr E. Shutt, Governor, National Children's Home, stated that Clare Lodge had a copy of 'Aurora Australis.' Possibly given by sister of Frank Wild.
Needs confirmation.

Letter at SPRI

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Copy Number: 207     Other identifiers: Unknown
Location: Australia    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

There is a pencil notation in some early papers that I have from John Millard of Toronto. Prof. Edgeworth David is noted as having a copy, in Australia.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Copy Number: 209     Other identifiers: Unknown
Location: Unknown    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]





Copy Number: Formerly 118, now 210    Other identifiers:

Information on the Kucharek copy of Aurora Australis

John Millard, in a letter to Robert Stephenson dated 31 August 1983, writes: "Through a round about method I was able to get his [Mackintosh's] daughter's name & address in Britain. I wrote her in July 1982, she answered me in July 1983, apologizing for the delay, but didn't say why. She said, her father's copy of the 'A' was still with the family and hadn't been sold."

Robert Stephenson, in a letter to John Millard dated 4 February 1986, writes: "I had an interesting phone conversation in September with Bob Kucharek from England. As I recall he had seen or spoken with you in Toronto just before. I assume his copy is your "Private Coll. #7 Wilts" under private ownership in the UK."
Although not confirmed it appears that Mr Kucharek is deceased. What has happened to his Aurora is unknown.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: It is unclear now why I thought this copy might be Mackintosh's copy. We now know that it is still in the family, owned by Macintosh's granddaughter. See copy 130.



Group E


Copy Number: 250     Other identifiers: Streeter copy; British Library copy (Copy 32)
Location: Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

John Millard writes Robert Stephenson, 13 November 1983: "1.) You will note the Provenance is Maggs Bros. 1950. ... 2.) You will also note the single signature of Ernest Shackleton. ... There is also the possibility that it might be one of those 10 copies that Shackleton reportedly sold to Bumpus, the Bookseller in London, that Dora Diener of Edwards, mentioned to me sometime ago."

John Millard writes Robert Stephenson, 12 February 1986: "I am referring to the copy sold in the Streeter Sale in N.Y.C. in October '69. The Parke-Bernet Galleries tried to get in touch with the buyer, but did not get a response from him/her."

1908-09. Aurora Australis [Colored lithograph] [On recto of following leaf:] Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, During the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908. Illustrated with Lithographs and Etchings; by George Marston. Printed at the Sign of 'The Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77… .. 32' South Longitude 166… .. 12' East Antarctica. [Woodcut of two penguins). Trade Mark (All rights reserved). 25.8 cm. Boards with leather back, front hinge cracked. [Antarctica, 1908]
Collation: 98 unnumbered leaves (including 14 blank leaves), 10 plates. The book is made up of single leaves punched and tied together, the wooden covers being made from provision cases.
Provenance: Maggs Bros., 1950. The initial blank leaf is signed in Shackleton's hand: "Ernest Shackleton Editor." "

For more information on this sale,
click here.

Dates of sale: 21 and 22 October 1969. Lot 4146. (Streeter Sale). Results: According to John Millard it went for $500.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "The initial blank leaf is signed in Shackleton's hand: "Ernest Shackleton Editor."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "front hinge cracked."

11. Provenance: "Maggs Bros., 1950."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy is now at the British Library (copy 32). Go to that entry for further details.

Source: Unknown; Personal inspection of copy 32, 21 October 2010.



Copy Number: 251     Other identifiers: Stephenson copy (107)
Location: Francis Edwards, London, Catalogue 1015.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date: 1978. No. 281. Price: £1,000

Aurora Australis, 1908-09, EDITED BY SIR ERNEST SHACKLTON, coloured lithograph on title-page, illustrated with 6 lithographs and 4 etchings by George Marston, 4to, wooden boards from a provision case, leather spine, stamped in blind with title and the device of the press (slightly rubbed; joints skilfully repaired), uncut, Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition ... Printed at the Sign of "The Penguins"; by Joyce and Wild ... Antarctica, 1907-08             £1000
ONLY 100 COPIES OF THIS BOOK WERE PRINTED IN THE HUT AT CAPE ROYDS ON A HANDPRESS. The provision cases were manufactured by Day, who sand-papered the boards, thonged the pages, and made the leather spine to hold the cover.
"No other book has ever been produced South of Latitude 70 deg."–Dr. Mill. There is no copy in the British Museum, and only an imperfect one in thc Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Not present based on number of illustrations given in catgalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: slightly rubbed; joints skilfully repaired

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Catalogue



Copy Number: 252     Other identifiers:
Location: Christie's & Edmiston's, Scotland    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this catalogue listing,
click here.

Date of sale: 20 September 1982. Results: £1,800

This copy is probably the same as 163 and 204 above. See those listings for more details. On the other hand, because of the autographs, this could Copy 253 which has the same signers. They appear to have different text variants, however.

John Millard writes Robert Stephenson, 10 June 1985: "Finally, there is Private Collection #3, in New South Wales...Sometime back you sent me some information from American Book Prices Current regarding a copy sold at auction by Christie's and Edmiston's, in Glasgow, for £1,890, on the 20th September 1982. This was a long merry chase, but I think I have it all together now, except for information regarding the previous ownership, prior to the auction. At the auction it was acquired by John Smith & Sons Ltd., Glasgow, either for their own account, or as agents for Bruce Marshall of Ayrshire, Scotland. Marshall sold it to Bob Finch, and it was in Bob's Catalogue #16, Fall 1982, at $6,500. Bob sold it to Jake Zeitlan, of Zeitlan and Ver Brugge, in L.A., and Jake sold it to a customer of his in upstate New York for $10,300. From this customer I got the full details on it. Later I heard from a correspondent in Australia, that a copy sold in Glasgow in 1982 was recently sold in Sydney for $A20,000. This kind of puzzled me, as I didn't think there were two copies sold in Glasgow. I eventually got in touch with a bookdealer Derek McDonnell, and he confirmed the exchange; it seems that Jake's upstate New York customer is a friend of Derek's, he acquired it from him and sold it to the present opwner, who wishes to remain anonymous. As John Smith & Son Ltd, offered further assistance, I am going to send them this information, and see if by chance they know anything about the previous ownership."

From an e-mail to Jonathan Shackleton from Sue Gibson, 27 July 2007: "... I am attaching a scan of the entry in the catalogue of the house sale in my old home - I suspect you will be perfectly aware of this copy of Aurora Australis as it was sold to Peter Wordie who happened to be a near neighbour of ours and I assume James's son? So not one of the lost ones I am afraid!" [This seems to conflict with what John Millard says above.]

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "front and end paper autographed by E.H. Shackleton, Bernard Day, George Edward Marston, James Murray, A. Forbes Mackay and Frank Wild".

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration based on number of illustrations.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Catalogue.



Copy Number: 253     Other identifiers:
Location: Bob Finch, Torrance, California.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this catalogue listing,
click here.

Date of catalogue: November 1982. Item 367. Price: $6500.00.

Because of the autographs, this could be Copy 252 which has the same signers. They appear to have different text variants, however.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes.
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: [B]RITISH [An]TARCTIC EXPEDITION [The catalogue says that the stencils are on the "outside of the back board." This is certainly in error as stencils were invariably on the inside of the covers.]

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "On the recto of the first blank this copy has been signed by Shackleton, Bernard Day, George Edward Marston, James Murray, A. Forbes Mackay, and Frank Wild."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text based on number of illustrations.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Catalogue.



Copy Number: 254     Other identifiers: OATMEAL copy
Location: Gaston Renard - Leonard Joel, Melbourne.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this sale,
click here.

Date of sale: 16 November 1994. Lot 1435. Results: AUD27,500 which includes 10% buyer’s premium. 1USD=1.33155 AUD or 1AUD=0.751004 USD on that date. Therefore: $20,653.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: OATM[eal]
      b) Inside back cover: [oatm]EAL

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "This copy is unusual in this respect, having the signatures of both Emest Shackleton (the expedition leader) and George Marston (the artist) on a blank after the colophon leaf."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "a fine, clean copy".

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Based on the stencilling and signatures this could be the same as Copy 264.

Source: Catalogue.



Copy Number: 255     Other identifiers: Same as Copy 103.
Location: Gaston Renard - Leonard Joel, Melbourne.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis


[Shackleton, E. H.; Editor.] 1908 - 09. AURORA AUSTRALIS. [Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, During the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908. Illustrated with Lithographs and Etchings; by George Marston. Printed at the Sign of 'The Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77° 32' South. Longitude 166° 12' East. Antarctica]. Cr. 4to; First Edition; pp. [4] (blank), [6] (title in blue and black, colophon, dedication, all versos blank), [2] (blank), [4] (Preface & Additional Preface, each 2 pp. by E. H. Shackleton), [2] (Contents, verso blank), [2] (blank), [42] (The Ascent of Mount Erebus by T. W. Edgeworth David, last 2 blank & including title (in red) and 2 leaves of illustrations [1 etching, 1 lithograph], versos blank), [2] (title, in red "Midwinter Night", verso blank), [2] (title, in red "Night Watchman", verso blank), [6] (Midwinter Night by Veritas, last 2 blank & including 1 lithograph, verso blank), [18] (Trials of a Messman [Priestley], last blank, including 2 titles (in red), & 2 lithographs [1 mounted, 1 in brown ink], versos blank), [14] (A Pony Watch by Putty [Marston], last 3 blank & including 2 titles (in red), versos blank & 1 lithograph, recto blank), [10] (Southward Bound by Lapsus Linguae [Marshall], last 3 blank & including title (in red) & 1 etching, versos blank), [16] (An Interview with an Emperor by A. F. M. [Mackay], last 3 blank, including title (in red), verso blank), [10] (Erebus by Nemo [Shackleton], including 2 titles (in red) & 1 mounted lithograph, versos blank, & 1 blank leaf), [22] (An Ancient Manuscript by Wand Erer [? Frank Wild], last 3 blank & including title (in red), verso blank), [16] (Life under Difficulties by J. Murray, last 3 blank & including title (in red), verso blank, & 1 blank leaf), [40] (Bathybia by Douglas Mawson, last 3 blank, including 3 titles (in red) & 2 etchings, versos blank); IN TOTAL 109 unnumbered leaves, including 10 full-page plates (6 lithographs of which 2 mounted, and 4 etchings) and 16 title-leaves printed in red, versos blank; entirely uncut; in the original venesta packing-case boards, new leather backstrip with the original harness leather backstrip mounted thereon; a fine, clean copy, preserved in a cloth Solander box; rare. Antarctica, Printed at the Sign of the Penguins, 1908.
***Spence 1095. The boards of this copy are stencilled with the first letters of the B[ritish] AN[tarctic] EX[pedition]. This copy has the variant text for the article An Ancient Manuscript so that it has 10 illustrations rather than 11, but as usual does not contain the final title leaf found in a few copies. We believe this variation to be much rarer than the version with 11 illustrations. In other respects it collates identically with other copies we have handled.

Date of sale: 16 November 1994. Lot 1435. Results: AUD22,000 which includes 10% buyer’s premium. 1USD=1.33155 AUD or 1AUD=0.751004 USD on that date. Therefore: $16,522.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: B[ritish] AN[tarctic] EX[pedition]
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Not present

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "a fine, clean copy".

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: .

Source: Catalogue.



Copy Number: 256     Other identifiers: BISCUIT copy
Location: Christie's, King Street, London.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this sale, click here.

Date of sale: 27 September 1996. Lot 161. Results: £27,600 which includes the buyer's premium.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: Portion of BISCUIT
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown but probably none.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Presumably no inscriptions as none are noted in the catalogue.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration based on number of illustrations given in catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present (see image).

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "spine with blind-stamped title and monogram of the sign of the penguins, uncut as issued (joints splitting)."

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Auction catalogue.



Copy Number: 257     Other identifiers: Priester copy; OATMEAL copy
Location: High Latitude, Washington, USA.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this sale,
click here.

Date of sale: 30 September 1996. Lot 300. (Priester Sale). Results: $30,250 plus a 10% buyer’s premium = $33,275.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): "stenciled in the inside of the boards 'OATM-EAL'".
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "signed on a front blank 'Ernest H. Shackleton George Marston'".

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration based on number of illustrations.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 2 are tipped-in
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "recently respined in exact duplicate of the original . . . The boards show some light soil and staining, but this is probably original, otherwise a very good, clean and desirable copy."

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Catalogue.



Copy Number: 258     Other identifiers: Shaughnessy copy; OATMEAL copy
Location: Christie's, King Street, London.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this sale, click here.

Date of sale: 26 September 1997. Lot 136. Results: £20,700 which includes the buyer's premium.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: OATMEAL [unclear what board the stencilling is on]
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "To Sir Thomas Shaughnessy | with best wishes from | the Editor | E.H. Shackleton. | June 1910".

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration based on number of illustrations given in catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present (see image).

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "First two blanks torn at inner margins, the first detached. Original sheep-backed packing-case boards . . . original spine present but damaged and somewhat crudely covered with protective paper."

11. Provenance: Thomas George Shaughnessy, first Baron Shaughnessy of Montreal and Ashford, co. Limerick (1853-1923).

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Auction catalogue.



Copy Number: 259     Other identifiers: TINNED FRUIT copy; Wild copy; Starr copy; Crawford copy. Same as Copy 102.
Location: High Latitude, Bainbridge Island, Washington. (Louis Starr sale)    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 29 September 1999. Lot 338. Results: $55,000 with the 10% buyer's premium.

Shackleton, Ernest H., editor. AURORA AUSTRALIS. Printed at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, During the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908. Illustrated with Lithographs and Etchings; by George Marston. Printed at the Sign of the 'Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77° .. 32' South Longitude 166° .. 12' East. Antarctica. Small 4to. 108 unnumbered leaves, incl. 11 blanks and 11 full page illustrations. These include 7 lithographs, 2 of which are mounted and one printed in brown ink, and 4 etchings. Title printed in blue & black, then 7 leaves of preliminaries incl. 2 blanks, followed by ten chapters, each with separate title leaf printed in red. In addition 8 of the plates have separate caption leaves, also printed in red, the other three captions being on the plate. In original three ply beveled packing case boards, uncut, leaves punched & laced with cord. Apparently rebacked at an early date, with most of original spine laid on. Some leaves pulled at lacing holes, one plate ("At the Edge of the Crater") has some fraying to outer margin and a 1" tear into margin. Boards stenciled "Butter & aked Beans" inside front, and "Tinned Fruit" inside back. Presumed to be Frank Wild's copy, as evidenced by copies of correspondence indicating this copy was acquired by Maggs Brothers, London, directly from Miss J. Wild, niece of Frank Wild, in 1970. It was then sold to a private British collector who put it at auction in 1978, where it was purchased for Louis Starr. Additionally, tipped inside the front board is a typed note, signed "Mountevans", (E.R.G.R. Evans, who had been second-in-command of Scott's last expedition), March 2, 1946, to Stanley Wild, Frank Wild's brother, expressing regret at being unable to attend the dedication of the Frank Wild Room at the National Children's Home and including a message to be read. Altogether a most desirable copy of this rarity, contained in a custom morocco backed folding cloth box. Includes also copies of correspondence concerning the book's provenance.
Spence 1095. Written, edited, printed and bound in the Antarctic under the most difficult conditions, this would seem to be an achievement almost on a par with the field accomplishments of the expedition. Shackleton once stated that about 100 copies were produced.
Results: $50,000 which excludes the 10% buyer’s premium. (Presumably, $55,000 with it.)

