Schedule/Agenda and SouthPole-sium Odds & Ends.
Registration information and Form
Those who have registered
Those who are planning to attend
Those who have expressed interest in attending
Subjects of talks proposed to be presented so far
Subject ideas for talks that might be presented
Jaffrey Civic Center, our main venue
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Links relative to Jaffrey and the region
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Comments during preliminary planning from those who might attend


"I am finishing a paper on the LOUISE (formerly the Freeport-built Downeaster JENNIE S. BARKER) that C.A. Larsen used to help establish Grytviken whaling station on South Georgia Island in 1905. it will be one of the schedule talks I'll be giving on one of Holland America's Antarctic Peninsula cruises this January/February. I'd be more than happy to make a short presentation on it at the gathering if you would like."
(Charles Lagerbom)

"I would love to attend, and would also love to present on what I am doing. I am a new media artist and writer, currently writing/performing a Twitter novel on Ernest Shackleton and the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition of 1914-17. It is being written/published in real time on http://twitter.com/EShackleton. It has begun, and will still be well underway in June 2012.
What I would like to present to the gathering is my Twitter novel "Shackleton:" what I am writing, why I am writing it in this way and using this particular medium, what books and other materials I am using for sources and references, the relation of direct quotes to fictionalized reinterpretation in the work, and why I am writing; in other words, the importance of books and journals to the story of the Endurance, and why no single film, or even all the films in aggregate, has managed (or perhaps could manage) to convey all the facts, never mind a true sense of the adventure. My presentation would be in the form of a short lecture/slideshow, not unlike those Shackleton himself presented during his fundraising lecture tours….
I know this might be a little different from the usual presentation, but I think you and the other attendees will find it interesting, and it centrally involves (south) polar books. I would love to of course hear feedback about my project, but also want to meet people, and hear what everyone else is doing. If you would like a reference for what my work and presentations are like, I would be happy to connect you to Joshua Glenn in Boston, editor in chief of HiLobrow.com (where I am also Arts Editor)."
(Peggy Nelson)

"I'd love to come. Could be the start (or end) of a nice summer trip. I'd love to peruse others' books and share mine, Deep Freeze: The United States, the International Geophysical Year, and the Origins of Antarctica's Age of Science (University Press of Colorado, 2006). But given that my 50th wedding anniversary falls on 16 June 2012 (!), I will definitely be occupied elsewhere!"
(Dian Olson Belanger)


"I will certainly keep the date in mind. Your list of subject ideas that might possibly be included is wonderful and thought-provoking. I'd like to add one more. Everyone knows that Aurora Australis is 'the first book printed in Antarctica.' For me, that's always begged the questions 'What was the second book printed/published in Antarctica? Or the fifth?' I have to assume that the large permanent research staffs down there must have produced the occasional book or booklet, if not by letterpress, then by mimeograph or Xerox. But what are these items, and who owns them? Would anyone be in a position to produce a "Bibliography of Antarctic Imprints"? The details for BAI #1 have been pretty well fleshed out by you and others, but…"
(Bob Karrow)

"It all looks very interesting. You never know I might just take a notion and decide to travel over and make a bit of a holiday out of it."
(Neale Webb)

"Looks like a great idea, and count me in as a 'probable,' and would like to receive further announcements."
(John Splettstoesser)

"Sounds like this is shaping up to be an extraordinary event, and your line-up of invitees is a veritable who's-who of renowned Antarctic people. I'm looking forward to seeing the agenda as it evolves.
If I may suggest, it would be worth having an introductory keynote address that all would attend, some brief but formal PowerPoint talks on selected topics of book interest that all would attend, and also some simultaneous breakout discussion sessions, each with a specific topic and a predesignated session leader. Each participant could decide for himself/herself which to attend. What do you think?"
(Michael Rosove)

"As an idea, think about films to add on for early morning or evening viewing. Also, UK people might like to see a bit of the great northeast. Why not build in a day in Boston, or the Albany area, probably as a post gathering trip. I would be glad to pick up a couple or three folks at the Albany Airport and drive them to Jaffrey, and then, after the gathering, drive them back to Albany, give them a tour, drop them at a hotel for the night, then maybe take them to the airport in the morning. (Maybe I would just arrange the trip to the airport for them.)"
(Regina Daly)

"One area which has interested me recently is the dustjackets which come with earlier publications say between 1900-1950. Some are quite striking an presentation of a selection of images of these dj's might be of interest. Also do postcards warrant a slot?"
(Seamus Taaffe)

