Included here are some of the nicknames and noms de plume associated with Antarctic explorers, mostly those identified with the Heroic Age. Expeditions on which the explorers served are included although the entries may not be complete. The sources are not included although they have been noted in the database from which this is drawn (although recent ones sent to me have been identified). Additional ones are welcomed.

Launched: 16 December 2001. Last updated: 12 November 2016.




Tiny–George Abbott. Terra Nova.

Bill–Jameson Adams. Nimrod.

The Mate–Jameson Adams. Nimrod. (Thanks to Tim Adams)

The Chief–Roald Amundsen. Fram.

The Gadfly–Roald Amundsen. Fram. [Used by Clements Markham. Thanks to Jan Piggott.]

The Governor–Roald Amundsen. Fram.

The Pilot–Albert Armitage. Terra Nova.

Bertie–Bertram Armytage. Nimrod.

What what–Bertram Armytage. Nimrod.

Atch–Dr Edward Atkinson. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Jane–Dr Edward Atkinson. [nom de plume] Terra Nova. (Thanks to Heather Lane)

Badget–Robert Bage. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Bakie–William Bakewell. Endurance.

Mik or Mick–Michael Barne. Discovery.

Mr Frostbites–Michael Barne. Discovery.

Fitz Clarence–Michael Barne. [nom de plume] Discovery.

Bunny–Louis C. Bernacchi. Discovery.

Loadstone–Louis C. Bernacchi. [nom de plume] Discovery.

Bick–Francis H. Bickerton. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Blackie–Perce Blackborow. Endurance.

Beakie–Henry R. Bowers. Terra Nova.

Birdie–Henry R. Bowers. Terra Nova.

Bosun Bill–Henry R. Bowers. Terra Nova.

Kinky, Kinky Bonk–Henry R. Bowers. Terra Nova.

Nosie–Henry R. Bowers. Terra Nova.

Polly–Henry R. Bowers. Terra Nova.

Sir Full Up–Sir Philip Brocklehurst. Nimrod.

Rings–Frank Browning. Terra Nova.

The Wicked Mate–Victor Campbell. Terra Nova.

Alf–Alfred Cheetham. Endurance.

Bipes–Apsley Cherry-Garrard. Terra Nova.

The Cheery One–Apsley Cherry-Garrard. Terra Nova.

Cherry–Apsley Cherry-Garrard. Terra Nova.

Laddie–Apsley Cherry-Garrard. Terra Nova.

Bob–Robert S. Clark. Endurance.

J.C.–John H. Close. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Terribus–John H. Close. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Terror–John H. Close. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Bernadette Hince)

Little Willie Smith–Percy E. Correll. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Percy–Percy E. Correll. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Hurrah the Willah–Tom Crean. [nom de plume] Discovery, Terra Nova, Endurance.

Tom–Tom Crean. Discovery, Terra Nova, Endurance.

Jumper–Jacob Cross. [nom de plume] Discovery.

Ironwood–Fred E. Dailey. [nom de plume] Discovery.

The Old Pro–Tannatt William Edgeworth David. Nimrod.

The Prof–Tannatt William Edgeworth David. Nimrod.

Gloomy–John King Davis. Nimrod, AAE 1911-14, BANZARE.

Beanam–Frank Debenham. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Deb–Frank Debenham. Terra Nova.

Dick–Harry Dickason. Terra Nova.

Doug–Eric Douglas. BANZARE 1929-31. (Thanks to Sally Douglas)

Fiskebolle–Eric Douglas. BANZARE 1929-31. (Called this by Richie Simmers of BANZARE. Thanks to Sally Douglas)

Linky–Lincoln Ellsworth. I-IV Ellsworth Antarctic expeditions. (Thanks to Sally E. Douglas)

Rhossilly–Edgar Evans. [nom de plume] Discovery. Terra Nova.

Taff–Edgar Evans. Discovery. Terra Nova.

The Skipper–Edward Ratcliffe Garth Russell Evans. Terra Nova.

Teddy–Edward Ratcliffe Garth Russell Evans. Terra Nova.

Birdie–R. A. Falla. AAE 1911-14. BANZARE. (Thanks to Sally Douglas)

Our Junior Scientist–H. T. Ferrar. Discovery.

Historicus–Charles Reginald Ford. [nom de plume] Discovery.