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: Butter & aked Beans
      b) Inside back cover: Tinned Fruit

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Present based on number of illustrations noted in the catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Apparently rebacked at an early date, with most of original spine laid on. Some leaves pulled at lacing holes, one plate ("At the Edge of the Crater") has some fraying to outer margin and a 1" tear into margin. "

11. Provenance: "Presumed to be Frank Wild's copy, as evidenced by copies of correspondence indicating this copy was acquired by Maggs Brothers, London, directly from Miss J. Wild, niece of Frank Wild, in 1970. It was then sold to a private British collector who put it at auction in 1978, where it was purchased for Louis Starr. "

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Catalogue



Copy Number: 260     Other identifiers: Perris copy. Same as Copy 297.
Location: Sotheby's Chancery Lane (Hodgson's Rooms), London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 13 December 1979. Lot 193A. Results: £1,000

Lot 193A. (Inscribed by Shackleton to Ernest Perris.) Results: £1,000 [Way]

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "Inscribed by Shackleton to Ernest Perris.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 261     Other identifiers: BUTTER copy
Location: Bloomsbury Book Auctions, London.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this sale, click here.

Date of sale: 26 September 2000. Lot 300. Results: £42,000. This copy appears to be the same as Copy 109 as the stencilling is the same.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BRITISH ANTA[RCTIC] EXPEDITION
      b) Inside back cover: BUTTER

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration [based on number of illustrations]

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "rubbed and detached, probable original damage (1" nick) to lower edge of upper cover"

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: In a letter to John Millard dated 24 March 1981, Kenneth Clarke of Blackwell's Rare Books wrote: "We had a very poor copy in 1971 of which we have little detail except the marking of the boards, which were: (Front cover) BRITISH ANTA EXPEDITION (Back cover) BUTTER." This copy also appeared in a Blackwell's catalogue of 1970 that accompanies the Copy 07 at the Morgan Library. Here is the description:
Aurora Australis 1908-09 [comprising Ten Articles and Poems by Members of Shackleton's First Antarctic Expedition with a Preface and Additional Preface by E.H. Shackleton]. Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition 1907, during the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908. Illustrated with Lithographs and Etchings; by George Marston. Printed at the Sign of 'The Penguins' ; by Joyce and Wilde. [sic] Latitude 77° ...32' South, Longitude 166° ...12' East, Antarctica [1908].
[one of 100 copies] illustration in colours on title and 11 other full-page illustrations (10 printed on separate leaves or tipped in), each of the articles preceded by a blank leaf and a sub-title printed in red, 9 of the plates preceded by a leaf with the title printed in red, [168] pp. (not including blanks and separately printed plates).
4to, orig. qtr. leather, backstrip lettered in blind, bevelled wooden boards prepared by Bernard C. Day from the expedition's Venesta provision cases (the inside of the front covered lettered 'British Anta Expedition' and the inside of the back cover lettered 'Butter'), the wood-lined leather back detached and rubbed, bottom edge of front board chipped, the boards and leaves laced together individually with green twine, edges untrimmed.       £825
'Joyce, Wild, Marston and Day during the winter months spent much time in the production of the "Aurora Australis" the first book ever written, printed, illustrated and bound in the Antarctic.' Shackleton: Heart of the Antarctic (1909), I. 216-7.
'A hundred copies were printed, but none for sale, and the work is already a rarity for bibliophiles'. Mill: Life of Sir Ernest Shackleton (1923), p.180.
Source: Catalogue.



Copy Number: 262     Other identifiers: Emily Shackleton copy
Location: Christie's, King Street, London.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this sale, click here.

Date of sale: 25 September 2001. Lot 53. Results: Hammer £30,000.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes.
      a) Inside front cover: BRITISH | ANTARCTIC | EXPEDITION
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): E.M.S. (In pencil at top, right of center, on recto of first leaf; see image.)

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration based on number of illustrations given in catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "6 leaves detached, some others with tears at inner margins around holes punched for the 'sewing' of the leaves; upper joint split"

11. Provenance: "Lady Shackleton (pencilled initials on front blank: 'E.M.S.'), and thence by descent."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Catalogue.



Copy Number: 263     Other identifiers: Cecily Shackleton copy; KIDNEY SOUP copy
Location: Christie's, King Street, London.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this sale, click here.

Date of sale: 25 September 2001. Lot 55. Results: Hammer £26,000.

"extra-illustrated with a duplicate 4th leaf to the short story titled 'Interview with an Emperor'"


VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: KIDNEY SOUP
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Cecily Shackleton (In pencil in upper right corner of the title page; see image.)

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration based on number of illustrations given in catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Black and white
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Lacking 8 blank leaves [when compared with Lady Shackleton's copy], a few leaves detached, others with tears at inner margins around holes punched for the 'sewing' of the leaves…(lower joint split)."

11. Provenance: "Cecily Jane Swinford Shackleton (pencilled signature on title), and thence by descent."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Catalogue.



Copy Number: 264     Other identifiers: Züst copy
Location: Christie's, King Street, London.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this sale, click here.

Date of sale: 9 May 2002. Lot 182. Results: £47,800 which includes the buyer's premium.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: [OATM]EAL "and pencilled note '6 Tins Oatmeal'"
      b) Inside back cover: OATM[EAL] ["verso of lower cover with stencil 'OATM'" More likely the recto.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Signed in ink by Shackleton and Marston on blank leaf following title page.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration [based on number of illustrations given in catalogue]

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "expertly rebacked using the original packing-case (venesta) boards…"

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Based on the stencilling and signatures this could be the same as Copy 254.
Offered by Douglas Stewart Fine Books, Melbourne, Australia (2015) at $135,000 AUD/$108,000 USD. Provenance: "Private collection, Aaustralia; The Polar Collection of Andreas Züst, Christie's, London, 9 May 2002, lot 182."
"housed in a bespoke felt-lined timber box."

Source: Catalogue.



Copy Number: 265     Other identifiers: Murchison copy
Location: Christie's, King Street, London.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this sale, click here.

Date of sale: 25 September 2002. Lot 129. Results: £40,630 which includes the buyer's premium.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: No stenciling [see image].
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Presentation to Roderick Murchison on the recto of the first blank: "To Roderick Murchison | in remembrance of his | practical interest in the | Australasian Antarctic Expedition | from the Editor | E.H. Shackleton | 1911"

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration based on number of illustrations given in catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Expertly rebacked"

11. Provenance: Roderick Murchison.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Catalogue.



Copy Number: 266     Other identifiers: Stancomb-Wills copy. Same as copy 134.
Location: Christie's, King Street, London.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this sale, click here.

Date of sale: 25 September 2002. Lot 364. Results: Did not sell.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: 17 | IP | N | Y (see image).
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Presentation to Janet Stancomb-Wills on the recto of the first blank: "To my friend | Miss Janet Stancomb-Wills | this relic of another Expedition | is presented by the Editor | Ernest Shackleton | July 1917."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration based on number of illustrations given in catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Black and white
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Bound without letterpress dedication leaf to the Misses Lambton-Lawson." "some sewing holes at inner margins with early cloth reinforcing rings…expertly rebacked using the original covers" Green cord present. Some scrape marks on inner front cover.

11. Provenance: Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton to Miss Janet Stancomb-Wills and thence by descent to the present owners.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Appeared in a catalogue issued by Douglas Stewart Fine Books, Melbourne, Australia, for the London Bookfair, May, 2015. According to Mr Stewart, the book has since been sold.

Source: Catalogue.



Copy Number: 267     Other identifiers: Same as copies 122 and 302.
Location: Sotheby's, Chancery Lane, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

AURORA AUSTRALIS, edited by Sir Ernest H. Shackleton, [approx. 100 copies printed], printed in red and black, coloured lithographed title vignette, lithographs and etchings by George Marston, some leaves detached at perforations, original leather-backed oatmeal packing-case boards, uncut.
4to Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition ... Printed at the sign of "The Penguins" by Joyce and Wild ... Antarctica, 1908

** The first book to be printed in Antarctica.
Results: £850. Sold to “Porter”

Dates of sales: Sotheby's: 24 June 1976. Lot 408. Results: £850

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "some leaves detached at perforations"

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Same as copy 122.




Copy Number: 268     Other identifiers: Bernacchi copy; BEANS copy; Kislak copy. Same as Copy 41, 303.
Location: Bloomsbury Book Auctions, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Shackleton (Ernest H., editor) Aurora Australis, one of c.100 copies, lithograph title and only 10 lithograph or etched plates by George Marston, 'trademark' on colophon and some section titles printed in orange or brown, original sheep-backed packing-case boards skilfully rebacked preserving original spine, verso of upper cover marked with identification 'Beans' and verso of lower cover with '[Julie]nne Soup', spine title and two-penguin symbol in blind, [Spence 1095], 4to, East Antarctica: published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, printed at the sign of 'The Penguins' by Joyce & Wild, 1908.

est. £25000 – £30000

One of the rarest of all polar works. Spence describes the binding thus: "The leaves were punctured along their inner margin and secured with a silken cord to the inside of two venesta boards, which form the book covers. These boards were obtained from empty tea-chests etc., with some being stencilled...Day (the mechanic) was entrusted with the binding of the volumes, using old harness leather for the backstrip or spine...It is reported that about 100 copies were produced at Cape Royds of which none were sold." Before their daparture Wild and Joyce, the printers, had both taken a crash course in printing at J. Causton & Sons Ltd., who donated the press and printing materials to the expedition, and in spite of their lack of experience they managed to print two pages a day. There is a degree of variability between copies; this copy has unnumbered pages and 10 plates, some copies have 11 plates. Provenance: Louis Bernacchi's copy, thence by descent.


Dates of sales: 16 October 2003. Lot 342. Results: Unsold

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BEANS
      b) Inside back cover: [JULIE]NNE SOUP

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown (Nothing mentioned in the catalogue.)

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text based on number of illustrations.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "skilfully rebacked preserving original spine"

11. Provenance: Louis Bernacchi by direct descent.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Catalogue.



Copy Number: 269     Other identifiers: Lady Grey copy; MARMALADE copy. Same as copy 135.
Location: Anderson & Garland, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this sale, click here.

Date of sale: 21 March 2006. Lot 683. Results: £46,000 which with the buyer's premium took it to £53,000 or ca. $92,000.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: [MARM]ALADE (horizontal orientation).
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown but from the photo one can see that there is stencilling.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "To Lady Grey from the Editor, E.H. Shackleton, June 1910".

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Presented to Viscountess Grey, wife of the fourth Earl and one-time Governor General of Canada.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: The Journal, 23 March 2006, and other sources.



Copy Number: 270     Other identifiers: Wild copy; Cooper copy; Holmes copy. Same as Copy 136, Norway copy.
Location: Christie's, King Street, London.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this sale, click here.

Date of sale: 27 September 2006. Lot 181. Results: £33,600. Unclear whether this is hammer or with premium.

To see more on this copy, click here.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown but nothing mentioned in catalogue.
      b) Inside back cover: [Bri]TISH | [ANTA]RCTIC | [EXPEDI]ITION | 07 | 62

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Presentation to Charles Cooper on the recto of the first blank: "Presented to Mr Chars Cooper | by one of the Printers. | Ernest E. Joyce | May 12th 1910" (inscription on front endpaper)

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration based on number of illustrations given in catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Propeller

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Some text leaves with short tears around punch holes, some reinforced, without the final printed leaf 'A Giant Tick Was Investigating the Carcase' known to exist in only a few copies.)…rebacked preserving original spine."

11. Provenance: Presented to Mr Chars Cooper by Frank Wild but signed by Ernest Joyce, then or eventually to Quentin Keynes then to his doctor.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: John Millard writes Robert Stephenson, 1 May 1982: "It appears that Frank Wild…had a least 2 copies of the 'Australis'. This one, that he gave to Cooper, and the one that Mr. Starr now has. It seems that Frank either gave it, or left it with Stanley, one of his younger brothers, he had three. It later came into the possession of Frank's niece, a Miss J. Wild. In 1970 she put it up for sale and it was acquired by Maggs Bros., London, who then sold it to a Mr. K.D. Holmes, in Buckinghamshire. In 1978 he gave it to Sotheby's to sell. It's #22 on my list of items sold at Auction 1912-1979."

Source: Catalogues.



Copy Number: 271     Other identifiers: VEAL copy; Buckley copy; Levinson copy.
Location: Swann Galleries, New York. John Levinson sale.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 24 May 2007. Lot 120. Results: $70,000 including the buyer's premium.

