Some odds 'n ends in New York City--The Explorers Club.

Episode: 43. Site Number: 244. Date Posted: 12 April 1997. Location: 46 East 70th Street, New York, NY, USA. Type: Private Club.

Exterior of Club The Explorers Club has had as members many Antarcticans of note and not unexpectedly its Tudor revival clubhouse at 46 East 70th Street in New York has a rich and eclectic array of artifacts, art and memorabilia with South Polar associations. Although a private club, non-members with a serious interest may arrange a visit by contacting the staff ahead of time.
      Among the items that caught my eye:
      In the Members Room on the ground floor, a large oil painting by Anton Widlicka entitled Springtime at Little America, a "byrd"'s eye view of Little America; a painting by Margaret Fernald Dole (1896-1970) of Byrd in uniform peering down at a globe; a color lithograph (?) noted as 18/100 of Amundsen in parka; a bronze bust of Lincoln Ellsworth, sculpted and signed by Sally Clark c1933; and a large watercolor portrait of a jaunty looking Sir Hubert Wilkins.
      Also on the ground floor is a slightly larger than life-size bronze bust of Byrd, head upraised. On the back is what appears to be "E GLICKSTEIN NY 5 Aug 1928".
      On the stairway wall are numerous framed photographic portraits, mostly signed. Among the Antarcticans: Scott, Amundsen, Shackleton, Byrd and his dog, Igloo.
      On an upper floor corridor hang several framed watercolors of US Antarctic operations in the 1960s by Arthur Beaumont.
      On the top floor is a marvelous high-ceilinged room crammed with lots of interesting things: A stuffed Emperor penguin, a pick-axe with the notation "this pick was used in the construction of his [Scott] base shelter . . ." accompanied by a signed photograph of Scott standing in front of the Discovery hut, and a bronze bust of Scott by Sally Clark, dated 1934 (although bearing little resemblance to Scott).
      The Club also has a variety of Byrd items in its archives including a board game, scrapbooks, two brown fur mitts, a US Navy Course & Distance Indicator and two beautifully made (by Ed Moody) miniature wooden sledges complete with papier-mâché sled-dogs and a tent.