Erebus: A Poem by E. H. Shackleton
In comparing the two texts, the only difference (other than carriage returns) is that the next to last line in The Antarctic Book concludes with a hyphen (i.e. dim-) while in the Aurora Australis there is no hyphen (i.e. dim seen). The hyphen seems to have no purpose as no word is hyphenated.Aurora Australis: A Poem by E. H. ShackletonDoes not appear in the Aurora Australis.Bathybia, or What Might Have Been at the South Pole, by D. MawsonNo significant changes were made to the original as it appeared in the Aurora Australis when it was included in The Antarctic Book. Nearly all are stylistic and punctuation changes. Several misspellings are corrected. In one instance an error appears to have been inserted into The Antarctic Book version: The word "basis" is inserted to replace "basin" on page 51, line 7. "Basin" is almost surely correct. Paragraphs are either done aways with or replaced with a ¶
Single quotation marks (') are often replaced by double quotes (").
Page 29, Line 04: a hyphen has been inserted between "Rising" and "time", i.e. "Rising-time".
Page 29, Line 08: a colon replaces a semi-colon after sounded.
Page 29, Line 08: a period replaces a hyphen, i.e. "8-30" becomes "8.30".
Page 29, Line 12: "to effectively wake" replaced by "to wake effectively".
Page 29, Line 16: "southern" capitalized, i.e. "Southern".
Page 29, Line 23: "250" spelled out, i.e. "two hundred and fifty".
Page 29, Line 24: "Mt." spelled out, i.e. "Mount".
Page 30, Line 06: A hypen is inserted between "High" and "level", i.e. "high-level".
Page 30, Line 12: A hypen is inserted between "man" and "power", i.e. "man-power".
Page 30, Line 14: A hypen is inserted to "Today" to become "To-day".
Page 30, Line 15: A comma is removed after "under way".
Page 30, Line 25: The word "new" added between "The" and "sledges".
Page 31, Line 05: A hypen is inserted between "fog" and "bank", i.e. "fog-bank".
Page 31, Line 07: A comma is removed between "day" and "we".
Page 31, Line 09: A hyphen is inserted between "ice" and "blink", i.e. "ice-blink".
Page 31, Line 11: A hyphen is inserted between "fog" and "bank", i.e. "fog-bank".
Page 31, Line 14: "100" spelled out, i.e. "one hundred".
Page 31, Line 22: "Enquiring" replaced by "Inquiring".
Page 31, Lines 24, 25: The three dashes have been removed.
Page 32, Line 04: "volcanoe" replaced by "volcano".
Page 32, Line 06: "North and South" changed to "north and south".
Page 32, Line 07: A hyphen is inserted between "cloud" and "bank", i.e. "cloud-bank".
Page 32, Line 10: A hyphen is adinsertedded between "wall" and "like", i.e. "wall-like".
Page 32, Line 13: An explanation point is inserted following "abyss".
Page 32, Line 15: An explanation point is inserted following "expected".
Page 32, Line 17: An explanation point is inserted following "seemed".
Page 32, Line 19: A question mark is inserted following "progress".
Page 32, Line 20: "South" changed to "south".
Page 32, Line 28: "afterwards, camp" changed to "afterwards camp".
Page 33, Line 10: A hyphen is inserted between "sea" and "level", i.e. "sea-level".
Page 33, Line 19: A hyphen is inserted between "mountain" and "side", i.e. "mountain-side".
Page 33, Line 19: A hyphen is inserted between "Thaw" and "water", i.e. "Thaw-water".
Page 33, Line 22: A hyphen is inserted between "crystal" and "clear", i.e. "crystal-clear".
Page 33, Line 26: Quotation marks are inserted to set off the word hoosh, i.e. "hoosh".
Page 33, Line 28: The word "after" is inserted between "immediately" and "crawling" to read "immediately after crawling".
Page 34, Line 03: A comma is inserted between "and" and "ploughing" to read "and, ploughing".
Page 34, Line 25: "undulating plain" has been made plural, i.e. "plains".
Page 34, Line 28: "Fahr." has been changed to "F."
Page 35, Line 7: "algae fungi" has been changed to "algae and fungi".
Page 35, Line 12: A hyphen is inserted between "red" and "coloured", i.e. "red-coloured".