SHACKLETON, ERNEST H. Aurora Australis. Plates. 4to, publisher's leather-backed packing crate venesta wooden boards, the inside upper cover stencilled with "[Bri]tish [A]rctic [Expe]dition" and the inside lower cover with "Veal," rebacked in facsimile to the original; uncut. East Antarctica: "Printed at the Sign of 'the Penguins'; By Joyce and Wild," 1908-09
The inscription in Shackleton’s hand to Buckley, reads "as a remembrance of the practical help and enduring sympathy to our little Expedition from the Publishers, Editor, Artist & printers." Buckley (1866-1937) met Shackleton in New Zealand when the Nimrod arrived there in 1906 and convinced him to take him on the expedition as far as the ice pack, at which time he would return to New Zealand on the towing vessel the S. S. Koonya. Shackleton agreed to let him join the expedition only a few hours before sailing, and writes in The Heart of the Antarctic that Buckley was "equipped for the most rigorous weather in the world with only the summer suit he was wearing; surely a record in the way of joining a Polar Expedition" (page 41). Upon reaching 61°29'S, Shackleton continues: "The meeting with the pack-ice was to terminate the Koonya’s tow, and that also meant our parting with Buckley, who had endeared himself to every man on board, from able seaman upwards ... " (page 59).
ONE OF APPROXIMATELY 100 COPIES PRINTED of which approximately 65 extant copies are known, with roughly half located in institutions. This copy a rare variant, issued without the final leaf with the plate titled "A Giant Tick Was Investigating the Carcase" and with the verso of leaf 63 without the illustration titled "Many Shekels Were Needed For The Ship To Go Forth." See John Millard’s introduction to the 1986 Bluntisham facsimile reprint for a discussion of this and other variants. This lot is accompanied by two 1994 typed letters signed by Millard to John Levinson, discussing Buckley, the printing of AA, known variants, the need for many copies to be rebacked, etc.
"The most renowned title in the Antarctic canon, this book was printed throughout an Antarctic winter at Cape Royds in 1908, during Shackleton's Nimrod expedition"- Taurus 60; Spence 1095; Rosove 304.A 1; Books on Ice 7.5.
WITH-George Buckley's Antarctic Club Certificate of Membership, "restricted to members of British Expeditions which have been engaged in exploration work in the Antarctic Regions," certificate number 24, signed by Reginald Skelton. Approximately 11x15 inches. Framed. [London], 17 January 1929.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: [Bri]tish [A]rctic [Expe]dition
      b) Inside back cover: Veal

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "The inscription in Shackleton’s hand to Buckley, reads "as a remembrance of the practical help and enduring sympathy to our little Expedition from the Publishers, Editor, Artist & printers."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Not present

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Catalogue



Copy Number: 272     Other identifiers: Eames copy
Location: Bonhams, London.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 26 June 2007. Lot 228. Results: £27,600 which includes the buyer's premium.

For more information on this sale, click here.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes (Apparently the stencilling is the same on both inner boards.)
      a) Inside front cover: [AN]TARCTIC | [EXPEDITIO]N 1907
      b) Inside back cover: [AN]TARCTIC | [EXPEDITIO]N 1907

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Presentation inscription, in Joyce's hand, on a blank following the title page from Ernest Joyce and Frank Wild. It reads: "To our old Pal Tom Eames | Wishing him the best of | luck. From the Printers | Ernest E. Joyce" and further inscribed below by Frank Wild.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "some leaves partially detached from the punch holes." "leather spine blind-stamped with the title and the expedition's 'trademark' device, upper joint detached."

11. Provenance: Presented to Tom Eames by Joyce and Wild.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: "four-page letter from Joyce to the recipient loosely inserted." "Around 65 copies are known, to which the present can be added." "a note on a scrap of paper slipped inside the front cords reads 'Please do not loose this book TE'"

Source: 7 December 2007, and other sources.



Copy Number: 273     Other identifiers: Truscott copy; 31 copy; Private Collection East Coast copy (127); Alexander Turnbull Library (40).
Location: Sotheby's, London.
NOTE: Complete information on this copy can be found under
Copy 40.)

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 29 November 1990. Lot 348.

For more information on this sale, click here.

Only consignors listed for that sale are "Sir William Curtis" "Edward Faridany" "Duke of Wellington"
Source: American Book Prices Current. Results: £ 3,500. Sold to "Waterhouse".

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Inscribed by Shackleton to G. Wyatt Truscott, Lord Mayor of London.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Lacking backstrip, loose. One leaf carelessly opened."

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: American Book Prices Current.



Copy Number: 274     Other identifiers: Lysaght copy. Same as copy 126.
Location: Sotheby's, London.

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 27 June 1991. Lot 457.

For more information on this sale,
click here.

Only consignors listed for that sale are "Franklin H. Kissner" "Teddy Kollek"
Source: American Book Prices Current. Results: £19,000. Sold to "Simper"

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Inscribed by Shackleton to Mrs Lysaght.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Presentation copy to Mrs Lysaght

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: American Book Prices Current.



Copy Number: 275     Other identifiers: Hill copy, Manney copy. Same as Copies 115 and 304.
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 18 November 1986. Lot 1223. Results: £7,500 [Quaritch]

"AURORA AUSTRALIS, [edited by Ernest Shackleton, one of about 100 copies], lithographed title, and 11 lithographs or etchings by George Marston, many leaves loose (torn at punch-holes), original leather-backed packing case boards, slightly rubbed, upper joint slightly split, lower corner of upper cover very slightly chipped [Spence 1095], 4to, Published at the Sign of 'the Penguins' by Joyce and Wild, Antarctica, 1908

Inscribed "With Best Wishes to Mr & Mrs Hill from the printer Ernest E. Joyce August 19th 1911" [Estimate:] £500-600

Rubbed, joint slightly split, loose. Inscribed by the printer Ernest E. Joyce, 1911. (Only consignors listed for that sale are "E.M.M. Besterman" "deLancy Foundation" "Spike Milligan")"

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "Inscribed "With Best Wishes to Mr & Mrs Hill from the printer Ernest E. Joyce August 19th 1911"

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration (based on the number of illustrations given in the catalogue)

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Rubbed, joint slightly split, loose.

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 276     Other identifiers: Laurence Wild copy; Fright copy; BRITISH ANT SHIP NIM LYTT copy
Location: Sotheby's, London.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this sale, click here.

Date of sale: 22 June 1995. Lot 188. Results: £8,675. Purchased by "Antipodean".

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BRITISH ANT | SHIP NIM | LYTT
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown but probably none.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "To my grandson Nicholas J. Fright on his 21st. Birthday 31 December 1970. To keep in memory of his great-uncle Frank Wild, who made this book in the Antarctic. With best wishes, Laurence C. Wild." "front end-leaf inscribed"

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration based on number of illustrations given in catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "very slightly dust-soiled, original bevelled boards (small worm-holes, lower fore-corner of upper board professionally restored), original leather backstrip blind-stamped 'Aurora Australis ' and with the penguins device, professionally restored, very slightly soiled…"

11. Provenance: Presumably given by Frank Wild to his brother Laurence and by him to his grandson Nicholas J. Fright and by him or subsequent owners to this sale, purchased by Antipodean Rare Books, Garrison, NY. Present owner unknown.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Americana Exchange database



Copy Number: 277     Other identifiers: Frank Wild copy; POB Frost copy; Brian Frost copy.GRIFFITHS copy
Location: Christie's, King Street, London.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

For more information on this sale, click here.

Date of sale: 25 October 1995. Lot 149. Results: £1,600.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: GRIFFITHS, McALIS… EXPORT PROVISION M... LIVERPO
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "The book had been restored by the conservators of the South African library in Cape Town for the sum of R800 which resulted in obscuring the original stitching holes in the inner margins. The book had its own leather-lined cloth solander box, again restored, which also contained a portion of the original spine and a length of the green twine used in the original binding." Source: Angie Butler.

11. Provenance: "The fifth Aurora Australis went with Wild to South Africa and somehow it was acquired by POB Frost and eventually found its way to Brian Frost in Cape Town." Source: Angie Butler.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Angie Butler



Copy Number: 278     Other identifiers:
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 5 February 1913. Lot 811. Results: £4 [B.F. Stevens]

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 279     Other identifiers:
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 20 June 1922. Lot 486. Results: £5 [Hope]

"Shackleton (Sir Ernest) Aurora Australis, 1908-9, edited by Sir Ernest Shackleton, published at the Winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the Winter Months of April, May, June, July 1908, illlustrated with lithographs and etchings by George Marston, printed at the sign of "The Penguins," by Joyce and Wild, Latitude 77° . . 32' South Longitude 166° . . 12' East Antarctica, signed, in the handwriting of the Editor, half calf over wood boards sm. 4to. 1908"

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "signed, in the handwriting of the Editor"

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 280     Other identifiers: Kipling copy; Dulwich College copy. Same as copy 12.
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 15 October 1942. Lot 669. Results: £32 [Blackwell]

"Shackleton (Sir Ernest) Aurora Australis, published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the Winter Months of April, May, June and July, 1908 lithograph plates by George Marston, wooden boards, leather back, uncut, Author's Autograph Presentation Inscription on title: "To Rudyard Kipling with Ernest Shackleton's Regards, 1914", Kipling's bookplate inside cover. 4to [1914]
An enclosed note draws attention to the fact that "the pieces of wood which bind the book were taken from the packing cased that contained the provisions for the Expedition".
A most interesting and curious publication."

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "Author's Autograph Presentation Inscription on title: "To Rudyard Kipling with Ernest Shackleton's Regards, 1914", Kipling's bookplate inside cover."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: "Copy 12 at Dulwich College is also inscribed to Kipling; they are probably the same copy?"

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 281     Other identifiers:
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 24 January 1949. Lot 148. Results: £11 [Maggs]

"Aurora Australis, edited and signed by E. H. Shackleton, lithographs and etchings, wooden boards, calf back. At the Sign of "The Penguins", 1908"

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "signed by E. H. Shackleton"

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 282     Other identifiers: Dawson-Lambton copy; National Maritime Museum copy; Same as copy 15.
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 24 February 1953. Lot 243. Results: £27 [Patch]

Aurora Australis, edited by E. H. Shackleton, coloured lithographed title-page and other lithographed and etched illustrations, bound in unpolished plywood (part of one of the Expedition's packing-cases), calf spine, autograph inscriptions "To Miss Dawson Lambton from the Editor and printers wth best wishes for the coming year : and remembrance of all her kindness and help. Dec. 25th, 1909", inserted is a letter from Shackleton to Miss Dawson Lambton and two photographs 1908-09

Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908. Printed by Joyce and Wild; lithographs and etchings by George Marston. The printing equipment was presented to the Expedition by Sir J. Causton & Sons, Ltd. The Misses Dawson Lambton backed the Expedition from its inception.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "To Miss Dawson Lambton from the Editor and prnters wth best wishes for the coming year : and remembrance of all her kindness and help. Dec. 25th, 1909"

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 283     Other identifiers:
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 11 May 1953. Lot 128. Results: £19 [Maggs]

"Aurora Australis, published at Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907 [edited by Sir E. H. Shackleton], lithographs amd etchings by G. Marston, original wooden boards, leather back, uncut. Antarctica, Printed at the Sign of "The Penguins", by Joyce & Wild, 1908."

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: "Notation in catalogue at Sothebys, London, in blue pencil: "R. W. Peck""

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 284     Other identifiers:
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 9 April 1957. Lot 438. Results: £24 [Francis Edwards]

[Shackleton (Sir Ernest)] Aurora Australis, published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908, lithographs and etchings, original wooden boards (made from a butter box), calf back.
Printed at the sign of "The Penguins"…Antarctica,
1908. The first book printed on the Antarctic continent.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: "Notation in catalogue at Sothebys, London, in blue pencil: "Mrs Pamela Gow""

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 285     Other identifiers:
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 3 July 1967. Lot 198. Results: £260 [Maggs]

"The Property of a Gentleman
AURORA AUSTRALIS [on recto of next leaf: Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings: by George Marston. Printed at the Sign of "The Penguins", by Joyce & Wild. Latitude 77° 32' South Longitude 166° 12' East Antarctica], original wooden boards made from provision cases, leather back, uncut.                  4to 1908

The first book actually printed in the Antarctic regions, since Shackleton's "South Polar Times," was only typewritten there. There is apparently no copy in the British Museum and only an incomplete copy in the Scott Polar Research Institute in Cambridge. According to Dr. Mill's book on Shackleton ONLY ABOUT 100 COPIES WERE PRINTED. See also Murray & Marston's Antarctic Days, 1913, p. 103. Edited by Sir Ernest Shackleton."

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: "The consigners were: The Earl Amherst, the Royal Cornwall Yacht Club, the Devon & Exeter Institution, Commander W.D.M. Stavely and other donors."

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 286     Other identifiers: BUTTER copy; Taurus copy; Dropmore copy; Same as copies 109, 261, 311.
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 20 May 1969. Lot 378. Results: £550 [Blackwell]

"AURORA AUSTRALIS, edited by Sir Ernest H. Shackleton, LIMITED TO APPROXIMATELY 100 COPIES, coloured vignette on title, lithographs and etchings by George Marston, original wooden boards made by Day from provision cases (lettered inside upper cover "British Anta Expedition" and inside lower cover "Butter"), leather spine (joints defective), uncut
4to "Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition…Printed at the sign of 'The Penguins' by Joyce and Wild… Antarctica",

The first book printed in the Antarctic regions. There is no copy in the B.M., and an imperfect one in the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge.

Joints defective. Contents of the Library of Dropmore, Burnham, Buckinghamshire."

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BRITISH ANTA EXPEDITION
      b) Inside back cover: BUTTER

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Joints defective.

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 287     Other identifiers:
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 18 November 1969. Lot 367. Results: £500

"Lot 367. AURORA AUSTRALIS, edited by Sir Ernest H. Shackleton, limited to approximately 100 copies, coloured lithographic view on title-page, 11 illustrations by George Marston, 4 etched, others lithographed, original calf-backed wooden boards made by Day from provision cases, stamped in blind on the spine with title and the press's device (stencilled inside the upper cover "…25 1-lb tins British", and inside the lower cover "ntarct Nimro…tea"), uncut.
4to "Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition…Printed at the sign of 'The Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild…Antarctica"
The first book printed in the Antarctic regions. There is no copy in the British Museum and only an imperfect one in the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge.
Results: £500 [Blackwell]"

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: "…25 1-lb tins British"
      b) Inside back cover: "ntarct Nimro…tea"

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Probably not as no mention of same in sale catalogue.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Present based on number of illustrations given in sale catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 288     Other identifiers: Miss Wild copy; Holmes copy; Starr copy; TINNED FRUIT copy; Crawford copy. Same as copy 102.
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 14 July 1970. Lot 541. Results: £380

The Property of Miss J. Wild
(Niece of Commander Frank Wild, C.B.E., F.R.G.S., R.N.V.R.)
AURORA AUSTRALIS, edited by Sir Ernest H. Shackleton, LIMITED TO APPROXIMATELY 100 COPIES, coloured lithographed view on title-page, 11 full-page illustrations by George Marston (4 etched, others lithographed), typed L.s., 2 pages, 4to, 2 March 1946, from Lord Mountevans ("Evans of the 'Broke'") to a brother of Commander [John Robert Francis] "Frank" Wild ("Who served with such distinction and gallantry through five Antarctic Expeditions"), concerning the inauguration of the Frank Wild Room, Harpenden, Herts., hinged inside upper cover, loose in binding, original calf-backed wooden boards, made by the carpenter, Day, from the expedition's provision cases ("…butter & baked beans" stencilled inside the upper cover, "tinned fruit" inside the lower), spine blind-stamped with title and the press's device, spine detached, uncut
4to (10-1/4in. by 7-5/8in.; 260mm. by 194mm.) Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition…printed at the sign of "The Penguins" by Joyce and Wild…Antarctica, 1908

Bdg loose, spine detached. (Probably consigned by "Miss J. Wild" who is listed as one of the consignors in the sale.)

