Support from individuals and organizations, particularly from those with expertise in the various fields pursued by Markham, can be a factor in a successful nomination for a Blue Plaque for 21 Eccleston Square. A letter and in some instances an e-mail will be sent out during January 2010 seeking support from the Royal Geographical Society, the Hakluyt Society, Scott Polar Research Institute and a number of polar-related and geographical organizations in Britain and around the world. Support from any interested person or organization—polar or geographical or unrelated—will be welcomed.
The support sought is a letter—either written or typed or as an e-mail—addressed to English Heritage but sent to The Antarctic Circle. Those received will be collected and provided to English Heritage as hard copies.
It would be helpful in your letter to explain your association, if any, to fields or endeavors that have a connection to Markham and his interests and accomplishments.
As letters of support are received the names of the supporters will be added to this page. Some letters may be included as well if it is thought they might be useful for others in composing letters. If you do not want your name or your letter to be made public or agree to have it made public but without attribution, make certain to so indicate. (Addresses and contact details will not be included in any event.)
Letters of support will be welcomed from now onward any time up to 1 August 2010. (The deadline for the letters to be received by English Heritage is 16 August 2010 for presentation to the Blue Plaques Panel on 20 October 2010.)
Feel free to contact Robert Stephenson if you have any questions or concerns.
Letters should be addressed to:
Ms Elizabeth Wardle
Blue Plaques Administrator
English Heritage
and sent to:
Robert B. Stephenson FRGS, Coordinator
The Antarctic Circle
P. O. Box 435
Jaffrey, NH 03452
E-mail: antarctic-circle@comcast.net
If difficulties: rs41@me.com
A petition form has been prepared which you can download for use by organizations and at meetings, etc., for multiple support.