Page 35, Line 28: A hyphen is inserted between "large" and "bodied", i.e. "large-bodied".
Page 36, Line 3: A comma is inserted between "length" and "and" to read "length, and".
Page 36, Line 6: The words "giant Tick" have been changed to read "magificent tick".
Page 36, Line 13: A hyphen is inserted between "ice" and "axes", i.e. "ice-axes".
Page 36, Line 17: A hyphen is inserted between "camping" and "ground", i.e. "camping-ground".
Page 37, Line 3: A hyphen is inserted between "Raft" and "building", i.e. "Raft-building".
Page 37, Line 5: A comma is inserted between "available" and "and" to read "available, and".
Page 37, Line 8: The hyphen in "sea-farers" and is removed to read "seafarers".
Page 37, Line 12: The hyphen in "water-log" and is removed to read "waterlog".
Page 37, Line 15: A hyphen is inserted between "spyrogyra" and "like", i.e. "spyrogyra-like".
Page 37, Line 18: A comma is removed between "progress" and "several" to read "progress several".
Page 37, Line 26: A hyphen is inserted between "food" and "stuffs", i.e. "food-stuffs".
Page 37, Line 27: The hyphen in "ship-building" and is removed to read "shipbuilding".
Page 38, Line 2: A comma is removed between "forward" and "and" to read "forward and".
Page 38, Line 9: Commas are inserted before "becoming" and after "anxious" to read "commander, becoming anxious, set".
Page 38, Line 12: A comma is removed between "jungle" and "when" to read "jungle when".
Page 38, Line 14: The word "Tick" is made all lower case to read "tick".
Page 38, Line 14: A comma is inserted between "carcase" and "and" to read "carcase, and".
Page 39, Line 3: The phrase "reght stuff, man, aye it is!" is changed to read "recht stuff, mon, aye it is!"
Page 39, Line 4: A comma is inserted between "again" and "as" to read "again, as".
Page 39, Line 6: A comma is removed between "beverage" and "that" to read "beverage that".
Page 39, Line 7: The word "especially" is changed to "specially".
Page 39, Line 9: A hyphen is inserted between "night" and "watch", i.e. "night-watch".
Page 39, Line 12: A hyphen is inserted between "food" and "bags", i.e. "food-bags".
Page 39, Line 14: A hyphen is inserted between "night" and "watchman", i.e. "night-watchman".
Page 39, Line 16: The word "been" is changed to "proved".
Page 39, Line 18: A hyphen is inserted between "miraculously" and "healed", i.e. "miraculously-healed".
Page 39, Line 24: A comma is removed between "enacted" and "more" to read "enacted more".
Page 40, Line 1: The phrase following "consequences" has been removed. In the Aurora Australis it reads "consequences in the case of several apparently poisonous substances."
Page 40, Line 4: A hyphen is inserted between "mushroom" and "type", i.e. "mushroom-type".
Page 40, Line 5: A hyphen is inserted between "sweet" and "tasting", i.e. "sweet-tasting".
Page 40, Line 12: The word "Today," is changed to "That day".
Page 40, Line 18: A semi-colon is replaced by a colon after "Bathybia".
Page 40, Line 21: The word "accomodated," is changed to "accommodated".
Page 40, Line 28: A hyphen is inserted between "food" and "supply", i.e. "food-supply".
Page 41, Line 2: A comma is inserted between "regions" and "for" to read "regions, for".
Page 41, Line 2: The phrase "though the summer conditions" is changed to "though in the summer the conditions" to read "regions, for".
Page 41, Line 4: The word "dark" between "long" and "night" is removed.
Page 41, Line 5: The word "months" is inserted after "winter" to read "winter months".
Page 41, Line 5: A comma is inserted between "soon" and "therefore" to read "soon, therefore".
Page 41, Line 7: The word "down-staeam," is changed to "down-stream".
Page 41, Line 11: A hyphen is inserted between "weed" and "banks", i.e. "weed-banks".
Page 41, Line 20: The phrase "freshly gathered" is changed to "fresh-gathered".
Page 41, Line 22: "Fahr." has been changed to "F."
Page 41, Line 26: The words "rotifers" and "tardigrada" have been capitalized.
Page 42, Line 5: A comma is inserted between "denser" and "so" to read "denser, so".
Page 42, Line 26: A hyphen is inserted between "water" and "bears" to read "water-bears".