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: (…butter & baked beans"
      b) Inside back cover: "tinned fruit"

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Present based on number of illustrations given in sale catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Bdg loose, spine detached."

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 289     Other identifiers: Nuttall copy; Canterbury Museum copy. Same as Copy 29.
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 17 November 1970. Lot 265. Results: £450

AURORA AUSTRALIS, edited by Sir Ernest H. Shackleton, limited to approximately 100 copies, coloured lithographic view on title, 11 lithographs and etchings by George Marston, several leaves loose, original boards made by Day from provision cases (inside of the lower cover stencilled "tarctic in 1907") leather spine, uncut.
4to "Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition…Printed at the sign of 'The Penguins' by Joyce and Wild…Antarctica"
The first book printed in the Antarctic regions. Presentation copy inscribed by the editor to the chairman of the council of the Manchester Geographical Society "To Henry Nuttall with kindest wishes from the editor E. H. Shackleton in remembrance of the practical help to our scientific results and the always sympathetic attitude towards the expedition. August 1911. This book was made in the Antarctic. E. H. Shackleton"; a copy of the menu of a banquet given by the Manchester Geographical Society in honour of Shackleton 1909 is loosely inserted.
Results: £450 [Cavendish]

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: inside of the lower cover stencilled "tarctic in 1907"

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "To Henry Nuttall with kindest wishes from the editor E. H. Shackleton in remembrance of the practical help to our scientific results and the always sympathetic attitude towards the expedition. August 1911. This book was made in the Antarctic. E. H. Shackleton"

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Present based on number of illustrations noted in catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 290     Other identifiers: Belle Donaldson copy; Skellerup copy; CHOCOLATE copy; Taaffe copy. Same as Copy 108.
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 17 November 1970. Lot 266. Results: £350

AURORA AUSTRALIS, edited by Sir Ernest H. Shackleton, Limited to apprimately 100 copies, coloured lithographic view on title, 11 etchings and lithographs and etchings by George Marston, some leaves loose, original wooden boards made by Day inside of upper cover stencilled "1903", lower cover "40 x 1 LBs chocolate", leather spine, uncut.
4to "Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition…Printed at the sign of 'The Penguins' by Joyce and Wild…Antarctica",
The first printed book produced in the Antarctic regions. Presentation copy inscribed by the editor "To Belle Donaldson from E. H. Shackleton Xmas 1910"; an A.L.s from Shackleton to Miss Donaldson, 3 pages, loosely inserted.
Results: £350 [Cavendish]

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: upper cover stencilled "1903"
      b) Inside back cover: lower cover "40 x 1 LBs chocolate"

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Presentation copy inscribed by the editor "To Belle Donaldson from E. H. Shackleton Xmas 1910"

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Present based on number of illustrations noted in catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 291     Other identifiers:
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 22 September-October 7, 1986. Lot ???. Results: £ ???

Includes copy of the Aurora Australis. Source:
No further information available at this time.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown




Copy Number: 292     Other identifiers:
Location: Hodgson & Co., London.

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 20 March 1912. Lot 216. Results: £4

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 293     Other identifiers:
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 11 May 1928. Lot 549. Results: £2/10/- [Maggs]

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 294     Other identifiers:
Location: Sotheby's Chancery Lane (Hodgson's Rooms), London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 12 December 1975. Lot unknown. Results: £740

Includes copy of the Aurora Australis. Source: According to American Book Prices Current, the Aurora was sold on 12 December for £740 to Maggs. (Spine rubbed and torn; some leaves detached.)

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Spine rubbed and torn; some leaves detached.

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 295     Other identifiers:
Location: Christie’s King Street London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 16 April 1986. Lot 139. Results: £6,500 [Isles]

"SHACKLETON (ERNEST H.), editor: AURORA AUSTRALIS, limited edition, title-vignette printed in blue and black, 4 etched plates and 6 lithographs by George Marston, chapter headings printed in red, original bevelled boards from provision cases, uncut (rebacked preserving original spine), buckram box, 4to, published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the Winter months of April, May, June, 1908, printed at the Sign of 'The Penguins' by Joyce & Wild, latitude 77..32' South, longitude 166..12' East, Antarctica, 1908

'The first attempt to print a book and illustrate it in the depth of an Antarctic winter', see Preface
[Estimate:] £600-700

Rebacked preserving original spine. (Only consignor listed for that sale is "L.A. Mayer Memorial Foundation")"

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text (based on number of illustrations in catalogue description)

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Rebacked preserving original spine.

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 296     Other identifiers:
Location: Sotheby's Chancery Lane (Hodgson's Rooms), London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 9 June 1978. Lot 301. Results: £1,300 [Cavendish]

Lot 301. (Re-backed.) Results: £1,300 [Cavendish]

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Re-backed."

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 297     Other identifiers: Perris copy. Same as Copy 260
Location: Christie's, King Street, London.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Sir Ernest Henry SHACKLETON (1874-1922, editor). Aurora Australis. East Antarctica: published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, printed at the sign of 'The Penguins' by Joyce & Wild, 1908. 4° (26 x 19.5cm.). Lithographed title, 11 lithographed or etched plates by George Marston, 'trademark' on colophon and some section titles printed in brown or orange. (First 26 leaves with small tears at inner margins around holes punched for the 'sewing' of the leaves.) Original sheep-backed packing-case boards bound by Bernard Day, verso of lower cover with portion of stencilled identification 'Br[itish] Ant[arctic] Expe[dition]; verso of upper cover with 'Exp[ edition] 19[?07. .. ]; spine backed in blind with title and two penguin symbol, uncut as issued (original spine present but damaged, joints split).
Provenance: Ernest Perris (editor of the Daily Chronicle, inscribed on front blank by Shackleton: 'To Ernest Perris / from Ernest Shackleton / To one Editor of one million / five hundred thousand copies / per week / from the Editor of ninety / copies per year. / With warmest wishes / for his birthday /15 Feb. . 1914.’).
LIMITED TO 100 COPIES, a variant issue of one of the rarest of all polar works with the title printed in one colour rather than two. . . . The fine inscription refers to the gift of this work to one of the more influential of Sir Ernest's backers. 'One of those with whom Shackleton had dealt since returning from Nimrod, was Ernest Perris, [editor] of the Daily Chronicle: (R. Huntford, Shackleton, London, 1985 p.357). By the time the Endurance sailed in August 1914 the Daily Chronicle had bought the news rights and Perris had become both a friend (he was one of Shackleton's regular correspondants on the way south) and a financial backer (as a share-holder in the Imperial Trans Antarctic Film Syndicate Ltd., formed to exploit Frank Hurley's work) as well as an important conduit to a number of major benefactors, including the London-based German businessman William Dederich and the philanthropist Janet Stancomb-Wills. Conrad p.146 ("A few more than 60 ... copies are extant"); Spence 1095.
£15,000-20,000. US$25,000-32,000 €24,000-32,000
Results: £37,600 which includes the buyer's premium.

Date of sale: Christie's: 18 April 2000. Lot 153. Results: £37,600.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: EXP[edition] 19[?07. .. ] (Although these would have been in capital letters.)
      b) Inside back cover: 'BR[itish] ANT[arctic] EXPE[dition] [Catalogue description says 'verso of lower cover'.]

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "To Ernest Perris | from Ernest Shackleton | To one Editor of one million | five hundred thousand copies | per week. | From the Editor of ninety | copies per year. | With warmest wishes | for his birthday. | 15 Feb. 1914." [On recto of first blank; see image.]

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration based on number of illustrations given in catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Black and white
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present (but unclear the source of this information).

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "First 26 leaves with small tears at inner margins around holes punched for the 'sewing' of the leaves…original spine present but damaged, joints split."

11. Provenance: Ernest Perris (editor of the Daily Chronicle, inscribed on recto of first leaf by Shackleton).

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Auction catalogue.



Copy Number: 298     Other identifiers:
Location: Puttick & Simpson    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 26 July 1912. Lot 528. Results: £3/17/6 [Times]

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 299     Other identifiers:
Location: Phillips, Son & Neale, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 17 May 1969. Lot 30A. Results: £500 [F. Edwards]

Lot 30A. "orig half lea; worn."
Results: £500 [F. Edwards]

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: orig half lea; worn.

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 300     Other identifiers:
Location: Christie’s, Sydney    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 23 April 1979. Lot 46. Results: AUD$2,900

Antarctic Expedition 1907, Aurora Australia [sic], edited E. H. Shackleton and published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the Winter months of April, May, June, July, 1908, illustrated with lithographs and etchings by George Marston, chapter headings printed in red, engraved plates, in original calf-backed boards adapted from tinned food cases, edges of the boards bevelled, the leaves uncut, with letter signed by Commanding Officer of the Aurora 'Herbert D. Murphy for his Antarctic Libary with the grateful thanks of the donor for the assistance given to him during a busy period in history for the above Expedition' (some leaves pulled from stitching when turned over; spine torn). 4to, printed at the Sign of 'The Penguins' by Joyce & Wild, Latitude 77 . . 32, south, Longitude 166 . . 12 East, Antarctica, 1908
Few copies of this book were ever printed, and such as remain are in the possession of members of the Expedition or their relatives, or in National Libraries

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): with letter signed by Commanding Officer of the Aurora 'Herbert D. Murphy for his Antarctic Libary with the grateful thanks of the donor for the assistance given to him during a busy period in history for the above Expedition'

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "some leaves pulled from stitching when turned over; spine torn)"

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 301     Other identifiers:
Location: Christie’s King Street London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 27 July 1977. Lot 7. Results: £560 [Quaritch]

AURORA AUSTRALS, edited by Sir E. H. Shackleton, [limited edition] signed by the editor and illustrator, lithographed and etched plates by George Marston, some mounted, lithograph on title coloured, original calf-backed wooden boards (fragments of packing-cases), 4to, Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, Joyce and Wild, 1908

The earliest specimen of Antarctic printing and book-binding

(Signed by Shackleton and Marston.)
Results: £560 [Quaritch]
Source: American Book Prices Current

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Signed by Shackleton and Marston.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 302     Other identifiers: Same as copies 122 and 267.
Location: Discovery Book Auctions, Alberta, Canada (Porter Sale).    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Shackleton, Ernest H., editor. AURORA AUSTRALIS. Printed at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the Winter Months of April, May, June, 1908. Illustrated with Lithographs and Etchings, by George Marston. Printed at the Sign of the 'Penguins': by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77°... 32' South Longitude 166° ... 12' East, Antarctica. Small 4to. 107 unnumbered leaves, incl. 10 blanks and 11 full page illus. These include 7 lithographs, 2 of which are mounted and one printed in brown ink, and 4 etchings. Title printed in blue & black, then 7 leaves of preliminaries inc!. 2 blanks, followed by 10 chapters, each with separate title leaf printed in red. In addition, 8 of the plates have separate caption leaves, also printed in red, the other 3 captions being on one leaf. In original 3 ply beveled packing case boards, uncut, leaves punched & laced with cord. Inner front board stenciled "OATMEAL", Innner rear board stenciled "ISH ANT ARCT .... EDITION 190". A very fine, completely unsophisticated copy, with no repair or restoration, and none needed. The spine leather is just slightly rubbed, there is stain (or posibly a defect in the leather) just above the ending "A" in the blindstamped "Aurora" in spine title, but no cracking or flaking, inner joint leather & cord lace in original condition, no pulling of punched holes in text leaves. - in all a very superior copy, possibly one of the finest in existence. Laid in a custom curved back morocco & cloth foldover Solander box.
Rosove 304.A1b. This copy purchased by consigner at a Sotheby's Auction in London in 1976. See Colour illustration.
Results: US$53,437.50 which includes the 12.5% buyer’s premium.

Date of sale: 14 September 2005. Lot 243. Results: $53,437.50

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: OATMEAL
      b) Inside back cover: [BRIT]ISH ANT ARCT[IC EXP]EDITION

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration based on number of illustrations.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 2 lithographs tipped-in
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "some leaves detached at perforations" "A very fine, completely unsophisticated copy, with no repair or restoration, and none needed. The spine leather is just slightly rubbed, there is stain (or possibly a defect in the leather) just above the ending "A" in the blindstamped "Aurora" in spine title, but no cracking or flaking, inner joint leather & cord lace in original condition, no pulling of punched holes in text leaves. - in all a very superior copy, possibly one of the finest in existence. "

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Same as copies 122 and 302.

Source: Catalogue.



Copy Number: 303     Other identifiers: Bernacchi copy; BEANS copy; Kislak copy. Same as Copy 41.
Location: Christie's, King Street, London.    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

1908-09 Aurora Australis. East Antarctica: published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition) printed at the sign of 'The Penguins) by Joyce and Wild) 1908. 4° (260 x 195mm). Chromolithographic title, 10 lithographic or etched plates by G. Marston (of a possible 11), penguin device repeated throughout in brown or orange. (Lacks the plate 'In the Stables' and Contents leaf, one plate detached, some text leaves partially detached or with short tears around punch holes, without the final printed leaf, 'A Giant Tick Was Investigating the Carcase', known to exist in only a few copies.) Bound by Bernard Day in original sheep-backed packing-case boards, inside lower cover stencilled 'BEANS' and back cover '[JULIE]NNE SOUP', uncut (rebacked, preserving old spine with title and penguin device in blind) Provenance: Louis Bernacchi by direct descent.
£25,000-35,000. U5$45,000-62,000 € 36,000- 50,000
Results: £30,000 which includes the buyer's premium.

Date of sale: 21 September 2005. Lot 345. Results: £30,000 including the buyer's premium.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BEANS
      b) Inside back cover: [JULIE]NNE SOUP

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown (Nothing mentioned in the catalogues.)

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text based on number of illustrations.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "rebacked, preserving old spine with title and penguin device in blind" "Lacks the plate 'In the Stables' and Contents leaf, one plate detached, some text leaves partially detached or with short tears around punch holes."

11. Provenance: Louis Bernacchi by direct descent.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Catalogue.



Copy Number: 304    Other identifiers: Hill copy, Manney copy
Note: This is Copy 115 (West Coast USA) See this for details on Various Points. This is also Copy 275.
Location: Sotheby Parke-Bernet, New York.

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: Sotheby Parke Bernet 11 October 1991 (Lot 274).