Taff–Thomas Alfred Forster Feather. Discovery. (Thanks to David Scheeres who says the nickname derived from his initials TAF; also to Glenn "Marty" Stein who provided the two middle names.)

Cherub–Harold Fletcher. BANZARE. (Thanks to Sally Douglas)

Bunny–Sir Vivian Fuchs. British Commonwealth Transantarctic expedition.

Amourski–Demitri Gerof. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Curly–Daniel Fulthorpe Gooch. Endurance (left at South Georgia).

Trigger–Trygve Gran. Terra Nova.

XYZ.F.R.S.R. [Fellow of the Royal Society of Rabbits]–Trygve Gran. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Chef–Charles Green. Endurance, Quest.

Doughballs–Charles Green. Endurance, Quest.

Horace–Lionel Greenstreet. Endurance.

Walter–Walter Henry Hannam. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Vic–Victor Hayward. Ross Sea Party. (Thanks to Tracy Bryce)

Arch–Charles Archibald Hoadley. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Bernadette Hince)

Alfie–Alfred J. Hodgeman. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Uncle, Uncle Alfie–Alfred J. Hodgeman. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Muggins–Thomas Hodgson. Discovery.

Holie–Ernest Holness. Endurance.

Lofty–Frederick J. Hooper. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Hownow–Walter How. Endurance.

Wally–Walter How. Endurance.

Buddha–Hubert Hudson. Endurance.

Johnnie–John G. Hunter. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Frank–James Francis Hurley. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Hoyle–James Francis Hurley. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Jonah–James Francis Hurley. AAE 1911-14. Endurance. (Thanks to Bob Burton)

The Prince–James Francis Hurley. AAE 1911-14. Endurance.

Huss, Huz–Leonard Hussey. Endurance.

Uzbird–Leonard Hussey. Endurance.

The Doc–W. W. Ingram. BANZARE. (Thanks to Sally Douglas)

Jimmy–Reginald James. Endurance.

Ernie–Ernest Joyce. Nimrod. Ross Sea Party.

The Professor–Harvey Johnston. BANZARE. (Thanks to Sally Douglas)

Jacker–Thomas Kennar. [nom de plume] Discovery.

Patsy–Patrick Keohane. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Krasky–Alexander Kerr. Endurance.

Cutlets–Reginald Koettlitz. Discovery.

Spes–Reginald Koettlitz. Discovery.

Carl–Charles Francis Laseron. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Bernadette Hince)

Joe–Charles Francis Laseron. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Old Black Joe–Charles Francis Laseron. AAE 1911-14.

Lash–William Lashly. Discovery. Terra Nova.

The Muz–Murray Levick. Terra Nova.

The Old Sport–Murray Levick. Terra Nova.

Toffer, Tofferino–Murray Levick. Terra Nova.

Ooze–Dennis Gascoigne Lillie. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Mac–Alistair Forbes Mackay. Nimrod.

Mack–Captain Aeneas Lionel Acton Mackintosh. Ross Sea Party. (Thanks to Tracy Bryce)

Mack–Alexander Macklin. Endurance. Quest.

Stornoway–Thomas Frank McLeod. Terra Nova. Endurance. Quest. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Madi–Cecil Madigan. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Babe–J. W. S. Marr. Quest. BANZARE. (Thanks to Sally Douglas)

Doc–Eric Marshall. Nimrod

The Jester–George Marston. Nimrod. Endurance.

Muffin–George Marston. Nimrod. Endurance. (Source: Hampshire Record Office Archives)

Putty–George Marston. Nimrod. Endurance.

Bacon–John Hugh Mather. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

D.I.–Sir Douglas Mawson. Nimrod. AAE 1911-14. BANZARE. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Dux Ipse–Sir Douglas Mawson. Nimrod. AAE 1911-14. BANZARE. (Appears in 2010 edition of The Adelie Blizzard)

Doctor–Sir Douglas Mawson. Nimrod. AAE 1911-14. BANZARE. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

The Dux–Sir Douglas Mawson. Nimrod. AAE 1911-14. BANZARE. (Thanks to Sally Douglas)

The Long Man–Sir Douglas Mawson. Nimrod, AAE 1911-14, BANZARE.

Tadhg–Timothy McCarthy. Endurance.

Tim–Timothy McCarthy. Endurance.

Mickey–James McIlroy. Endurance.

Archie–Archibald McLean. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Bernadette Hince)

Dad–Archibald McLean. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Stornoway–Thomas Frank McLeod. Terra Nova. Endurance. Quest. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Chips–Harry McNish. Endurance.