Page 42, Line 28: A comma is inserted between "rotifers" and "were" to read "rotifers, were".
Page 43, Line 5: The word "with" is changed to "to".
Page 43, Line 14: A comma is inserted between "daylight" and "at" to read "daylight, at".
Page 43, Line 24: A comma is removed between "passed" and "was" to read "passed was".
Page 44, Line 1: A hyphen is inserted between "water" and "bear" to read "water-bear".
Page 44, Line 2: The word "was" is inserted between "these" and "several".
Page 44, Line 4: A hyphen is inserted between "water" and "bear" to read "water-bear".
Page 44, Line 5: A hyphen is inserted between "life" and "fluid" to read "life-fluid".
Page 44, Line 6: The word "the" is changed to "his" to read "fluid of his victim".
Page 44, Line 6: The word "amazing" is replaced by "surprising".
Page 44, Line 9: A comma is inserted between "ensued" and "in" to read "ensued, in".
Page 44, Line 10: A hyphen is inserted between "water" and "bear" to read "water-bear".
Page 44, Line 10: A comma is inserted between "water-bear" and "though" to read "water-bear, though".
Page 44, Line 19: A semi-colon is replaced by a comma after "lost time".
Page 44, Line 22: A hyphen is inserted between "deer" and "stalking" to read "deer-stalking".
Page 44, Line 27: The word "ruddy" is replaced by "other".
Page 45, Line 1: The word "could" is replaced by "would".
Page 45, Line 2: A hyphen is inserted between "water" and "bear" to read "water-bear".
Page 45, Line 5: Commas are inserted on either side of "however".
Page 45, Line 11: The word "the" is inserted between "down" and "stream" to read "down the stream".
Page 45, Line 22: The word "after" is changed to "afterwards".
Page 45, Line 23: A hyphen is inserted between "mid" and "air" to read "mid-air".
Pages 45 and 46, Lines 28 and 1: The semi-colon following "mounting" is replaced with a period and "fortunately" is now capitalized, to read "mounting. Fortunately"
Page 46, Line 2: The word "or" is replaced with "else" to read "else a serious accident".
Page 46, Line 24: A hyphen is adinsertedded between "water" and "supply" to read "water-supply".
Page 46, Line 28: The word "deserted" is replaced with "desert" to read "almost desert compared".
Page 47, Line 6: A hyphen is inserted between "rain" and "storm" to read "rain-storm".
Page 47, Line 7: The word "umbrellas" is replaced with "umbrella".
Page 47, Line 10: The comma following "afterwards" is removed.
Page 47, Line 14: The semi-colon following "flooding" is replaced with a period and "it" is now capitalized, to read "flooding. It".
Page 47, Line 14: Commas are removed on either side of "therefore".
Page 47, Line 20: The word "craft" is replaced with "crafts".
Page 47, Line 21: A hyphen is inserted between "mushroom" and "shaped" to read "mushroom-shaped".
Page 47, Line 22: The word "alpine" is replaced with "Alpine".
Page 47, Line 23: A comma is removed following "completed".
Page 47, Line 25: The semi-colon following "current" is replaced with a period and "we" is now capitalized, to read "current. We".
Page 48, Line 1: The word "craft" is replaced with "crafts".
Page 48, Line 2: A comma is inserted following "in" to read "set in, driving".
Page 48, Line 4: A comma is inserted following "shore" to read "shore, and".
Page 48, Line 7: A comma is inserted following "current" to read "current, we".
Page 48, Line 12: The word "stick" is replaced with "Stick".
Page 48, Line 12: The word "the" is replaced with "our".
Page 48, Line 17: The "?" is replaced with "!" and "!" is added at the end of the em dash, to read "Biologist!" "Go to —!"".
Page 48, Line 18: The word "the" is inserted between "that" and "scientist" to read "that the scientist".
Page 49, Line 3: A comma is removed from the "6,000" to read "6000".
Page 49, Line 9: A hyphen is inserted between "snow" and "cap" to read "snow-cap".
Page 49, Line 9: A comma is removed from the "4,000" to read "4000).
Page 49, Line 12: The word "when" is replaced with "that".
Page 49, Line 13: A hyphen is inserted between "snow" and "line" to read "snow-line".
Page 49, Line 17: A comma is removed following "crater".