"Lot 274. Joints repaired. Inscribed by the printer. Results: $24,000 Note: See 275 which is the same copy. Single leaves (10-1/8 x 7-1/2 in.; 258 x 190 mm). 109 leaves (including plates, blanks). Lithographed title-leaf with illustration printed in blue and black, letterpress colophon-leaf with the printers' woodcut device (two penguins, 17 x 17 mm) in red, dedication-, preface-, additional-preface-, and contents-leaves, sixteen divisional titles printed in red and repeating the device, with six full-page lithographs printed in black (four on thin wove paper, three tipped in) and one in sepia, and four etchings, all by George Marston, fifteen blank leaves, printed on paper watermarked [crown] Abbey Mills Greenfield. ORIGINAL QUARTER BROWN CALF lettered and oversewed, without endpapers, edges untrimmed, as issued; the joints very skillfully restored. Half brown morocco folding-case. THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN ANTARCTICA, ONE OF ABOUT 100 COPIES. INSCRIBED BY THE PRINTER, With Best Wishes to Mr & Mrs Hill from the printer Ernest E. Joyce August 19th 1911, on the second leaf (blank).
This work was printed at Cape Royds—on McMurdo Sound, at the foot of Mount Erebus—during the Antarctic winter months of 1908. The wooden boards for binding were taken from the expedition's packing crates and frequently exhibit stencilled lettering, as here. The method of binding was devised by the expedition's mechanic Day, and involved punching holes in the inner margins, to be oversewed with cord, whiles the backstrips and hinges were maade from harness-leather. Neither the sewing nor the spines were practical for any reasonable use, and they have accordingly failed to some degree in almost all surviving copies. The present copy is preserved in remarkable fine state.
References: Shackleton The Heart of the Antarctic (1909) I:216-218; Spence 1095. Provenance: Sotheby's London, 10-11 and 17-18 November 1986, lot 1223."

Sources: Book Auction Records (Vol 89), American Book Prices Current. Manney sale auction catalogue inspected at the Boston Athenaeum.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Present according to the catalogue but details not given.
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "With Best Wishes to Mr. & Mrs. Hill from the printer Ernest E. Joyce August 19th, 1911" On the second leaf (blank).

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text based on catalogue description.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: " 3 tipped-in illus."
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "Joints repaired." "…many leaves loose (torn at punchholes), lower right corner of upper cover slightly chipped." "…joints very skillfully restored…The present copy is preserved in remarkable fine state"

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Sources: Book Auction Records (Vols 84, 89); American Book Prices Current. Manney sale auction catalogue inspected at the Boston Athenaeum.



Copy Number: 305     Other identifiers:
Location: Gaston Renard - Leonard Joel Auction, Melbourne, Australia    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 30 August 1988. Lot 820. Results: AUD40,000

"New leather backstrip with orignal harness leather backstrip mounted therein. Without the leaf A Giant Tick was investigating the Carcase."

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: New leather backstrip with orignal harness leather backstrip mounted therein.

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 306     Other identifiers:
Location: Christie’s King Street London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 1 May 1991. Lot 93. Results: £22,000 [Lascaux]

"[SHACKLETON ) Sir ERNEST HENRY, editor)]: AURORA AUSTRALIS, one of 100 copies, lithographed title, 11 lithographed and etched plates by George Marston, front free endpaper inscibed by the editor, with a four line stanza from the poem 'The Antarctic' by Robert Service, and an additional note initialled EHS 'The only printed book ever produced in the South Polar regions', original sheep-backed packing case boards, slightly rubbed, verso of upper cover with portion of stencilled title 'British An[tarctic] Expeditio[n case] 705', spine with blind-stamped title and monogram of the sign of the penguins, uncut as issued, 4to, Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition. Printed at the sign of 'the Penguins', 1908

A fine copy of one of the rarest polar works. Following Shackleton's experience on the Scott expedition of 1901-04, and particularly his involvement in editing the South Polar Times, he realised the importance of providing a polar expedition with sufficient tasks to occupy themselves over the dark winter months. To this end when planning his own expedition to the South Pole, 1907-9, he brought with him a printing press, paper and necessary type and plate making equipment donated by J. Causton & Sons Ltd. Despite the cold and the cramped conditions of the hut at Cape Royds, around 100 copies were printed and bound in the antarctic winter of 1908. The printers of the work Frank Wild and Ernest Joyce, had both taken a quick course in printing before their departure from England, and despite their inexperience at 3 weeks of practise were setting out and printing 2 pages a day. Most copies were inscribed and presented by members of the 15 man expedition to friends and relatives. This copy appears to be one of the few copies retained by Shackleton and not presented.
[estimate:] £8,000-12,000.
Inscribed by Shackleton."

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: British An[tarctic] Expeditio[n case] 705
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "Inscribed by Shackleton."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration (based on the number of illustrations in the catalogue description)

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 307     Other identifiers:
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Dates of sale: 6 February 1912. Lot 526. Results: £8/5/- [Johnston]

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 308     Other identifiers: VEAL copy; Buckley copy; Levinson copy. Same as Copy 104.
Location: Bloomsbury Book Auctions, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 24 February 1994. Lot 453. Results: £16,000

Inscribed to Mr and Mrs Buckley, signed by author, Wild, Marston, Joyce and Day. Membership card of the Antarctic Club. L.C. Baume Liby.

£16,000 [Bob Finch]

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): "Inscribed to Mr and Mrs Buckley, signed by author, Wild, Marston, Joyce and Day."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 309     Other identifiers: Joyce copy. Same as Copy 110.
Location: Peter Webb Galleries, Auckland, New Zealand    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 10 December 1992. Lot 500. Results: ?

"1908-09. Aurora Australis. E.H. Shackleton; Editor. Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, During the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908. Illustrated with Lithographs and Etchings; by George Marston. Printed at the Sign of 'The Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77 deg .. 32' South. Longitude 166 deg ..12 East. Antarctica. First Edition. Ernest Shackleton's Nimrod expedition to the Antarctic (1907-09) saw the first ascent of Mt Erebus, and the location of the South Magnetic Pole. During this expedition, the Shackleton team travelled to within 100 miles of the South Pole and produced - wrote, designed, illustrated and bound - a book recording its exploits. This is therefore historically a very important book. It is also a fine example of book production considering the extreme conditions they worked in.
The provenance of this copy makes it especially valuable. It was Joyce's personal copy and is offered for sale by a member of the Joyce family. Ernest Mills Joyce was signed on by Shackleton to be in charge of dogs and sledges and depot laying. He also turned his hand to printing and with Wild was responsible for the printing of Aurora Australis (a difficult task performed in a hut just six by seven feet in conditions so extreme that they had to use candle heat to thin the printing ink.)
Crown4to; 222 unnumbered pages, including an illustrated title page; 11 full page plates (7 lithographs, 2 of these printed separately and tipped in and 4 etchings); and a small lithograph on the Christmas menu. This copy has the additional illustration replacing a page of text in the article "An Ancient Manuscript" which some copies do not have. This copy also has 4 additional pages not found in two other copies examined by the cataloguer.
A colophon page which reads "British Antarctic Expedition 1907, Midwinter Celebration, At Winter Quarters, Cape Royds, Lat.77 deg .. 32'S;, Long. 166 deg .. 12’E;, June 23rd 1908. 'When the shadow of night's eternal wings Envelopes the gloomy whole, And the mutter of deep-mouth'd thunderings Shakes all the starless pole. - Tennyson'." The Sign of the Penguin is printed in black. Verso blank. The second leaf includes the Christmas Menu (see illustration in this catalogue). It is possible that these 2 pages were not intended to be part of the book but the paper and page size matches.
The 111 leaves are punctured in 3 places along the inner margin and tied with a twine cord and leather hinges which secures the board covers to the pages. Approximately 100 pages have pulled loose including the 4 additional pages previously described but all could be made good with eyelet reinforcements. One page has a 8cm. tear, otherwise the pages are generally clean and there is very little foxing. The leather spine is partially split down the front and has a small split on the back, however, the binding is still fIrm. The leather hinges inside have not been handled as much as the outside leather and are of a lighter colour than the outside leather but it is the opinion of the cataloguer that they are original.
The boards were obtained from empty packing cases and are variously stencilled, this copy having the words "British (partially obscured by leather hinge) Antarctic Expedition 1907" on the inside front board and the number 443 on the inside rear board. The leather spine is stamped with title Aurora Australis and the two penguins. Less than one hundred copies of Aurora Australis were produced and fewer than this remain today, and most of these are held by institutions worldwide. This book is, therefore, rare. "

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: "British (partially obscured by leather hinge) Antarctic Expedition 1907"
      b) Inside back cover: 443

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Presumably none as they would have been noted in the catalogue.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration "This copy has the additional illustration replacing a page of text in the article "An Ancient Manuscript" which some copies do not have."

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Approximately 100 pages have pulled loose including the 4 additional pages previously described but all could be made good with eyelet reinforcements. One page has a 8cm. tear, otherwise the pages are generally clean and there is very little foxing. The leather spine is partially split down the front and has a small split on the back, however, the binding is still fIrm. The leather hinges inside have not been handled as much as the outside leather and are of a lighter colour than the outside leather but it is the opinion of the cataloguer that they are original. "

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Auction catalogue



Copy Number: 310     Other identifiers:
Location: Blackwells, Oxford    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Year: 1971. Lot 102. Price: £850

Aurora Australis 1908-09 [comprising Ten Articles and Poems by Members of E. H. Shackleton's First Antarctic Expedition. Preface and Additional Preface by him]. Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, during the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908.Illustrated with Lithographs and Etchings; by George Marston. Printed at the Sign of The Penguins; by Joyce and Wilde. Latitude 77°… 32' South Longitude 166° ... 12' East Antarctica [1908].
[One of only 100 copies] illustration in black and blue on title and 11 other full-page illustrations (all, except one, either printed on separate leaves or tipped in), each of the contributions preceded by a blank leaf and a fly-title printed in red, [196] pp. (not including plates) 4to., a fine copy in orig. qtr. pale brown leather, backstrip lettered in blind, bevelled wooden boards prepared by Bernard C. Day from the expedition's Venesta provision cases (the inside front cover lettered 25. 1lb Tins | British |.' and the inside of the back cover lettered ‘rtic | Nimrod | yetelto | and Pai | Tea | .', the the boards and leaves laced together with green twine, edges untrimmed.             £850
'Joyce, Wild, Marston and Day during the winter months spent much time in the production of the "Aurora Australis" the first book ever written, printed, illustrated and bound in the Antarctic.' Shackleton: Heart of the Antarctic (1909), I. 216-7.
'A hundred copies were printed, but none for sale, and the work is already a rarity for bibliophiles'. Mill: Life of Sir Ernest Shackleton (1923), p.180.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: 25. 1lb Tins | British
      b) Inside back cover: RTIC | NIMROD | YETELTO | AND PAI | TEA | .

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unlikely as no inscriptions mentioned in the catalogue description.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Present based on the number of illustrations noted in the catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Black and white
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "a fine copy"

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 311     Other identifiers: BUTTER copy; Same as copies 109, 261, 286.
Location: Blackwells, Oxford, Catalogue 895    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of catalogue: 1970. Catalogue 895. Price: £825

Aurora Australis 1908-09 [comprising Ten Articles and Poems by Members of Shackleton's First Antarctic Expedition with a Preface and Additional Preface by E.H. Shackleton]. Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition 1907, during the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908. Illustrated with Lithographs and Etchings; by George Marston. Printed at the Sign of 'The Penguins' ; by Joyce and Wilde. [sic] Latitude 77° ...32' South, Longitude 166° ...12' East, Antarctica [1908].
[one of 100 copies] illustration in colours on title and 11 other full-page illustrations (10 printed on separate leaves or tipped in), each of the articles preceded by a blank leaf and a sub-title printed in red, 9 of the plates preceded by a leaf with the title printed in red, [168] pp. (not including blanks and separately printed plates).
4to, orig. qtr. leather, backstrip lettered in blind, bevelled wooden boards prepared by Bernard C. Day from the expedition's Venesta provision cases (the inside of the front covered lettered 'British Anta Expedition' and the inside of the back cover lettered 'Butter'), the wood-lined leather back detached and rubbed, bottom edge of front board chipped, the boards and leaves laced together individually with green twine, edges untrimmed.       £825
'Joyce, Wild, Marston and Day during the winter months spent much time in the production of the "Aurora Australis" the first book ever written, printed, illustrated and bound in the Antarctic.' Shackleton: Heart of the Antarctic (1909), I. 216-7.
'A hundred copies were printed, but none for sale, and the work is already a rarity for bibliophiles'. Mill: Life of Sir Ernest Shackleton (1923), p.180.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BRITISH ANTA EXPEDITION
      b) Inside back cover: BUTTER

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Probably none as there is no mention of same in catalogue.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 312     Other identifiers:
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 28 March 1912. Lot 218. Results: £ 10/5/- [Maylin]

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 313     Other identifiers:
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 27 June 1912. Lot 180. Results: £5/7/6. [Francis Edwards]

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 314     Other identifiers: Same as copy 105.
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

Date of sale: 12 June 1972. Lot 118. Results: £650

Signed by the editor & the artist. Results: £650 [Gaston Alpine Books]

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Unknown
      a) Inside front cover: Unknown
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Signed by the editor & the artist.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Unknown

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Unknown
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Unknown

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: Unknown

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Unknown

Source: Unknown



Copy Number: 315     Other identifiers: Franklin Brooke-Hitching copy
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    
Date of sale: 30 September 2015. Lot 1137
Results: £122,500 including buyer's premium. [Buyer ?]

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis

FIRST EDITION, 4to (260 x 165mm.), 94 printed leaves including the coloured title-page and 11 plates, bound by Bernard Day in original venesta boards taken from expedition packing crates, backed with leather from recycled horse harnesses, title and penguin motif stamped in blind on spine, green silk binding cord, edges uncut as issued, collector’s dark blue half morocco fleece-lined folding case.

LITERATURE: Rosove 304; Spence 1095; Taurus Collection 60

A FINE COPY OF “THE MOST RENOWNED TITLE IN THE ANTARCTIC CANON” (Taurus). The book is also a celebrated rarity. According to Murray and Marston’s Antarctic Days, at most 100 copies were produced, but Rosove notes that “approximately sixty-five copies have been accounted for to date".
That such a beautiful book should be produced by amateurs, and under such testing conditions, is remarkable. Murray and Marston describe one of the main stumbling-blocks of Antarctic printing:

“It is too cold to keep the printer’s ink fluid; it gets sticky and freezes. To cope with this a candle was set burning underneath the plate on which the ink was. This was all right, but it made the ink too fluid, and the temperature had to be regulated by moving the candle about.”