"I usually avoid planning that far in advance, but in this case, it seems an exception need be made.
…As an artist I made 5 trips to the Antarctic with the program Guy Guthridge used to direct at the NSF (1989-1994) including wintering-over twice at McMurdo and Palmer.
…After photgraphing in Shackleton's hut at Cape Royds and seeing the copy of AURORA AUSTRALIS at the Canterbury Museum in Christchurch in 1989, I said quietly to myself, "If I ever get the chance, I would like to own this book…" Some years later I was visiting a friend on Bainbridge Island and mentioned Bob Finch, who turned out to live just down the road…While visiting Finch (from whom I had purchased a few books previously) I mentioned that I would like to know if he ever found a copy of AURORA AUSTRALIS. At which point he turned around in his study and pulled Frank Wild's copy off the shelf and handed it to me. I returned to the auction later that year. Finch allowed payment by credit card... the rest is history…I had to spread the payment over three cards but I got a lot of frequent flyer miles. As nuts as the auction purchase was, I have not regretted it for a single moment.
You may seen some of fruits of my Antarctic (and other) work at www.polarfinearts.com There is a portfolio of photogravure etchings I made after my 1989 trip which you might enjoy as well as some of the later work in the austral night.
Thomas Crean is my favorite. A trip to his pub has been on travel list for 15+ years. You've been there.
Please sign me up and keep me informed about your 2012 plans."
(Neelon Crawford)

"If you are thinking of having any formal talks on whatever subjects, I would be pleased to volunteer myself to do a talk on publications related to the James Clark Ross expedition. If you're going to have break-out sessions on various topics, I'll volunteer to lead one of them."
(Michael Rosove)

"I would really love to come, and if I am allowed to be included among the numbers, I'll be doing everything I can to get there!"
(Bernadette Hince)

"I'd have to say I'm probably nearer 'doubtful' than 'pretty likely', but I am tempted, so please keep my address on the list for any update emails you send out."
(Judy Skelton)

"I have been trying to figure out whether I can make it to this event, which sounds really interesting. It is tricky getting across to the US during what is our students' exam time, but I am still considering it. If I came I could potentially discuss the publication (almost a century too late) of the Adelie Blizzard, which I've been involved with. Also, my book on Antarctica in literature is coming out with CUP in early 2012, so it would be nice to let people know about that. If I can combine it with another northern hemisphere event or library trip, I might be able to manage it."
(Elizabeth Leane)


Dear Antarctican,

I am sending this e-mail with its attachment to those listed below.

For some time now I've thought that a get-together of those interested in Antarctic books and bibliography would be a lot of fun and worth going to. Since no one has organized one in the past (that I'm aware of), I thought I might give it a go.

The concept I have in mind is presented in the attachment. I welcome any guidance, comments, critiques or suggestions.

I also ask that you give me some indication how likely you would be to attend such a gathering. Some possible responses:

— Count me in.
— Pretty likely.
— Doubtful.
— Thanks but no thanks.

I realize that those half way round the world aren't likely to make the trip, but perhaps they might offer some helpful ideas.

Depending on the response I get, I will either forget it for the moment (not likely as even a dozen or so attending would be productive and enjoyable), or I'll put together an initial e-mail invitation setting the date and giving as much in the way of details as possible. I would expect that to appear in a month or so.

Feel free to forward this to those you think might be interested.

"Love your plan. We'll come! 100% Antarctica might rule out some good collectors who would be valuable contributorsbut the size is right and the plan worthy. Hope to be there. Later June is better for us." (David Stam)

"Hi: count me in." (Valmar Kurol)

"Why not, good idea, New Hampshire in the Fall [spring], an opportunity to visit USA! 2011 already fixed up at Plymouth; 2012 Scott events already in calender at St. Pauls and Cambridge, but why not for 2013 after Terra Nova finally returns to Cardiff and then heads back across the North Atlantic for Newfoundland. It might take two years to set up a programme and whip up interest. Worth a try." (Mike Tarver)

"Count me in!" (Jeff Rubin)

"You mentioned your idea to me years ago. Count me in but I only wish it were this spring and not a year and a half away. Is there a local theatre or community actors' group in your vicinity? Maybe they would be interested in doing an Antarctican play. (Regina Daly)

"Great idea! Figure I'm closer to "Count me in" than merely "Pretty likely"." (Michael Rosove)

"A great idea, but it's the wrong end of the earth for me." (John Bockstoce)

"Great idea...count me in! This is exactly the kind of event I was hoping you might arrange. Andrea and I would plan to come over and include your weekend as part of a Boston/New England holiday.