Lobby–Cecil Meares. Terra Nova. (Letters to his wife in the British Columbia Provincial Archives in Victoria are signed thusly.)

Mother–Cecil Meares. Terra Nova. (Noted on p247, "With Scott: the Silver Lining." Thanks to Dr Christian Jostmann)

X (the ubknown quantity)–Xavier Mertz. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Little Peterkin–George F.A. Mulock. Discovery.

Bronte–Edward W. Nelson. Terra Nova. (Thanks to Rachel Morgan and Heather Lane)

Antonio the Immaculate–Edward W. Nelson. Terra Nova. (Thanks to Heather Lane)

Marie–Edward W. Nelson. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Marie Ducat–Edward W. Nelson. [nom de plume] Terra Nova. (Thanks to Heather Lane)

Cherub–Belgrave E.S. Ninnis. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Ninn–Belgrave E.S. Ninnis. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Soldier–L. E. G. Oates. Terra Nova.

Titus–L. E. G. Oates. Terra Nova.

Belly Burglar–Thomas Hans Orde-Lees. Endurance. (Thanks to Victoria McKernan)

Colonel, Kernal–Thomas Hans Orde-Lees. Endurance.

Old Lady–Thomas Hans Orde-Lees. Endurance. (Thanks to Victoria McKernan)

Penelope–Harry L.L. Pennell. Terra Nova.

Ponco–Herbert G. Ponting. Terra Nova.

Gerald–Raymond E. Priestley. Terra Nova.

Messman–Raymond E. Priestley. [nom de plume Aurora Australis] Terra Nova.

Ray–Raymond E. Priestley. Terra Nova.

Dick–Richard W. Richards. Ross Sea Party. (Thanks to Tracy Bryce)

Richie–Richard W. Richards. Ross Sea Party. (Thanks to Tracy Bryce)

Rickey–Louis Rickenson. Endurance.

Bobs–William C. Roberts. Nimrod.

Frosty–Charles W. Rawson Royds. Discovery.

Our Charlie–Charles W. Rawson Royds. Discovery,

Walrus–Martin Rønne. Fram. Byrd AE 1928-30.

Birdie–Charles W. Rawson Royds. [nom de plume Aurora Australis] Discovery.

Loki–Charles W. Rawson Royds. [nom de plume Aurora Australis] Discovery.

Meteorologist–Charles W. Rawson Royds. [nom de plume Aurora Australis] Discovery.

Acrostic–Robert Falcon Scott. [nom de plume] Discovery. Terra Nova.

The Boss–Robert Falcon Scott. Discovery. Terra Nova. (Shackleton was also called The Boss.)

Con–Robert Falcon Scott. Discovery. Terra Nova.

Old Mooney–Robert Falcon Scott. A name used by Scott's father in reference to his daydreaming. (Ranulph Fiennes, Captain Scott, p.17)

The Owner–Robert Falcon Scott. Discovery. Terra Nova.

Glossopetris Flora–Robert Falcon Scott. [nom de plume South Polar Times, April 1902] Discovery. Terra Nova. (Thanks to Sylvie Griffon)

Cross Stick–Robert Falcon Scott. [nom de plume South Polar Times, April 1902] Discovery. Terra Nova. (Thanks to Sylvie Griffon)

Experto Crede–Robert Falcon Scott. [nom de plume South Polar Times, May 1902] Discovery. Terra Nova. (Thanks to Sylvie Griffon)

Ignotus–Robert Falcon Scott. [nom de plume South Polar Times, August 1902] Discovery. Terra Nova. (Thanks to Sylvie Griffon)

Juxta–Robert Falcon Scott. [nom de plume South Polar Times, August 1902] Discovery. Terra Nova. (Thanks to Sylvie Griffon)

Truegg–Robert Falcon Scott. Discovery. Terra Nova. "I don't know if it was just a slip of the tongue or a nickname the sailors used between them because the only reference is in Evans' book: Truegg "Everybody took a turn, and associated with this dance I might mention that Clissold so far forgot himself as to call Scott 'Good old Truegg.'" (South With Scott, Rear-Admiral Edward R. G. R. Evans)" (Thanks to Sylvie Griffon)

The Boss–Ernest H. Shackleton. Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest. (Scott was also called The Boss, although not as frequently.)

