Some Aurora Odds and Ends

Launched: 13 April 2010.         Last updated: 13 August 2011

This bookplate was Lot 75 in Christie's King Street sale # 6544 (25 September 2001). The lot, which went for £850 hammer, consisted of the etched copper plate and two proof pulls. The sale catalogue described the bookplate as being done by Margarete Geibel who was "born in Weimar in 1876 and is noted in Benezit as an engraver. It appears that Shackleton did not use this bookplate but the image shows the Nimrod at the edge of the ice-pack with penguins, the sun setting, and in the foreground a copy of 'Aurora Australis' held up and open at the title page." (Sharp eyes will see that the title page is Variant B.)

This sheet music, composed by J. Sutherland, is in the archives of the State Library of Tasmania (Crowther collection CRO 780.994 MUS). You can find it in its entirety at
Of course, it has nothing to do with the book 'Aurora Australis,' but the cover image a very nice nonetheless.