ANTARCTIC TRADE CARDS - Originally Series 2
Sir Douglas Mawson.
071. SIR DOUGLAS MAWSON. Issued by Stamina Self-supporting Trousers. (1946-1966). Card number 16 from No. 2 series of 17 entitled "Men of Stamina". (Also issued with only minor differences as card number 80 in series 5 [numbers 73-90]) Size: Ca. 3.2" x 2".
Recto: Portrait of Mawson in coat and tie.
Verso: 16. SIR DOUGLAS MAWSON | (1882- ---) | One of Australia's greatest Scientists and Explorers. With Edgeworth David located the Magnetic Pole. A Man of Stamina. | [logotype] | This is the sign of the | quality you want . . . Look for | it on the pocket of every pair of | Stamina | SELF-SUPPORTING TROUSERS | FOR MEN AND BOYS.
Note: Image and information courtesy of Evan Jones, Wiltshire, England.