ANTARCTIC TRADE CARDS - Originally Series 1

Captain Robert Falcon Scott.

010. ROBERT F. SCOTT. Issued as a premium by Shell Oil in the UK (1972). It is an un-numbered card from a 20 card series entitled 'GREAT BRITONS'. Size: 5.2" x 3.6".
Recto: Portrait of Scott in naval uniform in upper right corner overlaid on view of Cape Evans hut and Mt Erebus behind.
Verso: Great Britons | ROBERT FALCON SCOTT (1868-1912) | Winter quarters of Captain Scott's last expedition; Paul Popper Ltd (Popperphoto). Portrait by D. A. Wehrschmidt, Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery. | A brilliant naval officer whose application to duty and genius for leadership won him command, at the age of 32, of a scientific research expedition to the Antarctic. Nine years later he led an expedition to the South Pole in which he reached his objective, only to find that the Norwegian explorer, Amundsen, had reached it before him. Cut off by blizzards, he and, his comrades never regained their ship, but the story of their last hours thrilled the world. "Had we lived," he wrote, "I should have had a tale to tell of the hardihood, endurance and courage of my companions which would have stirred the heart of every Englishman. These rough notes and our dead bodies must tell the tale." | Edited by Sir Arthur Bryant | C.H., C.B.E., LL.D. | COLLECT THIS SUPERB SERIES OF TWENTY 'GREAT BRITONS' PRINTS | Text © Syndication International Ltd., 1972