Emiky–Ernest H. Shackleton. [Pet names with his wife] Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Frosty–Charles W. Rawson Royds. Discovery.

Holie–Ernest Holness. Endurance.

Hownow–Walter How. Endurance.

Jimson–George Simpson. Terra Nova.

Lofty–Frederick J. Hooper. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Mick–Ernest H. Shackleton. [Schoolboy name] Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Micky–Ernest H. Shackleton. [Pet names with his wife] Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Mikeberry–Ernest H. Shackleton. [Pet names with his wife] Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Mikleham–Ernest H. Shackleton. [Pet names with his wife] Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Nemo–Ernest H. Shackleton. [nom de plume] Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Old Cautious–Ernest H. Shackleton. [Quoted in Mill's Life.] Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Our Charlie–Charles W. Rawson Royds. Discovery,

Shackles, Shackle–Ernest H. Shackleton. Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Sunny Jim–George Simpson. Terra Nova.

Skellie, Skelly–Reginald Skelton. Discovery.

Shetland Johnnie–John Smith. Scotia.

Padre–The Rev. Arnold Patrick Spencer-Smith. Ross Sea Party. (Thanks to Tracy Bryce)

Steve–William Stephenson. Endurance.

Cormy–Thomas Griffith Taylor. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Griff–Thomas Griffith Taylor. Terra Nova.

Jessamine–Thomas Griffith Taylor. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Keir Hardie–Thomas Griffith Taylor. Terra Nova. (Noted on p47, "With Scott: the Silver Lining." Thanks to Dr Christian Jostmann)

Bos'n, Bo'sun–John Vincent. Endurance.

Sailor Jack–John Vincent. Endurance.

Azi, Azimuth–Eric N. Webb. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Erebus–Leslie H. Whetter. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Bernadette Hince)

Error–Leslie H. Whetter. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Frankie–Frank Wild. Discovery. Nimrod. AAE 1911-14. Endurance. Quest.

Shellback–Frank Wild. Discovery. [nom de plume] Nimrod. AAE 1911-14. Endurance. Quest. (Thanks to Mark Harris)

Stormy Petrel–Charles Wilkes. US Exploring Expedition.

Billy–Edward A. Wilson. Discovery. Terra Nova.

Ted–Edward A. Wilson. Discovery. Terra Nova.

Uncle Bill–Edward A. Wilson. Discovery. Terra Nova.

Jock–James Wordie. Endurance.

Skipper–Frank Worsley. Endurance. Quest.

Wuzzles–Frank Worsley. Endurance. Quest.

Silas–Charles S. Wright. Terra Nova.

Trahnter–Charles S. Wright. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Acrostic–Robert Falcon Scott. [nom de plume] Discovery. Terra Nova.

Alf–Alfred Cheetham. Endurance.

Alfie–Alfred J. Hodgeman. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Amourski–Demitri Gerof. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Antonio the Immaculate–Edward W. Nelson. Terra Nova. (Thanks to Heather Lane)

Arch–Charles Archibald Hoadley. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Bernadette Hince)

Archie–Archibald McLean. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Bernadette Hince)

Atch–Dr Edward Atkinson. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Azi, Azimuth–Eric N. Webb. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Babe–J. W. S. Marr. Quest. BANZARE. (Thanks to Sally Douglas)

Bacon–John Hugh Mather. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Badget–Robert Bage. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Bakie–William Bakewell. Endurance.

Beakie–Henry R. Bowers. Terra Nova.

Beanam–Frank Debenham. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Belly Burglar–Thomas Hans Orde-Lees. Endurance. (Thanks to Victoria McKernan)

Bertie–Bertram Armytage. Nimrod.

Bick–Francis H. Bickerton. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Bill–Jameson Adams. Nimrod.

Billy–Edward A. Wilson. Discovery. Terra Nova.

Bipes–Apsley Cherry-Garrard. Terra Nova.

Birdie–R. A. Falla. AAE 1911-14. BANZARE. (Thanks to Sally Douglas)

Birdie–Henry R. Bowers. Terra Nova.

Birdie–Charles W. Rawson Royds. [nom de plume Aurora Australis] Discovery.

Blackie–Perce Blackborow. Endurance.

Bob–Robert S. Clark. Endurance.

Bobs–William C. Roberts. Nimrod.

Bos'n, Bo'sun–John Vincent. Endurance.

The Boss–Robert Falcon Scott. Discovery. Terra Nova. (Shackleton was also called The Boss.)

