ANTARCTIC TRADE CARDS - Originally Series 2

Capt. Scott.

051. CAPT. SCOTT. Issued by J.A. Pattreioux. (1929). Card number 49 from a set of 50 entitled "Builders of the British Empire". Size: Ca. 2.7" x 1.42".
Recto: Portrait above of Scott in naval uniform. Below is a view of three men manhauling a sledge. Between the two are the words Capt. Scott.
Verso: Builders of the | British Empire | No. 49 | Captain Robert Falcon Scott, | 1868 - 1912. | The British Empire is built on the pluck and endurance of men of the type of Captain Scott, who in 1901 reached a point 540 miles from the South Pole in the "Discovery." Ten years later with four others he made a glorious but tragic attempt to reach the Pole. Though dogged by foul weather, they succeeded only to find that Amundsen had forestalled them. The return journey was disastrous, and the sad remains of the party were discovered within eleven miles of the food depot. | SMOKE | TRAWLER, CRITIC, | CLUB MEMBER, CASKET | CIGARETTES | J. A. PATTREIOUX | MANCHESTER
Note: Image and information courtesy of Evan Jones, Wiltshire, England.