Last updated: 27 November 2021

Below are some collectors of Antarcticana. (A few are even bi-polar and collect Arcticana, too.) And a few do double duty as booksellers or librarians.

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Ted Benttinen

Rhode Island, USA.


John Bonham

London, UK.

Bookseller and collector.

Paul Davies

Devon, UK.

Bookseller and collector.

Rick Dehmel



Greg Glade

Hinesburg, Vermont, USA.

A bookseller and collector specializing in Mountaineering and the Polar Regions. See Top of the World Books

Martin L. Greene

Seattle, USA.

David Harrowfield

Oamaru, New Zealand.

"My library is not all in the room in the picture although many books are here. The Polar Room is my archive/research room, where I enjoy wiling away the occasional hour with any "explorers" who pass through the small town of Oamaru (my bottle of Shackleton whisky is still unopened) and to also showing them sites of historic interest. Oamaru with 13,000 residents, is on our east coast. From here the news of the death of Captain R.F. Scott RN and his party, was sent off via Christchurch to London in February 1913."

Photo: Dr Jim Burgess

Jim McAdam

Cookstown, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland.

Among his specialties: The Falkland Islands; Shackleton.

Joe O'Farrell

Co Wicklow, Ireland.

Jay Platt

Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Bookseller. At the Boston Book Fair, 2012.

Richard Reaney

New Zealand.

Jonathan Shackleton

Co Cavan, Ireland.

Ann Savours Shirley

Kent, UK.

The Dean of Polar Historians. With her dog Liffey.

David and Deirdre Stam

Syracuse, New York, USA.

(Shown here outside the Library of The Antarctic Circle, Jaffrey, NH)
For some highlights from the Stam Collection, see Books on Ice: The Literature of British and American Polar Exploration (New York: Grolier Club, 2005)

Robert Stephenson

The Library of The Antarctic Circle
Jaffrey, New Hampshire, USA.

My first Antarctic book was purchased from the London booksellers Francis Edwards on May 22, 1969. It was that classic Antarctic title: The Worst Journey in the World. It cost 30/- (not a first edition). This puts me as collector of 43 years! Hard to believe. The collection now totals 2,708 items of which books account for 1,556. The remainder includes Art, Scupture, Maps, Photographs, Artifacts, Trade Cards, Postcards, Stamps, Manuscripts, Periodicals, Audio and Video Recordings.

Seamus Taaffe

Co Kildare, Ireland.

Cameron Treleaven

Calgary, Alberta.

Outside his shop, Aquila Books, in 2012.

David Wilson

Folkestone, UK.

In his library, 2012.