The Boss–Ernest H. Shackleton. Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest. (Scott was also called The Boss, although not as frequently.)

Bosun Bill–Henry R. Bowers. Terra Nova.

Bronte–Edward W. Nelson. Terra Nova. (Thanks to Rachel Morgan and Heather Lane)

Buddha–Hubert Hudson. Endurance.

Bunny–Louis C. Bernacchi. Discovery.

Bunny–Sir Vivian Fuchs. British Commonwealth Transantarctic expedition.

Carl–Charles Francis Laseron. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Bernadette Hince)

The Cheery One–Apsley Cherry-Garrard. Terra Nova.

Chef–Charles Green. Endurance, Quest.

Cherry–Apsley Cherry-Garrard. Terra Nova.

Cherub–Belgrave E.S. Ninnis. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Cherub–Harold Fletcher. BANZARE. (Thanks to Sally Douglas)

The Chief–Roald Amundsen. Fram.

Chips–Harry McNish. Endurance.

Colonel, Kernal–Thomas Hans Orde-Lees. Endurance.

Con–Robert Falcon Scott. Discovery. Terra Nova.

Cormy–Thomas Griffith Taylor. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Cross Stick–Robert Falcon Scott. [nom de plume South Polar Times, April 1902] Discovery. Terra Nova. (Thanks to Sylvie Griffon)

Curly–Daniel Fulthorpe Gooch. Endurance (left at South Georgia).

Cutlets–Reginald Koettlitz. Discovery.

Dad–Archibald McLean. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Deb–Frank Debenham. Terra Nova.

D.I.–Sir Douglas Mawson. Nimrod. AAE 1911-14. BANZARE. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Dick–Harry Dickason. Terra Nova.

Dick–Richard W. Richards. Ross Sea Party. (Thanks to Tracy Bryce)

Doc–Eric Marshall. Nimrod

The Doc–W. W. Ingram. BANZARE. (Thanks to Sally Douglas)

Doctor–Sir Douglas Mawson. Nimrod. AAE 1911-14. BANZARE. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Doug–Eric Douglas. BANZARE 1929-31. (Thanks to Sally Douglas)

Doughballs–Charles Green. Endurance, Quest.

The Dux–Sir Douglas Mawson. Nimrod. AAE 1911-14. BANZARE. (Thanks to Sally Douglas)

Dux Ipse–Sir Douglas Mawson. Nimrod. AAE 1911-14. BANZARE. (Appears in 2010 edition of The Adelie Blizzard)

Emiky–Ernest H. Shackleton. [Pet names with his wife] Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Erebus–Leslie H. Whetter. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Bernadette Hince)

Ernie–Ernest Joyce. Nimrod. Ross Sea Party.

Error–Leslie H. Whetter. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Experto Crede–Robert Falcon Scott. [nom de plume South Polar Times, May 1902] Discovery. Terra Nova. (Thanks to Sylvie Griffon)

Fiskebolle–Eric Douglas. BANZARE 1929-31. (Called this by Richie Simmers of BANZARE. Thanks to Sally Douglas)

Fitz Clarence–Michael Barne. [nom de plume] Discovery.

Frank–James Francis Hurley. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Frankie–Frank Wild. Discovery. Nimrod. AAE 1911-14. Endurance. Quest.

Frosty–Charles W. Rawson Royds. Discovery.

The Gadfly–Roald Amundsen. Fram. [Used by Clements Markham. Thanks to Jan Piggott.]

Gerald–Raymond E. Priestley. Terra Nova.

Gloomy–John King Davis. Nimrod, AAE 1911-14, BANZARE.

Glossopetris Flora–Robert Falcon Scott. [nom de plume South Polar Times, April 1902] Discovery. Terra Nova. (Thanks to Sylvie Griffon)

The Governor–Roald Amundsen. Fram.

Griff–Thomas Griffith Taylor. Terra Nova.

Historicus–Charles Reginald Ford. [nom de plume] Discovery.

Horace–Lionel Greenstreet. Endurance.

Hoyle–James Francis Hurley. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Hurrah the Willah–Tom Crean. [nom de plume] Discovery, Terra Nova, Endurance.

Huss, Huz–Leonard Hussey. Endurance.

Ignotus–Robert Falcon Scott. [nom de plume South Polar Times, August 1902] Discovery. Terra Nova. (Thanks to Sylvie Griffon)

Ironwood–Fred E. Dailey. [nom de plume] Discovery.

