A Low-Latitude Antarctic Gazetteer is a descriptive listing of sites of Antarctic interest outside of the Antarctic (defined here as—mostly—above the Antarctic Circle), places that have some association with the exploration of the South Polar Regions. The focus is clearly on the Heroic Age (the late 19th and early 20th century), which reflects my own particular interests. Sites associated with Scott and Shackleton and their colleagues are especially well represented. The first version of a Low-Latitude Antarctic Gazetteer appeared in three instalments in the newsletter of The Antarctican Society (Vol. 93-94, Nos 3-5). In 1994, I issued a revised version in pamphlet form. Two slightly revised editions have appeared since then. Beginning in March of 1996, I started posting to Pollib-l, the Polar Libraries Colloquy listserv, a site or two on a close to a weekly basis.

What appears below under SERIES ONE are these "episodes," with occasional corrections, in the order in which they were posted (and with the dates). The number(s) in parentheses refer to the database I maintain which now exceeds 1,000 entries. Series One is now closed.

SERIES TWO includes entries in my database arranged by subject. Some of these sites also appear in Series One. New sites as they are found will appear in this series.

—Robert B. Stephenson

Accessed at least many times since 3 December 2006.

SERIES ONE : Low-Latitude Sites by Episode (Episodes 1 - 70, those posted to Pollib-l—the Polar Libraries Colloquy listserv—from 30 March 1996 to 17 February 1999)

SERIES TWO : Low-Latitude Sites by Type and Subject.

Construction has started on Series Two. It might take some months or even years to have all sites included.

SERIES THREE : Various "PowerPoint" presentations that incorporate Low-Latitude Sites.

CLICK HERE for a listing—by site number, site name/description and site location. NOTE: This listing has recently been corrected, revised and added to. These entries only give brief descriptions. Additional information is included in individual subject treatments (Series Two) and in the 'episodes' (Series One).

Ken Wuschke of Invercargill, NZ, has recently brought to my attention the waymarking.com website, specifically to a category named Antarctic Points of Interest. It and the LLAG share some similarities. At the moment 23 sites are included. Have a look at http://www.waymarking.com/cat/details.aspx?f=1&guid=04a4178c-5222-44d9-95fd-b20db8a94dda

I prepared a piece entitled "Antarctic Sites outside the Antarctic–Memorials, Statues, Houses, Graves and the occasional Pub" for Volume 2 of Nimrod, the journal of the annual Shackleton Autumn School in Athy, Ireland. This summarizes a talk I gave at the School on 29 October 2006.

SERIES FOUR : Low-Latitude Sites shown on Google Maps.
I've located some of the LLAG sites in England and Wales on a Google map, also in and around London and Australia, New Zealand and the US and Canada. (Yet to come are similar maps for Europe, South America, Africa and Asia & the Far East.)
SERIES FIVE : Low-Latitude Sites up in the cloud.
I've started placing one image of each site up in the cloud. It may take me awhile to get all 1000+ up there, but have a look. You can check on progress at SmugMug



A Low-Latitude Antarctic Gazetteer premiered: August 14, 1996.

I'd appreciate knowing of additional "low-latitude" sites of Antarctic interest. Also, any corrections or elaborations on those entries above. Thanks.

© 1996, 2011 Robert B. Stephenson. All rights reserved; links welcomed, also non-commercial use if source acknowledged.