Reflecting the expedition's actual provisions, the contents of the original packing crates are stencilled on the inside of the venesta covers. The upper cover has “25.1LB TINS / BRITISH”, and the lower cover includes the name of the ship and tea (“NIMRO[D]” and “TEA”).

ESTIMATE: £50,000-70,000

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: B43931 | 25.1 LB TINS | BRITISH running upward vertically with the base of the lettering closest to the outer edge. The numbers are partially obscured by the leather binding and could be somewhat different.
      b) Inside back cover: [AN]TARCT[IC] | NIMRO[D] | [L]YTTELT[ON] | AND PART [these words could be Land Party] | TEA | 1 The lettering is upside down, TARCT being at the bottom.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: Excellent although not addressed in catalogue description.

11. Provenance: Unknown

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Unknown


Left: Stenciling on inner upper board. Middle: Stencilling on inner lower board. Right: Title page.


Copy Number: 316     Other identifiers: PETIT POIS copy
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London    

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis
Aurora Australis. Antarctica: "Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907 During the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908... Printed at the Sign of 'The Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77°.. 32' South Longitude 166°.. 12' East, [1908-1909]
FIRST EDITION, 4to (260 x 190mm.), 94 printed leaves (including the coloured title-page and 11 illustrations), bound by Bernard Day in original venesta boards taken from expedition packing crates, inside lower cover stencilled "PETIT POIS", backed with leather from horse harnesses, title and penguin motif blindstamped on spine, sewn with green silk binding cord, edges uncut as issued, expert repairs to joints by Brockman Bookbinders.
THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN ANTARCTICA. "THE MOST RENOWNED TITLE IN THE ANTARCTIC CANON" (Taurus). The book is also a celebrated rarity. According to Murray and Marston's Antarctic Days, at most 100 copies were produced, but Rosove notes that "approximately sixty-five copies have been accounted for to date."
That such a beautiful book should be produced by amateurs, and under such testing conditions, is remarkable. Murray and Marston describe one of the main stumbling-blocks of Antarctic printing:
"It is too cold to keep the printer's ink fluid; it gets sticky and freezes. To cope with this a candle was set burning underneath the plate on which the ink was. This was all right, but it made the ink too fluid, and the temperature had to be regulated by moving the candle about."
Reflecting the expedition's actual provisions, the contents of the original packing crates are stencilled on the inside of the venesta covers. This copy has a letter "S" on the inside upper cover and "PETIT POIS" on the lower cover.
Included with this lot is an illustrated "Souvenir of lecture: Nearest the South Pole, by Sir Ernest Shackleton," (8vo, in original wrappers; slightly marked), together with a matt silver-print cabinet card of Shackleton by Thomson of New Bond Street and a glossy real photograph postcard of Shackleton, also by Thomson.
Rosove 304.A1.b; Spence 1095; Taurus Collection 60
Acquired in the late 1960s by the husband of the present owner.
£40,000-60,000 €52,000-77,500

Date of sale: 28 April 2016. Lot 65. Results: £75,000 including buyer's premium.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: IS
      b) Inside back cover: PETIT POIS

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Unknown

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Comma
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Messman and Fourteen tipped in; Stables not
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "expert repairs to joints by Brockman Bookbinders." :The binding is original i.e. original boards and spine. The joints have been expertly restored—invisibly so—by Brockman, who I assume untied the strings to do so. The boards are somewhat warped, the upper more so than the lower. A few of the leaves are protruding due to being forced forward from the ties, with damage to the bore holes, but the remainder of the leaves are in remarkably good order and clean."

11. Provenance: "Acquired in the late 1960s by the husband of the present owner." Sotheby's says "…that this copy had been acquired by someone in this country, his widow has consigned it. She believes it belonged to an expedition member, but could not say more than that or suggest how she knew so."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: My thanks to Stuart Leggatt for inspecting this copy and supplying much of the information above as well as some photographs.

Source: Unknown

Contacts: Richard Fattorini, Sotheby's

Left: Top board. Middle: Stencilling on inner lower board. Right: Stenciling on inner upper board (photo by Stuart Leggatt.)


Copy Number: 317     Other identifiers: Dunlop Giant Tick copy
Location: Bonhams, London    
Date of sale: 1 February 2017. Lot 175
Results: £68,750 including buyer's premium. [Buyer ?]

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis
Aurora Australis, FIRST EDITION, LIMITED TO APPROXIMATELY 90 COPIES, H.J.L. DUNLOP'S COPY, signed "H.J.L. Dunlop" on first blank leaf, coloured lithographed title, 11 lithographed or etched plates by George Marston (one in sepia, 2 tipped-in and one printed on verso of fol. 63, as published), additional proof of 'At the Edge of the Crater' plate (with first page of poem 'Erebus' printed on verso, crossed through in pencil), the previously untraced 'Giant Tick' plate, and a printed menu, 16 plate title leaves printed in red, all leaves printed on Abbey Mills paper with three punch holes, untrimmed as issued in original boards made by Bernard Day from a Venesta packing crate, with stencilled letters "B43936/ 25.1LB TINS/BRITISH" (lower half of word 'British' cropped) on inside lower cover, backed with leather from horse harnesses, title and penguin motif blindstamped on spine, sewn with green silk binding cord, backed with leather from horse harnesses, title and penguin motif blindstamped on spine, some staining to spine [Conrad, p.146; Renard 1436; Rosove 304.A1; Spence 1095; Taurus 60; OCLC 142137; Robert B. Stephenson, census on, copy number 39], 4to (260 x 195mm.), Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition During the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908… Printed at the sign of 'The Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild… East Antarctica, 1908


UNIQUE COPY with the illusive etched plate 'A giant Tick was investigating the carcase' (captioned in pencil below the image), which appears in no other recorded copy. Prior to its discovery in this copy, in 2011, this plate was presumed not to exist, although the chapter title leaf is present in a small number of copies. However, an amended lighter version of the illustration was used in The Antarctic Book.

The present copy contains 111 leaves in total, comprising: Rosove nos. 1-94 (of 95, without the final chapter title for the 'Giant tick' plate); 14 blank leaves; additional proof of the 'At the Edge of the Crater' plate; the 'Giant Tick' plate; printed menu.

The printed menu, with a wood-engraved head-piece vignette and including "Penguin Patties", "Seal Cutlets" and "MORE WHISHKY!!!!!?", comprises the third and final leaf of a menu for a midwinter dinner which took place on 23 June 1908 at Shackleton's Cape Royds' hut ('British Antarctic Expedition 1907, Midwinter Celebration, At Winter Quarters, Cape Royds, June 23rd 1908', East Antarctica, printed on the Albion Press by Wild and Joyce, 1908). Another copy of the same leaf is present in the William King Davis copy of Aurora Australis at the State Library of Tasmania, and two of the Joyce copies have the full menu.

Two variants of the book are known. The present copy is in Millard's format A, with for example the title-page in colour, the penguin stamps at the foot of the chapter title leaves, and the presence of the 'Shekels' illustration, making a total of 11 rather than 10 plates. This format is now in fact accepted to be the second state: it seems Shackleton was concerned that part of Wild's text, describing five wealthy men who refuse to contribute to the Expedition fund, might jeopardise future fund-raising efforts, and asked that the "offensive" passage be replaced with an additional plate (see M.L. Greene, "Aurora Australis… A New Description of the First State of the First Book Published on the Antarctic Continent", in Book Talk: Essays on Books, Oak Knoll Press, 2006, pp.69-79).

Shackleton had earlier been the editor of the South Polar Times, published in England to commemorate Scott's first expedition of 1901-1904. The success of this led to his shipping a press, type and paper with his Nimrod Expedition of 1907-1909. To keep his men occupied during the dark winter months in the Cape Royds hut, Shackleton asked for written stories, poems, or humorous short essays from them. The best were to be published. The printing and publishing was co-ordinated by Ernest Joyce and Frank Wild, and George Marston provided illustrations; whether the want of binding materials was an oversight, or not, the problem was solved by Bernard Day, the electrician and mechanic, using boards from the crates in which the expedition's supplies were shipped, the stencilling often revealing the contents as soup and the like. The ink was heated by candles, and much of the printing was done when the other men were sleeping to minimize vibration. Shackleton wrote the introduction and preface to the text, and contributions were made by 10 other members of the crew. Shackleton stated that 80 copies were brought back to England, and 79 are listed as confirmed listed in the ongoing census on the Antarctic Circle website.

Provenance: Henry J.L. Dunlop (1876-1931), Chief Engineer on the Nimrod; by descent to the present owner.

ESTIMATE: £25,000-35,000

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: none
      b) Inside back cover: B 43936 | 25.1 LB TINS | [upper portion of] BRITISH vertically, three lines.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Signed H.J.L. Dunlop. on first blank leaf.

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "some staining to spine"

11. Provenance: "Henry J.L. Dunlop (1876-1931), Chief Engineer on the Nimrod; by descent to the present owner."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Catalogue


Stencilling on inner lower board. Title-page. Signature of Dunlop. Giant Tick illustration


Copy Number: 318     Other identifiers: Dunlop Dummy copy
Location: Bonhams, London    
Date of sale: 1 February 2017. Lot 176
Results: £8,125. [Buyer ?]

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis
Aurora Australis, dummy copy, 58 blank leaves with Abbey Mills watermark, loosely inserted ink sketch (see note), first and last leaves dust-soiled, green binding ties, original calf-backed wooden boards made from venesta packing crate by Bernard Day with stencilled letters "RATIONS" and "RCTIC / 1907" inside upper and lower covers respectively, spine blindstamped with the title and the Expedition's 'trademark' device (the placement of these differing from normal copies), extremities rubbed, 4to (260 x 190mm.), [East Antarctica, 1908]

A RELIC OF ANTARCTIC BOOK PRODUCTION. "This probably was a dummy or mock-up, possibly done up by Day to refine the binding process" (Robert B. Stephenson, census on, copy number 38). The portion of the spine attached to the boards is narrower than in a finished copy, the boards marginally shorter, the spine thicker, and the blindstamping differently aligned.

Loosely inserted in the volume is a charcoal and ink sketch on different paper, with partial blindstamp of the Royal Watercolour Society. The comic sketch depicts a Scotsman threatening an Englishman with a sword. The artist is unidentified.

Provenance: Henry J.L. Dunlop (1876-1931), Chief Engineer on the Nimrod, ownership inscription in pencil inside upper cover; by descent to the present owner.

ESTIMATE: £4,000-6,000

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: RATIONS Vertically in center.
      b) Inside back cover: RCTIC | 1907 Horizontally in two lines at the top.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Neither are present

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Title-page not present
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? N/A

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? N/A

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? N/A

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? N/A
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? N/A

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? N/A

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: N/A
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? N/A

10. Condition: "first and last leaves dust-soiled" "extremities rubbed,"

11. Provenance: "Henry J.L. Dunlop (1876-1931), Chief Engineer on the Nimrod, ownership inscription in pencil inside upper cover; by descent to the present owner."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? N/A
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? N/A
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? N/A
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


Source: Catalogue


Left: Stencilling on inner top board. Right: Stenciling on inner bottom board.


Copy Number: 319    
Other identifiers: Fitzsimmons copy, Oatmeal copy, Porter copy. Same as Copies 122, 267, 302.
Date of sale: 25 September 2018. Lot 55
Results: $97,500 (Hammer price = $78,000 plus 25% buyers premium). [Buyer: A West Virginia collector]

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis
Aurora Australis. “Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition During the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908 … Printed at the sign of ‘The Penguins’; by Joyce and Wild… ” East Antarctica, 1908.

4to. 94 leaves. 11 lithograph illustrations by George Marston, all leaves with three punch holes, untrimmed. Original boards made from a packing crate, with stenciled letters “OATMEAL” inside upper board and “... ISH ANTARCT ... EDITION 190 ...” inside lower board, backed in leather from a horse harness, title and penguin motif blindstamped on spine, sewn with green binding cord. Some scuffs and staining to spine. Contained in leather-backed brown cloth clamshell case.

FIRST EDITION, THE FIRST BOOK PUBLISHED AND PRINTED IN ANTARCTICA during the Nimrod expedition of 1908-1909, while wintering in their hut. One of approximately 80 recorded copies. To keep his men occupied during the dark winter months in the Cape Royds hut, Shackleton asked for written stories, poems, or humorous short essays from his men. The best were to be published.

Shackleton brought with him a small printing press, paper and type (donated by J. Causton & Sons Ltd). The printing and publishing was co-ordinated by Ernest Joyce and Frank Wild, both of whom had undertaken short printing courses prior to their departure. George Marston provided illustrations, and Bernard Day made the bindings from the crates used for provisions. The ink was heated by candles, and much of the printing was done when the other men were sleeping to minimize vibration. Shackleton wrote the introduction and preface to the text, and contributions were made by 10 other members of the crew. A total of 80 bound copies of Aurora Australis were brought back from Antarctica in 1909 (as mentioned in a letter from Shackleton to Pierpont Morgan, now in the Morgan Library, New York). Rosove 304.A1; Spence 1095; Taurus 60.

$70,000 - 100,000

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: OATMEAL vertically at outer edge.
      b) Inside back cover: ISH ANTARCT | EDITION 190 vertically in two lines center.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: 1) In the Stables; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "Some scuffs and staining to spine."
"some leaves detached at perforations" "A very fine, completely unsophisticated copy, with no repair or restoration, and none needed. The spine leather is just slightly rubbed, there is stain (or possibly a defect in the leather) just above the ending "A" in the blindstamped "Aurora" in spine title, but no cracking or flaking, inner joint leather && cord lace in original condition, no pulling of punched holes in text leaves. - in all a very superior copy, possibly one of the finest in existence." (from the earlier auction catalogue). "The green cord is present. Not rebacked. Excellent tight condition." (from the present owner)

11. Provenance: Joe Fitzsimmons purchased this copy at Discovery Book Auctions, Calgary, Alberta, 14 September 2005. Lot 243. The Porter Copy. Sold for US$53,437.50 which includes the 12.5% buyer's premium. In turn, the consigner—Dr Michael Porter— purchased it at Sotheby's Chancery Lane (Hodgson's Rooms), London, on 24 June 1976. Lot 408. Sold for £850.
As their are no inscriptions or other markings, the original owner is unknown.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 34°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Contained in a custom clamshell box as shown below.

Source: Catalogues; Owner; Inspection at Bonhams 24 September 2018.