Just a few initial thoughts: 1. Timing: The first week of June is London Book fair week so if you can it would be good for me, and I guess other booksellers, to avoid that.
2. Would it be possible to chose a time when there might be a book fair event in Boston or even New York?
3. I would happily either put you in contact with a number of polar book collectors who might be interested and /or I could put an advert in my polar book catalogue.
4. I like your suggested format...aiming to be informal and involving. I suspect you will get a lot of offers from people wanting to plug their books...will you resist them?
5. I would be happy to contribute something short on rare/unusual polar books if you wanted it...and naturally bring over some books for sale and display.
6. Would you consider broadening the scope to include polar ephemera?
7. I assume you would want to build in some time for people to view your collection.
8. Will you be able to give a talk on your research of the extant copies of Aurora Australis." (Paul Davies)

"Although I am primarily an Arctic and not an Antarctic guy (around my house, we call the SP the "other pole"), I'd be glad to drive up and attend any sort of gathering. The pics I have seen of your library up there are amazing, and I'd be delighted to attend.
I have only a few limitations when it comes to the May/June areamost will be similar to those of not-yet-retired academics. My college commitments aren't over until May 12, and there's a possibility I'll be attending the May 29th commencement at Brown (this will be the 20th anniversary of my Ph.D. there); I will also be in Scotland for a polar visual culture conference on 17-18 June. Other than these dates, I am free and would be absolutely delighted to participate." (Russell Potter)

"Very likely to be interested but busy time for astronomical stuff, including an annular eclipse in the southwest May 20, Transit of Venus from the west June 6, and a conference in Anchorage June 10-14, 2012. So for me, after June 14 is better or earlier in May." (Laura Kay)

"Nice idea and will undoubtedly be fun. I am afraid that you must put me down as pretty doubtfulDespite the attractions of talking about Antarctic books to afficionados the costs would buy us an extension of the Egypt trip up into Jordan to see Petra and some of the early crusader castles. Unless somebody happens to pay for me to come across at the right time I reckon I will be exploring other cultures with the money! However, good luck with the venture!" (David Walton)

"A Happy New Year to you! What a delightful note on which to start 2011 - I would love to attend, but would urge you to set the dates so that those European librarians with an interest will already be in the United States for the 2012 Polar Libraries Colloquy to be held in Boulder (probably in late May, dates tbc). This is the only other forum I know which regularly covers the ground, bibliographically speaking." (Heather Lane)

"I'm definitely interested. The devil is always in the details, of course." (Larry Conrad)

"I would put myself down as "Pretty Likely" to attend, though the timing end of May/early June is one of our busiest times of year, so it would be difficult for me to get away. If it were to fall during finals week, reunion week, or convocation, I would not be able to attend because of commitments here." (Jay Satterfield)

"Count me in, depending on the dates that are chosen." (David Lilburne)

"Looks like a fascinating eventwhich I'd love to attend. Unfortunately, however, distance and cost mean that I'm highly unlikely to make itbut thanks for including me in the invite.
The only suggestion I'd make is that it might be good to include something specifically on autographs / signed material as well, something I'm particularly interested in." (Stephen Haddelsey)

"I'm very interested in attending so put me down as "very likely in attending". I know your Gathering is a year and a half away but one initial thought I had was for all attendees to put together a brief bio on their Antarctic background, interest, experience etc. This could be shared prior to the event and I think would be very helpful. For example my uncle Roy Fitzsimmons, who died in WW II, was the Physicist, Magnetician & Seismologist on the U.S Antarctic Service Expedition 1939-41 with Admiral Byrd as Commander. This knowledge and a stop in Jay Platt's bookstore in 1998 got me started collecting books on the Antarctic. Since then I've put together a fairly complete collection of books on Antarctic exploration and have travelled the world in making this happen. "Spence" and "Rosove" have been my primary sources of info and I certainly hope Michael Rosove would be attending." (Joe Fitzsimmons)

"Thanks for your message. It's a lovely idea, and I'd like to think I would be in attendance if you do go ahead. That said, it comes down to timing from a bookselling perspective I have to be present at any fairs that are taking placeand I also have family commitments which I need to respect. I suppose this means that, Yes, please keep me informed of any developments. I may not be able to attend, but would try to if I possibly could. (Stuart Leggatt)

"Count me as 'Pretty likely'." (Richard Wolak)

"Sounds like a good idea if can combine with Charlie." (Jonathan Shackleton)

"'The proposed weekend looks very interesting. You can put me down as 'pretty likely' as my children will be that little bit older which should allow me to get away!" (Seamus Taaffe)

"I'd be 'Doubtful' but keep me informed." (Bob Burton)

"Thanks for the outline of the proposed gathering which certainly sounds interesting. As you rightly acknowledge, Jaffrrey is a long way for some of us and therefore I cannot see myself making the trip.
However in thinking about the concept, I would humbly suggest that you may need to find a definite focal point for the weekend. At a guess, most of those likely to attend will already have book collections, etc and it may be necessary to offer something different or something which they do not already have to encourage them to make the trip. I realise this will not extend to an Athy-like programme of events, but perhaps there is scope for at least one notable guest speaker who might be prepared to offer his/her services for free." (Michael Smith)

"I would certainly be interested in coming." (Cameron Treleaven)

"A great idea—attendance doubtful—but you never know!" (David Wilson)

"What a great idea for an Antarctic gathering! At this stage, certainly put me down for 'count me in' status." (Greg Glade)