Jacker–Thomas Kennar. [nom de plume] Discovery.

Jane–Dr Edward Atkinson. [nom de plume] Terra Nova. (Thanks to Heather Lane)

J.C.–John H. Close. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Jessamine–Thomas Griffith Taylor. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

The Jester–George Marston. Nimrod. Endurance.

Jimmy–Reginald James. Endurance.

Jimson–George Simpson. Terra Nova.

Jock–James Wordie. Endurance.

Joe–Charles Francis Laseron. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Johnnie–John G. Hunter. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Jonah–James Francis Hurley. AAE 1911-14. Endurance. (Thanks to Bob Burton)

Jumper–Jacob Cross. [nom de plume] Discovery.

Juxta–Robert Falcon Scott. [nom de plume South Polar Times, August 1902] Discovery. Terra Nova. (Thanks to Sylvie Griffon)

Keir Hardie–Thomas Griffith Taylor. Terra Nova. (Noted on p47, "With Scott: the Silver Lining." Thanks to Dr Christian Jostmann)

Kinky, Kinky Bonk–Henry R. Bowers. Terra Nova.

Krasky–Alexander Kerr. Endurance.

Laddie–Apsley Cherry-Garrard. Terra Nova.

Lash–William Lashly. Discovery. Terra Nova.

Linky–Lincoln Ellsworth. I-IV Ellsworth Antarctic expeditions. (Thanks to Sally E. Douglas)

Little Peterkin–George F.A. Mulock. Discovery.

Little Willie Smith–Percy E. Correll. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Loadstone–Louis C. Bernacchi. [nom de plume] Discovery.

Lobby–Cecil Meares. Terra Nova. (Letters to his wife in the British Columbia Provincial Archives in Victoria are signed thusly.)

Loki–Charles W. Rawson Royds. [nom de plume Aurora Australis] Discovery.

The Long Man–Sir Douglas Mawson. Nimrod, AAE 1911-14, BANZARE.

Mac–Alistair Forbes Mackay. Nimrod.

Mack–Alexander Macklin. Endurance. Quest.

Madi–Cecil Madigan. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Marie–Edward W. Nelson. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Marie Ducat–Edward W. Nelson. [nom de plume] Terra Nova. (Thanks to Heather Lane)

The Mate–Jameson Adams. Nimrod. (Thanks to Tim Adams)

Messman–Raymond E. Priestley. [nom de plume Aurora Australis] Terra Nova.

Meteorologist–Charles W. Rawson Royds. [nom de plume Aurora Australis] Discovery.

Mick–Ernest H. Shackleton. [Schoolboy name] Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Mickey–James McIlroy. Endurance.

Micky–Ernest H. Shackleton. [Pet names with his wife] Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Mik or Mick–Michael Barne. Discovery.

Mikeberry–Ernest H. Shackleton. [Pet names with his wife] Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Mikleham–Ernest H. Shackleton. [Pet names with his wife] Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Mother–Cecil Meares. Terra Nova. (Noted on p247, "With Scott: the Silver Lining." Thanks to Dr Christian Jostmann)

Mr Frostbites–Michael Barne. Discovery.

Muffin–George Marston. Nimrod. Endurance. (Source: Hampshire Record Office Archives)

Muggins–Thomas Hodgson. Discovery.

The Muz–Murray Levick. Terra Nova.

Nemo–Ernest H. Shackleton. [nom de plume] Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Ninn–Belgrave E.S. Ninnis. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Nosie–Henry R. Bowers. Terra Nova.

Old Black Joe–Charles Francis Laseron. AAE 1911-14.

Old Cautious–Ernest H. Shackleton. [Quoted in Mill's Life.] Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Old Lady–Thomas Hans Orde-Lees. Endurance. (Thanks to Victoria McKernan)

Old Mooney–Robert Falcon Scott. A name used by Scott's father in reference to his daydreaming. (Ranulph Fiennes, Captain Scott, p.17)

The Old Pro–Tannatt William Edgeworth David. Nimrod.

The Old Sport–Murray Levick. Terra Nova.

Ooze–Dennis Gascoigne Lillie. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Our Charlie–Charles W. Rawson Royds. Discovery,

Our Junior Scientist–H. T. Ferrar. Discovery.

The Owner–Robert Falcon Scott. Discovery. Terra Nova.