Contacts: Tom Lamb, Bonhams

Outer boards and spine and box. Title-page. Stencilling on inner upper board. Stenciling on inner lower board.


Copy Number: 320     Other identifiers: Fossett copy
Location: Leslie Hindman Auctioneers, Chicago    
Date of sale: 31 October 2018. Lot 182
Results: $87,500. [Buyer ?] This copy appears as item 20 in a Polar Exploration catalogue issued by Jonkers Rare Books, Henley on Thames, UK, and was exhibited at the New York International Antiquarian Book Fair, March 7-10, 2019. Priced at £150,000.

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis
SHACKLETON, Ernest Henry, Sir (1874-1922). Aurora Australis. Printed at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, During the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908. Illustrated with Lithographs and Etchings; by George Marston. Antarctica: Printed at the Sign of the 'Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77 deg. 32' South Longitude 166 deg. 12' East, 1908.

4to (260 x 186 mm). 94 printed leaves including the colored title-page, 10 plates, 13 blanks. (A few tiny holes to first blank, some offsetting to blanks from binding leather). Bound by Bernard Day in original Venesta boards taken from expedition packing crates (upper cover stamped: "[A]NTARCTIC [EXPEDITI]ON 1907."; lower cover stamped: "[PAT]ES?), rebacked to match with leather, title and penguin motif stamped in blind on spine, green silk binding cord, edges uncut (skillfully rebacked to style, original horse-harness spine preserved separately with some old wear).


According to Murray and Marston's Antarctic Days (see lot 141), at most 100 copies were produced; according to Rosove, "approximately sixty-five copies have been accounted for to date." That such a beautifully-produced book could be printed and bound in such extreme conditions by amateur book-makers is extraordinary. Murray and Marston recall: "It is too cold to keep the printer's ink fluid; it gets sticky and freezes. To cope with this a candle was set burning underneath the plate on which the ink was. This was all right, but it made the ink too fluid, and the temperature had to be regulated by moving the candle about."

Two variants are known. The rarest, as here, includes 10 plates and a leaf of text in the "An Ancient Manuscript" chapter by Frank Wild, which was subsequently excised and replaced with an eleventh plate entitled "Many shekels were needed for the ship to go forth" in copies printed later. The offending text describes five wealthy men who refused to contribute to the Expedition fund. According to Charles Boyle, "of the 56 copies Millard managed to locate two have variations...where an illustration is replaced by additional text" ("Aurora Australis," The Book Collector, p. 494, Vol. 67, No. 3, Autumn 2018). Martin L. Greene posits that Ross demanded that the offensive passage be deleted and replaced with the plate (see "Aurora Australis (1908)... A New Description of the First State of the First Book Published on the Antarctic Continent", in Book Talk: Essays on Books, Oak Knoll Press, 2006, pp.69-79). The Antarctic Circle census of copies of Aurora Australis describes the Streeter copy (now at the British Library), which bears the same signature of Shackleton as this copy; "Ernest Shackleton Editor." Their note about the signature quotes John Millard: "You will also note the single signature of Ernest Shackleton...There is also the possibility that it might be one of those 10 copies that Shackleton reportedly sold to Bumpus, the Bookseller in London." COPIES OF GREENE'S FIRST VARIANT ARE SCARCE AT AUCTION: according to American Book Prices Current, only one copy of the first variant has sold at auction in the last 40 years. Conrad p.146 ("A few more than 60... copies are extant"); Rosove 304.A1c; Renard 1436; Spence 1095; Streeter VII:4146 (also with 10 plates and signed "Ernest Shackleton Editor").

Estimate $60,000-80,000

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: NTARCTIC | ON 1907 [along top edge]
      b) Inside back cover: [PAT]ES

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Ernest Shackleton | Editor [on recto of first blank leaf]

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "(A few tiny holes to first blank, some offsetting to blanks from binding leather). Rebacked to match with leather, title and penguin motif stamped in blind on spine, green silk binding cord, edges uncut (skillfully rebacked to style, original horse-harness spine preserved separately with some old wear)."

11. Provenance: This copy was unknown to this researcher until its appearance in the Hindman auction catalogue. Barbara Grigor-Taylor (Cavendish Books, London) put together the collection for Fossett and prepared the sale catalogue. In an e-mail she said that she purchased the copy from David Lilburne (Antipodean Books, Garrison, NY) in January 2000 and that David was selling it "on behalf of Neil Silverman." (There were two copies in the "Silverman sale" at Christie's on September 25, 2002, but neither of these could be the one as both had different inscriptions and included the Shekels illustration," also the sale was two years later.)
The following copies lack the Shekels illustration: 9, 17, 24, 30, 103, 104, 107 and 132. The first four of these are in institutional collections. The remainder are in private hands. In no instance are the inscriptions the same as this copy.
There are 12 copies that are known to have existed at an earlier time but for which no useful information is known. This copy is either one of these 12 or is a previously unrecorded copy.

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: .


Contacts: Gretchen Hause, Leslie Hindman Auctioneers

Left: Title page. Middle: Stencilling on inner upper board and inscription. Right: Outer top board and spine.


Copy Number: 322     Other identifiers: Greene copy. Same as Copy 133.
Location: Bonhams London    
Date of sale: 30 March 2012. Lot 72
Results: Did Not Sell. (Later sold privately. Now copy 103)

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis
Aurora Australis, coloured lithographed title, 10 lithographed or etched plates by George Marston (2 tipped-in as published), overall 109 leaves (16 printed in red), untrimmed, green binding ties, original boards made from venesta packing crate by Bernard Day, with stencilled letters 'BRIANT/EXP' inside upper cover, "EXP/19" inside lower cover, skilfully rebacked in brown calf with the original spine laid down, preserved in purpose-made fleece-lined solander box [Conrad, p.146; Renard 1436 (this copy); Rosove 304.A1.c, and addenda acknowledging this copy; Spence 1095; Taurus 60; OCLC 142137], 4to (260 x 195mm./, East Antarctica, Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907 During the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908 ... Printed at the Sign of 'The Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77°12' South Longitude 166°12', [1908-1909]


To keep his men occupied during the dark winter months in the Cape Royds hut, Shackleton asked for written stories, poems, or humorous short essays from his men. The best were to be published, Shackleton brought with him a small printing press, paper and type (donated by J. Causton & Sons Ltd). The printing and publishing was co-ordinated by Ernest Joyce and Frank Wild, both of whom had undertaken short printing courses prior to their departure. George Marston provided illustrations, and Bernard Day made the bindings from the crates used for provisions. The ink was heated by candles, and much of the printing was done when the other men were sleeping to minimize vibration. Shackleton wrote the introduction and preface to the text, and contributions were made by 10 other members of the crew.

A total of 80 bound copies of Aurora Australis were brought back from Antarctica in 1909 (as mentioned in a letter from Shackleton to Pierpont Morgan, now in the Morgan Library, New York City, reviewed by Robert Stephenson in May, 2007). Two variants are known. The rarest, as here, includes 10 plates and a leaf of text in a chapter by Frank Wild entitled "An Ancient Manuscript' which was subsequently excised. Shackleton was concerned that a page of Wild's text, in which he describes five wealthy men meanly refusing to contribute financially to the Expedition fund, may jeopardise future fund-raising efforts, and therefore asked that the 'offensive' passage be deleted. This was then replaced by an additional plate for the "second state". For a full discussion see M.L. Greene, "Aurora Australis (1908) ... A New Description of the First State of the First Book Publiished on the Antarctic Continent", in Book Talk: Essays on Books, Oak Knoll Press, 2006, pp. 69-79).

A current census has identified location of up to 70 of these copies. Of those identified only a very few are in the first state, these seemingly having escaped having the offending leaf of text removed - perhaps author Frank Wild objected to having his contribution edited by 'The Boss'.

Provenance: Martin L. Greene (Seattle) from Julien Renard (Gaston Renard).

Click here for an explanation. Information below is taken from sale catalogue description. For additional information see entry for Copy 133.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: BRI | ANT | EXP
      b) Inside back cover: EXP | 19

2. Inscriptions (text and location): None

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "… skilfully rebacked in brown calf with the original spine laid down…"

11. Provenance: Martin L. Greene (Seattle) from Julien Renard (Gaston Renard).

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: .



Title page.


Copy Number: 326     Other identifiers: Fossett copy
Location: Item 20 in a Polar Exploration catalogue issued by Jonkers Rare Books, Henley on Thames, UK.    See
Date: March 7-10, 2019
Price:£150,000. This copy was exhibited at the New York International Antiquarian Book Fair, March 7-10, 2019. Priced at £150,000.

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis The information below is from the Jonker's catalogue. Additional information on this copy is available in the description found at

20. Aurora Australis
Published At The Winter Quarters Of The British Antarctic Expedition, 1907, During The Winter Months Of April, May, June, July, 1908.
[SHACKLETON, Ernest H.] (Editor)
Printed At The Sign Of ‘The Penguins’; By Joyce And Wild, 1908.
First edition of the first book printed in Antarctica, in the very rare first state with uncorrected text. 4to. Bound in original venesta packing crate boards by the expeditions motor expert Bernard Day, the inside upper cover stamped: “[A]NTARC- TIC [EXPEDITI]ON 1907”. Spine renewed to style, with the original horse-harness spine laid in. All edges uncut. Signed by Shackleton on the first leaf, “Ernest Shackleton, editor”. Ten lithographs and etchings by George Marston. A fine copy, remarkably clean and fresh. [39182] £150,000
An exceptional copy of the first book to be printed and bound in Antarctica and “the most renowned title in the Antarctic canon” (Taurus). One of just five known copies with the first state of the text in private hands (a further four copies being institutionally held) and one of only two known first states to be signed by Shackleton.
Having produced The South Polar Times on the Discovery expedition, Shackleton “resolved to produce a similar work on his own expe- dition, but took the labor a step further”. Instead of producing a single typewritten copy, to later be reproduced in facsimile, he decided to produce a properly printed book with the “entire effort including the writing, printing, illustrating and binding” completed in situ in Antarctica. The result is a strikingly beautiful production in spite of the adverse conditions and inexperience in printing and binding. “Aurora Australis has rightfully achieved legendary status as the ne plus ultra of the Antarctic bibliography for its manner of production, rarity, charisma, and association with one of the greatest of all Antarctic expeditions” (Rosove).
This copy is the exceptionally rare first state of the text with ten plates by Marston. A leaf of text in the “An Ancient Manuscript” chapter by Frank Wild was subsequently excised and replaced with revised text and an eleventh plate entitled, “Many shekels were needed for the ship to go forth” in later issued copies. The discarded text describes five wealthy men who refused to contribute to the Expedition fund and Martin L. Greene posits that Ross demanded that the offensive passage be deleted and replaced with the plate.
Rosove notes that “at most 100 copies were produced, but probably significantly fewer. Approximately 65 copies have been accounted for to date”.
Rosove 304.

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: NTARCTIC | ON 1907 [along top edge]
      b) Inside back cover: Not given but [PAT]ES

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Ernest Shackleton | Editor [on recto of first blank leaf]

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Text

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Unknown
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Unknown

10. Condition: "Spine renewed to style, with the original horse-harness spine laid in. … A fine copy, remarkably clean and fresh."

11. Provenance: Not given here but see

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: .



Left: Title page. Middle: Stencilling on inner upper board and inscription. Right: Outer top board and spine.
Note: These images are from the description given at


Copy Number: 327     Other identifiers: Reaney copy. Same as Copy 123.
Location: Art + Object, Auckland, NZ    
Date of sale: 11 April 2019. Lot 72
Results: NZ$159,900 (US$108,732)

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis The information below is from the auction catalogue. Additional information on this copy is available in the description found at
Aurora Australis
Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition During the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908 ... Printed at the sign of ‘The Penguins’; by Joyce and Wild. In total 108 l., including 11 full page lithographs illustrations by George Marston, titles - Under the Shadow of Erebus; At the edge of the crater; Nightwatchman; The Messman; Struggle for the Broom. [Sepia]; In the Stables [tipped on]; Southward Bound; Fourteen Good and True; Many Shekels Needed for the ship to go Forth; Executing Revolutions in Mid Air; Each sheltered Under one of the Novel Umbrellas.
All leaves with three punch holes, and bound with the original green cord, untrimmed. Original venesta packing case boards, with stenciled letters “XPEDITION 1907” inside front board and inside rear board 5 lines, endings of various words CTIC 18/ SHIP [partly obliterated]/ ROD/ LTON/ PARTY/A. Expertly rebacked with original leather spine, overlaid as done by Bernard Day in winter quarters at Cape Royds 1908, the blind stamped ‘Aurora Australis’ and the ‘Sign of the Penguins’, faint but decipherable. Inscribed on front blank ‘ To F.W. White Esq, with best wishes from the printers, Ernest E. Joyce. Kia Oro’.
Frederick William White was Expedition Secretary for the Endurance Expedition
Cape Royds, McMurdo Antarctica, Shackleton, Printed at the Sign of “The Penguins” by Joyce & Wild, 1908. First edition.
Loose enclosures:
1. A note on watermarked paper which reads ‘With the Comps. and Kind regards of Monkshood’.
2. A Letter from the Canterbury Museum which states ‘ On examination it is our considered opinion that the hand writing of ‘Monkshood’ and E.H. Shackleton are one and the same. Shackleton was known for using pseudonyms’.
FIRST EDITION, THE FIRST BOOK PUBLISHED AND PRINTED IN ANTARCTICA during the Nimrod expedition of 1908-1909, while wintering in their hut. One of approximately 80 recorded copies. To keep his men occupied during the dark winter months in the Cape Royds hut, Shackleton asked for written stories, poems, or humorous short essays from his men. The best were to be published. Shackleton brought with him a small printing press, paper and type (donated by J. Causton & Sons Ltd). The printing and publishing was co-ordinated by Ernest Joyce and Frank Wild, both of whom had undertaken short printing courses prior to their departure. George Marston provided illustrations, and Bernard Day made the bindings from the crates used for provisions. The ink was heated by candles, and much of the printing was done when the other men were sleeping to minimize vibration. Shackleton wrote the introduction and preface to the text, and contributions were made by 10 other members of the crew. A total of 80 bound copies of Aurora Australis were brought back from Antarctica in 1909 (as mentioned in a letter from Shackleton to Pierpont Morgan, now in the Morgan Library, New York).
Spence 1094; Renard 1433/1434; Rosove 287.A! [Vols 1 & 2; Aurora Australis, No.123 on
Estimate: $80,000 - $120,000
Results: NZ$159,900 (US$108,732)

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation. Information below is taken from sale catalogue description. For additional information see entry for Copy 133.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: “XPEDITION 1907” [nearly all of the first E is cropped]
      b) Inside back cover: 5 lines, endings of various words CTIC 18 / SHIP [partly obliterated] / ROD / LTON / PARTY/A.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Yes, recto of second blank leaf. "To | F.W. White Esq. with best wishes from the printers [signed] Ernest Joyce [an initial which could possibly be Joyce's.] Kia Oro" There is a loose leaf page inside front blank page with inscription: With the Comp.s and Kind regards of Monkshood."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Not present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Not stated but Bottom

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not stated but Not present

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Not stated but Present
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Not stated but Not present

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Not stated but Clarke

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Not stated but 1) In the Stables; 2) Fourteen Good and True
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Not stated but Sepia

10. Condition: "Expertly rebacked with original leather spine."

11. Provenance: Not stated but "Purchased from John Simper [Explorer Books, UK] 2001. Do not know prior history, other than it was held in an English family for some time."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? gods
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Period
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? 30°
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy was added to the census on 22 May 2011. There was no previous record of this copy, either in the Millard-Stephenson census or auction sale records.