Page 49, Line 24: The word "was" is replaced with "were".
Page 49, Line 24: The word "are" is replaced with "were".
Page 50, Line 2: A comma is inserted following "scene" to read "scene, and".
Page 50, Line 2: A comma is removed following "and" to read "and when".
Page 50, Line 3: A comma is removed following "return" to read "return we".
Page 50, Line 10: A hyphen is inserted between "water" and "bears" to read "water-bears".
Page 50, Line 11: The phrase "we had" removed to read "anything we had so far".
Page 50, Line 12: A hyphen is inserted between "ice" and "axes" to read "ice-axes".
Page 50, Line 22: The word "in" is replaced with "during".
Page 50, Line 26: A comma is removed following "Bathybia" to read "Bathybia was".
Page 51, Line 1: The word "observed" is removed following "phenomena" to read "phenomena, the".
Page 51, Line 3: The word "East" is replaced with "east".
Page 51, Line 7: The word "basin" is replaced with "basis". [basin seems more logical]
Page 51, Line 9: The phrase "folding and faulting of the earth" is replaced by "earth's folding and faulting,".
Page 51, Line 13: A hyphen is inserted between "ice" and "cap" to read "ice-cap".
Page 51, Line 15: A comma is removed following "rock" to read "rock when".
Page 51, Line 22: A comma is inserted following "end" to read "end, also".
Page 51, Line 23: A hyphen is removed between "carbon" and "dioxide" to read "carbon-dioxide".
Page 51, Line 25: The word "deep" is replaced with "deeply".
Page 51, Line 26: A hyphen is removed between "plateau" and "locked" to read "plateau-locked".
Page 52, Line 4: The word "is" is replaced with "was".
Page 52, Line 7: The words "border lands" is replaced with "borderlands".
Page 52, Line 8: A hyphen is inserted between "rain" and "storm" to read "rain-storm".
Page 52, Line 9: The word "had" is inserted between "we" and "experienced" to read "we had experienced".
Page 52, Line 12: A hyphen is inserted between "mote" and "loaded" to read "mote-loaded".
Page 52, Line 20: A hyphen is inserted between "coal" and "producing" to read "coal-producing".
Page 52, Line 9: The phrase "metallic carbides at a depth, as indicated by the" is replaced by "exhalation of hydrocarbons".
Page 53, Line 18: The word "climates" is replaced with "climes".
Page 53, Line 20: The word "two" is replaced with "2".
Page 53, Line 22: A hyphen is inserted between "sleeping" and "bags" to read "sleeping-bags".
Page 53, Line 24: A comma is inserted following "appeared" to read "appeared, followed".
Page 53, Line 25: A comma is inserted following "boots" to read "boots, and".
Page 54, Line 1: A comma is inserted following "air" and the comma is removed following "and", to read "air, and".
Page 54, Line 1: The comma is removed following "tent".
Page 54, Line 4: The comma is removed following "out".
Page 54, Line 4: A comma is inserted following "life" to read "life, as".
Page 54, Line 5: A hyphen is inserted between "water" and "bears" to read "water-bears".
Page 54, Line 7: The word "hybernation" is replaced with "hibernaton".
Page 54, Line 12: The comma is removed following "louder".
Page 54, Line 14: The period following "me" is replaced with a colon.
Page 54, Line 15: The comma is inserted following "shine".
Page 54, Line 15: The phrase "sleepers, 8-45" is replaced by "sleepers—8.45".
Page 54, Lines 15, 16: The phrase "down table" is replaced by "table-down".
Page 54, Line 19: A hyphen is inserted between "breakfast" and "gong" to read "breakfast-gong".
Page 54, Line 22: The word "dreamland" is replaced with "Dreamland".
Page 54, Line 22: A hyphen is inserted between "quarter" and "hour" to read quarter-hour".
At the end, the name "DOUGLAS MAWSON." is removed.
E. H. Shackleton. This image does not appear in the Aurora Australis
Jameson Boyd Adams. This image does not appear in the Aurora Australis
Dr Eric Marshall. This image does not appear in the Aurora Australis
Frank Wild. This image does not appear in the Aurora Australis
Ernest Joyce. This image does not appear in the Aurora Australis
The image to the right is the only known copy of "A Giant Tick Was Investigating the Carcase" found in Copy 39.![]()