Padre–The Rev. Arnold Patrick Spencer-Smith. Ross Sea Party. (Thanks to Tracy Bryce)

Patsy–Patrick Keohane. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Penelope–Harry L.L. Pennell. Terra Nova.

Percy–Percy E. Correll. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

The Pilot–Albert Armitage. Terra Nova.

Polly–Henry R. Bowers. Terra Nova.

Ponco–Herbert G. Ponting. Terra Nova.

The Prince–James Francis Hurley. AAE 1911-14. Endurance.

The Prof–Tannatt William Edgeworth David. Nimrod.

The Professor–Harvey Johnston. BANZARE. (Thanks to Sally Douglas)

Putty–George Marston. Nimrod. Endurance.

Ray–Raymond E. Priestley. Terra Nova.

Rhossilly–Edgar Evans. [nom de plume] Discovery. Terra Nova.

Richie–Richard W. Richards. Ross Sea Party. (Thanks to Tracy Bryce)

Rickey–Louis Rickenson. Endurance.

Rings–Frank Browning. Terra Nova.

Sailor Jack–John Vincent. Endurance.

Shellback–Frank Wild. Discovery. [nom de plume] Nimrod. AAE 1911-14. Endurance. Quest. (Thanks to Mark Harris)

Shackles, Shackle–Ernest H. Shackleton. Discovery. Nimrod. Endurance. Quest.

Shetland Johnnie–John Smith. Scotia.

Silas–Charles S. Wright. Terra Nova.

Sir Full Up–Sir Philip Brocklehurst. Nimrod.

Skellie, Skelly–Reginald Skelton. Discovery.

The Skipper–Edward Ratcliffe Garth Russell Evans. Terra Nova.

Skipper–Frank Worsley. Endurance. Quest.

Soldier–L. E. G. Oates. Terra Nova.

Spes–Reginald Koettlitz. Discovery.

Steve–William Stephenson. Endurance.

Stormy Petrel–Charles Wilkes. US Exploring Expedition.

Stornoway–Thomas Frank McLeod. Terra Nova. Endurance. Quest. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Sunny Jim–George Simpson. Terra Nova.

Tadhg–Timothy McCarthy. Endurance.

Taff–Edgar Evans. Discovery. Terra Nova.

Taff–Thomas Alfred Forster Feather. Discovery. (Thanks to David Scheeres who says the nickname derived from his initials TAF; also to Glenn "Marty" Stein who provided the two middle names.)

Ted–Edward A. Wilson. Discovery. Terra Nova.

Teddy–Edward Ratcliffe Garth Russell Evans. Terra Nova.

Terribus–John H. Close. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Terror–John H. Close. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Bernadette Hince)

Tim–Timothy McCarthy. Endurance.

Tiny–George Abbott. Terra Nova.

Titus–L. E. G. Oates. Terra Nova.

Toffer, Tofferino–Murray Levick. Terra Nova.

Tom–Tom Crean. Discovery, Terra Nova, Endurance.

Trahnter–Charles S. Wright. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.

Trigger–Trygve Gran. Terra Nova.

Truegg–Robert Falcon Scott. Discovery. Terra Nova. "I don't know if it was just a slip of the tongue or a nickname the sailors used between them because the only reference is in Evans' book: Truegg "Everybody took a turn, and associated with this dance I might mention that Clissold so far forgot himself as to call Scott 'Good old Truegg.'" (South With Scott, Rear-Admiral Edward R. G. R. Evans)" (Thanks to Sylvie Griffon)

Uncle, Uncle Alfie–Alfred J. Hodgeman. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

Uncle Bill–Edward A. Wilson. Discovery. Terra Nova.

Uzbird–Leonard Hussey. Endurance.

Vic–Victor Hayward. Ross Sea Party. (Thanks to Tracy Bryce)

Wally–Walter How. Endurance.

Walrus–Martin Rønne. Fram. Byrd AE 1928-30.

Walter–Walter Henry Hannam. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

What what–Bertram Armytage. Nimrod.

The Wicked Mate–Victor Campbell. Terra Nova.

Wuzzles–Frank Worsley. Endurance. Quest.

X (the ubknown quantity)–Xavier Mertz. AAE 1911-14. (Thanks to Jeff Rubin)

XYZ.F.R.S.R. [Fellow of the Royal Society of Rabbits]–Trygve Gran. [nom de plume] Terra Nova.