Source: Auction catalogue and the former owner in New Zealand.


These images supplied by previous owner.

Inside front cover; inside back cover

Inscription on second leaf; inscription on loose leaf

Images from auction catalogue:


Copy Number: 328     Other identifiers: Laurence Wild copy. Fright copy. BRITISH ANT SHIP NIM LYTT copy. Same as Copy 276.
Location: Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London
Date of sale: 24 May 2022. Lot 106
Results: £100,800 (ca. US$126,363) with buyer's premium.

Information on this copy of Aurora Australis The information below is from the auction catalogue. Additional information on this copy is available in the description found at
Ernest Shackleton (editor) | Aurora Australis. Antarctica [Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition], 1908-09
Property from an American private collection
Ernest Shackleton (editor) Aurora Australis. Antarctica: “Published at the Winter Quarters of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907 During the Winter Months of April, May, June, July, 1908 Illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston. Printed at the Sign of 'The Penguins'; by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 77°.. 32' South Longitude 166°.. 12' East, (1908-09).
FIRST EDITION, 4to (260 x 190mm.), INSCRIBED BY FRANK WILD'S BROTHER LAURENCE TO HIS GRANDSON on preliminary blank leaf (see provenance), 94 printed leaves, including coloured title-page and 11 etched or lithographed illustrations by George Marston (including one in sepia and 3 tipped-in), bound by Bernard Day in original bevelled venesta boards taken from expedition packing crates, inside lower cover stencilled "BRITISH ANT / SHIP NIM / LYTT", backed with leather from horse harnesses, title and penguin motif blindstamped on spine, sewn with green silk binding cord, edges uncut, one or two unobtrusive wormholes at lower edge of some leaves, minor dust-stains and spotting, a few small wormholes to boards, joints repaired retaining original blindstamped backstrip, lower corner of upper board professionally restored.
THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED AND BOUND IN ANTARCTICA. THIS COPY INSCRIBED BY FRANK WILD'S BROTHER LAURENCE TO HIS GRANDSON "To my grandson / Nicholas J. Fright / on his 21st. birthday / 31 December 1970. / To keep in memory of his Great-uncle / Frank Wild, who made this book in the / Antarctic. / With best wishes, / Laurence C. Wild." 
“THE MOST RENOWNED TITLE IN THE ANTARCTIC CANON” (Taurus). The book is also a celebrated rarity. According to Murray and Marston’s Antarctic Days, at most 100 copies were produced, but Rosove notes that “approximately sixty-five copies have been accounted for to date", of which around half are located in institutional collections.
That such a beautiful book should be produced by amateurs, and under such testing conditions, is remarkable. Shackleton had previously edited the first volume of the the South Polar Times on Scott's Discovery expedtion prepared in a single copy in the Antarctic and later published in England in a limited edition.
Shackleton had previously been the editor of the South Polar Times, published in England to commemorate Scott's first expedition of 1901-1904. The success of this led to his shipping a press, type and paper with his Nimrod expedition of 1907-1909. During the Antarctic winter of 1908 Frank Wild and Ernest Joyce, who had received some training in England, acted as printers.
Murray and Marston describe one of the main stumbling-blocks of Antarctic printing: “It is too cold to keep the printer’s ink fluid; it gets sticky and freezes. To cope with this a candle was set burning underneath the plate on which the ink was. This was all right, but it made the ink too fluid, and the temperature had to be regulated by moving the candle about.”
Reflecting the expedition's actual provisions, the contents of the original packing crates are stencilled on the inside of the venesta covers. This copy has "BRITISH ANT / SHIP NIM / LYTT" stencilled on the inside upper cover.
Conrad p. 146; Renard 1435; Rosove 304.A1.b; Spence 1095; Taurus Collection 60; Robert B. Stephenson census on (number 276)
Laurence C. Wild, presumably gifted to him by his brother Frank Wild CBE FRGS (1873-1939).
Inscribed by Laurence Wild to his grandson Nicholas J. Fright on his 21st. birthday December 1970 "To keep in memory of his Great-uncle Frank Wild, who made this book in the Antarctic."
Sotheby's London, 22 June 1995, lot 188, to Antipodean Books, from whom acquired by the present owner. Estimate: £50,000 - £120,000
Results: £100,800 (ca. US$129,363)

VARIOUS POINTS     Click here for an explanation. Information below is taken from sale catalogue description. For additional information see entry for Copy 276.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Yes
      a) Inside front cover: “BRITISH ANT | SHIP NIM | LYTT”
      b) Inside back cover: Unknown but probably none. Description in catalogue is confusing: in one instance it places the stencilling on the inner upper cover; in another, in the inside lower cover. The description of Copy 276 [which this also is] places the stencilling in the inside front cover.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Yes, on preliminary blank leaf: "To my grandson | Nicholas J. Fright | on his 21st. birthday | 31 December 1970. | To keep in memory of his Great-uncle | Frank Wild, who made this book in the | Antarctic. | With best wishes, | Laurence C. Wild."

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Illustration based on number of illustrations given in catalogue.

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Color
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Present

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Not stated but Unknown

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Not stated but Unknown

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with "difficulty" and ending with "assistance" in 'A Pony Watch'? Unknown
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of "Ascent of Mount Erebus"? Unknown

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Unknown

9. Illustrations:
Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: "3 tipped-in"
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Sepia

10. Condition: "one or two unobtrusive wormholes at lower edge of some leaves, minor dust-stains and spotting, a few small wormholes to boards, joints repaired retaining original blindstamped backstrip, lower corner of upper board professionally restored."

11. Provenance: "Laurence C. Wild, presumably gifted to him by his brother Frank Wild CBE FRGS (1873-1939).
Inscribed by Laurence Wild to his grandson Nicholas J. Fright on his 21st. birthday December 1970 "To keep in memory of his Great-uncle Frank Wild, who made this book in the Antarctic."
Sotheby's London, 22 June 1995, lot 188, to Antipodean Books, from whom acquired by the present owner."

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Unknown
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34°? Unknown
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: This copy was added to the census on 13 June 2022.

Source: Auction catalogue.


Images from auction catalogue:


Copy Number: #       Other identifiers: Based on stencilling, owner's name, etc.
Location: Address    
Web: Web address with link.

Information on the [name] copy of Aurora Australis

Generally this is any information that appears in an online catalogue or similar description.

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?): Enter "Yes", "No", or "Unknown" [Note: There are known to be copies without stencilling of any kind although these are much less common.]
      a) Inside front cover: Leave blank if "No" or "Unknown" is entered above. Enter lettering and/or numbers that appear including partials; orientation and location with respect to spine and board edges; include source of information if no photographs included. If no stenciling, enter None.
      b) Inside back cover: Leave blank if "No" or "Unknown" is entered above. Enter lettering and/or numbers that appear including partials; orientation and location with respect to spine and board edges; include source of information if no photographs included. If no stenciling, enter None.

2. Inscriptions (text and location): Enter inscription indicating line breaks with a |. Indicate which page inscription is on. If no inscriptions, enter "Unknown".
[Note: There are known to be copies without inscriptions of any kind although these appear to be somewhat less common.]

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)? Enter "Illustration" if the illustration appears. Enter "Text" if text replaces the illustration. If not known, enter "Unknown".
[Note: Variant B is less common.]

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)? Enter "Color" if the title page is in color. Enter "Black and white" if the title page is in black and white. If not known, enter "Unknown".
[Note: There are known to be copies with a black and white title page but such copies are very uncommon.]
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)? Enter "Present" if the device is present. Enter "Not present" if not present. If not known, enter "Unknown".
[Note: There are known to be copies without the device on the title page although these are less common.]

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? Enter "Bottom" if the logotype is at the bottom. Enter "Top" if the logotype is at the top. If not known, enter "Unknown".
[Note: No copies are known to have the logotype at the bottom, although it does appear that way in proof copies which were brought back by Griffith Taylor.]

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present? Enter "Present" if the title is present. Enter "Not present" if the title is not present. If not known, enter "Unknown".
[Note: There are known to be copies with the 'Giant Tick' chapter title although these are much less common.]

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with difficulty and ending with assistance in 'A Pony Watch'? Enter "Present" if the comma is present. Enter "Not present" if the comma is not present. If not known, enter "Unknown"
[Note: No copies are known to have it without the Comma].
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of 'Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Enter "Present" if Mount is present. Enter "Not present" if Mount is not present. If not known, enter "Unknown".
[Note: No copies are known to have it with Mount.]

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'? Enter "Spelled Clarke" if Clark is misspelled. Enter "Spelled Clark" if Clark is spelled correctly. If not known, enter "Unknown".
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Clark.]

9. Illustrations:
      a) Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?: Enter the "title(s)" of those tipped-in. If not known, enter "Unknown". (The illustrations that are sometimes tipped-in include but are not necessarily limited to The Messman, In the Stables and Fourteen Good and True.)
            The titles of the illustrations are as follows in the order they appear:
            Under the Shadow of Erebus (title below image)
            At the Edge of the Crater (title below image)
            Night Watchman (no title on sheet with image; preceded by sheet with title and logotype)
            The Messman (no title on sheet with image; preceded by sheet with title and logotype)
            Struggle? for the Broom (no title on sheet with image; preceded by sheet with title and logotype)
            In the Stables (no title on sheet with image; preceded by sheet with title and logotype)
            Southward Bound (no title on sheet with image; preceded by sheet with title and logotype)
            Fourteen Good and True (no title on sheet with image; preceded by sheet with title and logotype)
            Many Shekels Were Needed for the Ship to Go Forth (title below image) (not present in all copies)
            Executing Evolutions in Mid Air (no title on sheet with image; preceded by sheet with title and logotype)
            Each Sheltered Under One of the Novel Umbrellas (no title on sheet with image; preceded by sheet with title and logotype)

      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white? Enter Sepia if in sepia. Enter Black & white if in black & white.

10. Condition: Enter "text" describing the condition including condition of the leaves (staining, foxing, loose, detached or missing leaves), the boards (warping, splitting), the spine (rebacked), the illustrations (missing, imperfect). If not known, enter "Unknown".

11. Provenance: Enter "text" addressing whatever is known of the provenance of the copy including reference to accession records, notations within the copy, receipts, newspaper articles, etc. If not known, enter "Unknown".

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"? Given the context the intention was almost certainly "household goods". Enter "gods" if that is how it appears. Enter "Goods" if that is how it appears. If not known, enter "Unknown".
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? Enter "Period" if that is what appears. Enter "Comma" if that is what appears. If not known, enter "Unknown".
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle of ascent given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34° ? Enter "30°" if the angle is given as 30°. Enter "34°" if the angle is given as 34°. If not known, enter "Unknown".
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]

Notes: Enter any comments, observations, facts about the copy not otherwise entered elsewhere.

Source: Enter "text" indicating the source of any of the above information. If Personal Inspection, include dates. Reference any letters or e-mails. If not known, enter "Unknown".

Contacts: Enter "text" noting any contact persons who might be approached for further information.


Copy Number: #       Other identifiers: Based on stencilling, owner's name, etc.
Location: Address    
Web: Web address with link.

Information on the [name] copy of Aurora Australis

Click here for an explanation.
1. Cover stencilling (is any present?):________________
[Note: There are known to be copies without stencilling of any kind although these are much less common.]
      a) Inside front cover:________________
      b) Inside back cover:________________

2. Inscriptions (text and location):________________
[Note: There are known to be copies without inscriptions of any kind although these appear to be somewhat less common.]

3. 'Shekels' variant: Is the 'Shekels' illustration present (A) or is text present (B)?________________
[Note: Variant B is less common.]

4. Title page variants:
      a) Is title page in color (A) or in black and white (B)?________________
[Note: There are known to be copies with a black and white title page but such copies are very uncommon.]
      b) Is "propeller" device present (A) or not present (B)?________________
[Note: There are known to be copies without the device on the title page although these are less common.]

5. Chapter title variant: Is penguin logotype at bottom (A) or at top (B)? ________________
[Note: No copies are known to have the logotype at the bottom, although it does appear that way in proof copies which were brought back by Griffith Taylor.]

6. Is the 'Giant Tick' chapter title present?________________
[Note: There are known to be copies with the 'Giant Tick' chapter title although these are much less common.]

7. Running heads:
      a) Is a comma present at end of running head on page beginning with difficulty and ending with assistance in 'A Pony Watch'?________________
[Note: No copies are known to have it without the Comma].
      b) Is "Mount" present in running head on 17th page of 'Ascent of Mount Erebus'?________________
[Note: No copies are known to have it with Mount.]

8. Ross misspelling: Is Sir James Clark Ross misspelled James Clarke Ross on first line of first page of 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus'?________________
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Clark.]

9. Illustrations:
      a) Which illustrations are tipped-in vs full-page, if any?:________________
      b) Is the illustration Struggle? For The Broom in sepia or black & white?:________________

10. Condition:________________

11. Provenance:________________

12. New points: New points come to light and they will be included here rather than trying to insert them above which would necessitate re-doing the entire Details file.
      a) Does text on the fourth line of the 11th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus', which begins with the text hanging straight down, read "household gods"?________________
[Note: No copies are known to have it as Goods.]
      b) Does a comma or a period appear after "knees" on the second line of the 13th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text all, down the ravine? ________________
[Note: No copies are known to have it with a comma.]
      c) Is the angle of ascent given on the eighth line of the 14th page of the chapter 'The Ascent of Mount Erebus' which begins with the text When we awoke at 4 a.m. appear as 30° or 34° ?________________
[Note: There are known to be copies with both angles.]


