ANTARCTIC TRADE CARDS - Originally Series 2

The Wild South.

105. THE WILD SOUTH. Issued by Sanitarium Health Food Company, Auckland, New Zealand. (1986) A set of 20 cards of which 6 are Antarctic related. Size: Ca 2.85" x 2.25".
Recto: Color photographs of various Antarctic subjects (6 of the 20 cards), as listed below.
Verso: Typical text: One of a set of 20 cards | WILD SOUTH | Card No. 1 | ADELIE PENGUIN | This most lovable and numerous of Antarctic penguins, the Adeliecross the vast expanse of sea ice every year in their millions, returning to the same breeding spot and mate as the year before. Incubation of hte eggs is shared equally, and loyalty to their mates and chicks is of the greatest importance. | Published in 1986 by | SANITARIUM HEALTH FOOD COMPANY | PRIVATE BAG, AUCKLAND | © BCNZ ENTERPRISES | SWAPS: To obtain a full set of 20 cards, swap with your friends or post to us one card for any card you need (stating its number) and you must enclose a stamped addressed envelope. | PLACE YOUR CARDS IN 'THE WILD SOUTH' CARD ALBUM AVAILABLE FROM YOUR FOOD STORE.
Main text from remaining cards:

No. 3 Rockhopper Penguins. Quarrelsome Rockhopper Penguins live on the cold Antipodes Islands. Their fiery red eyes are signs of a blazing temper, andthough small, they make up for their size with a loud voice. Their major enemy is the hungry Skua. And there is a threat of overfishing and depleting their food supply.

No. 5 Royal Albatross. Clumsy on land, the Royal Albatross is a picture of elegance in the air. They breed on several islands including Enderby Island. Chicks fly after eight months, and breed after seven or eight years. Their strange tube-noses expel excess salt taken from their seafood diet.

No. 8 Hooker Sea Lion. Each summer, many of the world's 5000 Hooker Sea Lions gather at Enderby Island, south of New Zealand. The males appear first, waiting for the females to arrive and have the pups they have borne for a year, before mating again. Sea Lions are good mothers, but less-than-interested fathers. Hookers are the rarest Sea Lions in the world, and feed mainly on squid.

No. 10 Skua. Although its hackles and bent bill are eagle-like, the rest of the Skua is all gull. It nests close to other seabirds, living in cunning and piracy, stealing eggs from careless penguins on beaches, the young and weak rabbits on the hills behind, and cleaning up any refuse in Seal, Sea Lion and Penguin breeding colonies.

No. 14 Fur Seal. Found throughouit much of New Zealand, Fur Seals were once hunted for the soft brown fur under its coarse hair. In 1978 an Act of Parliament made them full protected. Well camouflaged, they play in the surf and rest on rocks. They feed mainly on the plentiful squid. Seals attack if cornered so they're best viewed from afar. At present they are increasing in numbers.